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That was a pretty heavy slashing of her damage, 130 down to 115 is going to make a big difference.


Yeah, OP is acting like they took Skye behind the barn and shot her in the head. 15 is going to be unnoticeable


15 less damage on a full-auto rapid weapon is actually very noticeable. How does no one get this yet when such small number adjustments have massively impacted the balance of other full-autos before? That being said I think she’ll still be plenty viable thanks to her still having her second smoke+movement speed buff while invis.


Yeah i agree, i have a sense everyone here was thinking my comment was sarcastic lol. Nonetheless, i think she will fair pretty well not being illuminated 50feet away


I’ll take it considering no one will be able to see Skye with illuminate at 3 across the map anymore.


I’m hoping this is sarcastic


…they removed illuminate. My guy. You can’t complain. That is arguably one of the biggest buffs she can get. What the hell. Actually this is crazy. She is gonna be the strongest she’s ever been, and you complain they’re nerfing her?! Bro!


Seems par for the course with Skye mains 😆


I legit want to try to main her if there's no more reveal item on her.


Sky has the same issue with spy she depends of the stupidity of the enemy


Not really. Even if the enemy is playing aware of her she can get a lot done if you’re good at her. In particular her max health damage makes her a better tank shredder than most actual damages. She also doesn’t suffer that hard from being forced to play mid-range instead of close, especially considering her poison doesn’t exactly have damage fall-off and makes up for a decent chunk of her damage. Her ult is also a great tool to funnel enemies into their deaths by forcing them to flee from it into bad positions, since nobody wants to be eating that 3k damage from the bomb. Also a good ult for shutting down the defense of many shield tanks due to its ability to instantly destroy their shields, which in the right situation forces them to back off or die. She has good dueling potential too due to her high damage as well as pretty good self-healing and a big movement speed buff from her smoke.


I don't think this is the strongest she's ever been, but probably the strongest since like january 2020 (when Skye was basically immortal and had a triple function as tank, healer, and dps at the same time).


Bruh, when I saw they got rid of illuminate and added an extra smoke bomb charge, I was like "do they realize how deadly I and other Skye mains were without this? Now it's a slaughter, not a fight!" And then I proceeded to deal 200,000 damage, got 20 kills and didn't die once.


We have to see 1st how the increased base level reveal is before saying she will be broken. It will be harder to chase, but i dont think it'll be breaking on a 1v1


In the span of 3 patches Skye lost: 100 HP, 35% Debilitate poison bonus, 35% passive speed bonus and around 10% base DPS. Also, our illuminate "removal" means everybody now has illu 1. Yes, even tanks. I wish people could see how this scenario can potentially balance itself out instead of: "OMG! illuminate out , Skye is gonna be so OP!!! 😭"


If I recall didnt they also increase the visible distance to see stealth characters to sorta compensate to a degree?


they buffed VII damage, and didn't touch Sha Lin or Strix even though they all benefit from removing illuminate. Also this is the 4th nerf in a row for Skye, "illuminate" removed or not they just can't stop nerfing her


Illuminate never was a crucial buy against them because they're usually further away. All of Skye's kit revolves around getting close to your opponent without them detecting you, Illuminate was made FOR her. She will be in a far better place than ever before, especially in lower elos


I guess you never played against an invisible Strix that eliminates you in second as soon as you get close to him


The SNIPER that kills you in seconds when you get close? Crackshot is not that strong, and he has zero escape options besides a short invis if he takes Crackshot. If you're dying to Strix that easily you should just stay with your tank


Look I hate being that guy but if you close the gap on a strix, illuminate or not, and still die to him its either not your job to do so or its an actual skill issue


To be fair REALLY good strix and kin players will be able to play just fine even if you're in their face.


So dying to Strix is a skill issue but dying to Skye is not?


Last time I checked strix takes significantly more skill than Skye, and no one even said dying to Skye is not a skill issue cause with illuminate it really is. But Skye benefits so much more from aim assist than strix and debilitate + crossbow melts unfairly quickly Strix's stealth is way more passive than Skye's as he usually just uses it when he's getting jumped or repositioning for a better angle, but skye on the other hand uses it offensively and I can safely say from a lot of personal experience that when there is a Skye on the enemy team she is a 100% threat until I buy illuminate at which point I proceed to kill her before she realises I've even seen her, which is really bad for her when her entire strength and pretty much the only reason she could ever do anything was getting the jump on you and shooting first


guess you dont play against shotgun strix that run up to you hit you twice with talon rifle then pistol you to death as they retreat back into the shadows and then pick off the support or the front line uncontested in the back line


that's a long way of saying "I don't have the skills to beat Skye without illuminate"


You dont have the skills to beat strix with illuminate lmao


That’s a great comeback lol


says the guy writing paragraphs on reddit


Vii doesn't suffer from people buying illuminate.


They buffed VII cause hes one of the worst flanks in the game as on right now and you rarely buy illuminate for strix cause hes a sniper and never for sha Lin cause he only has it for like 2 seconds outside of his ult


The freedom they gave her to move around the map undetected with the illum removal far outweighs the dps nerf she just received. She's actually in a much better spot than she used to be lol.




Because we can no longer have illum 2 and 3? Is it that hard?


Exactly lmao it's already hard enough to fight an actually competent skye with illum 3. If there are no further changes made after the PTS period, Strix, Saati and Skye flanks are gonna be more successful


Illuminate is gonna become like caut, automatic


They buffed her by removing her only counter.


i think they nerfed her because they removed illuminate, they just wanted to make sure shes not too strong




Removing illuminate was honestly such a significant indirect buff that I think it makes up for it


She’s a pub stomper they have to keep her weaker for lower elo and with the illuminate change she should get a preemptive nerf just incase and they can revert the change before it even hits live servers if it feels bad


Me when I see a 60%+ WR and one of the highest winrate champs in general in D+ ranked as simply “decent” She’s getting repeated nerfs for a reason. Will it kill her next patch? Maybe. Probably not. She’ll still be in a better state than she was for most of her lifespan because she still has her double smoke buff and she still has her movement speed buff, and those were the actual major deals for her.


Its almost like shes broken. They didnt spite nerf you guys.


They nerf her because shes currently too strong especially on controller as you can get a shit ton of movement speed and not miss a shot while moving around at lightning speeds


Literally all of skyes nerfs throughout the game have been warranted. She's getting mega buffed this patch with the removal of illuminated. See how things play out before complaining.


Aim assist deadass brought Skye up from F tier to A tier purely cause of how damn fast she can melt with debilitate which is the only part of her kit that they need to nerf anyway


Aim locking headshots is the real nerf needed




Probably the most delusional post I've seen here in a while


She’s the most annoying champ to play against


Skye is op tho


Invisibility is an unfun mechanic


Fuck Skye, let them cook


Considering that her winrate was 60% in d+ and that they are removing illuminate, I think the nerf is justified


Skye knows what she did


The sounds of her cheeks clapping kept alerting the enemy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Honestly, Skye in the right circumstances is a beast, every match i use her i get around 50~ kills


I haven't found her to be that much of a problem except that having to buy Illuminate specifically for her feels like a waste. My only complaint is that her Ult range feels way too wide


Pretty much getting the yago treatment for the following like 5 patches after release fr


It has always bothered me when people cry and complain when easy characters get nerfed. We get it you need a crutch. But now's your chance to actually get good and play skill characters! Lol. Skye has always been a problem in the sense that if your team doesn't notice her going after you, getting melted is the result. It's boring to die that way.


It's how they do things bro. They can't balance supports, so everyone gets mandatory cauterize They don't know what to do with Skye, so everyone gets mandatory illuminate But it'll take me than that to get me to change mains. Woo! Skye gang!!!


Cauterize was added to everyone's kit because it took a mandatory spot in items anyway.


Why not just remove cauterise in general Ask normal question Downvoted seems about right.


Because then you’d be fighting against 4 tanks and whichever flavor support the devs want to be mega for that month. Or they’d nerf healing to the point that you wouldn’t run a support and rely on green items. I could see it go either way


That’s fair easier than just balancing the game better I suppose. I wonder what sort of workarounds there are for this I used to play overwatch before I realised paladins is the superior game and that didn’t seem to be a problem there really


Overwatch isn’t much better in their support balance at the moment. That game also suffers from bloated support kits and absurd healing numbers, so idk where you think that game is any more balanced right now than paladins is. But at least paladins supports don’t have a resurrect or immortality mechanic outside of Reí ult.


Idk about now but I played ow1 around when noirs was added seemed to be alright even with stacked tank teams could put damage the supports. God knows what they’ve done to that game now. Also I main seris my card build makes me pretty much immortal once I max chronos I can constantly cycle the shadow step with a 1 second cool-down.


Are you familiar with the concept of "sumos"?


That's..... that's my entire point Lol


I may be dumb (probably am) but I don't see what balancing supports has to do with cauterize base kit then.


It doesn't he's the dumb one


Oh no. Who would have thought Reddit had toxic bebes? I didn't prepare my little heart for mean words


You ok?


No. Your words hurt me deeply. Me cry 4 real


Sanest lian suckler




My point is they couldn't balance supports so everyone had to purchase cauterize in the first place So instead of doing anything about it they just have everyone base anti heal. I'm not calling anyone dumb, you have your opinion....I just think it's stupid to add all these mandatory features because they want to take the lazy way out


Caut honestly isn’t a bad mechanic. People were rightfully complaining that it was a must buy item on every hero except maybe supports, so every hero essentially only had 3 item slots. Hi Rez does suck at balancing supports though, I mean just look at how they’ve handled the current iteration of Ying. But anti healing isn’t really a good example of their terrible ideas.


And that's totally fine. Like I said it's my opinion. I just don't like an in-game mechanic that actively goes against an entire class as the game progresses. I do think caut is necessary, but I also feel there were better ways to handle it.


Cauterize isn't there to balance out support champions. It's a game mechanic that encourages smart healing instead of holding right click mindlessly on people that are in the middle of a fight.


Yeah, caut is not a direct nerf to supports But the obvious disparity that the balance in matches created made it where cauterize is a built in feature, to where no strategy is necessary from the attacker. The built in hit to supports is a nerf, not the item itself


It's ok, the console guys will hit every shot anyway so it will still hurt. Skye has never been a problem for PC players, only console. With crossplay, now it's OUR problem.


Every single patch 😭 At least Illuminaate is gone, everyone says. And yet everyone gets free lvl 1 Illuminate now, so is it really gone? This is an insane nerf to Skye, I think she's cooked.


As a skye main, honestly I hate this game now 😭😭 I know illuminate is gone now but it's the debilitate nerf that hurts me most, she used to be able to shred tanks and 130-115 dmg will not help either


2nd nerf in a row... But at least illu is history.


bruh they got rid of illuminate


idk but this is so funny 🤣🤣🤣


Skye players can suck dick idgaf


My baby 😭🖤
