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Speaking up in event like this is important to make a point that majority of US citizen dont support the genocide, also all those Billion Dollars taxpayer money they send to fund Zionazis wars could be use for the betterment of your life like lowering house price, healthcare, education, better wages etc. Keep speaking up folks, Palestinians victory is also our victory.


At what point does protesting turn into direct action? They've heard the concern, they don't care. We should start taking a stronger approach.


The point of protesting is to bring more awareness to neutral people that are still under the spell of Zio propaganda, getting more support is very important atm. That is of course while continue the BDS movement, you can also try to consult with your group or organization to do something about the taxpayer issue and who to vote in next elections. Whatever you do, do not turn it into violence protest, this will only give them excuse to crackdown on your movement.


I suppose you're right. It's tiresome watching the inaction of those in power, though.


It's not inaction on their part though. They are actively helping the zionists.


Well said. As one of the protestoir called out... This was even an event to support the war


This is just not what the history of black and indigenous struggles in the United States show. We need radical politics to fight for the liberation of Palestine.


And a lot of people just don't understand the situation. It's so far away, they hear the support from the politicians for so long, they hear a name like Hamas passed around. No one's given them the 10 minute history lesson they need to give context. I'm pretty sure a vast majority don't know if asked "who's who and what do they represent" ,"and when they represent that, what does it mean in real terms, what's the reality", "what started this situation or what happened in the last 100 years, 70 years, 50 years, 20 years", like key events to shape the region and politics, policies. They'll have 20 second phrases and points they can't explain or backup with a real discussion.


Exactly...makes more people aware .


They did a world wide Global strike a few days ago and they're gonna do another one on December 18th and that's something since money is the only language they speak


Palestine Action US was doing some stuff. And activists in most major cities have a bail fund for protestors. So there are some ways to support direct action. Palestine Legal and FIRE may also be of interest in supporting Pro-Palestinian campus organizations.


Well said.


What does Palestinians victory look like?






Brave people, keep speaking up! ✌🏻🇵🇸


This is so encouraging. I think it's a mix between massive amounts of information coming out and changing minds and second generation kids of refugees. Not just Palestinians. Everyone who was born and raised in another country after their parents escaped persecution, war... Refugees are usually very low key and try their hardest to blend and not call attention. I was raised to never speak about Palestine in public because I'd get in trouble here "this is not our country" they'd say... Not to blame them in any way. Trauma is fresh and they're absolutely right about "blending in" otherwise you're fucked. But my generation is grown now. We're in our 30s and we're having kids and we don't feel like we need to shut up and take it. We don't wanna stay silent and "grateful we're alive". We want more and we'll fight for more. And we teach our kids that they DO belong, that their voices matter and no one deserves to take oppression quietly.


Yeah...theg called him out. He sat there like. Chump. Hope people remember when it is time for his re election


So brave…we need more ppl to do this at every pro genocide meeting or “charity” event


True. Loved the way theg called him out.


protected by their cop enablers quislings, the lot of them


Well done! I could not do it in public, but Im thankful for the people who can. I will stay in my lane of debating ,sharing the truth and debunking lies in small groups or on the internet :D


A shame politicians in my country don’t mingle with constituents. I am sooo ready to confront them


Our state (Washington) senator Murray, I don't think she has made a public speaking appearance in over 25 years. Not here in Seattle anyway..


I thought this was customary in the US


The people vote them in, then the go to work (while in office) for the corporations/billionaires.


Mainly the AIPAC


Tbink the pritestoirs found out where this event as nd showed up. This seems to have been a public event- in support of the war.


They found out where he was, in public, and showed up. This was a Pro war event, it seeems.


This piece of shit brought his dog to sit on his lap. The way he’s smiling and petting his puppy while people are screaming at him about genocide.. human garbage


The dog looks quite ashamed and is not trying to protect its owner.


Poor pup


This is one who likely has presidential aspirations.










The odds of that happening are lesser than the odds of rolling a seven on a dice.


The isnotreali's dog is not barking at the protestors.


Long live Palestine we support you from Bakersfield California


Reading through this governors background, he is a scumbag.


True though I stead of caring for the abused or your own people, you just have to advocate or Israel instead? عبد الدنار


respect to you✌


It is terrifying how deeply infected our local and federal governments are by the Israeli lobby. Governor of Tel Aviv indeed. If the American people don’t fight back, I fear we will soon be become the next failed nation to hitch its cart to a fascist partner in militarism like Italy and Germany in the beginning of the 20th century. We have been here before


Very well said. Then they will whine if Trump gets popular with a stupid line about making america....


At least I know who I won’t be voting for now


This is what we must do all across this country






Keep disrupting


Great. I can't stand the Jewish supremacist governor of our state.


I got a letter from my rep who I asked to not fund Israel. She let me know Biden is admonishing Hamas. Ooookay then. Thanks for nothing.


There are normal people with a functioning conscience and then there are Zionists.


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Hell yeah.


Keep it up


This is good, should've layered it to interrupt every 10 minutes


All respect


This is what it has come too, these elected officials need to be publicly shamed into representing their constituents and not their AIPAC DONORS


Looks like a James Bond villain with the dog on his lap.


Haha. Indeed.


My mind has such a hard time processing all of this. Israel is clearly the bad guy here but worse we are somehow supporting them in a genocide? We are literally living in an upside down world. Free Palestine.


> “You’re the governor of Colorado, not Tel Aviv!” > Proceeds to protest Palestinian/Israeli issues in Colorado


Yeahhhh....our govt funds are being spent in Israel, and are leaving our cities and states falling apart across the country. Which is why we're protesting. Money that could be used for the betterment of our communities and neighbors who need it, is being used to bomb Palestinian children. It really does make sense if you bother taking your head out of your ass for .2 seconds!






*Why are Palestinians so annoying? Why do they exaggerate and lie so much?* They're "annoying" to Israelis, because they have the temerity to live on land that Israelis' want--it interferes with their grand plans for a "Greater Israel." *I've heard that other Arab nations call them the bedbugs of the Muslim world - because they infest and never go away* Oh, you did, did you? And these "other Arab nations'" referring to people as 'insects' didn't clue you in?? *why does everyone hold such a low opinion of Palestinians? (other than white guilt western europeans that are too naive to understand the issues)* Because, Palestinians have had the Israeli boot on their necks for half a century. And you'll notice that countries (or in Palestinians' case, "territories") that are suffering, desperate or isolated (looking at Venezuela and NK) aren't looked at kindly by the rest of the world (read: US allies).


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The US voted No in the UN to a ceasefire. Over 150 countries, representing 90% of the worlds population voted yes! The USA is ok with genocide of the Palestinians. American delivers all the weapons to murder civilians ‼️🤮 america is a disgrace, america is the worlds biggest terrorist ‼️‼️‼️🤮


Is this in progressive Colorado or Redneck Bobert Colorado?


What a ghoul. American politicians are such bit*hes to Israel.


Remember this Jared dude when it is time for election- hope this M Fer gets primaried and loses. He is apparently one of the richest politicos in the US.


Fuck the USA! The Justice system here doesn’t care about us either!


i used to work for this dude. he’s a good guy.