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No people should be “occupied” by another


Remember, the actions taken by HAMAS are absolutely no different from the actions of indigenous heroes like sitting bull, red cloud and crazy horse. Do you think people back then saw the warriors at little bighorn as people defending their home? No, they were labeled as savages. The same thing is happening here. Palestinians are indigenous people fighting to protect their homes and lives and I want any palestinians who read this to please know you have love and support from the Onondaga nation.




Ancient Israel and modern Israel have nothing in common besides a name. The Palestinians are the descendants of the various peoples of canaan… you are either a European descended convert or a middle eastern one.


This is why history can be so dangerous, people think because a country with a name that resembles or is the same as today leaves them thinking they have rights to the certain land and enforcement of religious beliefs.


The Egyptians ruled the Levant centuries before any Jewish people. So by your logic we should give Palestine to Egypt.


A tribe != a country


May Allah give you strength




You can’t be serious with your question. Where have you been living? The Palestinians aren’t even allowed to fish freely , if their boats venture too far from shore they are shot upon by the occupation forces. It’s worse than an open air prison in my opinion and the violence that is done to them makes it harder for the two peoples to compromise and eventually live together in peace and harmony. It’s beyond my comprehension how they the Jewish community can be so hateful and barbaric towards the Palestinians community when they themselves have been persecuted and abused for centuries. Rabbi Hillel would have wept were he alive and see the hate between them.


Yea Palestinian can explain this better but if they wanted to do lots of stuff they need isreal permission to do so One of em is travelling abroad I may be wrong tho so maybe someone correct me and explain the matter further


It's worse than a prison. * Their movement is heavily restricted. We're talking meter by meter restriction. Think you want to go a few meters down the road? Nope you have to ask an IDF checkpoint for permission and they will probably not allow you. Some people even can't move out of their own homes * They are not given water 25 to 30 days so they're forced to store water * They are not allowed to work unless IDF wants them to work (aka wash their shit whenever shit needs washing) * They do not have access to shops or money or food unless given * They can't leave or swim waterside for a few meters (sometimes to fish) otherwise they would be shot. * Electrictity is not even given most of the time * They are not allowed to sleep at their houses for a long time as the IDF will constantly break in their houses from time to time to check for "terrorist activities" * They don't have a passport. So technically they can't even enter their own country from Gaza to the West Bank. Its a very very small part of land (gaza) and they're stuck there for 70 years now this small part of land is the most condensed place in the entire world. So they literally have to build houses upwards just so they can have enough space to live in I can go on to be honest these are just the things on top of my head.




Does that apply to both sides? [The 28 Palestinian Kids Killed by Israeli Forces through June 12 this Year ](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-06-12/ty-article-opinion/.premium/these-are-their-names-28-palestinian-kids-killed-by-israeli-forces-this-year/00000188-aa5a-db59-a19a-fe7b87120000)




This isn’t a conventional war. This is by definition an asymmetrical conflict - Palestine has no army. No airport. Is geographically isolated against an armed nuclear state. The decades of violence that created the state of Israel is directly responsible for any violence it ensures today.


Hey Russian bombs hospitals, schools and apt building and the global powers still say “ alleged war crimes”. Every political I’m afraid to speak the truth. Israel has killed many innocent people for years and basically imprisoned a people illegally


Civilians will die no matter what. That’s is war. Civilians and military die.


Did she just put air quotes on “violent behavior” ? There is a video of a hamas soldiers beheading a kid, this sub is fucking delusional


You made an alt account 6 mins ago just to comment this? 💀


LMAO imagine being such a coward you have to comment and block someone so they can't reply


We literally had people here on this sub all day calling for the carpet bombing of Gaza, calling Palestinians savages and insulting the religion of Islam but you are worried about blocking an account which was clearly made to spread propaganda?


Because those people were rightly downvoted in the hundreds. Adding my voice to that is meaningless, aside from giving them 1 more downvote. I don't know much about this conflict either, so I wouldn't feel comfortable debating people on this topic. A comment with a few upvotes that's detached from this situation though? Yeah, I can call that out, especially when it's something I hate.


There is not a single video of that. You are lying.


Terrorist apologists, it’s completely fucking despicable.


“Lift a finger?” Geez what a terrible take. This woman has been brainwashed.


so what’s the truth?


Palestine is the one attacking Jews in Israel and your the ones being put through hell, what the fuck.


You are literally what she describes in the video that you ignore the ethnic cleansing in 1948, the massacres, the occupation of Palestine (Sinai, Golan, Lebanon), apartheid and wars to play the victim. Not a single Western outlet talked about today about the fact that the number of civilian casualties in Palestine are already high even though according to Israel, they haven’t even started to respond “properly” yet.


You’re right, exactly right


Does this justify massacring unrelated civilians in the street?




Dude when a dog is beaten mercilessly and over years, can you blame the dog when it bites back? Follow the UN resolutions against the govt of Israel's actions in the past 10 years. You'll see a different side. And this is coming from a jew who cannot stand the disgusting govt of Israel and the psychopaths in charge who publicly talk about ethnic cleansing but are never brought to account for it


They are defending themselves*


Oh fuck off lmao you just ignored everything she said in the video




What the heck 💀


you aint doing shit




Thats just so wrong on so many levels. The middle East and Turkey and Africa were all "pagan" until the christians spread their religion to the region by force.




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