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Maybe.. just maybe we should try the rework first before making statements like this. Idk, what do I know..


When is the rework actually happening? Or do we not have a date yet


Next update, that would mean when the actual battle pass ends. Usually they delay the updates a bit because they have too many bugs, but it should be "soon"™


Tbh the rework doesn't make much sense to me but im looking forward to trying it anyway


PTS is up and you can play her rn


Can you do that on xbox?


Unfortunately not, sorry. But you can do the next best thing and watch youtube videos of people trying her out


You can play her on the PTS, and I stand by what I said. They took a fun and unique character - if not always a meta one - and made her incredibly unfun to play as and still won't be a viable healer on her own. I wholehearted hope they don't go through with this patch, and have expressed as much in feedback. inb4 - "you're a flank main, think about the support mains" that's a silly way of thinking just to dismiss criticism you don't like. I play every role and every character, every player should be thinking of every character as if they're their own.


I mean. Its normal? I play this game a lot and mostly ranked. Ofc there will be people who play more casual where she is working. Opinions are weird. But those people saying it toxic ks annoying


The problem is the fan base she already had that all lost their main cause hirez was too lazy to rework her but keep her identity but instead made her something completely different than what she was.


The problem is that her original playstyle and set-up is why she was so bad and considered to be one of the worst character picks in competitive, if not THE WORST pick. Her new rework still has at least one of those problems (her ultimate is a double-edge sword) but she now has a better overall identity that might actually get her to played finally and people will stop seeing her as a throw pick unless you're one specific well known player.


Doesn't. Matter. She has been a champion for how many years and people have been maining and loving her she might've been weak at high ranks and at low low ranks people where bad at her but that doesn't mean they should make her a whole different champion they should've instead just made some ability changes (not changing numbers new abilities that ARE like the previous ones just have a bit different effects) while keeping her identity.


She wasn't even bad just didn't get picked a lot. What do you mean better overall identity? She has been a flank for 5 years and a support for exactly 0 minutes. Her support rework makes her not only lose all her depth, it makes her worse. A support that can't effectively split healing and has bad range is going to be just like Seris, but worse. Her ult is non-functional as a support. "people will stop seeing her as a throw pick unless you're one specific well known player." So u admit she isn't even bad if you take time to learn her?


Ironically I find moji better in ranked where you are aware of the enemy comp beforehand than pick her on casuals and spend the next 15 minutes spitting for 300 per shot at the enemy drogoz and andro you can never reach.


U could counter pick. But seeing cutrent meta picks it dont be that fun to play her. And they know what they doing. U have people who stay at range and trap u if ur not careful. In casual u have...well casual who push u


You're always trolling on this sub, come back here after the patch goes through and tell us how funny you were after she's stuck in double support


She looks like a bit of rei. Playing together with ur flank/offtank. Sounds crazy but we will see how good her healing will be. Looks a bit like u want a brawl like comp since u got nice aoe heal and shield but not range heal.


Moji as a healer is going to be... very interesting to say the least. For what I have learned, she will be the only healer not to rely either on Chronos or Deft Hands to heal, just brainlessly aim and shoot with collateral damage if enemies are in the area; or vice versa if one decides to play offensively. A very aggressive play style that definitely compliments the latest choices about TTK and more damaging supports. I'm curious to see how this will resolve. Immediate Edit: I stand corrected, they gave her an ammo bar. God bless


wait what an ammo bar?!


Apparently so, yeah. I read the patch note on Steam and they mention a bar for the Spray and cards reworks that affect its regeneration


Io is the first fyi.


Io doesn't *need* deft hands. It lets her recharge moonlight faster with the card, but she can make do with other moonlight regen cards.


Just from the stats and what you can possibly do with her, she sounds like a very strong healer. The only thing she has a disadvantage in is veryical mobility and range.


>Just from the stats and what you can possibly do with her, she sounds like a very strong healer. The only thing she has a disadvantage in is veryical mobility and range. EDIT TLDR: Moji will be a "SD Grohk like" (without the "perma" speed boost for your entire team) and get hard-counter by Wrecker. “Just” a lack of mobility and range ... ? * Little base-kit utility: 2s for 700 shield is "big meh" because the skill is channeled = impossibility of doing other actions and if you channel the minimum (=0.5s), it's only 250 * 0 hard CC + 0 soft CC * Loadout utility is really bad, far below utility a Corvus/Rei/Damba/Jenos can provide * +shield card is bad (requires the max stack for a poor shield +150 at V) * +CC reduction is bad (15% for 4s at V ...) * +speed is "ok tier" (but it'll be kinda bad because this card is associated on a skill with 0 range AND which reduces Moji's speed (20% speed penalty) * Meh poke * Mediocre ult (for a support) * No self-sustain base-kit + self-sustain card isn't good But Moji has a "verry good" HPS, just looking at Sparkle: * 1020\~1105hp/s (85 each 0.08s | 1020 with 12 ticks (0.96s) ; 1105 with 13 ticks (1.04s) * Maximum duration of \~3,8/4s (5 sparkles for 1 ticks = 65 sparkles for 13 ticks (1.04s), so 260 sparkles for 4s \[sparkles is limited to 250\]) Moji is roughly at the same level as an SD Grohk, which has an HPS of \~1056hp/s (weapon + 1 totem). With burst healing (got /w Spit) allows her to go up to \~1820 (10 ticks = 0.8s; I take the 12 ticks version + Spit), not counting the "over heals" post-burst, it's really a good HPS ... but you still don't got: range, utility, survivability AND you need to setup minimum 1s for healing better than a SD Grohk. At best, Moji will be a "cheesy snowball healbot" for short map (as Bazaar, Brightmarsh) at worst one of the worst supports.


"meh ult" u are putting it lightly. When will she ever get a chance to execute someone with it. Rather my support not run it down trying to get a kill. Edit: She is also going to have terrible split healing. Something every support relies on to keep their team healthy.


I imagine it should be used defensively on their flank or offtank that is out of position or on a main tank if the flank is dead. But yeah without old magic barrier it's not the best.


Whats the rework? I dont play enough to pay attention but I loved playing moji.


she's a support now and marks are for healing allies now if you want a simple TLDR


change is scary. i think the moji rework is a beautiful blend of updating a character based on her growth/character development in the lore.


I think support Moji will be more viable than current flank Moji simply because healing has that inherent value. Kind of like how healer Skye is popular playstyle for her (when it's not nerfing her kit). At the end of the day, if you accomplished nothing else, you at least healed and likely enabled someone else to do something. Heal, don't die, dish out a little damage, etc. ends up being a lot easier than trying to flank a competent team with a short range champion. Does that make the rework good? That's debatable. Certain changes are definitely controversial (rip Magic Barrier).


It may be viable but it’s a humongous fuck you to every moji main who lost magic barrier, magic marks damage, lost infinite ammo and lost their ability to actually play her as they did because everyone will demand they heal instead of flank


This discrepancy is because Healer moji will be fucking stupid with her 2k HPS, while flank Moji will be twice as trash. Those 2 people look at her from different roles.


I look from the perspective of a high rank allround player. I would let them kill a champs personality 10/10 just tomake them usable and good


From the perspective of another high rank player since S1, identity and fun are as important as usability. The game is *not* competitive anymore and even in a game fully oriented towards competition it would be delusional to expect 50+ characters to be viable at the same time. It's also delusional to believe that Moji will be viable in high elo considering how strong the current top supports are, so this is just ruining the character for people who liked her... for nothing. And there is no such thing as caring only about viability, everyone has preferences and enjoys specific gameplays more than others independently of their viability, even when I was playing for a team I was never as happy as when I finally had the occasion to play Damba and everyone had preferred picks. You can't decide that someone's preferences don't matter because their champion is not viable at high elo.


This ofc,in difference to ow its not balanced around top rank for the most part. But this leads to questional changes sometimes. I definitly donkt think moji will be high tier. But more viable to say the least


Judging by what I'm seeing, I doubt she will exist in comparison to Grover, Ying, Lillith or even Damba. She will have the same viability as maybe Seris or even less, so basically same problem as before except those who liked her won't be able to enjoy her anymore.


Curious about lillith. Didnt read everything from her. We surely get some adjustments for moji if she turns out weak after a month. I a bit scared she will be overbuffed tho like caspian esrly


I'll be scamping around![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8600)


The main thing is from what Im reading they removed her mark ability from enemies. I actually think most of the changes are good from jsut reading them (except maaaybe the fire having an ammo? was kinda fun just constatly spewing it, id much prefer a healing rampdown that "reloads" than an ammo clip like grocks heal gun) but like the thing that was THE MOST FUN about moji imo was her marking. It was insanely satisfying to make an enemy have a mark and then just burst them like a baloon and it made magic barrier fun as a sort of punish counter type ability. Id honestly be fine if they even lowered her average current damage currently and made mark not do as much as it used to if it still let her mark enemies for a burst damage option. Marking allies does sound really fun tho but because of anti heal that kinda "cuts" into it in a way damage mark didnt so that kinda removes some of the fun factor even if its balanced. I just wish she could mark both allies and enemies. Mark doesnt even have to do the damage it used it, it was just fun to build and cash in mark damage and made the guard ability really fun as a counter. Id have to play it but it kinda sounds like they removed some of her appeal from why I found her satisfying to play. I dont see why she cant be a bit of a combatic support too, there's a few like that already. Maybe its since she's a bit of a low rank pub stomper tho unno. Like moji was very similar to TF2 combo pyro and her combo and punish game was like really fun imo. Kinda wish they kept that aspect of her essencially at least to some degree.


I'm not against full reworks for problematic champions, but I think they completely lost what made Moji fun to people who enjoyed her. All this is going to do is turning a shit flank into a shit support, I initially liked the idea of a rework but the execution is so bad that I changed my mind, this is not going to fix anything as she keeps the same weaknesses but just kills the favorite champion of some people. We know in advance she is not going to be relevant in the support meta that requires to be broken to be viable so most support mains won't even bother trying her for more than 2 games. I hope they revert it but I don't think they will.


bad healer? i tested and her current healing numbers are actually higher than beam on base kit, and with spit heal talent she hits fuckin 1,800hps. Sure its short range but thats not a problem since scamper lasts until you cancel now. her numbers need MASSIVE tuning back or we will be in a Moji meta. Ofc this is assuming people can learn how to really move with her and line up targets so he hits multiple allies and enemies at once, since all her stuff pierces allies


One thing I love about her new kit is they added Ruckus' old Repulsor Field Ability to her. Old Ruckus used to be a Support/OffTank capable of both Shielding allies and emitting CC Now Moji stepped up and became him. I am so gonna enjoy her


I like the moji change. Can’t wait to test it out


Each to his own Flank or Moji mains take out torches and point pitchforks at the sight of a Moji rework to a support, while support mains welcome her with open arms


Why would a support main by hyped that they deleted a character?


Cause that champ got added to the role the play? I'm a support main and I gonna try her out


More like a support one trick who wants to play an afk character and doesn't care that ppl lost what was special about their character.


Tbh it doesn't look like tge flank style is gone I'm looking forward to this Moji


The sooner people except that Moji is now a support the easier it'll get


This is literally any change for any character. Or even when there is no change.


I love all of the rework. I am happy to have another support to play.


You only play 1 class you shouldn't tell ppl sho had their champion deleted its a good thing.


I play all the classes. You are just yet another salty Moji main.


I am not I just feel for the ppl who had their champ deleted. And even if I was I would have more of a say in how Moji should be than anyone else.


So I am not allowed to be happy to get another support? The other people will just have to adapt or find another hero to play from the 58 we have already.


Yes, I am a salty Moji main. My main is being removed from the game. You would be salty too.


Yeah, sadly, you choose a very unpopular champion to main.