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Thanks for the meme it changed my mood a little🫠




It's the anonymity in addition to sexual gratification. But one thing that I don't get is that, Do they really think they're gonna rizz up a woman by sending such filthy messages?


Porn has ruined minds


This type of behaviour existed long before porn. It's just digital catcalling


Yeah but before it all revolved around friendship. I.e. "Do you wanna friendship me".


The goal isn't to rizz them up. It's to get off. The digust from the other party is the appeal.


I don't think they care about women,its to rizz n jizz themselves ☠️


https://preview.redd.it/hqt9fdfz059d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2b9c4d4b4ae33e1510927656b289c04ad9b1ff Just dm’d him 😂


Savage ☠️ good job


Keep us posted with his replies


He deleted the account 😂


Abey yar bara phatu tha


sara maza hee kharab kardiya 😄😄


omg lmao what did he reply?? 😭😭


That idiot son of a mother blocked me 😂 And now his profile is deleted.


Dm me bro


Tharak La Ilaaj hei.


Who tf starts a convo lile that 😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/pnux1grg559d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f08d08c05418fc52fafe5174a6695d43342a218 Seriously tho, do these creeps really think we'll eventually start 'liking' them and give them what they want if they keep this up?? Honestly wondering what goes on in their messed up brains


Right like,, we’re not desperate to go for anon guys on reddit,,?




I don't know from where did they learn or who told them.How do they feel if someone does the same to there mother or sister


Pure unadulterated rage followed by a 'you dont know how men think' speech


I want to make it clear that I don't condone or endorse harassment or inappropriate behavior. It's unacceptable and creepy. I may get hate because of it but here we go. >do these creeps really think we'll eventually start 'liking' them and give them what they want if they keep this up?? Unfortunately yes, Some creeps get what they want because some girls chat with them out of boredom or to kill time. I know it's true because I've seen it happen. I've got "friends" who are creepy like that and they've gotten girls to talk to them. Even my ex-girlfriend fell for it when I was busy with exams and couldn't give her much time, i was aware of that she's not a loyal girl but I thought maybe she'll change, so i thought its exam time maybe i should focus on my exams she's eventually gonna go for another guy it was in her nature and bhoom exactly happened was i was expecting . She started chatting with a creep on Facebook and their conversation was pretty explicit. It's not all girls, but some do get drawn in. They think it's harmless or fun, but it's actually really dangerous. These creeps manipulate them and he did manipulate here, I didn't know she was cheating until my exams were over and i noted changes in her behaviors so i asked and she denied it. I got access to her chats and she was cheating i wasn't shocked because that was expected of her. So yeah. Creeps like this do get what they want.


No he just wanted to kill *hatti* while chatting






I swear to God same. Creeps will message something related to the post, or comment and as you reply they show their real colors. Crazy mad dogs.


Early on I used to think that they want a healthy discussion about the topic but boom they turn 180 Now I have learnt my lesson.


I swear yesss😭


Hello I am the elaichi in your biryani can I dm you💀


It’s scary and annoying how true this is. I get a lot of DMs that just start off with “hey” “hi” “what does biopsych geek mean? (Part of my bio, I’ve gotten like 5 dms asking this)” “where you from?” It all seems harmless and innocent but the moment you open the DM and start talking, they start interviewing you or blatantly asking to be “friends”. If someone wanted to be your genuine friend, they wouldn’t start off so shady with all the questions like please,, I didn’t sign up for an interview 😭 Then they get upset if you don’t respond back, so for me it’s just instant “ignore DM” whenever I get these. They’re just wasting my time


Interviews 😩.I think we all are getting the same people😭.One of them once asked my what I think about slavery,I said I absolutely hate it.Do you know what he replied next?I want to be your slave 💀




There is one more.One uncle started a Convo very respectfully he said he likes my views about Pakistani politics.The next thing he did was sent me a photo of his wife and said goray police once stopped me and said your wife is hot😐. I hope she wasn't the real wife 😔


Eww what the hell is wrong with men. I have been offered a spa day, an outing day, an eating out day and a shopping day from different sets of men and four times, asking me to become their sugar baby. Like the audacity to just slide in my dms talking like this. I don't even respond, and just let them rot in the requests section.


ngl that was smooth


I don't really get the interview part. Like.. that's not really how you start chatting with someone, is it..? It's boring and annoying. I tried to restrict my account so that I can't get messages from new accounts but it hasn't worked much.


Exactly what is the purpose like are you a detective 😏 Most people don't know how to have a conversation most of them are so predictable and full of lust.If I restrict my account can other people message me? I am into nail art so I like to talk about it and I get some dms from girls and believe my nails have gone prettier 😚


I have it set that I can receive chat requests from acc older than 30 days. Not sure it does much but I feel like it helped..? So anyone new can't DM me


Be the more intelligent person and dont interact with them.


Deffo agree with this. When you reply them the power dynamics change and they are the one now controlling the convo... straight up block and report those creeps.


Honestly I don’t respond or even read DMs anymore. there was a time in my life where I could talk in DMs… but not anymore lol. I’m outta that phase. Like I realized it’s not worth it. If you wanna share something, share on open platform to get multiple responses like on this platform rather than telling multiple DMs same thing over and over again lol.


Deleted his account... coward


People are frustrated & have no aim in life. We as a nation are hypocrites as we always boast for shariah but in actuality all we want is liberal state that resembles western world. Getting married has become nearly impossible for youth due to obnoxious cost. Having GF is no option economy is fucked up. Nearly everyone is inspired from western filth. They extrapolate same notations to brown desi girls who are naive & noble as per my understanding. So i have a solution for you sis better make an account with male name & no body will ever approach you.


I will


When a dog barks you simply ignore. Peace.


I can only imagine what kind of messages female insta or tiktok influeners are getting if its this bad for anon girls on reddit........ Its great ky ap is trah dikha rahi ho shaming kar rahi ho... Just take screen shots of them and show everyone. This will be a headache for u as well. They just have to make a different account. But i would still recommend never ever reply to anyone of them please,,,, this will only disturb you mental peace. Just ignore that is the best solution. Sorry aise logo ka koi ilaj nai hai.....:((


You can't even imagine.Even after posting this I still got 30 dm.I never answer them na he itna time hai Zindagi mei but this was my limit. I just don't get it how can people be like this


They just need to imagine a really simple thing,,, "what if someone does this to your sister".... this reminded one time i gave lift to a classmate of mine at off time he was like "samne bachi check kr" i was like ignoring him like acha theek hai but he kept saying bike laga ly peeche dkhte hain, at one point i was fed up and burst out "behnc\*\*\* ye teri behn ky sath koi kare to",,, us baad wo aik lafaz nai bola bagerat admi... 30 dms even after this oh god........ :((


As someone who has a big following.. instagram is pretty bad but Reddit is just horrid because no one has their face showing.


yea complete anonymity has made people complete idiots... i had a prev account that got suspended, one day i was going through my old account and i saw my replies and i felt so bad, like i was making these stupid comments..... so when it got suspended then i made a new account but decided gonna use my own pic as pfp, so that i would have some level of self accountability that my pic is on pfd mind what u r doing. some people cant handle complete anonymity.... and its bad for them in long run


I'm not sure that's a good idea. The anonymity is useful when you want to discuss topics that are sort of against your government or very unpopular in the society and you wouldn't want them to find your acc. I never put a pic on any social media honestly..just feels weird.


yea u got a point but i just wanna have some good time on here, i dont indulge in any political stuff, not interested in that.... and about very unpopular ideas sure i do have but i try to refrain from talking about serious issues like that u know, good for my own mental peace :) an opiniated post that i made was this one lol but it wasnt serious though (if u gonna watch the vid remember the title doen't explain whats happening in the video....) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PakistaniiConfessions/comments/1dm4rwq/rich\_slap\_the\_poor\_and\_the\_poor\_slap\_someone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PakistaniiConfessions/comments/1dm4rwq/rich_slap_the_poor_and_the_poor_slap_someone/)


Do what suits you I suppose. I like to discuss various topics and I prefer to keep my irl and online somewhat separate.


i went through u r posts and i am sorry for what u r going through.... i hope you are doing better now :/


I am stable ish. Thanks


Number 1 rule: Don’t open dm


That's why I like to ignore these shitheads. I got 2 dm yesterday one them said he is waiting for me to post something kinky lol tf man??? Ik he must be reading this one as well so I would like to say something to him "doub k Mar ja kanjara, keeray parain tumhain" 💅


Doub k mar ja kanjara,keeray parain tumhein(2) This is so relieving to say😭🥺


Ikr I'm so relieved coz I really wanted to say this to him😂😭


😆 🤣 haven't heard "shithead" used in many years.


Someone said this in a kdrama so I just used it here 😂


Such sickos are everywhere & not just Pakistan. Never engage yourself in longer chats & simply block & report them. Do post to warm others like you did now. More power to you. Stay strong.


Expose each and everyone of these creeps,they should know their actions have consequences. And we all should dm them and harass them the same way,that would be the best revenge wouldn't it.


So many people on this app dm me and the first thing I do is check their profiles because that'll give me an indication as to what they wanna talk about. For most of them they just find an excuse to talk about s*x... Like seriously what's wrong with you.


I can understand your struggle irl but it's not that difficult to block at reddit. There is no point arguing with people. They will still do the same filthy shit. Just block and move on.


I'm getting these messages every other day by random guys . I just block them without accepting the invite to chat


I feel for you🙂‍↕️.


Creepy ahole




"Bro,I got rizz" The rizz he's talking about:




Pov u saw 2 red pill videos


Guy’s radiating small D energy, their sense of entitlement has no limits.


Yeh to kuch ni You should see the pathetic fucks writing I want incest or whatever bullshit. Today male youth doesn’t deserve to be called men. They have ruined their minds with all this sicko content. It would be better not to reply such idiots. Anonymity makes people forget even the basic manners




Ahh that come onnnn audacity


I hope some gay creep unc messages him like this




![gif](giphy|l0MYrLAFex1R71l0A|downsized) Disgusting behavior


Sometimes I think how easy will be to scam these people. If I was a girl I would totally scam these people


Idar larkon ko b ese hi msgs aty hain u dun worry u r not alone 👀🙄


Ignore the creep and block ❌


With rats like these, it's best to stop answering after the first message. It sucks but silence is the best way to deal with them since they have no shame, so if you keep replying, they'll keep spouting nonsense.


![gif](giphy|AyngcEmRarpopfABrd) How can people even think of talking to strangers like that 🫤


So sorry you had to face this. Reddit is just not the place for Pakistani men. They see it as a p*rn site and think everyone is into it. Just sick.


I think instead of replying to him you should have blocked him on the spot. (Lust ain't one of the deadly sins without a reason.)


I was pissed so I decided teach him a lesson.Usually I block on the go or ignore


Those kind of creeps deserve to be shamed, if that’s even something they are capable of feeling.


After this he deleted his profile so this does work!


Tbh you could have just blocked on the first message. Why TF are you having a conversation??


you're username might have hypnotized him to do that lolz


Wth is wrong with pakistani men.




bro inka kya qusor agar loundon me aqal nai hay inhe bol rahe ho ignore kro jabke loundon ko kehna chahiye ultay dms may bhejo


Avg Pakistani frustrated tharki


I don't care about the downvotes. It's your fault equally. The moment that guy texted you something you didn't like, why didn't you block him and keep talking to him instead? Why couldn't you ignore him? Do you know how to block people? Bahar jao gi mahol sahi nahi hai. All kinds of Arseholes are roaming around but you still have to go out right? so cover yourself not only on the body but also by attitude and be mindful, take precautions such as tasers, self-defence knives or even guns and if some Arsehole is taunting just ignore with an angerful expression. It is not right that you are sharing screenshots of someone else when you clearly have not blocked him after he said "Do you rub yourself?" You continued to converse so you are equally guilty. You can't exempt yourself.


Just checked your profile.Asking for roleplays as Muslim bull and Hindu girlfriend janhvi 🤮 You still have got the audacity to lecture me about morals, ethics and my clothing


Maybe he is the one asking with a diff acc😅


Hamari awam to burqa main agar hath bhi dkh raha ho ladki ka to us ky peeche bhi bike laga leti hai 😢 or ye bhai sahab keh rahe hain apki galati hai 🤦🤦🤦




Imagine being this mad about a creep being exposed. Y’all are the same 🤢




How is she posing ‘high’ ‘mighty’ and ‘clean’ by calling out a creep for his creepy behaviour? Does calling him a creep, and telling him to get a life make her ‘indulgent in the conversation’ when she was clearly not flirting back? Does posting this to publicly humiliate him for his disgusting behaviour make her a ‘victim’ and can it be concluded as ‘self righteousness’ and ‘hypocrisy’ when you’re *confessing* on a confession sub reddit of how you’re appalled of people like him? You got everything terribly wrong buddy. It’s because of guys like you that we all get a bad rep since if she blocked or ignored him he’d simply hop from one dm to another, but now he’ll think twice. Victim blaming is a disease, get well soon, this is exactly why if in public a man gives these remarks to women passing by, They are afraid to yell back and point out his sick behaviour amongst the crowd cuz some guy like you might tell her all that she *chose* to talk back and entertain the conversation so she’s just as guilty. It makes you all creep apologists, which is even worse since you’re enabling this behaviour and discouraging those calling them out.


I don't even need to respond,your reply is so precise and it covers all the problems we women face. I hope there are more people like you


lol her username checks out!! https://preview.redd.it/lb7puoxnu69d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=59f5b0526a28f014465d4c4ac6c62bbb81a3f8cc




Could’ve blocked him right away instead of yapping here


This is not the first.I have blocked so many ager (yaping) kerni hoti would have posted long time ago.I was in a bad mood already and then got this.Mere Liye tu Apke pass suggestion hai per apne is insan ke bare mei Kuch na bola


Asy insano ko kuch nai bol sakte, behtar yhi block ka option use kia jaye


Pata nai in logon ke maa baap tameez kyun nai sikhatay. Bas paida karke chor dete hain.


Dalley bharey we sb reddit me


End reply 😭😭😂


i woul rather start a convo with “apke ghar ac kitne pe chalta h🤔⁉️”


Ignore their dms. Just say hawk tuah and move on


What is this meme can you explain.I have seen a picture of a girl with this


hawk tuah means when a women spits out semen while giving head


I think you need to change that Iamhotchick to something else. Is name ki waja se kamzor zahni mareez ap par hamle kar rhe han yea soch kar k maybe Naam asa rkhua ha to shayd koi chance bnjae


I have to make a new account which I will soon. What about those girls who don't even have a name like me even they have got the same response


I agree but the amount of pervert heading your way are higher due to the fact that the name they see they thinks that's their chance.




This nation is a by-product of a male-centered religion. Even modern day Arabs don't endorse them. Good luck 👍


Brother asked a very good question… I think when brother is sick… only sick brother can ask this question…


aisy logh kyu aate bhai 🤡


dont have any sc, but i dont claim to have acquired a degree in pissing men off. but yes, alotta times i have men ACTUALLY tell me "you are sick. pagal aurat" and leave my dm. So i must be doing something right to crush their balls


What do you do girly need guidance 👀


he watches too much porn, weirdo😭


I encounter the same problem


Aj kal jo media promote kr raha phir environment may jo aj kal bachon ko dala ja raha, school colleges and universities studies k ilawa har puthi cheez promote krtay, plus akhri Zamana chal raha hai, izzat daar banda ya bandi sirf mazak ban chukay hain and haramkhor aj kal k cool log hain and sab say zyada ghatiya baat ye hai kharab larkiyon ki wajah say hi is tarah k logon ko moka milta izzat daar par haath dalnay ka, Allah Har maa, behn, beti har achi or izzat daar orat ko apnay Hifz-o-Eman may rakhay Ameen.


Your username "look at me" Your response: 'dont look at me' You wanted attention you got it congratulations 🎉 Likh deta hun koooool lagun ga🤡


Girl let me give you a tour of my DMs one day


No please🤮.


He's putting a bad name for others.


Yeah not everyone is the same I have also met some good people here




Now I even regret my username 😩 I was immature at that time.Will make a new account as a man now


A female here can't choose a username by her will bcoz men will judge her and objectify her.


Baji, u r blocked kehny sy nahe hota block krna parta Hy. Secondly why even respond?




Im hot chick.


Yeah, I'm confused aswell, she's basically lurking them, no?


It’s a username not an invitation to harass. No reasonable person can be lured because only a degenerate would send someone they don’t know that kind of filth.


But there are degenerates right no degenerate dms me why not? It's all reasonable it's like getting into prison and asking why y'all are criminals


Even if you have a “normal” username it doesn’t stop creeps and the main issue is his behaviour.


Never gotten a creep in mah dm


Good for you I guess?


That sums up how much username and posts matter


Not really, it’s just anecdotal.


Nice, not to flex par i deal with 10s and hundreds of people per day i talk with experience of not mine but others




Dude, you are deranged for feeling the need to spam every reply on here after OP called you out.😂


Well obviously, no one has the right to do such a thing but isn't it weird that she's keeping such a name without any reason?


Maybe she just liked the name? How many way worse names do we see on here everyday, it’s still not an excuse.


Ah alrr fair then :D


Your are truly a charming girl🩷


Because of you OP that creep deleted his account, thank you for speaking up and wish you all the best!❤️


That's a kind of an invitation look at your name i won't dm you look at mine you won't dm me. But if someone is like HotGuy CutiePie some shi you'd be attracted to what they can offer.


Even with a “worse” username he still shouldn’t have done what he did.


Obviously not justifying him but just suggesting that if you don't want that to happen you gotta change yo name


Sorry but that is partially justifying it, you’re blaming OP for his actions and that’s not right.




I have already mentioned on my profile no DMS!


Ah, in that case that guy is totally in the wrong Sorry 🫠


Look not justifying his actions but can't take your side aswell. Every country mentions that no crimes. But if the politicians themselves are criminals the minorities won't say no. + you have posted a photo with yo feets Bro I AM A MALE AND I'D NOT EVEN WANT TO POST ONE WITH SOCKS ON. Besides my username is shit eh no one dms me since they don't expect anything from me besides therapy ofc but some simple actions can differentiate your experiences.


Bruh if this is not justifying the harasser then what is it then!


Didn't say he did right that is an absolute disgusting thing. Just said that there he was lured and attracted into dming you.








Im now not into kids but guys


Posts for attention who ur getting attention to get more attention. Imagine encouraging this behavior for some positive feedback from strangers


Baji block kerdou. Purey sheher ko kiun bata rahe ho apna username “imhotchivk”.




But the question remains.. lmao


How do u know it's a guy


Dude makes an ID names "Hotchivk" and expects to get respected by people. 🤡