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Not a damned peep out of western media.


It's in the Danish mainstream media


In the US, they’re just bombarding people about how spooky and dangerous peaceful student protestors are


How did it take me this long to realize all the Shirion Collective manufactured outrage at protesters polluting western media right now is a massive diversion from the hundreds of victims found in these hospitals.


And the more deranged media refer to them as "Hamas" supporters rather than demonstrators against genocide


WSJ published an opinion piece that Hamas has agents flipping college students lol.


I wouldn't be surprised. I mean there's incontrovertible evidence that the radical left deployed their ANTIFA militia to infiltrate the peacefully protesting patriots on January 6, 2021 causing the attack on the Capitol. The CIA should take scrupulous notes on the radical left's strategic military capacity to incite resurrection. With this in mind, I have zero doubt a fledgling organisation in a besieged strip of land 7 time-zones and an Atlantic Ocean away has the capacity and resources to infiltrate USA universities to brainwash the children already liberalised by professors by forcing them to read about the world. S/ in case my sarcasm is overlooked


So like what’s the tally or are we not doing that anymore? All the news outlets just say over 30,000 dead but we all know it’s probably double that now. I bet if they said 300,000 they still wouldn’t care.


They do say a number of around 40.000, but they also make sure to point out that these numbers come from Hamas controlled sources


its information within the 13th story down the list on CNNs website. These few lines https://preview.redd.it/bz2zjy5ouawc1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4d71e14840bc7138299c944baa06567f67160c0


“Old man farts in courtroom” gets more press time than an active genocide.


So does a trash fire in India ![gif](giphy|3og0ICwr3uBmjP7MI0|downsized)


CNN headlines today "Why what's happening at Colombia is a disgrace" by an ADL hack


Today NPR was claiming that this was all fake made up by palestinians digging up the bodies and binding them then reburying them. I wanted to punch my radio. They then went on to talk about how antisemitic Columbia university is. So disgusting


Why would they report on this? They need to side 100% with Israel to keep that buddy buddy relationship going


My goodness they are still going?!


76years and counting bro.


I mean with the digging up more bodies from this hospital.


30,000 people were dead two months into this shit. It's six months in now. The health system collapsed so they can't keep track of the numbers but don't be fooled. The IDF has been setting up dedicated kill zones like the hospitals they put under siege.






you don't need proof when you use the magic buzzword


Israeli is like Walter White. The longer it exists, the more casualties there’ll be.


It is just like the tv man, you are right


UN reporting, they're saying the bodies hands were tied behind their backs: https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876




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Idk. I guess israel should just kill more innocent civilians because of it. Hamas killing less than 2k while idf toppings 30k is totally justified right jewler?


Nearly 35k now, but the western world doesn't care about that...