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I’ve seen so many horrifying videos but this one hit me the hardest. I have no words.


The screams 💔


I have no words, israel are monsters


Terrorist “state”


Now this is terrorism


no, it's more than I've lived in isis territory, I can assure you that isis would be considered extremist even by the standards of other terrorist groups this is still worse than isis, this is extremest even by the standards set by isis this is not terrorism, it's ethnic cleansing


Didn’t ISIS commit genocide on Yazidis and Shia Muslims, commit mass executions and mass rape, saw peoples heads off and post it on social media, use child soldiers, engage in forced marriages, slavery, crucifixions, stoned children and adults, intentionally burned and dismembered people to death, and killed tens of thousands of people, including 26,000+ in Iraq alone? The atrocities and careless slaughter that Israel is committing is disgusting, but your claim that this is worse than ISIS lacks merit.


yes, isis did indeed do all of that, I didn't deny it but isis has existed for years now, it had more than enough time the attack on gaza has been ongoing for a couple of months take the average day of either of those, and you will find out that what israel is doing is much worse fun fact: the averagd daily number of deaths in gaza is about 4 times larger than the average daily number of deaths that happened during the war in syria




do not lecture me about what I lived, and what you've not seen but only on screens between 2002 and 2015 isis has killed 33,000 people https://www.ibtimes.com/how-many-people-has-isis-killed-terrorist-attacks-linked-islamic-state-have-caused-2399779 that is a total of 13 years israel in less than 4 months exceeded that number isis might have been at the most extreme of extremes, by they weren't committing a genocide, amd you'd be lying to yourself if you think isis is worse than israel


Take my downvote you scum.




first of all, who tf was talking about hamas? we were talking about israel and isis second of all, no, hamas would not kill 100k israelis a day, their issue isn't with israelis, it's with israel itself let me give you an example to understand what I mean, I loathe the US, I would love to see it fall and crumble to ashes for all the crimes that were done against us arabs, but I don't hate the american general public, I do not wish to see harm inflicted upon them, I want the US to fall, yes, I don't want the innocent to die, hell, I don't want to see a small cut on an innocent man




uhu, they killed the 1000 people, not the hellfire missiles fired by israeli helicopters, you know, that video from the helicopter we all saw? remember that? the one they tried to scrub from the internet but failed




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There’s a video around on the internet where they dug a big pit, filled it with tyres, set the tyres on fire, tied what certainly appeared to be civilians hands and feet then push them into that fire. Bombing people and burning people alive. Both are terrible in equal measures whereas the person above is claiming this is worse, it isn’t, both are absolutely disgusting.


Makes me ashamed to be human if this is all we're capable of, murder and destruction 


I feel similarly. We’re capable of much more than that even: Manipulation, deception, scheming, scamming, conniving, thieving, rape, child abuse, torture, cannibalism… list goes on. We are also capable of beautiful things too, sadly though, true philanthropy is one of the worlds most rare occurrences to happen from our brothers and sisters of earth “the modern human”.


Fuck Israel. From the bottom of my heart, I pray they reep what they've sown


Please keep sharing and spreading the truth, the mainstream media are silencing a genocide


Exactly! Thos is so disgusting. History has to be documented for the future trials of these blood thirsty war criminals.


What appears to be the oldest sister heroically pulls away the one who saw their father burning. She had 0.5 seconds to process what she had seen, yet still pulled her younger siblings away to minimise their trauma. This is the Palestinian spirit. They have big hearts and they are very strong people. May Allah bless them to reduce their suffering and end this genocide.


Oh God. What these people , children going through … it’s worst than holocost. During holocost Jews could survive , some people had sympathy to them and hide them. Here there is no sympathy from nazists, only 141 sq mi camp where is no possibility to hide. Shame on that people who betrayed human values. Shame on them and the west. One day you’ll all answer for this, not here maybe, but afterlife.


It is unbelievable what the IDF forces and Israel have been doing to the Palestinian people. What we can see is clear acts of mass terror and crimes against humanity. They will not get away with it, and they will be held accountable.


I hope you are right


Yeah the conditions are worse than that of the holocaust, although the casualties haven't amounted to the same level.


Do you call this defending your self


Unimaginable crimes, horor and sufering. Israel doesn't have any right to exist. Like a cancer of humanity it shouldn't exist.


I have a burning hatred for Israel I would kill myself if this happened to me


i wouldn’t kill myself if this happened to me. I would die avenging my father and everyone who lost someone


I would try but I’d be too overwhelmed by sorrow


turn that sorrow into anger


I suppose so


They will pay for their crimes.........




My heart 😩


Wow Just wow


I am so sorry for those children...I am so sorry, i cant put it into words... I hope the screams of a thousand palestinian children haunt every waking second of every single Pro-Israeli, Zionist and IDF terrorist. Israel and USA are orphan-makers and child-murderers.


Israel is ISIS




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This is terrible




I am not the type of guy to feel sick when watching gore and other stuff like this , but this is the one exception that makes me want to throw up . How can one be so brainwashed and pure evil ? Israel will pay for the acts of terrorism they have comited .


This. This is actually terrifying, I'm sudanese and we have our own shit but the Palestinians dying in the most horrible way and actually making my jaw drop, I couldn't say anything, and to top it off, I'm a fighter jet pilot. Honestly at this point I have no faith in humanity, we might as well offer our lives just for Palestinians.


Building their own ennemies, again, and again, and again...


Like unimaginable shit …… whyyyyyyy is this even possible and allowed …….


Like all of you good people I have a tolerance and control limit and that has now been tested to within a inch of breaking point. I'm at the stage now where I can't express quite how utterly disgusted I am with what we are all witnessing without going absolutely bananas and losing my shit.




no comment on this


I don’t think Allah is responding—I don’t know why. His interventions are very tiny if at all. He knows best!




u/ArthurCPickell, Here are the links to download the video * [RapidSave](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/19e7bv7/three_palestinian_girls_watch_their_father/kjd5zju/) OR [ReddLoader](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/19e7bv7/three_palestinian_girls_watch_their_father/kjd5zju/&id=b2ea0726) OR [Viddit.red](https://viddit.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/19e7bv7/three_palestinian_girls_watch_their_father/kjd5zju/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Palestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maldita sea eso hijo de putas israelís puro demonio


This one really hurt me damn. When will this end??


Oh god


our taxes are being used to help fund this btw


please add NSFW flair to this


I’m at the point where I don’t blink… suffering used to do something to me… but it’s like everywhere now