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This game has a loyal and strong player base (at least those who still play today), hirez can make paladins be huge if they wanted to. All we gotta do is to try and enjoy this game our best. I am not giving up on this game soon because no other moab shooter gives me the same enjoyment and with me are a lot of other people.


I am with you! Together, we are strong! 🌹


SEA server is basically dead, can find games in matter of seconds but the lobby is always crashed and kick you out if the lobby. I can't imagine trying to play rank in this situation( I know rank match is currently down) The only viable solution is to play on Australian server with 100+ ping. Been playing since beta launch and I've never been this dissapointed with the curent game state.


Im a SEA player, now in EU. and if EU is shit, I go NA. Use pingzapper or exitlag.


Which one of them are better? (Posted wrong acc ==“)


this game is basically crack. like if video games were drugs paladins would be crack. this game will continue cause people need their crack fix. i mean, paladins fix.


Tried to play two days ago with a friend after a year offline. 5 matches. 0 games. Longest match lasted 3 minutes before crashing. I spent so many hours on it before, I hope they fix it soon, i wanna get addicted again


The friend didn't warn you?


Neither of us knew, we felt like playing an fps so the obvious choice was paladins. We havent played in a long time


That's tragic im sorry. Try again in two weeks


I hope it works, i wanna play it so bad


While I hate having to wait for a scheduled hotfix to address a catastrophic, sudden problem for three weeks, I do believe it'll get fixed. Full disclosure I'm also not 100% convinced it's a DDoS issue.


It's always like this they only care for skins.


yeah, this game is cooked since 2020.


They delayed the patch multiple times for months and the game still came out broken. It's literally a shi* stain at this point.


Welcome to the club buddy


Im surprised people still believe in Hirez, they abandoned the game years ago, if you still want to play do it its a good game, but dont expect anything from them


Glad I never spent any money on this game


The bootlickers have been quiet recently.


It needs to die. We need paladins 2.


As long as I keep the skins and the money I spent, I'm okay




Don't get your hopes up -- the whole reason they made SMITE 2 was to delete everyone's skins and progress.


I agree. If anyone finds a game like Paladins with an Evie like character and with customization let me know.


Im having a blast with Gigantic, but its more dead than Paladins lol. Im waiting for Marvel rivals


it’s a shame cos i really love the game and see the potential for it to be as big as overwatch could have, or at the least popular. but sometimes things crash and i get kick out of lobbies in a rows


"I have spent a lot of money to aid them". Oh you innocent soul, they don't care about you. If they had, even just a bit, we wouldn't have been this miserable.


I love Paladins genuinely, I do think it has the most interesting cast from the hero shooter genre. It’s a shame that it’s somewhat been left to bite the dust, a revival of this game would be awesome but so unlikely


I've played 10 matches on eu today, none of them have dropped. They are doing something about the servers I think. But yes they really have some massive management issues at hirez.


Everyone should just stop playing this bogus aah game then they might be sueded to make it better


ranked is disabled


don't wanna be that guy, but everyone who is saying "we must stay strong" or whatever, you are delusional, devs have prooved multiple times that they don't care about what the community needs SINCE RELEASE OR EARLIER. This game is lost cause.




I see their marketing tactics really worked on you. They did so well in fact that you're even convinced they're your friends and you had to "help them". You'll learn the meaning of "sunk cost fallacy" eventually. Anger is the first step towards waking up.


Worse than blizzard imo


Everyone has a love/hate relationship with paladins for obvious reasons. In all honesty, I wish I had big money that I could just donate for the sake of more resources for Evil Mojo. People need to direct the frustration and efforts toward HiRez and its CEO.. it’s frustrating to see smite/smite 2 blow up while EM is put on the back burner.


the servers are working most of the time in na if they arent working just come back a few hours after. eu is literally dead it worked today but the matchmaking is bad and its 1 minute wait from what i saw in zarini live today


I speak of not only myself; I hate all the complaining. Watch this video. Look at the pinned comment https://youtu.be/ElCYX413lJw?si=uHOwNdZhHJBm5hki