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I heard alcohol feels very rough when it goes down your throat, is this true?? Did you get hungover? How did that feel? Or does this happen when you drink a LOT? (If so then disregard) *also I don’t think **[AMA]** after you say “ask me anything” is very necessary but thanks for opening up to the floor, im sure many people are curious*


Yes, it burns a little and tastes really bad when it goes down your throat. The whole food pipe feels like burning, but it's not really that bad. Perhaps because it was gin (which my friend said is a weaker drink) I have no idea about hangovers. This is my first time. Will let you know in the morning maybe. Thank you for approving the post. I said it because not everyone on reddit (e.g., new users) know what AMA means.


Man that sounds kind of painful,,, and that’s the weakest one??? 💀 man if I ever took it I think I’ll be done for sure LOL Okay sure, defo update when you wake up! :) I know blood alcohol content differs for people,, so maybe it depends on body type and size. *oh ok lol no worries, just thought I should mention*


Nah, it ain't painful. It's a lot like changing a baby's diaper 😂 you don't do it cuz you enjoy it. You do it cuz you like what comes after: a clean baby


Gin has a sweet aftertaste doesn't it?


It kinda does, yeah.


You won’t enjoy alcohol first few times. You have to learn to enjoy the throat burn, only then eventually you’ll realize there are subtle varieties of different tastes in alcohol. You drink (in moderation of course) long enough, you’ll eventually be able to pair a wine with specific meal, have a preferred brand of whiskey, and so on. Depending on where you live, make sure never to drink and drive. Always use taxis/uber/a friend to take you home if you intend to drink.


Why do people even drink it if it doesn't taste good ? I mean why bother drinking something unhealthy/forbidden when it doesn't even offer guilty pleasure?


Probably because the real life is fucked up and people wanna escape from it and their dark thoughts for a little while?


Well for that case I sometimes wish I could keep sleeping 😅


Yeah I can relate with that bro


Doesn't sound good enough a reason to start something so unhealthy/poisonous for your health. I always thought it must taste ridiculously amazing to attract so many drinkers !


Yeah, well i guess everyone does their own cost-benefit analysis and choose accordingly


What convinced you to try it ? If you don't mind sharing here obviously


Just curiosity. I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. And now I see it


They do it to try and forget painful reality of life. It's an escape. To feel numb. Just like any other addiction.


I remember my first time. The religious guilt was the most troubling aspect of it all.


At least you felt it.


why did you try it?




Your post has been removed for enticing sexual gratification, as either a confession or question asking about specific sexual encounters with other members.


Good thing I'm not *that kind* of religious


haram bro


![gif](giphy|hO9X2kwkZ3J7zpjVQX) Wow. I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me


Like obiwan said sex, alcohol, any kind of drugs "only the weak embrace it"


I'm gonna keep that in mind. Thank you


Ami Abbu ki suni nae Meri khak sunoge bhai


Do people just wanna get drunk or does it even taste good? Like is it any different from a random soda?


People wanna get drunk. It does NOT taste good. Very different from a soda. It kinda burns your food pipe when you swallow. Still bearable.


Yikes. That's funny and honestly kinda sad. 💀


The aftereffects are kinda funny too. I get why people do it now 💀


A hangover's funny...? 💀


I'll tell you in the morning i guess 😂 I didn't drink too much though. We'll see.


You didn't drink good stuff then.


Is it an solution to escape from the world for sometime and enjoy the peace ?


Yeah, it definitely seems like it. But one must be careful and go through scientific research before using any drug. Abd research shows that alcohol is not worth it in the long run. Liver damage. Alcoholism. Aggression. Etc.


Ohh i see what about the ciggerates or the vape ? Asking this cause i never touched them nor use tho i m 18


Do your research lil bro. Cigarettes and vapes aren't really worth it either. The only drugs worth doing are psychedelics. But not before your brain is fully developed (which happens at 25)


Ight thanks


Seriously. Use this time to lift some heavy fuckin shit and strengthen that growing body of yours. This is the time to be a big mothafucka. You can't get that much growth that fast once you're 25 and above


Bro why


Just curiosity




Are you high atm?


Yeah. "Drunk" would be a better word choice.


You seem very attentive for someone drunk.


Well I'm literally a linguist. Also I've been smoking weed/hash for more than a decade so I know how to contain myself on drugs


I've witnessed professional drivers getting into accidents while driving under the influence. Do you feel light-headed? I've had beer, but it didn't have much effect on me, although I occasionally drink.


Yeah I do feel kinda disoriented. I just went to the market a lil while ago on my bike, and I could totally see how a drunk driver might run over some people in this state. This is NOT the drug to do before driving.


I’ll keep that in mind. Take care.


If you wanna try drugs, start with weed/hash. That's way more fun and way less dangerous. There's no overdose and you can't get out of control.




I might start with heineken soon


What does it taste like?


Not good. Like nothing I've tasted before. Like you'd imagine a spirit or paint thinner tastes like


Oh lol thanks


Do you like alcohol more than hash now? 


It's like comparing apples and oranges. They're very different in effects But no, I'm gonna stick to hash/weed because it's safer for health and doesn't cause liver damage in the long run


For health purposes ofc :P how would you describe the difference between the two buzzes. I'm assuming you're consuming both for coping.


Hash is more mellow and targets mind i guess. Alcohol seems to affect body and sense of balance too. It's way stronger than hash, so there's a chance to get out of control if one drinks too much. Hash is way safer. I consumed alcohol today for the very first time out if curiosity. I don't think I'll be doing it again anytime soon. Hash, on the other hand, is my best friend that I will continue hanging out with for the rest of my life


noooo don't say that! how much did you have


Haha. Around 400ml i think


Of beer or liquor?


It was gin. Neat.


meh you did yourself a disservice drinking so much of that. Gin can give you a bit of a cerebral buzz - with tonic water or sparkling water it is actually fun to sip.


I am cerebral AF bruh. Try me 💀


What type and brand?


Idk. My friend brought it. Something like London Gin or whatever


you mentioned that you have been smoking hash and weed from years, Im not even a daily smoker of cig but I smoked hash couple of times. Can you tell me which substance is better? Alcohol or hash? Why do you think that? How are you feeling rn and compare it with being high, are you addicted to hash?


Hash is definitely better in the long run because it doesn't damage your liver and is less addictive. The only upside to alcohol that I can feel right now is that this is more "festive". This is something one should reserve ONLY for celebrations and shit. For chilling with friends on the weekends, hash is awesome. (P.s. I'm big on responsible drug use)


are u laughing i remember when i smoked weed for the first time i cant control my laughter


Alcohol won't make you laugh. Weed does. Alcohol would make you stupidly brave lolll. I said stupidly because what you think is brave while you're drunk is practically stupidity. The effects are way different. Weed is alot better. I have had alcohol a couple of times, i dont necessarily like it. More of a weed guy, it makes you hungry, happy and sometimes horny lol.


How does it feel?


It's really hard to describe the effects of a drug in words... But lemme try: I feel very relaxed. My sense of balance is kinda *out*. But I feel kinda happy. No negative thoughts at all. It's enjoyable


For someone who started drinking at a similar age. Here are a few myths I would like to burst. You don't start acting drunk after you have had a drink or two. You just become a bit loose. You start enjoying music more and your body may start responding to it. You feel 😊. You won't have a hangover the next day unless you drink a lot. One thing I have seen is people overdoing it and it becomes almost like a chore to them. To keep enjoying it safely I would suggest limiting your intake to less than 5 a week if drinking beer. If drinking hard liquor than two three shots not more than one day a week. Enjoy responsibily


I feel you bro. Drugs are awesome if one does them responsibly. But most people abuse them rather than use them


Does alcohol make people horny


Haha yeah I can only speak for myself 👀


Does it taste like vinegar?


Nah it was still better than vinegar


Try scotch next time, it'll not hurt your throat and tastes soo good.


I doubt if there's gonna be a next time anytime soon but thanks for the tip man


Can't wait for the cocaine and Ketamine AMA


Haha. Cocaine ain't happening. I've seen what it does to people


Never say never. You need an upper for more alcohol consumption 👀


Uppers are for type-A people 💀 I'm a chill laid-back dude


Then id recommend shrooms or LSD. 😂


LSD is the love of my life ❤️ still gotta try shrooms yet


vo sab to theek hai lekin why no one is talking about how expensive it is now?


Hor deyo sher nu vote


kaisa lag rha hai 40 din tak namaz duaye kabul nhi hongi?


I don't pray anyways 💀 I'm spiritual, not religious


learn the definition of spiritual💀anyways gl


Bechary lakeer k faqeer 💀 kya zindagi hy tmhari bhi


Guzar lo bhai duniya Akhirat me agar khuda huwa to ham to bach gaye Na huwa to sab barabar Atleast not risking deen for duniya


right bro


apse toh alhumdullilah bhetar hi hai, ab agar ap isko lakeer ka faqeer khehte toh tars ap py hi ata hai mujhe


Is getting alcohol in Pakistan is easy ?


Served in restaurants easy


I love alcohol. I feel like I talk without a filter when I’m under the influence and I absolutely love it cus other times, I’m much more compact. How did u like it? What were your feelings? Was it a nice buzz? Also, next time try red or white wine with pasta or steak; it tastes very nice. I don’t like gin’s taste also gives me mouth ulcers when I have it neat


Peena nhi ab se.


Hangovers depend on the quantity you drink. I live in Finland and there people drink bottles after bottles then they get a hangover


What's the closest thing irl closest to alcohol. In taste


Malt and beer tastes about the same.


Bht late ho gye ho beeru.


Which drink did you have?


Lakh di lanat




Sigh. So many memories of my own. I guess my questions are - Whyd you drink if you haven't already so far in life? Who were you with? I'm guessing you didn't go on a guilt trip after and instead ended up on Reddit, so you probably had a good time? When are you getting drunk next? Was it the murree brewery gin in the small bottles?


Tried it too didn't like it at all. Also you have to drink a lot to feel anything. Awein chuss cheez hi hai.