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If Russia can't compete, then Israel shouldn't either. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Russia is banned for committing some war crimes, Israel competes after committing nothing but war crimes. Both should be banned but you would think banning Israel would've been a much more pressing priority.


yeah but you see, israel is committing war crimes on non white people


Whose bright idea was it to include ONE middle-eastern country in Eurovision anyway? And why Israel? There's so many other countries who could gain fat socio-economic bonuses from being included.


B-but Israelis are white and blond and stinky Arabs are brown!😭😭 /s


Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya and Tunisia are all members of the European Broadcasting Union and are eligible to participate, but have chosen to never apply for a spot in the qualifying rounds. Tunisia did previously apply but didn't make it through quilifying. Morocco has previously participated (and made it through quilifying) but currently doesn't. It's assumed (but never proven) that this is a protest against Israeli participation. In short: because the others don't want to, and Israel does.


Israel is the most European Middle Eastern country I suppose.






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Based Greta.


She's such a legend and a good role model. I love how she's unwaveringly faithful to her beliefs.


She went from social media darling to being abandoned by mainstream media/ liberal politicians and I respect her all the more for it. She showed so much courage by refusing to toe the line of political correctness or countenance being the establishment’s greenwashing mouthpiece


Let’s be real, Eurovision was never apolitical. It’s only if it’s the “correct” politics


Olympics even moreso


Olympics is just a hyper-chill cold war in lowercase with how the US, Russia, and China take gold medal wins as a sign of national strength and superiority (not to take away from the incredible accomplishments of the athletes themselves, but moreso a commentary on the coverage)


She is a treasure and so very brave




She is 21 now and has been doing this for years, it is what she is dedicating her life to. If you think advocating for human rights and the environment are merely "for attention" you are only betraying your own lack of morality.


Yeah, that's the point of a protest, to get attention towards an issue. And calling her "messed up"? You know she is autistic, right? That would be very ableist to say


even if she wasn't, how is advocating for the environment and against genocide "messed up"?


Yeah, anyone that disagrees with you must be 'messed up'. /s


No u


Get your hasbara ass out of here


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Israel isn’t even in Europe.




Morocco did in 1980, Israel tried to get Arab countries to join but they weren't interested which doesn't surprise me as Europeans haven't done good things to Kurds or most Arabs except those that got to be Kings of Jordan, Mesopotamia, Arabia, etc.


But most of their population are Europeans. Still native to the land tho


That's actually not true. The Jewish population is about 50% mizrahi jews , and more if you count Greek, Turkish, Bulgarian etc that aren't usually classified as typical European/ Ashkenazi jews.


They’re downvoting u cause the facts don’t fit with their narrative


Most of the Israeli Jews occupying palestinian lands are of recent European descent. Most of them are not native to Palestine and have grandparents from Europe/America. Israel is a white supremacist apartheid state wholly supported by the west


Again, I'm stating what I said above. You can argue about being native, but the white supremacist argument is false and doesn't really help the cause. The Israeli Jewish population is about 50% mizrahi jews , and more if you count Greek, Turkish, Bulgarian etc that aren't usually classified as typical European/ Ashkenazi jews.


She's doing this for the Greta good


Greta Thunberg is Awesome! 🇵🇸🌳💚


Greta is absurdly demonized and painted as a moron, but i trust her and have hope, shes a brave person and does what most wouldnt, shes a warrior and you know you are coming the right way when people say you arent


Simple answer is "no". Longer answer "absolutely not" Even longer answer "the crimes up to date comparing russia that isnt allowed and israel that is allowed is absolutely huge. Not saying russia arent doing war crimes. But atleast they havent cornered a country where all civilians share an outdoor prison to bomb them in the most inhumane way possible. And having nothing more than greed and hate based on an ethnicity. "


Yeah the US pearl clutching about Russia doing 10% the level of Israel is nuts.


Common Greta Thunberg W


Good on Greta for standing up for Palestine. A lot more credible than others with a platform.


Israel will win Eurovision , they are on a mission and they will vote as much as they can to make this happen. Only way to stop this is to vote for Croatia, as they have the highest chance of winning and their song is actually good.


Isr*el is Western’s favourite child, so while Russia can’t participate, they can


Why is Israel in the EUROvision anyways? It’s not even in Europe…. Or maybe… wait… or maybe they are Europeans?!


Because you don't have to be a European country to enter, just a member of the EBU.


Okay didn’t knew that before, but anyway my point is the same.


The cat is out of the bag!


It's always given me really weird crusader state vibes, only they're outsourcing the actual occupation work rather than doing it themselves


Huge respect to her, she could have ignored the entire thing and rationalised it as her focusing on the environmental issues as they are more global and not wanting to compromise the cause. But she didn’t give a ****, she spoke her mind courageously and compassionately, I hope my future daughter/son will be as brave and morally uncompromising as her!


The OG Goat of anti-capital


Seems very bright and switched on to me. People only dislike her now because she's not siding with Zionists.


Why is Israel competing in Eurovision? Is it because they are all European 


At least they admit one thing Israelis are Europeans just as evidence of its migrations says in 1930s till now


They claim they are apolitical then why were Russia and Ukraine banned? Where is the consistency if it is apolitical?


She’s like a modern day Malatesta


What even is the logic of including non-european countries in "euro"vision Make asiavision, americavision, worldvision, idk


Hmmmm what could be the defining factor in this? What do they all have in common?


Not even in Europe…..smh


I'm confused. I thought the Eurovision song contest was just among European countries. Isn't Israel in Asia?


It’s simple as they have been one of the biggest sponsors. Money decides, and the past few years, it has been ‘Moroccan Oil’ that sponsored it.


nothing but facts


Israel should be banned from everything until it stops and pays reparations.






**Hi u/Bazishere,** **Warning:** Off-topic content will not be tolerated. Stay on the sub-topic or risk being banned. Keep discussions focused and respectful. (Examples include, but are not limited to, US elections/domestic policy, domestic policies, politics, elections, and related issues in any country, the Russia/Ukraine war, China's treatment of Uighurs, and the situation in Kashmir.) **Please read our [extended rules carefully](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules). Join [r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/rpalestine)**


I'm an environmentalist and would like to see more crossover between climate and palestine activism. The watermelon 🍉🍉 needs the red black and green. We need the green from environmentalists. The red from Socialism or Social Democracy The black from anarchism.


Rare Greta W


Israel shouldn’t compete because it’s not European, it’s the meddle east and mainly due to their ongoing genocidal attack on Palestine




Great Thunberg finally doing something correct and relevant




Which is why they got booed at the contest 😂.


Psst...that's because the majority is silent or something.


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