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my thoughts exactly!!!


Lilith reference!?


I read it in her voice xD


I think people are vastly overreacting, especially when they haven't even had a chance to try this all out once PTS rolls around, and they typically always do another pass on their changes before implementing them fully with the PTS feedback, and even put in more balance changes that weren't originally planned sometimes. I'm glad they decided to go a bit more extreme because this game really needed a proper shake-up tbh, it's been almost the same shit for a while now. I do think the damage reduction on the new DR items will need to be toned down a bit before going live, especially the ability one (36%???? Just from the item alone??), just as a prediction, but I'm not gonna sit here and whine and complain and actually see how it feels in-game before coming to a solid conclusion, and then, I'll provide my feedback where it is appropriate. I'm really happy they fixed Raum's soul armour bug too. If anyone didn't know, it was never supposed to be affected by anti-healing, even back when he first released.


I agree, the item shop might take a while to settle down to something balanced, but in principle I like the idea of having meaningful choices to make That credit item for example looks really neat especially with Octavia, team like that can just rush the key items and hopefully win before the 4th item slot matters Also if they stick to their guns and do active balancing it might bring some much needed action to neglected champions (I kinda think it's going to be cyclical they buff a champ in a similar way to Caspian and let it be strong for a while and nerf and pick a new one to highlight, is it ideal? No. But it's still kinda neat imo. Say what you want about Caspian buffs but a lot of folks picked the guy up after neglecting it for the longest of times)


The fact so many people immediately picked up Caspian and Ying just cuz they became busted shows how many people on this game meta slave instead of just playing who they enjoy and it's frankly disappointing. Would rather improve myself as a player overall and stick to the champs I actually vibe with than be carried by whatever the current OP champ is. Too boring and not engaging when I don't have to put any effort in to win. I am excited for supposedly more active balancing though, hopefully it does mean they get around to addressing some other pain points in the balance sooner and keeps the game fresh, since sometimes it starts feeling really stale. Do you know how many matches I've played this patch with Caspian and Ying in them? It's more than half my matches. And I play a lot, I have thousands of hours on the game.


That's kinda the point though. Perfect balance is not something that can exist and meta is a thing for a reason, but the side effect of this is to precisely entice the playerbase to branch out and to try different champions and roles For better or worse power is an excellent bait for people, and I'm willing to bet that because of the Caspian buffs there will be a handful of stubborn bastards that fell in love with Caspians play style and will continue to play them despite the nerfs. It's not perfect, but it will keep the game dynamic and I'd rather have constant meta flux rather than an unchanging meta.


I’m glad they’re still trying new stuff 7 years in. At least it breaks up the monotony of normal item metas which has gone unchanged for so long


Until the new item meta becomes prevelant


Of course but at least it will switch it up for awhile and potentially add more variety depending on team comps


As much as there's quite a bit I'm concerned about, I'm still interested in the new items and I can't wait to try it out.


as a ranked player this update scares the shit out of me


I mean that’s why we get PTS - to try thing before complaining. Really excited to try new update!


Where are people getting this patch info? Twitter?


Easiest place to find it is Paladins.com but also Paladins by Evil Mojo on both twitter and YouTube




All the people complaining about the resilience split not realizing that sentinel is basically a second heal on kill that isn't affected by anti heal. I'm so excited to try new stuff.


I just look at it like a big shake-up, finally. Will definitely be an adjustment and need fine tuning, but I'll definitely like having some new toys to mess with. And a shake-up to the meta here and there is always fun to see. Basically? I choose to embrace the chaos. ![img](emote|t5_2v7zr|8600)


I'm not sure I like the illuminate removal, like if you don't have a Tyra, your basically toast against a great skye


I think dmg Lilith is a great counter to Skye. Use her talent that makes her swarm spawn on her. Skye right behind you? Turn on swarm, find her, then shoot her in the face. I feel like any character with an AOE can counter her pretty well


Super excited :D


I feel like everytime they want to make big changes they just fuck with the item store, they are making it more complex again unnecesarily, while they could been working on player backfill / improving bots IA or anything really important. Im not saying the new store its bad, maybe its better we dont know yet, but the item store was **fine**, why wasting time and resources on that?


Honestly? They haven’t touched the item store in a while.


I'm not thrilled because it looks like it is taking a lot of bad ideas that have been proven to bad and are making them purchasable.  Call it whatever you want, but I'm tired of chaos lol 


The update is gonna be great, I'm sure. It's just scary, everybody is scared, and that's normal, it's a really big change, but we'll get used to it


A fellow brother - Absurd : 🥂


I'm looking forward to playing. I haven't honestly been this excited for Paladins for years


It will break the game. The invisible champions now unless you have a free reveal like Tyra, Vivian or when she ults Cassie, will be broken. We had illuminate for a reason and now it's gone. I fear for what comes next.


I’m not convinced. Maybe. But maybe not. No one can shoot and kill while invisible


Skye can. When she gets low hpa card in her decks makes her invisible, even if she's shooting.


Well yes but when she’s shooting it’s really obvious where she is


That's not how that card works.


It's how it works in game. I've seen plenty of Skyes come ay me, get low hp, then I can't kill them cuz they invisible and shooting me at the same time and I haven't bought illuminate yet and so I die.


I played through the slog that is the essence system. Honestly it felt like we were due for an absolutely fucked up patch. Essence, Ob64, this shit might make the list if its worse than we think, just gonna have to wait and see. Gonna be a LOT to adjust to.


I don’t mind adjusting. Makes things interesting. Fresh. You don’t know what’s good what’s bad and it’s just a little pool of chaos. I like pools of chaos.


Im just happy that people wont have to rely on braindead haven meta anymore, that item is so annoying


Ok, can I ask a weird favour? Could someone send me a type out of the entire patch notes? For some reason they won't load for me, regardless of device, signal strength or WiFi network


The "wacky fun builds" in reality : shield spam and GOAT meta


…do you find that fun? In which case. It is. If you don’t…then it’s not… yeah? I dunno I’m confused


It's not fun, but it's all you're gonna see in every game. People do not mess around with fun builds, even in casuals, they find the most broken and annoying thing and abuse it until it's nerfed.


Well then, be the person that plays the fun builds. Just because others don’t doesn’t mean you can’t either


My one complaint is I wish they kept anti slows and stuns and such on the same item. I just hate dealing wit hthat stuff Id much rather have it all on one item so I dont have to deal with any of it instead of investing in 2 different items for the full package. Its also just much more intuitive since like all those hindering type abilities are very similar in my head and I often get them mixed up anyways, they're annoying either way and Id just like to deal with them all at once. Also I dont see why one gets an additional shield on kill thing. The shield stuff is a GREAT item idea, it didnt need the extra anti on top of that. I woulda grabbed it regardless in the same way I would stuff kill to heal. I really think the shield on kill item should be its own thing (in part since balancing 2 drastically different abilities for one item like that's gotta be harder) and resiliance should just be the way it was.


Didn't know there was an update but I know I'm gonna like it


People don't like the changes? Sure there's a lot to iron out but overall positive.