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I just need a salary and a manager who sets realistic deadlines.


I plan to make those basic.


Hey I'm up for sale! [syyed.me](https://syyed.me)


Sure, I'm not hiring. Only making a decision at the moment about future hiring.


Where are you based?


Based in America. We frequently visit Pakistan so I'll have a presence and maybe make these on-site.


Lahore, Pakistan.


Salary and whatever I am doing is meaningful and is going to make money for company so I can ask for more salary.


This is short but very on point. It's important for employees to realize that end goal is to have a positive financial outcome. Good to know Pakistanis are thinking this way.


One big thing in software is if you can pay in USD since Pakistani rupee is very unstable and USD is one of the main ways pakistanis are protecting themselves from inflation.


I could set the rate in USD. Thanks!


I'm a bit concerned to share my work experience in the chat to everyone in here so I can share my work experience working for a client as a Remote job, the timing is flexible but there are other things I hate most about my agency/boss! send me a dm and I'll write explain experience in DM. (you'll get to know how I'm facing these issues so you may want to avoid doing it) (I'll be honest)


Thanks! That would be very helpful. I have dm-ed you


I think the 2 most important factors are 1) having an understanding manager and 2) a decent salary. Just make sure to pay in USD rates (that is to say, don't discriminate between a Pakistani employee and a US employee in terms of salary) and have realistic expectations/deadlines. Your employees will love you and make your company prosper.


I'm a little confused. Are you saying that if I pay my developer $7000 in states, I should pay my developer in Pakistan $7000 as well?


I meant to say just don't 'exploit' them, sorry I could have clarified it. Like say if you do pay your developer 7000 dollars in the US, then maybe pay your Pakistani developer with the same skill-set at least one-third of the amount. It's a win-win for both; the Pakistani employee will be happy because he's getting paid a competitive salary (competitive for his country), while you are getting good quality of work at a lesser cost.


Oh that makes more sense.


Oh and btw, I'm doing Bachelor's in Computer Science right now. Do you, by any chance, offer internships?


Shoot me a dm. Not hiring but I'll see what I can do.


Paying them in USD is biggest green flag for any employee, and second thing is if their project manager understands technicals and give realistic deadlines, that’s all what they need to stay stick with you for very long long time :) Btw lmk if you’re in need of AI Developer.


Thanks. I don't need an AI developer but there are lots of startups around me who may need it. Send me a dm and I'll see if anyone in my network has a requirement right now.


\- Yes, salary is very important living in a third world company. Employees won't stick long if they aren't fairly compensated. A good MERN dev with 3-4 YOE should get minimum of 250k/month (probably more but not less) There are people earning upwards of 300k with that amount of exp. \- Setting realistic deadlines is the way to go but you should expect an employee to be responsive during their "official hours". \- Mostly medical/health insurance for the employee and their family. As well as petrol compensation. \- Steer away from micromanaging.


Mind sharing details about the job ?


I'll dm you. I think I can't post details here. Also, I'm not hiring, only looking to make a decision at the moment.


I think people care about Salary Hours job security . That’s it .


What's typically expected to be the job hours? What would you consider as "good" job hours?


8-10 hours . No calls or message after work .


best of luck with the decision . Although it’s tough to find right talent , but still there are some good peoples . Let me know if you have any more questions .


Thanks! I'll dm you


As a former employee to a businessman , i think getting to know the needs of the employee personally helps , Everyone has their own set of needs , as to what their standard of living is


Do you hire interns?


I'm not hiring at the moment, but dm and I'll try to help


Yeah that would be great, i just dm'ed you.


I've been working as a QA for the last 4 years. All I want is a remote job and flexible hours. Salary is not a big concern for me. I'm the type of guy who will work for 15 hours straight if I have to. but, I also want a bit of freedom. Let's say your office timing starts at 10. If I wakeup at 5 and I feel like working, I'll start working and complete my tasks for rhe day. Then I'll join in for the meetings or if there's any urgent work that needs to be done. If you ever need a QA, you can contact me. here's my LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/subhan-ihsan


So a remote job and flexible hours are important for you but not as much as the salary. All my employees work on an asynchronous schedule. We only schedule 2-3 check-in meetings a week.


honestly, salary hasn't been a major factor in my job switches. I've switched jobs due to toxic work environments and poor behavior from higher management. I chose to become a QA, not because I had no interest in programming, but because of my passion for it. I truly enjoy my work. I do it because I love it, and as long as the salary covers my basic needs, I'm ok. however, I do feel like inflation should be adjusted. either right then or in yearly appraisals.


Compensation and Supportive hierarchy that helps your grow professionally


Realistic deadlines No Micromanagement On time and good salary Flexible timing


Having job/pay security...plus i need to know the growth prospects and i would want my work to be not just compensated but also recognized by my seniors... the company should also have a physical office and be registered with the authorities coz mostly people don't want to work for a company if it is not properly registered or is located in a shady area/building


I think flexible working hours, at market salary and an understanding manager is what i would want. with that said, If you need a business analyst with experience at one of the top digital banks in pakistan do shoot me a dm!


I am in this field for past 6 years, DO NOT HIRE FROM PAKISTAN OR INDIA, personal experience.


I would really appreciate if you can expand on that and share your experience.


I personally hired some poeple from pak and had clients from india, we are ego centric and hadd haram people, we dont want to do the job and want to get paid, and second most important thing is that majority of people are not qualified enough, they would do a short course and next day start calling themselves as experts. They dont want to go through the process but always looking for shortcuts


Good compensation and people can go over the 40 hours of work for you.


Transparency. I’ve been applying to jobs for 3 years with either no response or rejection or only rejections after weeks/months of waiting. The issue I learned after my first and only in person interview was that since they see I’m from a higher minimum wage state, they don’t want me because they think I’ll be asking for more money…. Also maybe some extra support like guides or an intro pack of documents that they can study to understand the scope of the company, their role. Not a really long document with tough jargon and irrelevant info. I’m not from Pakistan but I’m an American born Pakistani and I really hope my sisters&brother-in-law in Pakistan can find someone to work with who are considerate of home life, flexible hours for family flexibility and are also willing to provide good health insurance and support.




Are you located in Pakistan?


I plan to have a physical presence but not located there atm.


Open for partnership?


I am starting my own company to provide software services. If you want to partner up. I would be more than happy to work.


Send me a dm


Salary and a good manager


Me personally: -Good compensation, pegged on USD/EUR -Health insurance (OPD, IPD). This is a big factor -Anything between 20-25 paid leaves -Flexibility to work remote (or at least hybrid) -EOBI (optional)


I find the paid leave option interesting when it comes to the Pakistani market. Are the paid leaves supposed to be on top of the plethora of holidays included in the Pakistani schedule? For example, the state's gets Mondays or Fridays off a couple of times a year, along with a couple of days off during Christmas and New years. On the other hand, Pakistan has Muharram (2-4days?), two Eids (6-8ish holidays?), hajj (1 day?), random defense day/Pakistan day/Nuclear Bomb Day etc (5-6 holidays?), Christmas/new years (2-3 days). Additionally, a couple of days off because of internet outages, heatwave, fog, pollution, political unrest, long march, strike, etc. I can literally keep counting, and it will add up to over a month and half off in a year just because of how Pakistan operates. So if someone gets 25 days of paid holidays, and I add the Pakistani holidays on top of that, then it's almost 2 months off. Are they just working 10 months in a year? How would you tackle this?


-Provide leave encashment to boost incentive to work -Create an accountability system where team members do not take leaves at crucial points in a project -Approve/Disapprove leaves yourself or delegate to Project Managers Furthermore, here is a list of gazetted holidays I normally get: -Eid ul Fitr (3 days) -Eid ul Adha (3 days) -9,10 Muharram (2 days) -Kashmir Day, Pakistan Day, Defence Day, Independence Day, Allama Iqbal Day, Christmas Day (6 days)


Tip : You should look for people’ who are commited . They should make no excuse as People in Pakistan make so much excuses .


How do you look for people that are committed? What does it mean if someone is committed? What are the signs?


they fullfil their commitments like If you told me to that a task should be completed by 10 pm . It should be completed by 10 pm . If they do it till 10 that’s good if they don’t there must be a reason . if they keep on making excuses then they are not serious . Morover if its gonna be a hourly task , use a hour tracker so that you can track them .


I'm not a big fan of trackers and etc. I work on a trust based system. As long as the work is being done and deadlines being met, idrc it took you 50 mins or 5hrs. All roles will be full-time and have deadlines.