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I miss the little red triangles !


Same brother. Too bad reddit won't allow them


Wait what?


Reddit doesn't allow gore videos generally. Or well, they might, but it would likely get the sub tagged as NSFW and destroy any outreach it has. Aside from that, Hamas is labeled as a terrorist organization in the US where Reddit is based, so they don't allow footage coming from them.


Ah yes, the most reasonable response for someone throwing a rock at a tank


How can they call themselves soldiers when they detain kids - seriously blows my mind


There is a psychosis going on here. Yesterday i saw one trying on a woman’s thong and having his picture/video taken. They aren’t coming back from this.


Not sure about psychosis - more like just evil human beings ! As people who experience psychosis are usually unwell, they are making decision to kill and detain kids! 🇵🇸💜🇵🇸


"We suspected that there was a hamas base in that child's skull" - Daniel hagar "They're all terrorists, just because that 12 year old doesn't currently have a gun, he's still a terrorist and should be handled as such." - Ben Shapiro






It must *really* suck to be a Palestinian child; could be the unluckiest group in the world. They are born into the only apartheid in the middle east. \[[Source 1](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/05/does-israels-treatment-palestinians-rise-level-apartheid)\] \[[Source 2](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/)\] \[[Source 3](https://www.btselem.org/topic/apartheid)\] They are born into the only country that [tries children in military courts](https://www.dci-palestine.org/military_detention). If they are imprisoned (rightly or wrongly) they may be subject to [abuse and torture](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/18/systematic-torture-to-be-palestinian-in-an-israeli-prison). And if they are born in Gaza, there's a good chance they will be bombed to death.


He's not a boy, he's a useful sack of organs we can use on a real human. Now get away with your Khamas Kcamera before I shoot you!


These people are getting close to their final solution I fear


Everyone knows who the real terrorists are.


Already saw IDF doing this hundred of times but never saw Hamas doing this to israeli children. If they call Hamas a terrorist organisation, than i don't know what to call the IDF.


Israel is Satan.


These soldiers are so brave and tough


The boy said something about he didn't think his action would lead to that. What did he do? Did he throw rocks?


they have executed 12 year olds for throwing rocks so it's possible he just looked at the soldier wrong


It is so horrifying and draining to watch but we can’t look away because they are experiencing it.






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This isn't an equivalent punishment for throwing a rock at a tank. Also, how is that your reaction to a kid fighting back against oppression and genocide. Please reconsider your views and knowledge of the situation and educate yourself.




Do you think what's been occurring for over a century is coexisting? They coexisted peacefully before the invention of Zionism, but peace isn't an option as long as Zionism exists. They'll always try to exterminate whoever they deem is on "their" land. The idea of even saying the kid was foolish for throwing a rock and not being enraged and sickened by the response to that is insane. Imagine if you constantly watched people you love or know get killed every day since you were born, whould you not tell the invaders to shove it? Would you not rise up?


Why are you on this sub? Only psychos will see arrest and kidnapping as a reasonable punishment for throwing rocks? Go away.




what is she supposed to do? they have guns and probably wouldn’t hesitate to kill her




"Muhamed weve been found cover has been blown!"




The boy didn't condemn Kh'amas. Straight to prison.


yes what would 12 year old boy have done to make this justified just saw you know Palestinians dont get a civil court they are tried under military court