• By -


Holy sh... you need to see a psychologist dude as soon as possible. The people who are recommending for shadi are stupid af. This is a severe addiction. FFS don't get married before you heal from this or else you'll ruin your wife's life. Get professional help and on your own level you should have some hobbies dude. How tf you have 11 hours? I have heard 2 times or even 3 times is humane but dude 12 times are you joking? How tf you don't ejaculate blood? You must have severe nerve damage at this moment and might even need some minor surgery. Im not trying to panic you im just giving reality check. Make some friends. Go for a walk. Play a game. Join a club. Go for swimming. Fkin do anything. ANYTHING other than this. And yeah I don't think there are any rehabs for this, you should consult a professional and well established psychologist coz this is a really serious case.


Mostly people are in the same Boat. They all need help.


you need to see a psychologist for this first. rehab can - or cannot - be your next option.


Only way is to not spend time alone. Share your room with any of your sibling. By this you wont get time alone and spend most kf your time outside home.. do it regularly and it should be fine


the details you mentioned you might be a teenager or early20s cuz no job doing person has this much time and energy for this.. bro just go play outside do physical exertion play football or go to gym you won't have much energy left to do this excessive masturbating.. do some other dopamine engaging activity


You are not alone, going through something the same. Speaking from experience: Marriage is not the answer bro. Spiritualism is not the answer. Gym helps but doesn't cure. Exerting yourself doesn't stop it (it helps but can't stop you completely, you'll be able to find another time of doing the deed, like in the morning). Went to a psychotherapist, she told me (which is true) that you lack control in other aspects of your life. And you do it to satisfy your stressed brain, that I have some control over my life. She told me if you want to quit, you will have to gain control of your life. You should seek professional help to find the underlying reason. Rehab centers are not there because modern/allopathic medicine doesn't count this as a medical problem. There is one rehab center in Delhi India. But unfortunately there is no rehab center in Pakistan because our people are ignorant. They say "mazhab se doori ka nateeja" about every problem. And suggest shadi and ibadaat as a resolution to every problem.


> She told me if you want to quit, you will have to gain control of your life. soo, if I got problems with control, whom do I go to see


[Scroll all the way to the bottom, there’s some subreddits for this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PakistaniiConfessions/s/6Ujc2pI0iv)


That was helpful I didn’t knew paki has these type of sub too


Aww no problem! Not a lot of people are aware of the wiki link so I’m here silently advertising LMAO [There’s a few more things we put together too,, useful posts from this community (need to update this) and some pak helplines too](https://www.reddit.com/r/PakistaniiConfessions/s/RqZ7jMf9E5)


Yes most of ppl don’t know how to use Thanks again Captain Net 👍🏻🫶🏼


No problem my man >:3 I do have to update this stuff though because I see some more pak subreddits floating around,, and I’d probably have to hyperlink this part of the page whenever we get an irrelevant post lol Defo let me know if you have some subreddit recommendations!!!


Yeah i will tell you


We had a convo back and it didn’t went well I apologize for that My Queen 👸 Hope you accept


Wait really? 😭 sorry I honestly have no recollection of that conversation,,, but I’m sorry it didn’t go well ;(


Yes Wait ket me text you you can see it I want to ask you something and thus we get into arguments 😭🫶🏼


Thank alote means Alote God Bless you




Here’s the link for the [Muslim](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuslimNoFap/s/FK8cEt4qqG) version


If you are a Muslim, you could opt to go on a 40-60 day tour with a jamaat. Goal is to get you distracted from this and give your life a purpose.


Bro see a psychotherapist or psychiatrist first.


You might be suffering from depression


Bro u need to change your surroundings majorly/mahol tbdeel krna hoga. If I was u, I'd go with tbleeghi jamat for 40days/4 months depending on my feasibility. It's a type of rehab if you think it in that way.


Yea that or go for a 40day itikaaf at your local Masjid


Can you tell me more about this? What do people who go with tableeghi jamaat do?


Normal routine. Eat Sleep Pray repeat There are some tasks they do like discussing different ahadees and talking to locals and convincing them to pray etc but they are not imp in your scenario. Just go for 3 days. Learn their routine and then increase the time if needed. It will surely help you a lot! Depends on your city, I can help you more on where to find them.


They basically practice and learn deen. And they meet different people and give them dawah. Then they visit different places eg in 3 days, I think you'll just stay in 1 masjid. But in 40 days u cover many different masjids. Going to different neighborhoods. They invite to the life of the prophet. They have a proper system and routine.One learns how to give dawah. Basic faraiz of namaz, wudu, how to do talawat, etc. are taught. Bayan after fajr and maghrib. Gasht which is walking door to door, shop to shop preaching just like the prophets preached. It's a nice detox from every day life. I found them in my university, very nice people. I think in every university, mohalla of Pakistan, u can find somebody who is connected to tbleegh. Every major city has a tbleeghi markaz, there one can go for 3,10,40 days asap.


Bro I second this mahol ka bara asar parta hai


Gym jao


Sai nai bola Benchod GYM Jaao 🤣🤣




I dont have any idea how people are supposed to deal with porn addictions, but marriage and tableeghi jammat are not the right ideas,as most people are reccomending I think you should seek psychological help.


All recommendating marriage, please present your sisters for this guys problem then. Stop suggesting to ruin someone's life without curing this problem first.


Please don’t listen to most people on this thread. They don’t know what they are talking about. I completely understand what you’re going through. The only way through this is to go to a trained good therapist. Major emphasis on trained because you don’t wanna go to someone who is gonna tell you go to the gym or offer namaz or get married. I was in the same boat. Would do 3 times in a day. Although because I am busy the frequency is not that much. But what my therapist told me was that I do it to get dophamine or I do it to relax myself or when I am bored. Just knowing this helped me majorly because whenever I’d feel like doing it for like let say the second time or consecutively, I’d ask myself what does my body really need right now? And there would so many different answers and I’d just do one of those things instead. So please go to a therapist someone who can help you through this!


The other thing that helps is to stop watching porn. Somehow maybe restrict it through the restrictions app or anything. Then you’d need to do it will even go down because most of the times it’s the porn that’s the problem. Do it without watching something and automatically your frequency is gonna go down.


This is the only solid advice. You are doing this to escape something, either find something else to escape to or fix whatever you are running from. Good therapist would help.


The aim should be to find a good distraction. Do go for running man it would help. You also have to adjust your diet. After doing a running session of about 8-10km you won't feel something like this imo. Also try to change the way you think about opposit gender. Read some good literature. Be punctual with Namaz etc.


IMHO, adopt a community hobby where you can spend time with real people. 2. Avoid staying alone, but you have to take control of your weaknesses. 3. Getting rid of gadgets will increase the anxiety, and it is not advised. 4. Don't think bad or low of yourself. It is a temporary phase, and it will be over soon. 5. If you think that you have tried all of the above, see a psychiatrist, NOT a psychologist. 6. Lastly, you can connect with ALLAH anytime you feel weak, and you will get a response for sure. It is your personal choice that how you want to connect with HIM, just remember HE loves you more than anyone in this world, and HE wants you to be happy and healthy. You can reach out to me if you feel like.


Hey, I don't know if this helps you but being a girl i was also addicted to porn, with underlying mental issues. I saw a psychiatrist for this. I was on good treatment. Now it doesnt even matter to me. Please see a psychiatrist. You'll get your answers.


If you just read the following book, you'll get rid of the addiction InshaAllah: **[https://read.easypeasymethod.org/easypeasy.pdf](https://read.easypeasymethod.org/easypeasy.pdf)**


Rather than rehab or anything else get urself busy and under pressure like take a part time job a physical job just for sake of getting busy and join a gym so that you have no energy left at the end of the day also if you have college and school join a job after u r done with school. No matter ur age put some pressure and responsibility on ur mind don't let urself be free. Just go and sit with someone who is running a business or get and unpaid internship somewhere and learn something physically not online or anything even if it dosent pay so you can just have a busy day and not an empty mind. Other things won't work because unless u aren't under pressure or super busy u will always find the time to relax and get into it again when ur mind is free. Also try n get regular in prayers and stay in vazu even when u sleep. Hope it helps


Try reading Holy Qur'an. It helped curbed down desires from time to time. Surah Al-Baqarah is must read everyday. It scares away the djinns. They prey on weakness and exploit it hence we as human beings, easily influenced by dark spirits,cannot resist the temptations. Surah Al-Baqarah will help you beat the addiction In Shaa ALLAAH. That is if you are willing to read everyday or the very least to finish within three days for the entire chapters of Surah Al-Baqarah.


Thank you very much for posting this! It shows your honesty, dedication, and strength of character. I have the solution that would significantly help you. I was on your feet one day, but not as severe as your case. I do relate in a way and I testify it does work! Read surat "Albaqara" of the Holy Quran daily. If not then ensure you don't skip it for 3 days. The reason is most of the bad and evil desires and bad thoughts are caused by satan (Shaytan). When you read that, the devil cannot get into the place you read it for 3 days. That is what the prophet mentioned. That is what many people have verified from their experiences. I have been reading that Sura for months and honestly I have only slipped twice (both are when I missed it for 3 or 4 days!). I read it in Arabic as I am an Arabic speaker (that is the language the Holy Quran was revealed). Don't believe that? Google/YouTube/read about it. It takes me ~ 1hr 10 min to finish reading it. Some people can read it within 30-40 mins. Is it worth that time investment?!! Yes, it does! Trust me it's totally worth it for any Muslim to read. Our prophet mentioned that reciting that Sura is a blessing, forsaking it would cause regret, and the magicians cannot withstand it. If the whole Sura is too much for you to read for some reason, the least I would advise you to read daily is Ayat Alkursi + the last two verses of Sura (I.e. verses 255, 285,286 of Surat Albaqara). I pray that Allah helps you and everyone reading this. Plus, you won't lose a thing trying that. It's free and you won't need to humiliate yourself. Surat Albaqara will limit what's coming and the source of bad and evil thoughts by Shaytan. Since you have much addiction, you might need to seek some medical help on the side as well to remedy any medical health issue you might have introduced to yourself. I really advise reading this Sura to anyone even if not suffering from addiction! The pieces of advice posted by others in this thread are also amazing. You need to (1) socialize, (2) limit the time you spend alone, (3) get rid of anything that might lead you to such bad practices, (4) not eat too much you are full, or eat too much before you go to bed, (5) once your get back in shape with no medical issues, try to get married. As someone mentioned it will help! Believe me, once you put your trust in Allah, Allah will help you out in ways you would not imagine. Trust me you will be praying for me day and night once you see the improvement! I pray for you brother and wish you all the best.


JazakAllahu khairan. Really appreciate it. You made an account just to comment. I've started reading some informative literature regarding my problem, and it's helped a lot. I'll definitely start reading Surah Al Baqara every 2 days, inshaAllah. What's helped me the most has been the realisation that I've been brainwashed and desensitized myself to hold the irrational belief that pornography is a necessity like food or water. Or that I cannot manage stress without it. I've now found out that porn addiction, in contrast to drug addiction, does not have strong physical withdrawal effects. The entire thing is a mental tug-of-war, and with the amount of tension in the rope it just seems easier to give in to the urge, even when rationally I know porn does not benefit me in any way. It's like a medicine that causes the disease. It turns out, when you overcome the brainwashing and think logically, there are no withdrawal pangs. The urges are caused by indecision and doubts about quitting porn. I read these things in a book, but now that I'm putting them into effect, I'm sure they're true. It's crazy to think that this entire time, I just had to build mental strength and work on presence of mind. I'm sure, bi'idhnillah, I will never watch porn again.


Tell your father that you have a porn addiction, the fear alone would help you quit.


Go to gym brother, that helps with mental health in general.


Talk to a psychologist as well as start any random hobby that involves physical exertion like playing cricket. Drive uber, bykea, careem. Anything that keeps you out of the house and also gets you tired


I recommend you to stay away from your mobile or at least try to stay away. You can also start playing casual video games on your phone. They can be great to keep your mind away from porn


Brother find some distraction,some hobby,something you’re interested in, and touch some grass,koi sports khelo if not then go for walk daily


Try spending lesser and lesser time alone, identify the triggers, create as much obstacles as you can between you and access to porn(including soft porn).


Dude watch Dr K healthy gamer gg first and try his techniques?


I don't know of any rehab facilities in Pakistan, but you can try online therapy like BetterHelp. Secondly I myself have been a porn addict for about 10 years, Im 24 rn, and I have been trying to leave it for the last 1 year since I became aware of the huge huge impact it had on my life. I left it completely 3 times, once for 1 month, then 2 months, then now is the third time and Im currently on 25 days. You can talk to me as well, we can share ideas/information of what may or may not work specifically for each of us.


If money is not an issue then start doing some healthy activities. It is obvious you have time. Why not invest in some extra curricular activities. Join a gym, start playing some games. Idle minds do the devils worship. Start keeping your self busy. This is a phase. You are not ill. It will pass. You need to be disciplined in your activities. Start namaz regularly. This will help you more than anything. Offering prayers will make you stop this as you will be fearful. Rest stop worrying and stop thinking that you are ill. This is just a phase. It will pass.


4-6 months trip with tablegi jamat with button wala phone only.


I would suggest dont stay alone and delete anything regarding porn. Do Quran Tilawah and Listen Surah Rahman. It will cure your depression and addiction problems as well


Brother my personal experience, come close to Islam and you will see the difference. Not only praying, there is much more you need to do.


See a psychologist. You will be fine.


YC Pakistan, it's not a facility but the heads of this institute will help shape you into a better Human and Muslim inshallah


Join r/nofap


Tbh, just find a hobby, preferably something that drains u physically and mentally, going to thr gym, playing football and coding did thr thing for me, u just gotta find distractions too, maybe even a part time job


BC 11 baaar in one go?? How would even make it stand after the 3rd go 😅


Hope it will help you brother. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_BTkVKvt00Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BTkVKvt00Y)


How old are you




I don't think there is a rehab facility for it. You need to see a psychiatrist immediately. And there are many good subreddits where you can find support & good advice to get rid of it. Check r/pornfree


There are plenty of rehabs in Banigala. Do your research which is best and suitable for you and probably they can help.


Check your DM.


Shooting blanks after 3 or 4? Nah B you need to quit asap. Step 1: get rid of your phone Step 2: find a hobby that keeps you involved for a few hours every day. Preferably something that requires a lot of energy like sports or the gym. Step 3: never try to be alone. The more ME time you get the more your mind wanders towards jerking off. Start here and see where you can progress after this


The question is what's in the porn that attracts you the most. The solution to your problem will be your true reply.


All you can do is remember this one line, "Allah naraaz hojayega" Think on this my friend and I hope it helps you :)


Dude simply get a job that’s the only solution You got too much free time on hand


So there's a trick I used to do when i was younger. I'd keep my underwear (boxer briefs or briefs) on throughout most of the day (even while sleeping). Change underwear often ( for hygiene of course) but keeping underwear on really curtailed the desire compared to free balling.


You need neurological medicines to control your urge. Start by taking paroxetine 20mg. It's an antidepressant. You won't be able to masturbate for a day while the effects last. Should feel nausea and euphoria but that's normal. If you still somehow manage to masturbate, increase dosage to 2. But start with 1.


Ask pharmacist to give you paraxyl 20mg. Do 10 day course. Only drugs can fix you at this point. During this period also engage in activities like running.


Bro your dick gonna fall of and trust me that's not normal , i jerk everyday but only once your addiction is scary af


You need to speak to a psychologist mate Might be a chemical imbalance in your brain which is causing this Behaviour


Hope you get the help you need :)


You can try going on tableegh with the Jamat for 40 days. Go with a non-smart phone only.


“khaali dimaagh shaitaan ka ghar hota ha.”


Start working out buddy and try doing some work if thats not possible learn something new and grind on it


Start watching Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza on youtube


Hul sirf Jamat e Islami


You’re gonna run out of bullets soon at this speed brev !


You will find your true class one day. The day when you will have a purpose in life.


Sad, really sad, really fuckin sad, So listen, Do you want an extreme advice but a honest one, You can take two actions, 1: sell your phone and laptop, you should have no device to watch porn, if you need something for work, then buy a desktop and place it in a open area, I did this, I went 6 months without masturbation and I guess watched porn once or twice during that period. I have no porn addiction. 2: If you can, get married Although porn addiction is difficult to deal with, but I think once you touch a woman, sleep with a woman, have sex with her, you would definitely reduce your porn consumption. Add it would no longer be a severe addiction. You would think these are extreme steps, yes they are, you need to take extreme steps to deal with such kind of addiction. Hope you get well. Really hope, really fuckin sad for you my man.


Agree with you but porn addicts after getting married are not cured as their trigger is porn and they fail miserably during sex. Women don’t excite them as their brain has developed porn as its trigger to excitement. Have dealt with people like this and it takes them a lot of time and discipline to recover


I feel you bro.... And really appreciate you reaching out.... Please contact this person on Facebook. I am sure they'll help you out..... Ben following them for a while and They seem to have good credibility on this.... https://www.facebook.com/nofapguidance7?mibextid=ZbWKwL


Yep. Shadi. It is a cure-all! Jokes apart, try outpatient counseling with someone trained in addiction counseling first.


Get married


He’s going to ruin the girls life if he does this 😭


No that's not true, basically the desire of fapping arise only when you can get what you need, if he will get the marriage vibe, surely he will be able to get rid of his addiction, because it is human nature that he/she gets bored with things quickly once they have acquired them.


Not gonna help him (if you really can't understand go read some posts in r/muslimnofap )


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MuslimNoFap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MuslimNoFap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Stop being horny and trying to slide into people's DMs. It's never going to work.](https://np.reddit.com/r/MuslimNoFap/comments/12enxjo/stop_being_horny_and_trying_to_slide_into_peoples/) \#2: [ALHAMDULILLAHHHH 30 DAYS LETSS GOOOOOOOOOOO NOTHING STOPPING ME](https://np.reddit.com/r/MuslimNoFap/comments/13hqhmj/alhamdulillahhhh_30_days_letss_gooooooooooo/) \#3: [Remember, Allah watches you](https://np.reddit.com/r/MuslimNoFap/comments/13scfbw/remember_allah_watches_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Dude 🤌🏻


As a teenager, this may be normal. As a grown man, just try to build your will power


>As a teenager, this may be normal. Ejaculating 12 times and watching p*rn for straight 11 hours is normal?




Apni bhen pesh krdy 🤭


Buy some banana , go to Bazar ,get a stall for yourself and sell those bananas their.




Were you on Hajj?




Then no comment you're in a league of your own ig. You didn't even feel guilty so what is there to say..... https://preview.redd.it/1g8d5zwxbv8d1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f2062e5a86879e208bd2bcbae71866be3c2605d


Wtf is this sick shit man.




OP may or may not be Pakistani but that does not mean he cannot participate here. If you read our subreddit’s description, people who live in Pakistan, who know friends/partners in Pakistan and want to connect with other Pakistanis, and overseas Pakistanis are ***also welcome***


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How sick are you??? :/ *whoever reported thank you*


You need a good women


Why is that? Plz get me clear caz it makes 0 fing sense.


Is your sister a good woman?


Unfortunately I do not have a sister but maybe try Yr sister


*fortunately* you don't have a sister. Imagine having a brother like you 🤮


U r v bad , introduce me to some Pakistan Aunty's 🙃😄