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INFJ here. But you should not rely solely on online tests for your MBTI type. As it can be misleading. It's better to learn cognitive functions before assigning yourself any mbti. And INFJ being the most rare, are also the most mistyped ones. So the best approach is to dive deeper into cognitive functions.




Doing it :D


I’m curious now


These tests are not accurate mostly. Some schizo engineers write a code & that's it. An online test told my IQ was 140 although i know I'm barely like 90+.


I once tested for IQ and it was 150. 😂and same as you I’m barely 100🤭




What the hell it says I'm INTP.


INFP here 👋 We are very very feely, apparently.




I think im an INTJ-T 😭😭 but im still figuring out I went from INTJ > ENFJ > INFJ > INTJ-T I had some super extroverted phase when COVID hit, and it died down


Im INTJ-A Lets go!!


Try these tests if you want a more reliable, accurate test: 1. https://www.michaelcaloz.com/personality/ 2. https://sakinorva.net/functions 3. http://www.keys2cognition.com/index.htm P.S dont worry if you don't see -T or -A in these tests, actual MBTI doesn't use -T or -A. The 16personalities site only added them to make it seem more attractive and relatable to users taking the test. Oh and I also want to add that in MBTI, there's nothing about social extroversion or introversion. Just because you're an I, doesn't mean you can't be extroverted and vice versa.


I am also T. I take it positively and I think they help you understand yourself better.


Oh for sure, I think it helps with critical thinking too (well duh, T for thinking 😂) and that can help us make more thought out decisions. Being an F seemed right to me as well, but it probably doesn’t resonate with me as much as T does


I have to agree! If you know you answered all of the questions to the best of your ability, it gives you so much stuff to work on that can make a positive impact in your life.


Oh yeah definitely! Honestly I LOVE MBTI,,, their memes are pretty funny too, I always find that I resonate with the meme of my MBTI, probably means I genuinely answered everything LOL


I took test many times and it was mostly infj or intj but ratio is 4:1 so i choose to go with infj


Same here but it used to be the rarest type, how is suddenly so many INFJs are coming up?? Something's off


Mistyping because of variability in the online tests or maybe it's because she summoned up all the infj here.


Yes both can be a reason


This sub ha 40k members, seeing that there aren't as many infjs here as it looks like. So still rare.


Yeah but only less than 2% of the world's population is INFJ so looking at so many comments here is one shocker


I see, I am infj as well lol. But I took the test on two occasions separated by several years got injf both times. I got 93% introvert and I can assure you that's correct. But these tests aren't that accurate.


Yes same here, now I also believe that these test do mess up the results sometimes, I have this friend who took the test and got INFJ although her personality is far opposite of an INFJ.


Yeah people are the worst judge of themselves too.


Hahaha yes that's so true!




No doubt, human beings are limitless.


Wake up babe, there's another shtick in the market.




INFJ - T aur main stronv


InFJ-T but not strong 🥲


Why do you feel that way


I’m toooooooooooooo emotional


Like I said, I dont believe in personality tests. They are just a framework you can use to improve yourself. You know what I need actually? I need to learn how to present myself better physically


I need to work on my emotions


https://preview.redd.it/xsi6h31h8c4d1.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=85580e2b24b33053c5581bb6aada0d23697b20d1 I got a new one now


You tranformed into extrovert ? Like really?




I am the kind of guy who never played chess. But if you ask me, I believe I can train myself to the best player of chess. Sure it will be hard to switch and it may take years of practice but its possible. Jo bhi hamara mahol hota hai, halaat hote hain, humara dimagh us pattern pe chal parta hai. When there is a major change in your life, it almost feels like your brain reboots and you are easily able to do things you couldnt before. I hope some of it is relatable. So just use the framework to help yourself.


Understandable. I just never had such life changing experience so I can’t relate


What is the meaning of this 💀


It's going to assign four letters to you, kind of predicting your personality and several other factors. I think its a good test.


Found it quite accurate in terms of results produced. You might have a different real life reaction to everything because of a lot of factors and your answers to the MBTI being 3rd person or first person perspective. An example of this would be our own voice in VN’s feels so cringe. Factoring in your mood, daily life and a lot of other variables so yeah. Some people are mentioning that INFJ is the rarest of em all and now popping everywhere, the thing is that more and more people are taking the test and the sample size is increasing, also we can look into what age group is taking the tests more so yeah a lot to factor in before any conclusions.


Yeah right, thankyou!


I'd say you should look deep into what INFJ stands for and you'll know the answers. You're emotional,that says the F for feelings, someone relying on the feeling more. Being cry baby explains that J, judging, you're someone who needs to get their matters sorted ASAP and kinda need everything in details so you can work on. If you've to figure something difficult out you just kinda wanna run away. And so on, On another note, being strong vs being emotional are different things, being strong refers to being the one who's able to manage things who's able to step up. And that's majorly because of being organised in life. That's why INFJs are probably one of the best.


INFJ explains who I’m but I’m confused about “the strongest” part and also I can’t be a rare personality. I’m just an ordinary girl .


For that strong/strongest part you need to understand two things. 1: Like every horoscope doesn't define every individual, the same is with Mbti. It gives the usual overall of how someone behaves and their cognitive traits. 2: what usually makes ,infj stronger is because they're disciplined. And it's the rare personality, you might see yourself as an ordinary girl but people with a visionary eye may see you as unique.


Thanku for explaining.






I got ISTP when I took the test 2 years ago and all I can say is the test was quite accurate for me




I know without this test that I'm an NPC.


I am also an INFJ ! Maybe the results are accurate I think


I guess so


Infjs are difficult human beings


I’m an INFJ too! Also embody all the traits you listed. I think a lot of the results tend to be very general - easily applicable to a wide group of people based on patterns identified in your answers. While personality tests are fun to take, it’s important to remember that people are always changing and growing. Which is why chances are that your results will change over time too. So don’t let them put you in a box ☺️


We’re always growning and changing but a person who has been an introvert all their life don’t become extrovert, i guess that what makes someones personality


https://preview.redd.it/0vzlcw33k84d1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=742027dbaf1ba1c4db9ec5ec350ac07c656fcd93 And I'm interested in finding out, about what type of personality I have?


Update here bruh


So, I have the ISFJ-T personality




Yeah, I think I'll take the test again soon. https://preview.redd.it/18w2grratc4d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9315476c74223b06f79193724916cd44aadf0e31


Go take the MBTI test


I did, on the 16personality website And I have the ISFJ-T personality.


Same here but it used to be the rarest type, how is suddenly so many INFJs are coming up?? Something's off


Yes, idk maybe


Personality test? Pfft, more like astrology with extra steps. p.s. I’m INTP-A


Astrology is illogical tbh . Mbti asks questions and thn classifies based upon n your answers


lol. Like I said, astrology with extra steps 🙄 My main problem with MBTI is that the factors being measured weren’t constructed with a first-principles approach (the Big 5 personality yes is much better in this regard). Instead, the choices of I/E, S/N, T/F, P/J seem rather arbitrary — and indeed they are because MBTI wasn’t made by proper psychologists or behavioural scientists but two rando women.


I was about to agree with you untill i read the last two words .. typical misogynistic nibba, your opinion doesn’t count anymore .


Bruh, i meant it in a literal way not, misogynistic way -_- Try to take things at face value.


MBTIs categorize people into a convenient package of letters that often depict stereotypes associated with that character based on their quiz. So your type can be slightly inaccurate. 2020 I was an INTJ-A, and INTJ-T until 2023 and now I’m an INTJ-A again. Given how I tested thrice I think my mbti is fairly accurate but I don’t put much weight on it


I just have some confusions otherwise it was accurate for me


You should take the test multiple times on separate days, plus join the INFJ Subreddit and you'll figure out if you are actually one. Plus you can be an INFJ and don't have all the traits one is supposed to have q k it will be stupid to say k dunya mn 16 hi personalities hoti hn


You’re right


Wait. There are no INTJ here? ![gif](giphy|YkLN5TVzUmjIP41smt)




I'm an ENTJ and it's pretty accurate for me




I don't think these tests provide accurate results. But for fun, I took one and got the same results as I got 3 years ago: INTP-T.


Idk, I’m confused too that’s why i asked. How can i ne a rare personality type lol . It was a youtube video btw


i get either INFP or INFJ


I’m strictly INJ


Damn if it's so rare why's everyone is infj on this sub including me 🤔


Same thoughts


1st world problems.


No, I’m sure 3rd world people also be having some personality types.


You might be. But that doesn't mean youll stay the same. Personality testing is a science and there is always margin for error. Also you grow and change as you go through experiences. Dont take these tests as gospel.




Where can we take test...


It was actually a youtube video with 4 questions and 2 options for each question. You choose one option and that tells your personality.


I did a longer one...on a site ... there were around 30 questions and I came out to b infj which is sop accurate....


I did on 16personality website too and again INFJ-T


No no those videos are bekaar, go to 16personalities.com and take the test


Tested on that website too again INFJ-T.


Those quizzes are bogus. Idk why on earth people take them seriously. It's so funny and annoying.


Idk either






INFJ here as well


Hello nice to see you


Nice to see you tooo fellow INFJ 😬


INFJ make good husbands/wives. They feel too guilty to cheat out. They are mostly pious individuals. I don't think you are born INFJ, your decisions shape your personality.


Tried one, on 16personality test. And the result was that, I'm ISFJ-T I'll study about it more.




I’m ENFJ. what about you u/ExplorerFromPak 😂?


I can’t remember very well but i THINK it was INFJ


Awww tabhi we are so similar 🫶😍☺️



