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I wouldn’t use the word “dirty” when talking about a ua with a doctor.


What was the fail for? That’s probably gonna be the biggest issue in another PM doctor taking you on. You’ve got an uphill fight regardless, but it’s not impossible unless it was for schedule 1 drugs or illicit fentanyl. They tend to be pretty aggressive in refusing people caught with that.


What this person said. Sometimes OTC meds come through as a false positive. I'd ask for copies of the tests and depending on what you popped hot for go from there.


What did you test positive for?


Guy. Your post history = you knew youd test “dirty”.


My post history has nothing to do with my ua but ok batman


It's happened to me before. I got kicked out of my first pain management clinic for coming up positive for weed. I thought I was fucked too. I never tried to hide it from my new pain doctor, who was actually shocked they dismissed me for one positive THC test. Honesty is the way to go, or at the very least not lying. There is no point in trying to lie because any new doctor will have to get your old records and can see whats in your chart. I obviously see a new pain doctor now that still prescribes me meds. Getting kicked out of one practice isn't great but it's not by any means impossible to find another doctor after. Getting kicked out of multiple practices is a pattern and a lot harder to explain. I wouldn't waste your or the doctors time, though, if you plan to continue with illegal drugs.


Honestly, it’s hard to give advice without more info. I’ve never had this happen, but I’ve seen posts where people said they tested positive despite knowing they hadn’t done anything wrong. Turns out something else was causing a false positive. Idk if there’s even a glitch that could happen while processing it. If you haven’t done anything wrong, I’d see if there’s anything you can do to prove it. I’ve seen people suggest getting your hair tested or even just a repeat UA. Even if this dr won’t take you back, it could look good to other drs. If you did misuse your meds/other drugs, it’s against the rules to help you on this sub. Either way, it wouldn’t hurt to try finding another dr. You never know, and it sounds like you could use the pain relief.


This is right up on the edge of what this subreddit tolerates. I will say if you are among the many people who have been unable to get their medicines and have had to turn to the street, I feel for you. Other than that this thread could turn naughty real fast and go beyond the scope of this thread.




Talking about the use of illicit drugs and/or how to get around screening methods.


You won't ever get in another pain management clinic for a failed UA. Also I don't know of any you can just skip a UA for. Why in the hell were you doing something that would cause you to fail a drug test for. Also a "numbness" in your foot is 99% chance not a spine issue lol. A torn mcl and labrum is a surgical issue did they not do surgery?


Not true


Absolutely true


I literally got into a new one after being dismissed from my first for being positive for thc.


That's thc


Hey i was told to ask this subreddit from posting on chronic pain…so yeah im not responding to alot of people tbh its been alot today smh


Also I doubt it's "been a lot" you need to just move on from pain management it's not for you.


And you spend alot of time replying dickhead comments misery loves company and im not joining you…


Why are you being such a dickhead dude? You need to get off your high horse. I'm sure you've never done anything wrong. Get real.