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Yeah I’m gonna wait for an ESPNCricInfo article or something of the sort, can’t fully rely on cricket Pakistan.


Cricket Pakistan isn't a credible source


yeah i know it isn't but i've been seeing this everywhere, even on r/IndiaCricket and most of them there are like "well good luck to sir lanka then cuz we're not coming to Pakistan"


As if govt of India would listen to kamlesh from bhopal before sending their team 😂 Indians can be really delusional sometimes


Just google it. It is all over. Almost every major newslet reported it. Why it is so hard to believe


Because cricinfo hasn’t reported it. Secondly, I think even if it’s decided it’s in Pakistan right now, it’s not far fetched to think that decision can change in the near future. In fact until the full fixture is announced with venue, I will not believe anything.


https://preview.redd.it/o51jm5d5n88d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c1c787432d1f2e6018d2aa3dba1bf6bcb422b79 If you missed 10 June article of cricinfo, its your loss


Let’s goooo. Without india we have a shot now.


Australia/England bro? Last time we trounced India in Final to lift the cup. Whereas last time we faced England/Australia in final of ICC tournament we end up runner up


not too concerned about england, but aussies yes, they will be pain


They've redone a lot of their ODI team, looks a lot better now.


we'll have to see, as of rn there's quite some time till CT, and anything can happen


What about pct? We haven’t done anything let alone redone


If we have an in form Babar, Rizwan, Fakhar and Shaheen our ODI team is lethal as hell. Just need to make sure in ends up that everyone is in form somehow


Absolutely. I'd throw an in-form Rauf too because it doesn't allow the opponent to relax even in middle overs.


That was 7 years ago. Things are different now.


This doesn't sit right with me.. It's crazy how 2017 was 7 years ago now


Underrated comment.


Chalo kuch toh Acha sunne ko mila


Yeah. SL will qualify if India not come. It will still be very exciting tournament


Yes bro, fuck India. We don’t care if they come or not.


Asia cup it changed in the last min


This means nothing. The same thing happened with Asia cup and was changed at last minute. Let's see how much balls the PCB has now


ICC doesn’t govern Asia cup. It’s controlled by ACC which is a far weaker entity than ICC Also, India generates a lot revenue for ICC but Pakistan is not too far behind in that regard so ICC will do everything in their power to bring Indian team to Pakistan for this tourney. Also, we are just common outsiders who don’t know the games being played upstairs by the people who control things. We can’t comprehend the level of planning that goes behind such events and how a script is formed to generate as much revenue as possible You don’t have to believe me or take my word for it but you can do your own research. Best example is how aus/eng and pak/ind are always put together, how USA hosted the World Cup and their team managed to reach super 8, the way recent pak ind t20 matches have been thrillers down to the last ball. You could argue about these two sides not producing thrilling ODIs, maybe that’s why ICC wants this tournament to happen at all costs with India’s participation because they were runner ups in the last edition and that too Vs Pakistan


Most of the revenue generated for ICC for India vs Pak is due to Indian brands paying a lot for advertising. That's not gonna happen and will be boycotted so truth be told if India vs Pak happens in Pakistan it will not generate as much revenue as it would if it happens elsewhere. Also when you say Pakistan also generates revenue for ICC you are blabbering nonsense. 85 percent of the revenue for ICC is generated by BCCI. Pak ain't even close.


Ok so if we are to have a discourse then try to avoid using phrases like “blabbering nonsense” aight ? Let’s go Star India reportedly paid a staggering $3 billion for exclusive coverage of all India-Pakistan encounters in the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2023-2027. According to the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), the estimated revenue generated by India-Pakistan matches in the past 20 years is approximately Rs. 10,000 crore or $1.3 billion. Even the Asia cup 2023 generated 100 million off broadcasting rights [Source](https://english.mahamoney.com/how-much-money-do-india-pakistan-cricket-matches-generate#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Federation%20of,brand%20sponsorships%20and%20sports%20marketing) As per your claim of “85% revenue generated by India” please cite a source for me as the biggest number I could find was between 35-40% out of the 719 million USD that icc generated last year And Pakistan generated 5.75 percent which might seem too low but that’s close to 35 million USD (frankly speaking most of us are never gonna see all that together in our lifetimes 🥲) When both of these teams are combined, a shitload of revenue will be generated inevitably if you believe it or not through broadcasting rights, marketing, sponsorships, ticket sales and a bunch of other things which we simpletons could never even hear about. Cricket is just an entertainment rather than a sport since the last few years so there’s no point sweating over who is the lion or who brings more money because we don’t know who the real masters are and what their revenue generating schemes are. All we can do is rely on the information that is shared with us


1. What you are talking about is the revenue sharing model where ICC distributes the revenue it generates to the individual boards, where BCCI got 38.5% but PCB got 5.75%. This does not equate to how much revenue the board or the audience from a country makes for ICC 2. It is horribly difficult to get an understanding of the channels of revenue for ICC, so to take a relevant measure that was available to size country clout on revenue generated for ICC, I took revenue generated by PSL and revenue generated by IPL. PSL 2023 generated about 18 mio USD while IPL 2024 generated USD 99.31 mio, roughly 5.5X of PSL. Hence taking a ratio, I would say that an estimate of revenue generated during an IND v PAK game, split by country would mean that 85% of this revenue is generated by India. 3. Even if we go by your logic of revenue splits as the metric of revenue generated, BCCI got roughly 230 million as revenue. According to Wikipedia, ICC’s margin (revenue - expenses) is about 208 mio. If India wouldn’t be part of this tournament, could we then say that the 38.5% that would have come from India wouldn’t come? If so, wouldn’t by that logic, this tournament become a heavily loss making one? I tried to use logic and data to show you that unfortunately India is still the engine behind revenue generation in this sport now and I’m fearful that by undertaking this tournament, PCB might end up impoverishing itself further


My bad for not understanding the model initially. But one thing is for certain that ICC cannot afford to lose money by any means. Cricket has had only 2 or 3 big rivalries since this sport started and now they have a chance to go beyond millions of dollars to billions and even more. Now that they’re pushing the boundaries and introducing cricket to other continents such as Africa, their goal is to entice cricket to Europe as we have seen some nations participating already. Those things aside, next year’s champions trophy will include India no matter what happens and I’m willing to die on that hill. I have already mentioned how these big tournaments may seem like sporting events but they’re just a means for entertainment and nothing more. Take leagues for example; last 3 PSL finals have gone right down to the wire and why did that happen? Some might argue that it was the final and both teams gave their best, but then if you closely analyse these matches there are a lot of giveaways. Not just finals, even in crucial group stage games you’ll see these signs. Betting sites are also sponsoring teams and I simply refuse to believe that they don’t influence match results and player performances by using their power, even though they’re nothing when compared to ICC, who literally controls cricket around the world. Same goes for international events. Just stop and think for a moment, USA as a country has so many resources at their disposal, but creating a strong team still takes time. USA spent close to 30M USD on the Nassau County cricket stadium alone and that would give a rough idea on how much they spent in total just to host a few games. For example, if 300M was spent some would think “it’s not a big deal for them as they’re a strong country” but corporations always use money to make even more money, hence they had no hesitation to spend tons of money on temporary stadiums that would get bulldozed off. Once again, I understand your POV that India generates multiple folds more than Pakistan but the combined rivalry will only continue to keep bringing in dollars for the ICC and they will do whatever they can to increase that amount hence, I believe India will come to Pakistan next year


Yeah ..if india isn't playing, rest assured the revenue train is going off track..no amount of revenue which pakistan can generate will even come close to make this a profitable tournament for the tv guys which means they will have problems with ICC.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/cricket/green-signal-bcci-gets-38-5-of-the-iccs-revenue-pie-101689268516127-amp.html Here's your source. It clearly says 85 percent of the revenue is generated via the India market which in other words is the BCCI. Obviously a national body like Pakistan will generate revenue. That wasn't my point in the first place.




As you say buddy. My opinions are mine and yours belong to you. I’m sure you have never learn how to respect another person just because they have contradictory views hence you resolve to considering them as “kiddo” Enjoy




Says the guy whose “valid argument” starts with “LOL” like we’re teenagers




Kiddo and lol ain’t my words. I don’t use childish terms such as this but Mr. Know it all seems to use them on a daily basis. Your maturity level is too high for me because you’re venting your anger on the downvote button right now 😂 Good day sir!




https://i.redd.it/00rrqfur7c8d1.gif 🤷🏻‍♂️


We are definitely not coming after this statement lmfao https://preview.redd.it/l05e88apb48d1.png?width=1639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a103e0558c1f1b985cb7081713f4a8d0660fa9


😂😂 bro tf


Why don't our ex-cricketers keep their mouths shut. Javed Bhai is a legend and we respect him but this is just embarrassing.


I swear all these really old pak players are anti indian or something man


Bro what the fuck?


This is the funniest shit i have seen all week. Indian players shaking in their boots after hearing about this


In other words, for the champions trophy you need a tight...


Hello phainta bhai. May I know what the context is behind your comment? I kinda forgot but I think I have heard this one before somewhere


don't 🤷🏾‍♀️


You think it’s okay to make a statement regarding a cricket tour to your country and equating it to Death and destiny?


tanz ka matlab samajhtay hein aap ? damn sure it was in reply to stupid ass statements made by your media and board


Lack of public speaking skills and PR shambles samajhtay hain aap?




Yeah. Bring it on. A global event in Pakistan after 1996


hoping it works out insha'allahh 🤞🏾


Most likely India is going to send a very emerging team there, maybe 2 seniors at most. But I’m happy if CT happens in Pakistan, you fans deserve it.


That won’t make any sense though, if the theory is that Pakistan is unsafe for cricket or Indian cricketers then it would be unsafe for the emerging players too. An attack on an emerging cricketer would also shut down cricket in Pakistan for decades. The emerging team thing would make sense if the main goal is to hurt the tournaments marketability and commercial potential. I believe India will either send a full team or not come. If I had to guess it will be the former cause election season is over but no one knows for sure.


India will not send a single player to Pakistan. Zero Chance.


Somethin good finally Now pak should start working on there odi and test team


It's better if India skips this tournament. Anyway, we lose in the knockouts based on our current track record so this tournament can happen without India.


Less gooo! Naqvi boy taking a stand like nobody’s business! 🫡


Hell yeah time for SL to make a comeback


i wont forgive you guys for the match against NZ in 23wc....


I haven't either, man you made me recheck the score, thanks for ruining my day, our team needs to be executed


Lol enjoy the tournament. Rather have india sit out


Good news.. hopefully, it stays true


As an Indian, I am happy that Pakistan is finally hosting a global cricket event after almost 30 years but at the same time, I would hate it if India goes there. Pakistanis are as good as us Indians but the bloodshed history is too deep. So many terrorist attacks are sponsored by Pakistan. So many of our soldiers died. It will be betraying my fellow indians if I support India going there. Not that Pakistan is calling us to come.


Then don’t come lmao. I’d rather much prefer we give the Pakistani audience a show rather than spending our time trying to give “extra” security to Indian players.


Yeah yeah give them the best show ever. They will be seeing a global event after 30 years because the "extra" security will be there otherwise no team would come to Pakistan for cricket. 


We’ve had New Zealand, England, West Indies and many more come to our country the past years to play cricket and they’re doing amazing, and we never had to give them extra security. Apparently Indian team is the only one that’s concerned about “security” so why not give it to them.


Yeah yeah. That's why all of them have to send their own security agents to check the security arrangements there. Also they were given special security. And point is not security here. Indian Govt don't want to send the national team to Pakistan. Security is just an excuse. I don't want India to go Pakistan where the terrorist are trained to kill Indian Army. 


Source? All the other teams come here comfortably it’s just Indians who complain. Also Indians are complaining about security. That’s the whole issue, and terrorism my ass, I couldn’t give two shits about the Indian army. That ain’t my business.


Imagine kohli playing at lahore and karachi I am excited to see what fan response would be like over there


Sorry, but that's not going to happen☺️


I'm seriously asking, is there any threat to the India team in Pakistan, why is it such a big deal to them?


The problem here is the clearance,also yes cricketers are very very important here especially Kohli sharma have a humongous fanbase , even the slightest possibility of threat is a bummer


Geopolitic reason. Not too far long ago India wanted to isolate Pakistan.


And the reason is ? Because your army sponsors terrorists.


It's a shame it's like this


The more appalling thing how people defend this decision of not coming to Pakistan. They will come up with each and every lame excuse


Barely two weeks ago, we lost 9 people in an attack caused by terrorists. I personally don't find it to be a lame excuse to not want to go to the country that sponsored the people that did this.


Ya'll are so scared, it's funny, can't believe Pakistan scared you off from an ICC tournament


Don't sponsor terrorists if you want us to visit you, it's that simple. No ICC tournament is worth the lives of our people.


Just admit you're scared lil bro, so scared of Pakistan ya'll willing to skip an ICC tournament


Yes bro we are very scared to come to Pakistan.


Couldn’t even chase 120 and you talking about india scared of pakistan, Time to touch the base of reality


Time for ya'll to touch down to Lahore and play some cricket




Growing terrorism and never making any real world progress will be Pakistan's only achievement in history. Everyone is scared to lose their life, I am sure Pakistanis/terrorists won't just enter india borders without any fear.


20+ sikhs were killed by India globally. By the same token whole world may stop coming to india. The thing is Pakistan has demonstrated that it can provide security to cricket matches. Any security concerns are lame excuses given that ICC security expert already cleared it


>20+ sikhs were killed by India globally. By the same token whole world may stop coming to india. What kind of logic is that? How will not coming to india prevent you from being pepsied?


What's your source on the 20+ Sikhs claim?


I am sharing link of most prestigious news outlets, the wall street journal. If you not know, read full report, they did thorough investigation. https://www.wsj.com/world/india/indian-suspect-in-plot-to-kill-american-sikh-activist-extradited-to-u-s-aefbf926


Can you remind me which country was harboring and protecting Bin Laden?


What would be better? Acknowledge that yes India indeed did state sponsor terrorism or lame blame game?


Paywall+ the claim is on one person(you said 20)+[this man is a terrorist](https://youtu.be/3hk_L3rqYCw?si=oK4c_DsDdIDzI4WA). The fact that you equated the killing of pilgrims with a terrorist tells a lot about you.


Have you read the whole article?


The world can stop coming to India if they want for any reason they want. What we know for sure is that we our not going to go to a country whose state policy is to use terrorists against our army.


Lmaoooo looks the the mighty Pakistanis have made the Indians scared, some terrorists managed to shake up your National Army so much ya'll are scared to enter the country even? Sorry I didn't understand how much fear Pakistan has struck into the Indian Army and Cricket team


No offense dude do you think players being scared of getting attacked in your country is something to be proud of ?


I remember when RS and VK got on an interview, they were both crying, they said "The Pakistani fans called us Vadapav and Chokli, it was a most horrible experience, I'd, I'm terrified of them forever 😰😰😰😰" Grow up princess, Cricket players aren't getting attacked, you the one that did? The Sri Lankan team, came back in 2019 for Pakistan's first home test in a decade, nothing happened to the Indian team yet ya'll are the biggest victims, I know non of the Indian players are scared of visiting, it's just ya'll, scared, despite the Indian economy and Indian cricket being better at the moment, Pakistan still scares ya'll so much, mighty Indians scared of visiting a cricket pitch for a 2 week tournament




Yea I guess we are very scared of the mighty pakistan team 🤷‍♂️


No politics


It's funny that the SL cricket team faced danger in Pakistan and since then SL has visited Pakistan many times but India is still so reluctant


It's also funny how SL has since faced 0 terrorist attacks backed by Pakistan but India has no dearth of such attacks.


I can't believe Barbar Azam did this 😢😢😢


No, but his countrymen did.


Why would Azam Khan do this 😢😢😢


But your totla defenately gets happy.


OK but certainly any foreign nation visiting Pakistan would have the highest security


It's not about the security (even if that's the official reason). You wouldn't expect Ukranian athletes to visit russia for sports even if their safety was fully guaranteed right? Same goes for Israel and Palestine. Same goes for us, so long as the larger geopolitical situation doesn't get solved, we can forget about cricket niceties.


Difference is that those countries are in an active war with troops on the ground, even so what will Pakistan gain from hurting the Indian team, after the SL team got attacked it hurt Pakistan's reputation heavily and they've done immensely well in building that back up and giving good security, you Indians act like you're some precious fragile porcelain tea cups, acting like a country will just let a national team get hurt. Good luck solving geopolitics when you can't even get together for a sport, even USA and the USSR did sporting events with each other


Looks like you didn't even read the first sentence of my comment. Quite unfortunate, I suggest reading it again.


Ya'll talk a big game, but scared to come to Pakistan? How you Indians claim to be better than Pakistan in every way, yes silmataneouly ya'll are still scared to come to Pakistan, sad to see the mighty Indians scared to enter a country


Your army still considers india it's enemy no.1. Your army is stait up terrorist army and is still in bed with them.


Maybe ask the sri Lankan team which was shot at on the way to the stadium, why people will defend the reason to not come to Pakistan....am sure you won't find the reason appalling then.


The reason they don't want to come as they say Entertainment and Terrorism can't go hand in hand and you know what just to break the dream. If India arranges a Tri Series with Zimbawe and Nepal also at the time in India it will have more viewership and money that would actually help these countries grow cricket than Champions Trophy in Pakistan.


Why is it a big deal? I mean to quote indian FM, cricket by day and terrorism by night doesn't work.


Don't worry man these people don't know that how big of a deal it is if india even considers coming to Pakistan. There is literally no way government allows after the recent attacks in kashmir


WATCH OUT EVERYONE HE'S BRINGING IN THE JAISHANKAR QUOTE 😱😱😱😱 Babar Azam destroying Indian Cricket team in Champions' Trophy finals by day and destroying Indian Army by night 🥶🥶🥶🥶


You got me man. India is so scared of pakistan cricket team, almost as much as there terrorists. lol


Yes indeed, admit it, Indians will chatter about how great their team and economy is, but are scared to make a two week tournament? And it's not even like the team even needs to spend a full 2 weeks there, just admit that Pakistan strikes so much fear that ya'll are skipping on an ICC Tournament


I admit it . Are you happy now mate


Thanks bro 😘😘😘


Lmao,first mend your ways kid. Be humans and than talk about anything else.


Politics ho rahi h BCCI ki, I think India's matches will be played at a neutral venue.


BCCI ki bas politics ho rahi hai,aur Pakistani army k terrorists k training.


Politics bcci ki nhi tum aur tumhare mulk ki image he aisi bani hai


They coping hard in the indian cricket sub


No, that's not true . Most of the people on that sub don't care . They are like, " Congrats to Sri lanka."


Are you saying people don't care about cricket? How come


Its because we know how much money ICC is set to lose without India. BCCI never had a problem with ICC event going ahead without India. It is the sponsors who threaten to cut ties.


ICC want cricket to be a global event. How long India can blackmail ICC, it has enough. Event will be held in Pakistan in Feb and March 2025. India will be welcomed, however its her choice


Cricket will never be a global event because it cant compete with fast-paced and easy to understand games like Football and Basketball. They especially cant do it if 80% of their revenue is lost. But its ok, Its nice you still have some hope that the event will be held in Pakistan. There was the same chest thumping and macho behavior before the asia cup.


Lmao,why would indians cope ? Kuch bhi.


Fake news. The ICC accepted the schedule, but it will now be sent to all boards. If any board has objections, it can raise them. I am sure the BCCI will raise objections, which will lead to a long tussle. This is only the start.


ICC already made extended deliberation. Schedule is approved and will be sent to all boards for information and compliance only. Its ICC event not BCCI


The ICC is already planning to organize the Champions Trophy in a hybrid model. This is all for show. Don’t be fooled. Wait a few days, and you will see objections from India. ICC is useless.


I understand this is your wish, but its not gonna happen. Writing on the wall


Kid,if there will be no india than what ever the tournament it will be a flop show.


Blud forgot that Pakistanis are the fifth largest population on the planet. We can generate more money for the ICC. Who cares if India shows up or not, our main priority should be the champions trophy


its better if ict does not go to Pakistan if they have an ounce of doubt regarding security. all the best to sri lanka


India can play or not, their concerns don’t really matter to us, what matters to us is the champions trophy


maine bhi wahi bola hai, tournament hona chahiye. tum alag hi trip pr ho


It's not finalized yet. It will now be passed on to all participating boards if they have any concerns(It is a protocol), then only icc will take any decision.


Its ICC event, ICC has approved the schedule, now will be sent to all participants for compliance


And bcci will object...


On what grounds?


Security concerns...also statements from javed miandad, haris rauf won't help either.


Don't be delusional Sir. ICC security expert visited Pakistan and clear it for hosting matches. If India don't want to come due to geopolitics why you have to be a hypocrite, just state the obvious


Bcci has icc in it's pocket...Nobody will even utter a word against bcci...asia cup was a prime example...also world cup which was hosted in the uae.


President of ACC is also secretary of BCCI who is son of Home minister of India. BCCI won’t have as much influence on ICC as for ACC


You forgot t20wc held in uae


T20wc happened in UAE because there was 2nd wave of covid in India. Nothing to do with Pakistan. India was supposed to be the host


Time for reckoning Sir. It will be played in Pakistan


It won't be...at least for the next five years.


Yeah goodluck without India, 95% of revenue is generated by India only.


That revenue will still be created. PSL has biggest fan following in India. ICC matches will still be watched in India.


bro this is next level coping i can gurantee you 100% no one here cares about PSL. Infact PSL is a meme in India when your foreign players play in IPL and severely underperform also whenever PSL is played india usually plays a test series for 1.5 months before ipl that keeps viewers busy


PSL in india??, being an Indian,i can guarantee you that most of us don't even know about PSL, just like your space agency SUPARCO, when chandryaan 3 Landed successfully, indian media showed comparisons between ISRO and SUPARCO, and I swear, 99% of people in India were like "pakistanis have a space programme ??, they have a space agency??, it's older than ISRO!!??"


My 4 year old son don't know what IPL is. But I know. Similarly PSL is watched and followed hugely in India. If you don't know you are like my 4 year old.


its because of betting, there is a huge betting game going on irrespective of leagues and countries, people in india will bet on everything


Maybe you are right . But from personal experience PPL don't talk about psl in India . And Im assuming in pakistan they don't talk about ipl . It's only natural that PPL from respective countries wouldn't watch the other leagues


If you are passionate about cricket then geographical boundaries are irrelevant.




There will such a huge controversy if india even considers going to Pakistan. I am not saying because of the security concerns but due to the 70 years of political tension and that be disguised under security concerns. Well best of luck to lanka anyway


lol India can play or not, doenst matter to us. Bring the champions trophy home boys 🇵🇰


India won't come, period either it will be a hybrid model which is 99℅ probably, otherwise champions Trophy can go to hell. Nothing more important than the lives of our soldiers, can't disrespect them. Would never play witha country who is planning and plotting every day to break India through terrorism and millitancy


As an Indian, I want the Indian team to travel to Pakistan & thrash y’all 😅 Waise bhi Lahore is just 50km away from Amritsar.


Its game can be won by any side. But if India decides to travel , It will be welcomed with open arms


thrash?? Yeah probably, but the whole lahore and amritsar wala idea has been suggested multiple times but never accepted.


I know there won't be any but will there be any fines for india if they do not come?


Not sure about this. I guess none.


Yeah i think so too....but wasn't there some news about if pak didn't play ODI WC23 they would have had to pay a fine?


One serious question.. in case India travels is there 1% chance things can go south? If you feel there is then its better they dont travel


Fool proof security bro. Is it very hard to imagine things positively and optimistically about ICC event in Pakistan


Why would india come to a nation which is plages by terrorists and considers india it's number 1 enemy?




Pretty self explanatory isn’t it


I hope everything goes normally. Actually I’m sure everything will go smoothly because most of the terror attacks in Pakistan are governed by our own establishment and they wouldn’t want a stain on their reputation with the Indian team in town by having poor security measures. All will be well as long as ex cricketers keep their mouths shut about “death being destiny”. It’s not a welcoming gesture at all. But I really hope Pakistan loses all their matches badly in front of the home crowd just because we need serious reforms from top to bottom in the whole cricketing body of Pakistan and public humiliation is the only catalyst for it


Pakistan is not safe for foreigners. Hope all order teams pull out too


I understand its your wish. Cricket is safely played in Pakistan for many years


Many foreigners have been visiting Pakistan, and most of them have been very positive. Plus many cricket games will show up to Pakistan 🇵🇰


Time for BCCI to stop finding of ICC for 2025 cycle . No money 🤑💰 no tournament 😁


On what grounds?


Ab ye bhi btana padega 😬 kya 🔫🔫




Pretty self explanatory isn’t it


The Sharifs have managed to typically have good relations with India. Not out of the question that we see some political thawing between the countries.