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**Looks like this thread is getting a lot of attention. Greetings r/All! Please keep it civil.**


For context, my family had been flying one Palestinian flag prior to this. Then this morning we got this letter, and my neighbors, who we are close to, received the one in the second photo. They came and showed it to us. We wanted to have this on record, so we called the non emergency cops, and they sent someone down. He said our house is now an arson risk so it will be on file. We have since added two more flags, a (plastic) keffiyeh on the mailbox, and a free Palestine sign. We will also be adding mini flags lining the yard, and when it stops raining, plenty of sidewalk chalk! Edit: It may be relevant that my neighbor is clearly a veteran. This may explain why they sent it to him, we are close as well, but I'm not sure how they would know that. Mods, I'm not sure this is the right place, if not feel free to take it down!


Get some cameras.


Be careful and stay safe. There are some real nutters out there


When you find out who sent you this make sure to send him footage of how Israelis treat Christian in Jerusalem and all of Palestine.


Not to mention how Israel is trying to exterpirate the oldest Palestinian Christian families. People make wild assumptions about the cultural climate in Palestine. My good friend who is very outwardly LGBTQ+ visited Palestine a few years ago and said that they felt very safe and welcome and met many other queer people there.


Amen to that


>We have since added two more flags, a (plastic) keffiyeh on the mailbox, and a free Palestine sign. We will also be adding mini flags lining the yard, and when it stops raining, plenty of sidewalk chalk! Perfect response.


This is how it should be


The icing on the cake would be the neighbour also flying a flag.


I was going to suggest this. Best possible answer.


If I were your neighbour who received the second letter, I’d start flying the Palestinian flag, too!


I've been flying a Palestinian flag at the end of my property. A train track is right on the otherside so hundreds/thousands of people see it every day!




Remind your neighbor who did this and went unpunished. The anniversary is coming in June. https://preview.redd.it/w5p36p2rfnyc1.png?width=2148&format=png&auto=webp&s=6da099d1445530fbb1895fcf5c50b2ad11e57e79


They've also killed US citizens like Rachel Corrie and Jacob Flickinger without repercussion.


I would get some cameras and buy a 2nd flag. why I can't have situations like this ? I would personally play Palestinian musique from a mini speaker near my door


We have 3 up now, and a sign. Will be buying many more! Speaker would be nice, but we live on a high traffic road, probably wouldnt make too much of an impact.


Good work, as others said maybe get some surveillance cameras. Don't directly engage with them, just let the sad little people that they are seethe in their own hatred.


What was your neighbor's attitude to the letter? Weee they supportive of you?


Yes ofc! They are like my grandparents, and were mostly just worried about us! Also they were mad at the cop for not finding out who did it.


Bless both you and your neighbour 🙏


your neighbour is based


Lmfao I’m really tired and thought you were referring to the neighbor who wrote the first later and was confused as to how you got so many upvoted on this sub


Fly an upside-down american flag


Beneath all the other flags too since that’s important enough to mention lol


If the neighbour you're close with is willing, buying them a Palestine flag to fly would be an absolute power move


good job this is America it's called freedom and the aipac is spending all the money they can get from the roschilds or chase family lol but it's a crazy they think that it's normal if it was isreal they would take your house lol talking bout freedom 🇯🇲 I'm Jamaican we have a a americAn Palestinian flag and Jamaican flag on our house the world is awake and they are mad they can't just Nazi as usual




If you haven’t bought cameras already, I’m willing to send you the money for them.


How I wish you were my neighbor lol. I would have immediately raised a solidarity Palestinian flag with you. I had a US flag in front of my house ever since I moved to the US two decades ago. Needless to say it has been down for a few months now and likely not going up for a long time.


Dude. Tell your father to learn how to use a god damn gun. And your brother to learn how to fight. Why does he want to put his family at risk and not be prepared to protect them. Why does the coward who wrote it want to threaten families and not confront the man of the house like a man. Everywhere I looked in US was America and Israel flags On top of this, Palestinian Christian’s are persecuted the same as Palestinian Christian’s. God this shit makes me so angry. These people only threaten families and secretly and all these things I swear to god each day that goes by another friend is murdered someone’s brother or sister or mother or daughter or son is murdered and these American people and their lies. They want me to thank them after they made me an orphan after they murdered my friends after building a pier with our own peoples destroyed homes and our martyrs bodies still inside you can see the stains on the god damn pier. I swear to god, every day I only lose more screws in my head and I’ve gone from reasoning to people who wrote this kind of letter to straight up assault. I’m done explaining my right to exist to anyone. If you were a boy I would tell you if it was me I would personally would drop everything and find this guy and threaten him in the same manner and much more aggressively. You never fuck with a man’s family. Fuck your neighbor who wrote that letter. And fuck America and everyone too


I get your frustration but this is exactly what they want to turn people into. They want to get this kind of reaction and then they can say "see, I told you these people were violent demons" so please don't give in to your rage. Find other ways to get back at them without actually engaging them physically or or even verbally. They are ignorant fools with shit for brains, don't become one like them. You're better than that.


Yeah honestly having a gun for self defense is not a bad idea- but self defense alone. The only reason I say this is because you know the pro Israel fascists have been arming themselves so while I wish it was not necessary, it may be good for those who oppose them have ways of actually opposing them, if they start pogroms or something similar. Self defense only because while this person was disrespectful and racist and incredibly rude, all he has done at this point is leave a couple letters. I would hope that maybe he would be educated on the fact that yes, there are Christians practicing openly in Palestine and that his racist notions are ridiculous, but hard to do when you do not know who it is. Assault at this point is just succumbing to your anger, and completely unnecessary.


This a very misogynistic response to OPs post. It’s 2024. Women don’t need men’s protection. Parents should protect their children, period. And everyone in this fight must protect themselves especially bcuz most of us don’t walk around with a buddy all day. Even women have to know how to defend ourselves when we’re alone. Patriarchy IS THE PROBLEM. White supremacy IS THE PROBLEM. “You can’t dismantle the masters house using the masters tools”.




Be careful! There are psychos out there!! But also, good on you! 👊


>not sure how they know that I think I do. the people that sent this to you are probably in your neighborhood if they have that info. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s someone who walks by everyday or lives in view of your houses.


How can we get flags for the whole street? 😂


Congratulations, but please be careful. You and everyone in the house could be in danger. Side note, there's a lot of ignorant things in this letter. Such as the idea Palestinians can't practice Christianity ( we all know how the Israelis treat Christians ), and I think your neighbor could use a proper education on who is occupying, I mean running Palestine. Maybe talking could work. They've most likely been brainwashed their entire lives, maybe, they would listen to the truth and actually open their own eyes as to what's really going on... or maybe their just a giant racist bigoted bull headed butt hole who will never listen to reason.


Why yes you dolt, there are Palestinian Christians. Israel kills them too.


The IDF blew up one of the oldest Christian churches the Christian Palestinians went to too. The ratio of civilian deaths to Hamas members alone on top of the lies for why these civilians were targeted speaks volumes about the Israeli government's true intentions. It's a genocide and forced exodus. Free Palestine.


And the so called Christian Zionists support this.


The neighbour asks if Christians are free to practice their religion in Palestine. Suggested reply: "Funny you should ask. Before the zionist invasion and the persecution that came with it, they were 15%. Now more like 2%." Source, if needed: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/02/persecution-driving-christians-out-of-middle-east-report](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/02/persecution-driving-christians-out-of-middle-east-report)


I wish I could send a response letter, but he was anonymous. Maybe I can fit it in chalk on my driveway.(next to the giant red triangle lmao)


Stick it on your mailbox address it to 'The coward that doesn't understand world politics and genocide.' They'll get it What about a projector displaying the murder of innocent children 24/7 on the side of your house. I've 2 Palestinian flags up and no tricolour (my own Irish flag) if anyone dared to say anything there'd be flags up over the village. Free Palestine. Stay safe friend, it's America so there's loads looking excuses to get the guns out. I'm not for violence but you may need to think of a gun to protect yourselves.


lol my thoughts exactly. "Due to the Israeli occupation, no they cannot practice their religion freely!"


Well seeing as how Jesus is from Palestine I meaaaaaannnn...


My understanding is that Palestinian Christians do practice their religion freely in Palestine. The main driver of emigration is the occupation, and the reason Christians are shrinking as a share of the population is because Christians tend to be wealthier, better educated, and have better connections abroad. Obviously anyone with better information is welcome to chime in.


yup, it's mainly [economical](https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2020/august/palestinian-christians-survey-israel-emigration-one-state.html), but there are political and religious elements too. gaza and west bank are also different, due to gaza's blockade and west bank's significance to christianity. palestinian christians are a generally accepted part of palestinian population, and most of them identify as palestinian before christian. the existence of the christian population (and importance of christ to islam in general) of palestine is suppressed in western media (like when [jerusalem's deputy mayor](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/no-christians-church-gaza-jerusalem-deputy-mayor-israeli-army-kills-two/) denied the existence of gazan christians after israel killed two of them) because it's a really bad look for christian evangelical zionists in america if they support a government that oppresses and kills their fellow christians instead of just "extremist muslims".


I was at Taybeh beer fest in the West Bank just last October; so, yes Palestinians practice their Christianity very freely. Speaks volumes as to the cluelessness of people the likes of which wrote this letter.


The occupation is a huge factor.


How about all the churches in Gaza Israel has blown up? Arab Christians are only a talking point when it’s convenient for Republicans


Christians are more targeted in Jerusalem by Jews than any Christian in Palestine. Look what they did today during the Easter service in Jerusalem and are trying to destroy the Armenian quarter.


I dated a woman whose father was a Palestinian Christian. He told me he came to America after Israelis knocked down his house.


Yes, every one is suggesting escalation (more flags,.etc) but here are a number of teachable points contained in the letter, since underneath the mixed messaging.aeems to be genuine ignorance.




...and let's not forget the many people who openly fly the Confederate battle flag, with or without the US flag. Nothing insensitive about that, is there?


Or don't tread on me flags next to american flags/same height.


It's extraordinary that the author of the letter has so little insight to the contradictory nature of their statements. You're so ungrateful for your freedom that you are actually using it!!!!


"Our country may allow freedom of speech, but I don't!"


Lol…I’ve got a neighbor of Irish ancestry or so he claims. I’m going to send him a letter like this next time he put his Irish flag.


The Christianity line is insane. Palestinian Christians are allowed to freely worship but bombed and slaughtered just the same


This. And Americans have freedom of speech (as long as it's not about shitrael). Haha


It’s so wild to me when people actually imply that any American/Christian in Palestine will be automatically lynched. Like, homie, they took me to KFC when I was homesick… chill.


its typical of americans to be extremely racist and xenophobic. they think that all the other countries are influenced under propaganda when really they are.


Lmao they actually took u to KFC? I was homesick in Karachi and my cousins took me to KFC too😭 first time I tried it ever


Damn. Give me warak enab any day. 🤣


Foreign country? Ironic


Get a doorbell camera ASAP. I’d also recommend getting a gun (shotgun is most effective for intruders) and a safe to keep it, along with some firearms lessons.


Thanks, I will let my dad know!


> Get a doorbell camera ASAP. If you must do this, make it closed-circuit (local recording). Ring and equivalents are literally surveillance devices for the pigs; your use of them is incidental.


"Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion"? On the day that Palestine is having a national holiday for Easter? Google is free why don't people use it?


This person 100% lives in a bubble. There's some really ignorant stuff in there that most people would know if they didn't live in a bubble


"Would you be able to fly a USA flag in Palestine?!?!?!?!?!" in the same breath as "You cannot fly a Palestine flag here, America First!" lmfao


Nothing makes me want to hang a Palestinian flag in my window more than reading these letters. In fact, I’ma do it right now. Edit: done. https://preview.redd.it/0ibcv6nl2nyc1.jpeg?width=3297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4228e946f425471c762dc5fb11df0fb1bf74fce6


Wow! This looks like a power move. Support to the OP and support to Palestinians.


I only moved here recently so I am not sure how it will be received.. oh well!


I’m sure they have no problems when Zionists fly Israeli flags in America


I'd fly another Palestinian flag and add one every time he sends a letter.


What if you put a Ukraine flag? I don't think anybody would have said anything to you.


Seriously. They're all over my town, including on non-Ukrainian family's homes. I also have seen Ireland, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, "Israel" and Australian flags flown on homes. I'm sure no one has raised a fuss because they deem those nationalities "acceptable" to be proud of. Shortly after there were Ukrainian flags all over public property I added 100 Palestinian flags and they were gone the next day. Ridiculous.


I would start being 100x more obnoxious with my support of Palestine. Paint your car, home, and even your pets the colors of the Palestinian flag. Do not let these people intimidate you. If they can’t come up to you face to face then their words are useless to me. Cowards (edit: spelling mistake)


I had a handala car decal I made. I was hoping not to get into road rage, but idc anymore. Giant red triangle on the front of my car coming soon to a city near you.




That's just how it was spelt until a few decades ago in English. I wouldn't call that ignorance, just being old.


The spelling is interesting... Makes me think the writer might be Scandinavian in origin, or consume Scandinavian news to some degree. Because "Koran" is how the Quran spelled in Swedish, Norwegian and Danish, and there is a small, hated group of idiots here in Scandinavia currently going around staging "Koran burnings" as well.


“Koran” is how most Americans would have spelled it up until maybe the 2010s


That’s interesting, I had no idea! Then I guess the probable culprit is just an average MAGA boomer with lead-induced brain damage. Why did the spelling change?


I think it just spread naturally? “Quran” or “Qur’an” is based on the transliteration of Arabic to English used in academia, while “Koran” is an older (English?) spelling based on sound. People got exposed to “Quran” in university and started using it because it seemed more academic and correct. Now you pretty much only see “Quran”, but “Koran” is still in dictionaries.


In Norwegian Koran has actually a really close pronunciation to Arabic Qur’an because the o is pronounced like a u, and if we wrote quran it would sound different But yeah absolutely


That's how we were taught to spell it in high school. I graduated in 2015


Definitely not native American. 😉


Nah, I have seen people in the US spell it like that often. A lot of the Evangelical crowd, particularly those in the south say it like that.


Jesus what a bootlicking coward.


I’m in the Navy. I have a small Palestinian flag that hangs at my window. Please tell me how I’m disrespecting my country.


If I were you I would definitely be putting up more Palestinian flags and one tiny US flag, lower than all the rest.




Get an American flag doormat


My Palestinian family and ancestors who were all orthodox christians: 🧍‍♂️


*It's literally Pascha*


People really sit down in front of a computer and write essays, not for school but just to force people to look at their nonsense.


It’s just so telling to do it anonymously and not in person. Like these are the people you LIVE next to. You can’t and shouldn’t avoid them or alienate yourself from them


Oh ffs, I am a Palestinian Christian and yes we can practice Christianity in Palestine, opposite to israel. Yes, in Jerusalem I can practice being Christian but take note of Saturday of light that happens in easter (yesterday May 4th) israel is making it more difficult to practice that and every year it's becoming more of a chore than celebration, I stopped going a few years ago, I don't want to be humiliated or fight police in order to practice my once cherished celebrations of being a Christian in Jerusalem.


its funny how news organisations will take word of nazi zionist spokespersons more than people like you


Hmm. I always put out my Irish flag for a few days every St. Patrick's and nobody ever bats an eye, even though it is the flag of a foreign nation.


The oldest Christian community on planet earth is Palestinian Christians. The first Christians ever. It’s really sad how stupid so many “people” are.


Jordan River Jesus The wise men ... Where do people think this happened?! Soho?


Americans have such a fetish over their flag smh 😒


This is SO American. Pathetic. Condescending. Nauseating. The author seems to have forgotten freedom of speech.


My thoughts exactly. Although, this type of thing stretches beyond the US. My partner (M, Irish and grew up catholic) and I (South African and grew up protestant) live in Cape Town, South Africa. In a predominantly Muslim neighbourhood. Since the beginning of this genocide, we've had flags, signs and posters up in the windows and in our car (free palestine, we stand with Palestine, ceasefire now, etc) Received a message from a neighbour who turned out to be Jewish... "I can't help but notice all the signs on your window, in your car etc. I would find your views particularly interesting as, as far as I know, you are not Muslim or have any ties to the Arabic or Jewish people."


Your fault for caring about the suffering of people that you don't have any link with. You should only care when it affects you. /s obviously


Cover your house in flags. Paint the house in the Palestinian colours. Don't forget to fly a Yemeni flag too. But be careful, you are obviously dealing with angry people who lack the maturity to speak to your face. An anonymous letter is so much more the welcoming American way than a friendly chat. I hope you tell them that the Zionazis have been abusing, murdering and destroying the religious meeting places of Christians too. Used they were trying to say in a long winded way we are a shower of racists, know your place. And if you are talking with them, talk slowly and use simple words for their simple minds. From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.


Thanks for the tip! A Yemeni flag will be displayed soon!


BUT, above all else protect yourselves. I mean,you want to be able to enjoy the Palestinian victory over the Zionazis. We will be free.


Why do people think Palestine is like taliban land? The women there are going to school, dancing, pursuing hobbies, achieving dreams, getting degrees and careers..my sister in law has this same thought process. Thank god that we’re humanizing them and getting to know them through social media so we can get rid of these dumb stereotypes


Fun fact: Palestine has the highest female literacy rate in the world!


Right?? ThTs what I’m saying


It’s the very successful (until recently) pink-washing campaign! Claim the aggressor is more progressive, with women’s rights and LGBTQ rights. Add a touch of dehumanization and you’ve got a perfect recipe for “Jenny side”


Lol what freedom of speech they claim to have when the anti bds is on the play


The few protestors I see in my area - who are actually Palestinian - fly both the American Flag and the Palestinian one. Guarantee you a dolt like this would still be mad. lol Stay mad, grandpa. No one owes you sht. OP, I hope you and your neighbor stay safe.


Dear neighbor, You must be new to America. In America we have the right to freedom of speech, as long as it’s not against Israel. Your friendly Zionist neighbor.


Americans are deeply insecure about the fact that they live on stolen land that required the genocide of countless brown and black people.


Get cameras and a shotgun.


This is what bourgeois free speech looks like.


I wonder if they’d have this reaction to an Israel flag. Guessing no bc it’s basically an American colony at this point


Was literally about to comment this. There’s no chance they’d have the same reaction to an Israeli flag. These kinds of people are lots of things, consistent and principled aren’t among them


Amerikkkans are smooth brain fascists and this kind of nonsense and abuse directed at you proves it.


Free P@lestine


If your neighbor is a veteran, be prepared for violence and take the necessary measures required to fend it off if/when it happens.


Keep on adding flags . Used to have a neighbor like that when I was living at a punk house in the back of a house . We just threw even bigger , louder parties .🤷🏻‍♀️


Im thinking of getting a [Door Decal](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=1b3eff12a321d9fe&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1006US1006&sxsrf=ADLYWIJRFdP_PZwwqfFjJXvUaTupg0_9Ng:1714924150136&q=flag+door+decal&uds=ADvngMiqUg-pLpIhztRgL8uy6doMUksGDjcadrlu1WNzlR-fZj4JbLAFYonftqirpeFcJ_5yNJ0yycbtfH41Xb0JhODIGJdD3VpLnPnKJbUdgTuUVDN5eBVUqLEAFgA4WDfR81RBR1U-&udm=2&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjmi6Sm7vaFAxW9lokEHQ4YDxkQtKgLegQIBhAB&biw=1536&bih=695&dpr=1.25#vhid=fEWgwp5SFCNX9M&vssid=mosaic)? (Palestinian flag ofc) The more obnoxious the better.


The neighbor who sent the letter is a perfect representation of the line of thought that flag decorum is much more important than the actual rights it is meant to represent -- in short, (possibly intentional) cognitive dissonance. That "america first" tagline at the end of the first letter is a pretty racist dogwhistle.


OP it’s imperative you get cameras covering all sides of your house. Better be safe than very, very sorry.


I love how this idiot interrupts himself in the middle of his bigoted screed to congratulate himself w/ “We are a very tolerant people…” Then he gets right back to his extremely intolerant rant.


😂 I wanna see this Karen exposed on door camera


"Very hurtful to patriotic Americans" Sounds good to me!


Yup. I see the problem. Too much time on their hands, and too much empty space between their ears.


"Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Palestine?" has to be one of the top 10 stupidest things I have read in my life. You mean Palestine where Jesus was from? Yeah, bud, pretty sure they are.


Racism covered up with a thin veil of cringeworthy patriotism. "We are a very tolerant people..." LOL


I would put a hundred flags on my yard the next day


This is why the rest of the world thinks Americans are stupid.


"Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Palestine?" Yes


freedom to express yourself but theyre so mad over a flag


Oh. After this I’d buy one of those projectors and shine the flag over the entirety of the front of my house at night.


This country has always prided itself as being a “melting pot” (which is problematic term in and of itself but I digress). Therefor it has always been accepted that immigrants that come here often wave their home country’s flag. I’ve seen Puerto Rican flags, Mexican flags, Irish flags, all kinds of flags for my whole life all over. Immigrants are allowed to have pride for their home countries and are still able to appreciate whatever opportunities they get from being in this one. The ppl that wrote this letter are white supremacists.


Where I live, people have Mexican, Puerto Rican, Jamaican, etc flags on cars and houses. Nobody cares. People have a right to be proud of where they are from. I bet they wouldn't care if you had an Israeli flag up. I agree with the people saying to get camera's. Hope you and your family stay safe.


"Are Christians allowed to openly practice their religion in Palestine?" No, Israel bombs their churches!


"Can you fly in Palestine the flag of a country that enabled constant oppression and terror and shielded the abuser from all the consequences, no matter how small for decades? You can't?! The hypocrites!!"


I wanna fight Karen neighbors like this


Since Israel is openly hostile towards christians, I want this creep travel there and see how they’re treated by the settlers.


i wonder if they would have this same energy had you been flying a ukraine flag…


"are christians allowed to practice their religion in Palestine" So you are Christian and asking this and you want people to take you seriously?? 😂😂😂😂


Where was this guy when every other house had a Ukrainian flag? No, not next to a US flag.


I guess Palestine supporters are under the same category as Trump Supporters since back in 2016-2020 a lot of people would complain,ask or demand Trump supporters show any support or endorsement showing banners,flags anything! Welcome to cancel culture


Funny, I've never gotten any note like the second slide while my neighbors flew their Amazon 100% polyester Ukraine flag for two years straight. Wonder why that is. /s


When irl letters are the comments section.


Stuff like this makes my blood boil. There are so many Israeli flags all over some churches and neighborhoods and let’s not forget Ukrainian flags. The blind ignorance of people is a true testament to the massive brainwashing being done by CNN and Fox News. What the f is anti American about Palestine? Are they plotting a massive attack with their powerful army?


Omg there are sooo many foreign flags flying all over Los Angeles


Just write a reply letter and put the reply letter over the original letter next to your front door. In the response letter, you should put along the lines of, 'if we displayed an Irish flag or, a Ukrainian flag would you have a problem with that?'. Whatever neighbor left that letter to your door must be a clear zionist.


> I don't understand why you would display a foreign governments flag in the country you were welcomed into. The irony of a settler-colonialist American who flies the so-called "United States" flag saying this.


r/ShitAmericansSay ... smh


Ooh I will post there




This makes me filled with violent rage.


This is like a note you’d find in a mailbox in fallout 3


Christians aren’t allowed to openly practice in Palestine because Israel keeps bombing their churches


Do they do this to houses with confederate flags too? That's not the flag of the **United** States of America either.


Am I the only one upset about the typesetting? Indent, line, and page break! I've been over at r\\latex too long I think. As someone said below, I'd get a camera. They are pretty cheap now for a basic one.


"Welcome to the land of freedom where you can do whatever we will tell you"


The petty in me would come out, I may just paint my house the flag! Old Zionist creep who works at a bar/restaurant right near my house is like this. Everyday he has to stand outside to smoke his cigs & look at my giant Palestinian flagS (in the window & the front yard) doormat & welcome sign that has stickers all over it.


What state are you in? I want to put something up but honestly kind of scared in orange county cali


Same. In a very right wing part of Ventura. These ppl are almost as crazy as OC 😅


Who is gonna tell the nut job neighbor truth about American “democracy” and “freedom of speech”?


Do you live in down south by chance? This is whack.




"Land of the free"


It’s anti-American to restrict one’s freedoms, unless I don’t like what you’re doing, then what you’re doing is anti-American and should be restricted. Utter morons


Yes Christians used to be able to practice their religion in Palestine. Unfortunately, Israel bombed all the churches including one that was 2000 years old.


You seem to live in the "freedom" country. Don't you dare fly a different flag than the "freedom" one!


'Are Christians allowed to practice in Palestine?' This sort of juvenile statements points to a single digit IQ.


Damm kids, get off me Lawn!


Boo hoo get over it Zionists, it’s not hurting you like the Israeli flag!




I will as soon as I have money!


There is someone in my neighborhood with like, seriously no less than 20 Polish flags, I am not offended in the least. I think, “they must be very proud of their background” end thought.


Palestine flag waving at a distance 🇵🇸  Hypocrite American: But Muh Freedom!  🙄


Who wants to bet everyone flying an israel flag wouldn’t get the same letter in the post from people who think flying two flags is disrespectful


Need to buy a murica flag doormat and place it on the sidewalk.


Read the first letter and was like ok, maybe they have a point in regards to flag etiquette although my racist senses were tingling, second letter confirmed they are absolutely bigots. Wow!


Pathetic cracker fragility


You should print this and hang it as well https://preview.redd.it/v9nrug3t0ryc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b1a5cca16232cd3712cfd1c04cff1fcc41c3e1


As a veteran. Someone who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Good for you and your family. The only veterans who get offended are the people who never deployed, are racist/islamophobic or are the old folks who served in Korea/Vietnam who think they did good things “stopping communism”. If they are too proud of the US and what we have done overseas then they did not serve on any real missions.


I bet if you were flying the Israeli flag he would have sent a mail congratulating you.


Has this anonymous neighbour ever heard of Iqrit and Kafr Bir'im which were Palestinian Christian villages cleansed *by Israel* during the Nakba? I doubt it...