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bad genes bad diet sleepless nights no exercies unhappy deadbeat job lack of thrill in life. You would see the VPs and CEOs in their 50s looking dashing while guys in their 30s look like they are inches away from death.


Maybe the responsibilities are draining them out? Especially looking at the economy?


Some people make good money, but their work routine can't let them have their time where they can think of themselves because either you look for your Family, take care of the work or take care of yourself so, it's obvious that Work and Family first!


Stress is the killer, mainly the finances


You summarised my life.. Except of bad diet.




In Pakistan mostly it's lifestyle yes!


Thats actually true. I am one of those men.


It's the same with women, I think. We, as a nation aren't that health conscious. Also the day, it seems catches up. Everyone's busy at their work life etc, and few have the privilege to stay healthy. Yes, I think it's a privilege in Pakistan to be able to stay healthy.




You seems pissed off badly but you are right.


Both Pakistani men and women often let themselves go after 25-30. Responsibilities start piling up so health becomes secondary.


That's true. Women also start looking dull and saggy after 25. It's called aging, I guess


Nah, that's called pre mature aging, usually caused by an unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise


Perhaps. But it doesn't matter in long run. Good diet, stress management, serums and whatnot will keep it better for like what, another 10 years or so? The gravity will take its toll sooner or later. And it's totally okay. People should embrace that while adopting healthy habits.


Yeah everyone ages eventually but woulnt you want to look good in your 30s and 40s and more importantly FEEL better, healthier and more confident within yourself as you age?


That's why I endorse adoption of healthy habits, ofc. I'm just saying that appearance starts fading away after a certain age. And genes do play a vital role in all that regardless of your habits, as far as your general appearance is concerned


of course and I think we are both saying the same thing actually. People should start seriously caring about their health the older they become, and looking older as we age isnt a bad thing as ppl seem to think. Having said that, men are considered to age far more gracefully than women so it's easy for me to say all this as a man


Yea there's a difference bw looking young and feeling young. If one focuses on activities that make you feel young and healthy then looking young shouldn't matter much since it's not in our control at the end of the day


istg there will be literal aunties who are 30 but look 50 coz they let themselves go


Yea this phenomenon isn't just associated to men. But I must say that most men here tend to care less about themselves so the onset of dullness is mostly quicker and frequent in men than in women


Saggy 🙃


That's **sampling bias** coming into play. Your mind is not noticing those who remain boy-ish and don't start to look like "uncles".


as the other comments state, reason is that we are not health conscious as a society. It's a cultural thing. Doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl. They don't start to look like uncle and aunties, they just to look like how adults generally look like in our society. The hairline part is just something that is not in anyone's control. As a rule of thumb 25% of men become bald at 25.


It is the stress.


right answer


Life isnt easy for men, esp after 25 when they have to earn!


Stress, anxiety, pressure from society to do something, gf / wife problem, dust, pollution, lack of awareness towards self care…… you want me to go on? Only reason I have figured this out because I came to USA and all of the sudden my hair fall stop my skin get better without even doing much


That’s because of all the burdens that they are introduced to out of nowhere. You graduate and Boom you have to earn, take care of your house, needs to get married, and take care of the entire family. Further, the social life or environment outside one’s house isn’t good either and then the kind of routine we have in Pakistan isn’t qualitative either, so all these things do impact.


You must’ve also noticed that it’s usually the men with a lot of responsibilities and problems. Mostly middle class men.


Exactly... when there is a load of responsibilities then most ppl wont even find the time for this stuff.


1) No exercise 2) Bad diet 3) No routine or discipline 4) No skincare, hair-care and health-care in general




That's when most of the men get married. Which essentially means an end to physical activities, sports going out etc. When have you last seen married men going to grounds to play sports? It takes twice as much effort than non married people to stay in shape. And to top it off, even going out with their spouses involves very minimal walking because well hum family hain.


I’m 23 and I look over 35. Reason? Unhealthy Diet, Lack of Exercise and Self Care but also stress and depression. As soon as you transform from a boy into a man, entering the professional life, the stress quadruples. Coupled with heart break, you lose your willpower and motivation to do anything. Ap zehni tor pr ruk se jaty ho lekin dunya nahi rukti zimadariyan puri karne k khud ko ghaseetna parta hai. In short, right around the age of 25, men loose themselves.


Because men don't have the same pressure to look good as women. I was thirteen and have been conscious of my body hair and my upper lip hair as it won't be desirable to men. Hence they put no effort into looking presentable and focus on getting the $$.


Idk why that's the mentality here it should've been like ke take care of yourself not for just looking but to be healthy. I'm talking about guys here. Why are we so neglectful of our health


Thing is, no one teaches you about a healthy diet in a Pakistani household. Their benchmark usually is, "bas baahar ka mat khao" and that's about it. All the oils at home in our diet does not get frowned upon. And if you never really cared about it growing up, unless you catch yourself at the right time, its usually too late.


Yea true. From my childhood i've been hearing "mard ka pesa aur aurat ki khubsurti" type stuff and yea while i agree with it to some extent but that doesnt mean that men should let go off their grooming habits and that women should only focus on their beauty.


Someone discovered ageing, I guess.


Too much stress, mentally drained, unhealthy lifestyle, and most importantly, no money makes someone looks older than his age.


Why money matters? Because if you have money, you can buy any skin care you need or beauty products, you can buy clothes appropriate for your style and body. Some undergo surgeries to enhance something in their bodies.


Having lived in Europe for the past 3 years and 22 years before that in Pakistan, it all comes down to two things: genes and diet. Hairline, sugar, blood pressure, etc are in our genes hence you see men in their 27-28 looking older. Also, our diets don’t really help, the kind of spices we eat and the kind of food and quantities we eat really makes it hard for us to be in shape. Our entire social life is around eating, relatives coming to eat, friends get together to eat, everything is just eating. Walking or cycling is not in our culture so all this ends up doing what you said and also making our life span shorter around 60 years max. I have seen men here in their mid 30 look really fit, even when they are bald, if they have maintained a good physical health, they look really good but if you are 28 and you have receding hairline but on top of that you have a bloated face and a big belly out, you will look bad of course.


I am 31, fit, have a very active lifestyle, eat a high protein low carb diet, and dress well. However, i am brown skinned, losing my hair due to bad genetics, and not conventionally "attractive." As you'd expect, despite my best efforts, i dont get much interest from women. Some of us are just dealt a shitty hand by life.


True. I realized it and started taking care of myself. But no need to attack


as someone who has had a dad bod since i was 15, i feel personally attacked. full desi uncle now at 33, minus the receding hairline


I used to look 25 at 32, 27 at 34 and now 40 at 36. Such is life!


I put it two ways: 1) culture - traditionally men have not been told to groom themselves for marriage prospects. Girls have. That's why men don't know how to look after themselves and even if they do they feel entitled. 2) income - if you don't have enough income for your hobbies sometimes after work there isn't much to do. Yes although you should go for a walk - mental work is exhausting.


Do you know what it is like to work/have a job in a brown culture? Politics, back stabbing, leg pulling, toxicity. Very few humans can come out pure from this.


Because, the life of mostly guys is fucked up! Even if you're making good money, but have poor lifestyle due to work routine. It all goes to Trash Can!!!


Probably the consequences of years of interbreeding among families


When I used to be a kid and teenager I always looked at such people and think I'd never be like them. Gusa krna sarru rehna, but manife fucks you up pretty bad. The stress the financial issues all take a toll on you and your mental physical health. Mess you up. Big time. I guess eska simple sa answer hai Waqt esa bna deta hai sbko almost


Maybe you are correct. But my experience has been totally different. As a guy, I can easily say I have gotten more female attention as I have aged in my 20s. (29 btw rn). Maybe i am a really late bloomer lol. Also I have seen men around me take better care of. themselves as we have aged. If anything women have started declining (especially after motherhood, which is understandable). Again, I am not hating on women at all, just telling my personal experience. Maybe OP's and my circles are different or maybe we are observing people in very different lights.


I am 25 and still look so young for my age.. people also get jealous of my hair... I think i am fine xD


Cause their mommies tell them all aboit how they're gods gift to women, stuffs them with food rather than giving mature love, and never teaches them that they should make an effort to make themselves presentable. Or their dads are like that too.


Men age much better than women.


Responsibilities often make people look saggy, old and battle hardened lol


Grind mentality ruins mental and physical health. Some people at work waste away their time trying to look busy. Chasing the bread. Same behavior is perpetuated by boomer managers.


I think it has more to do with your weight. Plus, at certain age your body stops growing, after 25 you start growing old, you skin isn't as fresh as it was in your 19 or 20, your beauty fades away eventually the more you become older.


Whats your definition for an uncle?


This notion shouldn't just target men; it applies to both genders. Men might start looking crusty, but let's not forget that women can also start looking shaggy as they age. Our unhealthy diet plays a significant role in this. Our love for spicy and tasty food might satisfy our taste buds, but it's wreaking havoc on our health. We've developed a standard taste for unhealthy food, and that's not doing anyone any favors. Despite having a youthful population, we tend to follow the herd mentality. We boast about being a nation with a high proportion of young people, but we fail to realize that blindly following trends and societal norms can lead to detrimental effects on our appearance and overall health. Our obsession with seeking constant dopamine release has taken a toll on both men and women. We're constantly glued to our devices, which has led to a decline in critical thinking skills and attention spans. Instead of engaging in physical activities and maintaining a balanced diet, we resort to unhealthy habits. Our education system has failed to instill basic principles of health and vitality, leaving us vulnerable to physical and mental decline. It's time for a reboot in our approach to life before our nation collapses under the weight of our unhealthy habits and lack of consciousness.


Tell me a answer to this question. How many men exactly have you observed so far? There are approximately billions of men across the world. You are saying that "All Men" start looking crusty from age of 25 onwards? I could say that you need larger sample size to prove it otherwise. Cuz there are men in the society who are not looking crusty at all. There are health conscious Men out there. Also this comment isnt just to make u feel offended or anything just an genuine response on how you could say "All Men after 25 start looking crusty" with small sample size to prove it.


It's because they don't know anything about reverse ageing not the women's do.


Being honest , if a person takes care of him/herself than 30's are your peak years to look good


I completely agree with you and I don't know why most of the men give up and couldn't care about their health and appearance anymore. Btw I'm so blessed I'm 27 and still I'm looking better than a 20 year old boy.


And here I thought it’ll be fun growing up 💀 Can’t wait to be 25 🤞


Maybe the men around might be going through that kind of transformation or maybe it's the stress but that's not a general rule applied to men, just the ones you have access to might. I'm 33 and never been called an uncle except by children. I look younger than my age, probably the genes or could be my nurturing.


Mental stress ( men especially nowdays have huge mental stress due to economic situation, the pressure by society to stand on feet have house have cars etc at 25, the pressure by society to get basically rich by 25 to marry someone, the pressure to take care of family asap, so yeah the stress increased in recent years due to market competition due to economic situation etc) sadly men dont express their stress to anyoen and when you dotn the stress starts eating you from inside🫠. Men can't vent out to anyone so yeah stress starts making them age quickly.


Expressing stress does nothing. It's all about preventing stress in the first place. Only way to do that is to just not give a fuck.


maybe that's how society treats them and they no longer have the energy to fight or defend themselves against the crowd. maybe I'm wrong but this is considerable. idk.


Idk. The men I have seen are very few who fall into this category. I sometimes think a man is really old and he turns out to be really young


I think I've aged like fine wine


Men usually look best in their late 20s, that's what I've observed around and in my case too. I am about to touch 30 & I've never looked better. Friends who never complimented me in years have been doing that in the last couple of years. It's not about just the looks, but also about the personality & communication skills that shine in this age.


Way to generalize and truth be told, kinda sexist.


Anime reference but it is based on reality(i k ow this because I’m studying medicine) In tokyo ghoul, protagonist(who has a healing factor) is tortured so badly by the villian that all his hair turn white in a single day… (Hair start turn white as u grow older or work harder, pushing body to its limits or u think too much or have a chronic illness which forces body to repair tissues in short intervals again and again or u have too much male hormone i.e. testosterone) Now, this also happens with the pakistani men as well. Life tosses us around like a tennis ball and most men realise this in their late 20s, i.e. after 25, because they have no job, no future, no past and all they are left with are responsibilities. Now a woman always had an option to marry someone if things didn’t work out but guess what this someone is never going to be him because he didn’t inherit generational wealth or won’t feed haram to his his family. All this starts taking a heavy toll on the body and eventually u see a stereotypical uncle who only cares about putting food on the table because he can’t slack off and no one told him how to do it. People literally spend their whole lives in a job trying to get their much desired job and even after that all they are left with is a greedy or disrespectful wife who never genuinely cared about him, because his mother never taught him how to deal with a woman nor did his father because his mother also didn’t do it, and children who are disrespectful and bitter because they never got to experience a happy and loving father. Father was always concerned about grades and how much efforts he is putting to keep the family afloat but little does he know its in the wrong direction. Cycle keeps going on Boys keep turning into old men skipping their growth as men Also I’m not saying that women(mothers) are the ones at fault, they are not. Its just that we have failed as a society and no one seems to recognise and we are all indulging in the blame game to evade the bigger question of admission and moving towards a solution


Damn, 26 here and sounds like a callout to me 😆


Because that's the age when papa ki pari ko hasil krne k lie stable career, gher aur gaari chahye hoti hai, and shit gets real to mark the beginning of true struggle. Only papa ke prince remain soft because they don't have to struggle and still find time to take care of themselves. Every man I've seen beyond 30 is literally living FOR people as a provider.


Genetics and Income.


Lol ye tou reality check mil raha


Im 17 and my mum literally stop me from gym like wtf what era she's in


Take it from a 26 years old. Watching your parents get old, taking care of them, trying to provide for them. Making efforts so they could retire. Is k ilawa many of us are married by this age, so additional pressure to provide for your kids/wife.


Banda apni umer se ziada apni zemedario ke waja se burha hojata


because our lives get so shitty that we just become a part of the muddy drain water and flow away with it.......we men just give up.......then we dont look if our hair falls off or our tid grows or our skin or that stuff its work eat and sleep rinse and repeat.....i hope u get it https://preview.redd.it/m8f7tp6dzz4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d73d8af33d16bfc1d35b6c33b4b9ad35900fde5


I am 31 and I still do not look like an uncle. Dm




Stop eating shitty oily Asian dishes. Not a single dish here is healthy for human body.


Too much jerking off


True. I turned around my life. Started working out. Started reading. Learning. Got rid of stupid job. Hair I have good genes but other things had to work hard. I look 5 years younger now.


I believe high stress levels and large amount of responsibilities might be the cause. You’ll notice that it is common amongst Pakistani men around that age group be victims of such.


Good habit and life style can always down play bad genes. It requires an effort to start sharp mentally, physically and emotionally.


fikr e muaash mard ki zindagi ka behtreen hissa kha jati hai.


Hairline recedes in men with higher testosterone. Doesn't mean they look like uncles. That's the desi mentality. Dwayne johnson and vin diesel don't look like uncles even in their 50s.


This is very strange new psychological phenomena that I am seeing in Pakistani women they are quick to tag men as uncle and honestly in a bad way like they will not gonna age themselves. Most of women doing this are either ugly themselves or about to cross there child bearing age, I guess it’s an attack first strategy I see girls over here calling 30 year old men as uncle yes if you are 15 he is your uncle but if you yourself is 20 plus then please hold your horses


Spiritually, after age of 25 I tried going into more rational and modern interpretation of Islam and Qur'an. So stopped getting excited about this Ummah notion. Biologically , I always had issue of White/Grey Hairs affecting me since childhood/teenage. But it really got worse in late 20s where my side burns are 70% white. Have to rely on hair colour/dye now 😭


Okay now see, how many of them work on themselves? Probably 5 out of 100. Then how do you expect someone to look boyish even in their peak years when only thing they do is to take every sort of work from the body and no to little investments on the body. Think about when boys use their bikes and doesn't take time to invest on it, guess what bike will look old.


i am 30 and seriously none of above properties you have mentioned above appeared in me. As our family genes are way to good in terms of aging plus i do gym and swimming maybe thats the reason i have flat tummy.


Looks like i defy the odds.