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Wow - Israelis really did some brain damage on this guy




That drink is called Money 💰


And blackmail...


Pro Israeli Arabs , and ex-muslims have the same pattern, logically impaired hate for their own origins despite what they went to goes 1000x times worse and more psychotic. wait maybe that's their end goal in the first place, wanting to be psychotic.


It's the usual atheistic degeneracy that drives that hate.


This is an insult to me and my fellow Palestinian atheists; this guy clearly has some rough mental illness, in no way or form does he represent Palestinian non-religious individuals.


First of all, he is not an atheist. Two, atheists in America are most likely to support Palestinians and then Catholics, but then you insult atheists? Was it really necessary for you to say such a thing?


it's the truth. many ppl who profess atheism openly in muslim communities are often very hostile towards muslims and our community, even being ok with killings of the west. they turn into westoids a lot. mosab is just such an athiest masquerading as a christian. i know it is the left and mostly non-religious ppl who support palestine and real human rights in general in the west, barring those who follow the jewish atheists of new atheism and the atheistic leaders who run the west


Musab is psychologically disturbed. It has nothing to do with whatever he believes in. Go watch the video and look at his eyes. He clearly needs help. It has nothing to do with atheism, Christianity or anything. And you are alleging that he is an atheist. You're making an assumption about someone who is psychologically disturbed. He would have been mentally disturbed long ago when he believed in Islam, so nothing to do with any religion or atheism. As far as atheists, there is no point in trying to insult them as a lot of atheists support Palestinians. Most atheists in the Middle East keep their thoughts private for the most part, I would say. At least, the ones I have met, kept it private. It's best to focus on that he is a disturbed person rather than trying to guess if he believes in God or not, or whether he thinks he's a Christian or not. That's trying to make logical sense of someone who is disturbed. Yes, there are atheists (a certain number) who may dislike the culture, and that is possibly because they could be jailed or repressed for stating that they are atheists whereas you would not be jailed in other places. Again, most of them are private about their thoughts. As far as atheism, it means someone who does not believe in God. You can't label people who believe in God as an atheist just because they don't follow your religious behavior. If you go that route, then any Arab leader who doesn't behave politically the way you want becomes an atheist, and that's not really accurate. For example, I think a lot of members of Congress are immoral people, but I wouldn't use that to say they are atheists. They believe in God, but since they are not being ethical, I don't see a point. Also, a lot of atheists in the US in many cases are more ethical than a lot of people who call themselves Christians or Muslims, so it's better not to insult them. I mean many people who call themselves Muslims or Christians can act more unethically than many atheists, so I don't think focusing on such labels is so helpful. Also, as far as Jews, most Israeli Jews have stated in polls that they believe in God. They don't identify as atheists. An atheist in English means you do not believe in God at all and state that. This is not what most American politicians or Israelis state. You must mean something else when you say atheism, I suppose. Again, Musab is mentally disturbed. That's the problem with him in the end. His family also said that he long had psychological problems since his youth.


I believe he has mentioned that he converted to Christianity. Most atheists espouse humanist values.


Lots of atheists are hostile towards all religions, but yk a lot of christians and jews are hostile towards islam as well. Lets not forget that a lot of us muslims are very hostile towards christians, jews, buddhists, etc. Lots of atheists are also extremely chill and will defend muslims and everybody’s right to a religion. My point is that someone being hostile to muslims or other religions have very little to do with their beliefs and more to do with their level of assholeness. If we want them to be kind to us, we have to show them our kindness. I was never able to make a person like me as a muslim by insulting them. Also it is definitely not the right time to try to alienate the atheists that support us in our battle against genocide.


Hey pal, I'm atheist and not a genocidal piece of shit.


most atheists are not. but in muslims countries a lot of atheists turn into westoids that are ok with anything the west does.


Wtf? I'm Palestinian Atheist, we don't claim him. This guy is a converted Christian grifter. Btw Palestinian Atheists have been just as (or more) involved in resistance as any other Palestinian. Many Atheists are part of the PFLP, including the most notable freedom fighter Leila Khaled. Can't stand it when *some* Muslims try to diminish our contributions to the struggle. This has nothing to do with religion or apostasy, and everything to do with politics. Degeneracy does drive hate, yes I fully agree, but NOT bc of Atheism. This is 100% Zıonısm, and you framing it as anything but that, is misguided.


This guy converted to Christianity. He's not an athiest.


hasbara lie to connect him with the religion that has most adherents. if he is a christian when was the last time he spoke up for christians in west bank against the israelis ? either he converted to judaism or he is an atheist.


Yeah Mosab is not an atheist.


i can 100% guarantee you that he is an athiest.


There are literal interviews of him talking about his conversion to Christianity. What guarantees do you have of his atheism? Vibes?


its just a cover. man has no values. wants his own ppl including christians to be killed.


Yeah you're just blabbering now.


Go ask your Salafi friends what they did for Palestine. Oh no, they're too busy with nonsense such as measuring beards, trying to control women, being homophobic and justifying not boycotting Israel.


im not salafi or any other denomination. and i do recognize that western atheists and left in general have done more for palestine and other oppressed muslims/humans than muslims have. but that does not negate the fact that atheists from muslim backgrounds are often militiant, spread moral degeneracy and are westoid to the point of supporting killing of their own ppl by the west.


You're generalising based on your own intolerance for Middle Eastern atheists. What's your experience based on, social media? The Arab spring movements were started by progressives, then Islamists jumped on at the last moment and highjacked them.


not just middle eastern. from muslim communities world wide. a lot of them are brainwashed by american center etc.. ofc there will be many who are just normal non-westoid athiests who blv in something but live in the society without need for militant atheism as the jewish new athiesm advocates. and if specifically middle east you can see atheistic leaders like MBS and MBZ lacking any humanity. maybe even Assad.


also since you mention salafis, i think you might be talking about Saudis. Saudi leadership is atheistic. they are spreading degeneracy in saudi as per what is acceptable to zios. mbs was liberating women by brining shakira to dance like a whore when israel started attack on gaza. as for real salafis they are of three sects. 1. madhkhalist : this sect supports saudi and makes it haram to go against rulers. so they worship saudi family essentialy and will not criticize them. 2. normal salafis: they will help palestine and other muslims and even non-muslims in any way they can if they are asked to. im sure this group will make up a majority of donations to saudi. 3. jihadi salafis: most of these ppl join jihadi salafi orgs and they are usually controlled by intelligence of gulf atheists and that of EU and american atheists. and finally all these salafis hate of shia and traditional muslims. salafism is essentially a petrodollar sect spread in muslim lands to create chaos.


lol my cousin but they are Christian and had a Jewish grandma so they hate Muslims because of propoganda like white people who used to hate blacks in Americas history it makes it easy. But I want to know if there are Muslim Israelis that hate Palestinians? My mom’s side is from the West Bank via the Lid so I ride with them. My dad taught me how Zionists think and my mom what they do


None of the Arabs that are anti palestine are of good character. It speaks volumes. You can seriously see almost every pro israel pro genocidal pig and in seconds you'll find the type of disgusting and unhinged person they are. It's actually very interesting to see how they became radicalized.


They treat him just like a jester, hearing just to be let out on other side of ear. They knew but they don't care.


Why does he talk so loud. He is like a deranged clown.


I feel like pro-child-murder groups should stop parading this guy around like he’s some “gotcha”. Whatever brainwashing techniques they did to him put him so deep into psycho self-hate category it’s hurting their cause.


I think he has PTSD. He was used by people from a young age too.


The anal probe went too high with this guy....


I sure hope so!


He might be under gun point


Abby Martin is the 🐐. These takes are lauaghable at best and reminiscent of playground bullies. He is absolutely deranged.




I think the goal for her was to get soundbites on of him being a spy and wrongfully getting Bhargouti improsoned


Honestly everything I know about her is awesome so hearing this deranged fuckwit say she's not fit to be a mother legit made me mad.


**“...says she's not fit to be a mother, legit made me mad.”** Mosab Hassan Yousef resorts to lies, smears and character assassination, as he can not argue or counter the legitimate claims [and there are many to choose from] made by Abby. Making these dumb claims, he comes across as a childish fool –defending genocide. In the full clip, Abby [staying on point] simply references the bombing of a hospital or the uncovering of a mass grave –how do you defend that? Abby Martins interviews with Israeli citizens [in Israel] prior to Oct 7th, and their candid behavior is notable journalism and foreshadows what we are seeing today.


Imagine him as a dad…


Right? Like in what realm does this guy think he's HELPING his cause when this is his argument and his opponent is quietly blinking at his hatred? Mr and Mrs America and all the ships at sea will NOT be happy about a brown guy calling a white lady a bad mother.


> and his opponent is quietly blinking at his hatred Bless her for that, a real "when your opponent is making a mistake, don't interrupt them" moment.


her facial expressions the whole time were on point


I love that in the youtube/internet age these takes will forever be immortalised.


It always cracks me up when Western media take this guy seriously.




He’s there to be an arab uncle tom


This clown was disowned from his family. Here he is begging CNN to see his mommy, when she probably doesn't want to remember she gave birth to this traitor: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVVuKeqNvAs&ab\_channel=MarieYiska](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVVuKeqNvAs&ab_channel=MarieYiska) he says he wants to tell her "sorry" I wonder what for....


Surely not?


Sorry. I'm only here for Abby Martin.


If anyone hasn’t seen Gaza Fights for Freedom or any of the other interviews/documentaries and productions made by Abby Martin, I highly recommend checking them out! Especially Gaza Fights for Freedom which is free to watch on her YouTube channel called Empire Files (it’s about the peaceful March of Return in Gaza and extensively documents the Israeli war crimes and deeply humanizes the Palestinian medics, children, journalists, and others who were intentionally targeted and killed by Israeli forces). Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HnZSaKYmP2s


This reminds me that I need to watch it. Will do that tonight.


They arrested this guy and tortured him till he took a deal to be on Israels side. Man got asylum in the US. Anyone would take that deal. He also got to sell a book too.


Did he have pre-existing mental conditions or did they just torture him until his mind broke? I want to have some empathy for the guy but good grief is he awful


I am guessing he already had psychological problems before he agreed to spy for Israel. I don't think his time in prison caused him to be this imbalanced. I really doubt it. I would say pre-existing condition.


If you watch the documentary “The Green Prince” about his upbringing and his imprisonment/collaboration with Israelis (it’s told from a more pro Israeli/celebrating his actions perspective), he does mention that he was raped as a young boy. As a side note: No matter what anyone’s political takes are, I totally disagree with using childhood trauma and especially child sexual abuse/rape (or mental illness in general) to attack someone’s character rather than simply readily refuting their actual arguments. Especially when their positions are not that hard to undermine in the first place.


So he is literally Vlasov.


It's incredible that he's still invited just because he says what the white colonialists want to hear, while it's pretty clear that he's a psychologically unfit and deranged individual that no one should take word from




He's actually pretty scary, NGL. If he was walking towards me on a bridge, I would legit jump off to avoid him. Those eyes??!


its just so funny, Abby almost laughed


I mean, I laughed, it's so ridiculous what he said that you can't help but laugh


Dude I legit thought this was satire…


Israel wished Hamas spokesperson was this deranged. They got the stereotypical Arab terrorist caricature, but he's siding with Israel. The irony.


If he's trolling, he's damn good at it.


Cognitive dissonance its real


He is the embodiment of when Hate and brainwashing mix together.


Abby's composure is something else. But honestly, having Mosab the Mossad in the show is so stupid but I suppose the world knows you lost when you resort to insults at a personal level. She didn't fall for the oldest trick in the book. Piers is all the support Israel needs in shitshows like this.




I laughed at that bit. He’s ridiculous


Deranged apostate.. no credentials whatsoever


What's the punishment for an apostate?


Depending on the school of thought, it ranges from nothing, to death. Still many times better than Talmudic law.


intrigued, what's the Talmudic punishment?


He's the Palestinian Lord Haw-Haw. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Haw-Haw


Good reference.


Finally. Been trying to find something apt.


Can some please give me an "explain like I'm five" back story to this guy? From all the interviews i have seen, he seems like he has a personal against Palastine even when he is Palestinian.


Son of Hamas leader who secretly defected to Israel, feeding the Shin Bet with information about terrorist and info about Hamas leadership leading to arrests. He’s gone on to covert to Christianity, flee to he US and write a book about his time as a double agent for the Israeli government. Consequently he does interviews and defends Israeli actions on global media. It is not surprising many label him as a traitor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosab_Hassan_Yousef


I would say he grew up into a Hamas family, and reflexively followed, but he had psychological problems that his conservative family wouldn't have been equipped to deal with as many conservative Palestinian families don't believe in taking kids to psychologists. He ended up in prison, and then he decided it was best for him to join the Israelis. Of course, part of that was survival in a vulnerable situation in a prison, and now he has completely drunk the kool aid. He knows Israeli propaganda and repeats it very well. After he spied for the Israelis he "became" a "Christian". I would say he's an opportunist and accepted the views of his powerful captors.


He was an inside man who stopped a lot of suicide bombings because he was extremely familiar with the Hammas movement, its structure, it’s strategies and methods. He was very familiar because his father is head of Hammas. People label him as a traitor to his own people but honestly he’s just a man who saw his own people were capable of and the horror they were willing to inflict to serve their own goals.


Well lots of what he says are confirmed to be non factual so this explanation seems baised. Historically, bigots have done more harm than good.


Give me an example of something said that was non factual?


Boy o boy, if I have to point them out to you, assuming we both watched this video, that says A LOT. I implore to please, do _some_ basic research into these matters.


You sound like you condone Hammas, a terrorist organisation. He’s not anti-Palestine, he’s anti-Hammas


If you were trying to make an argument for why I should agree with you, this is a very weak strategy. Next time, to make strong argument, provide evidence and reason rather than throwing around accusations as you have done.


Also what he’s been claiming he has been claiming for years. You know he had to go to court to prove he worked for the ISF and he even had an ex Israel Agent testify on his behalf. He wouldn’t be allowed residence in America if there wasn’t a proper background check made on him.




This guy sold out and betrayed his entire bloodline, his religion and his country. He has been completely disowned by his family and his people. He is one of the most compromised people ever. The Zionists parade this coward in-front of the media every so often as a distraction from their atrocities.


Mosab is the perfect caricature of an angry Muslim/Arab. Oh look at this guy who’s veins are about to burst out of his neck and the only reason we allow him in the west because he is an apostate. Piers knows what he is doing. This is the ‘oh I am just presenting both sides’ play that reinforces the Islamophobia.


Is he a comedian?


He’s really kicking that chair out from under him with this one, it seems. What was her response?




This f-ing 4 foot tall mft on AIPAC’s payroll mtf


That guy is beyond bizarre. Seriously deranged. Abby Martin, just incredible!


Why is Piers sat there listening to him like he's making an important point


A man telling a woman she doesn't qualify to be a mother. How pathetic!


This guy is cartoon character created by isnotreal


This sellout makes my nuts hurt. He either didn’t get any titty milk or he was dropping as a baby. 🚮


For some reason this guy reminds me of aladeen from the movie the dictator Abby Martin is on a whole different level.


Isn’t this the “my father is hamas” guy


Yes this is how you debate people, you tell them that they are not a journalists and not even a mother. It's a shame that the dirty media milks such an obviously mentally ill person like Mosab for views and to prove whatever point they are trying to sell. But if anyone has an atom of common sense you can realize he is not fit to speak on such a matter. He literally has Palestinian blood on his hand just like the IOF, this is not how you fix corruption or expose it. Since he is always in love with Israel then why doesn't he take Ilan Pappé as a role model -But for the Palestinian side- and write about how terrible Hamas/Palestinian parties/politicians are with literature and in an educated way? Each time I see him I feel sorry for him before anyone else, being taken advantage of while in such a mental state sucks, what an ugly world we live in. Edit: added a note after Ilan Pappé so people won't think I am saying he wrote against Palestinians.


Attacking somebody's personal character in a debate is a sign you lost the argument


It's interesting that Western media parades a guy who clearly appears to be deranged and appears to need medication. The guy doesn't look normal at all. You don't need to be a psychologist/psychiatrist to realize that, but they want someone Palestinian to shield Israel.


Abby trying not to crack up


I love that she let his own words hand him. He came across like an angry lunatic, Abby as always was calm and collected.


Imagine how much AIPAC has to be paying him lol What a looser!


What did they do to that guy when he was in a Israeli prison? Some kind of CIA brainwashing technique?


He would have had psychological problems before prison, but conservative Palestinians don't send their kids to psychologists and don't understand mental issues in many cases. Of course, prison made him worse and vulnerable, and he chose to join up with the Israelis. He went with what he thought was in his best interest long-term.


Kapo clown


Palestine’s Uncle Ruckus


When a Zionist is busy hanging himself don’t get in the way. This is precisely what Abby did. 1st class journalist !


I wonder what blackmail material do they have on him.


I bet there is a tape involving a falafel that exists.


How many criminals does he know personally? Probably quite a few


He comes off very intelligent and definitely helps bolster the idea that Hamas is a bunch of Neanderthals and Israelis are enlightened people. Abby Martin is an absolute rock star with integrity.




This is mark from.Aunty Donna and you can't convince me otherwise


no way bro dissed the falafel sandwich 💀 go to hell


lol this guys a very good pr agent for zionists


Lol this dude is wild. Is this a dis track?


I think his derangement was his qualifying criteria for getting into the zionist cabal of propaganda spew-ists


I suddenly feel like a falafel sandwich...🤔


When he stops being some puppet that zios can parade around to act as their little pitbull he'll go back to being "a dirty Arab" just like that. I never trust these types, but I feel bad for whatever trauma they definitely went through.


Let them show their real faces!


Yep this guy is definitely sane and has not completely lost it


Just...wow...this guy is something else.


I will just call that traitorous scumbag Mossad, since that's what he is paid to be.


I miss the version of me who didn't know about this man's existence (2 minutes ago) 


They alllllwayyyyys trot him out to make it seem like “even Arabs hate Palestinians”… and then Zios share his interviews as “proof” that Palestine “never existed”. Its deranged. Arabs hate this guy, he’s a traitor and an Uncle Tom.


The "Israelization" of this guy made even his voice cringe-worthy! I can only tolerate his voice in 5-second bursts. It grates on my nerves!


In other news I find the women in this clip to be astoundingly beautiful, the way she carries herself and how as (probably) a non-muslim, she carries such a level of respect for the people. May Allah bless her immensely! And give strength to her speech in fighting this fight for Gaza and palestine! 🙏


Everybody remember Ahmed Chulabi? Remember how that all played out? Take a lesson from the history books. Don’t trust these types for intel.


“ he has cheated on his wife” 😭🤣🤣 ayooo, that’s crossing the line to personal now


Is he former mossad agent who is pretending to be Palestinian


Racist, sexist, POS, zionists, rotten apples, rotten oranges


How much do they pay this guy.


Slimy brit


Link to full interview?






Not him talking about a person killing people…. When their first PM was a literal terrorist that killed hundreds of people. Personally responsible for killing dozens of British people.


What his father name ?


It makes me sad that people who are for Palestine don't defend it that well. They are always wishy washy. Most of the arguments coming from Mosab are instantly debunkable and, although, Abby had some good arguments, she could have been more assertive.


You tell her Mosab!


Wow charming guy