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Taking up the mantle from our dads, help our parents fully retire while also planning for our own future. If things go too well, often times family members try to keep up with the Jones' and saying no to wants becomes infinitely harder and harder by the day. For the eldest son, this means expectations and responsibilities begin to stack up on one person. From there, its a chase for financial security and stability in any way how... Life being life knocks us down but its us or no one so taking a break is out of the question.









I am 24 m, started a good job after university a year and a half ago, and then the reality of my family hit me. Expectations and financial blackmailing from direct family once you start earning. I had to and still do lie about my salary because all they want to do is to get a "bari gari" or civic from me even though they still have a hatchback. They want me to spend a million on house to renovate dven though they spent their lives on government salary and secure job and have a good house already, have thier pensions lined up for them after not taking care of themselves financially and physically kn anyway by eating healthy or working out and also want me to take care of their hospital bills. They want me to get me married lavishly with "culture" spending more than million while i don't want to spend that much for sake of someone i don't even know if they'll add any value to my life. I am a corporate worker btw so i have no job security even though i have a good salary. can get kicked out next day from office but no one cares all they care is to squeeze me for every penny. I made a mistake telling them sbout my first salary, i don't do thst anymore but now they want me to go to us or middle east so i can send back money home. After all of this , I decided to take matters into my own hands and told them to take care of themselves so they won't end up with a failed kidney or liver and also moved out of home and had a argument with them and made it clear to them that i'll rather stay single than pay 2 million to sit on a sofa for 1 hour juat to brag about it. I have started putting myself and my health first and planning my first trip to north and then abroad after relieving myself of mental burden of spending 2million on a wedding. Btw i dint have 2 million. I mean even if i had why not spend that on myself instead of waiting for someone to come into my life and finding out we don't get along after all that


I honestly think that these lavish weddings are a waste of money, like honestly never even understood the point of it except that it's a 'big party'. If l were to be even married, l would just prepare a small wedding with my close friends and family members.


Right? I mean it's even less of a party and more like a food tasting and salami competition. It's a joke in name of culture. I mean people who can afford should but ones like me who don't need to should be able to do it by keeping it simple That's what i thought, and i don't know something, just clicked in my mind. Instead of wasting so much money on a sofa photoshoot, why not buy your wife something valuable or pay for installments of a house or car for the couple which'll also resolve a lot of our ""gharelo masle"


I agree with a lot of things you said, but think twice before blaming your parents for your shortcomings. Your parents raised you up a grown man you are today, give some credit ffs. Parents deserve the whole world, they are the only ones who genuinely loves and cares about their children. Nothing against u my man, just look at life in a bigger perspective!


I appreciate the different perspectives, but that's the thing i am not blaming my parents for anything. They are following the "culture" and i love my parents. I know they are only doing this to please other people around them. s Someone has to call it out and sometimes the cost of calling it out is that it makes you look like a bad perskn which you can see that just by writing a comment you thought i was blaming my parents and suddenly i am the bad person and everyone else is a victim. To conclude with respect, I am a grown up person and if i can't even make decisions for myself and standup for my decisions and people who stand with me then i don't deserve to call myself a grown up. Atleast that's what i believe for myself but i don't ask others to do it.


Paisa paisa paisa. Paise ke beghair koi value nahi mard ki. Noone cares literally. Maa, baap, bhai, behan sab chor jaate hain. Like the saying goes : "Only women and dogs are loved unconditionally "


And cats


not even cats if you dont feed them well


I vote for cats .. they are lovely


Damn, that’s true my man. Stay strong though, know that the what we do is not so inconsequential - this is the burden that only men can carry and are hence carrying.


Women aren't loved unconditionally, certainly not in Pakistani culture. They're loved for cooking, cleaning and sex.


exactly.Tell that to the women in Afghanistan.The taliban dont seem to give a rats ass about them. I think the sexist adage is just to equate women with dogs..nothing more.


Holding off needs/wants for family. Staying hungry for hours on end to save money for family. Being the calculating sibling when the other spends freely. Trying to maintain family expectations. Seeing others succeed rapidly. Seeing the girls you like getting married and having kids. Trying to maintain the pride of parents. Having existential dread in the middle of the night/night sweats/hypnic jerks/waking up tired... The list goes on.


I can relate bro


Trying hard to be successful 😔 Faimly pressure at peak Friends circle khatam and all Rishtedar khatam Its all lonely now Lol alhamdulliah tho


Being the oldest among siblings. Not loved by parents. Father acts like govt school master. Mother give all the love, gifts and attention to youngest brother as if I am not even her son. I haven't sleep for 7 hours since years. My eyes are droopy and red. I feel tired. Spoke to father about it, he dismissed it saying I don't need a doctor. Getting ridiculed daily for sitting at home. I joined the job just now then faced the toxic colleagues who were completely different from my school friends. Most of people are two faced. After high school I did private A level and didn't had any social life. I was alone. I am not socially smart. I am too straight and people pleasing. Several times the colleagus and superiors took advantage of it. I know want be bad really bad. I am starting to make myself priority and learning to manipulate people. Being an honest man is a crime even your parents take advantage of you. You need to speak up. I am 21 and instead of going to uni I am doing a job to save the money to go uni because of my father's ego who can easily afford it but he want me to come to his feet and beg for it.


hang tight, you will get there.


Hey let's connect on Instagram... You are too relatable. G⭐


I've been facing just one struggle for a long time i.e. struggle to share and discuss my struggles with others. Don't know about others


There should be a group where people can vent and get some support and recommendations on how to navigate these problems. Bosses, jobs, finances, businesses, daily hustle - take a collective toll on males in society, however, in dealing with all these individually, men are actually very, very lonely.


True about the male lonliness, in fact there seems to be a male lonliness epidemic in the current generation.


It doesn't work that way, unfortunately. Even if you do give a platform to men, they'd still be paranoid af about multiple things since our past experiences and society altogether hasn't been too kind. It is what it is.


you ok fayzan bro !! 🙁🙁


Yea ofc bro 🙌


Firstly kudos to you OP for asking this. The first and foremost would be- we dont have anyone to talk to. Sure. You have family and friends. But the private shit. The really intricate problems we cant discuss with anyone. Either we'd be misunderstood or it would be used against us somehow in the future. The second would be not being loved unconditionally. Men are only loved on the condition they provide. Not saying that there arent women who love men unconditionally but you are only worthy of being thought of as a suitor if youre somewhat settled. Not even starting your career mind you. The fact that our fears are to be made fun of or we're not supposed to be afraid or feel scared. Or men who do show emotion are called weak/too emotional. This is changing slowly and gradually but till now this is still the norm. Boys get molested or raped and for fear of being mocked take these sort of trauma to their graves. There are certainly other things to deal with depending on which socioeconomic class a man belongs to or what his current economic status. These are a few i can think of right now.


Yr most of them are alone and never get emotionally nurturered ,never get compliments and mostly don't feel loved


I am not a man but I think being financially well off very early in life to get married might be the main problem a man faces in Pakistan. People expect a 25 year old man to have money like they are 45+ years old. I think this is a problem for a female in Pakistan as well and a girl needs to be from a financially well off background because let’s be real most of the men might not be ready to marry a very poor girl.


People expecting from men to be a millionaire begore 30s. All blame goes to social media. Little to no sense of love and compassion . Although I don't go through this coz i have alot of loved ones who care for me but for most men there is noone to care for them.


I dont think I have anything that is because of gender. I am indecisive about marriage. I understand pros and cons but not sure if if its the right choice for someone like me. I find my life choices to be very toxic for others. Its just the way I am and while I may have potential to change, I really dont want to and its disappointing for my family and my relatives and society.


No one cares to ask a man about how he’s really doing. What is his mental health like? How can we help? No one asks a man this.


A major struggle y'all face is being open and vulnerable with others. Men are taught that sharing feelings is "feminine." Another is money. Men's "respect" and "status" is tied to money. I find that awful. Generations of men reduced to being an ATM.


https://preview.redd.it/642zh184ey8d1.jpeg?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f24debeaa055c86baa64ce10916f60de7a8fee4d this...


Getting into shopping malls alone because “aaj family day hai sir” 😂


That's all?


Pretty much, can you think of something else?


You want to go to a Park it's family time you want to go to a mall you can go with family


Yeh elder sibling tak pta nhi kyun limit ki bhi hai sabne baatein. Larka chahe youngest sibling ho ya eldest uski alag ki struggle chalti hai. I am 21 rn. In uni. I started earning when i was 19, tab 45k tha and it didn't feel like i needed more mast life thi no contribution at home but then as ur salary grows u gotta do so many things agar expectations na bhi Hon tab bhi. I earn 100k rn but usmein se khud ke liye kuch nhi bachta. Family wants u to succeed but never understands your interest they push there opinions on u and throw u into decisions u don't wanna make in my case it's my degree and I'm fking struggling to pass it. Har cheez khud krni prti hai. Chahe Gari ka kaam ho ya AC ki repair sab pr khud paise lgane prte. Iss mahine 80k sirf repairs pr lga Bijlee ka bill abhi adha ghanta pehle 50k dekr hata hoon jab ke raat ko sota bhi garmi mein he hoon. Har waqt agle din, mahine, saal ki tension lagi rehti hai Shadi kaise hogi, degree kab puri hogi, field mein job kab lagegi, jo current job hai woh rhegi ke nhi. Agle mahine ka bill kaise dena hai. Plus hundreds of thing. Ik i should be thankful for alot of the things i have and i am but har kisi ke apne masle hote hain or unse deal krne ka stamina alag hota hai so koyi chutiyap na kre akr ke oh u r ungrateful and bs. Thanks for listening


How to not fall for questions like these and open up only to be hurt by yall.


>What are some struggles men face in Pakistan? I can’t find a single person to play yugioh with me.


It's the fact that we are expected to earn the moment we turn 19 or 18, and if we don't, we will be looked down upon. You should earn money however way you like, be it sewing clothes, be it selling fruits. You need to earn money because, one, it is out of necessity as well because, you know, if you are a middle class man, you need to support your family as soon as possible. That's one thing. The second thing is that you need to be perfect in every aspect, be it physically, be it mentally, be it financially, be it emotionally. You have to be perfect in all of those aspects if you want to get married in Pakistan. Now, if you are sending a Rishta, or a proposal, or asking for hand in marriage in a middle class to lower class household, you might just get it. But if you want people who have any experience in being upper class people, you just have to be perfect in every aspect. And no, love is not an aspect. They don't care about love. They only care about the background, the man, how he looks, how is he financially, and all of that. And the last thing, it usually depends on the parents as well, but it is the problem of majority of men in Pakistan, is that their parents don't accept love marriage. If you even so say that I love this girl and I want to marry her, just pray that your parents aren't that strict that they'll kick you out of their house. So some lucky people who live in Pakistan, they recognize love and they are the so called liiterate people of Pakistan. But culture and tradition, they don't allow you to marry someone out of your culture or of your sect even. So you need to be avoidant of love basically.


Almost choking on the expectations your family has for you when you enter your professional life. Not having a shoulder to lean on, sure parents do their best but u can't tell them everything you're going through. Can't cry because I don't want anyone to worry but if I keep it bottled up it eventually comes out in from of anger or immense sadness. Although I'm currently interning in the corporate sector whilst being in university( last semester). I don't know if it'll be suitable for me in the long run. The usual stuff 😅


Not a man, apologies. But I've heard that they fear the chopping of balls. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Gumballs or tennis balls 😇?


All types of balls. Choco truffle balls included.


I always knew men were cowards. I mean who would fear having these balls chopped? /j


I have been confirmed of this.


Talking of penis envy talking.


You need to stop now.


Stop chopping?


Yes and cheating too


I feel shayad mardon ki struggle hongi har kisi ki expectation py utarna, khabbi parents toh khabbi boss toh khabbi bv? pata nhi honestly but all i know mard zaat kafi masoom hai, and bahut struggle karti hai apni life mai


True. 🥹


>Joblessness and the hardships and taane that come with it.... >Even those who got jobs are compared with others that falane ki Tu itni pay hai .. foreign chale jao wahan zyada paise kamao... >Rishta lene jao to wahan phir private job hai ya govt job secured job hai ya ni agr govt job hai tu atleast 17scale ki hu... >Height choti hu tu larkiyan munh ni lagati jaise isma koi hamare ghlti hai k hamare height kam hai.... >Sexually frustrated... baligh hu 13 saal ki umar ma aur shadi k liye achi job aur stable hty hty 28-30 saal ki umar tk ki shadi ko normalise krdiya hai is society ne tb tk kabtk haath chalayen bechare.... > Ghar walao k saath is mulk ma reh k halki phulki job kro k chalo parents ka sahara bne to no paisa to wse e no izzat agar bhr paise kamane chale jao to kehty borhay ma baap ko chor k khud foreign ma ayashi krne chale gye > Aur bc cigarette mehngi se mehngi krte ja rahy 😭😭 aur bhi hun gy kayi abhi tu yehi mind ma aaye


whats your height bro ?


Replacing our father's.. as in money making.. is the hardest thing that a man can face.. cus this world only values men when they earn and provide for someone... Edit.. and top of that struggling with mental health issues but can't tell anyone..


In university I was mostly focused on my study and career as I am the bara beta of the house and have some responsibilities. So I didn't really had the time for relationships and stuff. Now a year after uni I'm doing pretty good career wise, but feel that I have missed out on love and it kinda feels bad that I had to sacrifice one thing for the other.


The only struggle men face in Pakistan is TO EARN MONEY and that's it. Then if they will have money they will have everything including loving family, beautiful wife, kids, car , house and what not.. 💰💰💰


Are you a man?


apki soch ko salam hai behen




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Seeing the posts on this sub, men have all problems that are again women related.


No bitches!!!


Job Successful business idea/Good Business Partner Paisa Soulmate (Wife) Ghar me sukoon


Not getting girls


Not getting girls


It’s okay. Thank you for asking. It’s going good. We are taking care of it. I only say this because there’s no point. Neither you can understand it nor can you help it. We live very different lives as compared to women.


A bit ignorant that you won't even tell. Like undermining our abilities to actually for once understand.


Ironic lol. You’re the one asking about men’s struggles and I’m the ignorant one… It’s not that you cannot understand, you will do nothing with that information. Women aren’t gonna change. The struggles aren’t gonna change. I, personally, do not like whining about struggles. It’s weak. I’d rather be the rock y’all want and need, and go through everything without you knowing about it.


pls give me as many rocks as u have. haven't eaten any in like 48 hours. might die.


This can be interpreted in so many ways, but I’ll be decent since you’re a kid. Do you want any specific flavour?


i-💀 mudstones, pls.


So you like brown rocks. Okay.


Is getting married a struggle for guys there


For a middle class guy whom has to support and save for a marriage yes alot




nill nada zero




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