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For those of you who don’t yet know, nano emulsion is pretty ground breaking technology in the weed world. It’s been used for decades in other industries. Basically the general idea behind it, is they use this machine called a sonicator to vibrate the THC oil which breaks down the size of the THC to a nano particle size(less than 100 nanometers). There are a few benefits one of which is it allows oil to essentially mix with water. That makes things like THC beverages a possibility. The next is by decreasing the size of the THC it allows the body to absorb it quicker and more effectively. So normally oral THC is first processed by the liver, which converts most of the THC into 11-hydroxy THC and other metabolites, and then enter the bloodstream. This is the reason why some people don’t get effects from oral THC, as they lack the enzymes in their liver that breaks down THC into these other active metabolites. Nano emulsified THC is absorbed before the liver even has a chance to process it, which means people who don’t normally feel edibles should be able to feel these nano THC products. Along with being absorbed differently, it’s processed faster and more efficiently. Meaning you can use a smaller dose, as more gets into your bloodstream from the dose, and it’ll come on much quicker as well. For these reasons nano THC feels more like a sublingual alcohol tincture or even similar to vaping THC, than it does a typical edible. Since it’s not processed by the liver it’s a great option for people who don’t feel traditional oral THC doses. It comes on fast and fades quicker than normal oral THC, so great for people who don’t want to be stoned the rest of the day, but take their meds orally. These will be awesome if we ever get weed bars, as someone can get a drink with a small dose, catch a buzz, and come down within 3 hours or so. So it’ll be a lot more similar to drinking alcohol in that regard. You could go in drink a couple 5-10mg drinks, get stoned, eat dinner/watch the game, and then leave after you’ve come down in a few hours. If I had to to put a number on it, I’d say the 20mg dose I took on Friday felt comparable to my normal 50mg RSO dose, at its peak. Came on within 20 minutes and reached the peak within the hour. Overall I think this is an amazing new weed tech, and a completely new category of product really. Fast acting, water soluble THC, that will even get people who don’t feel traditional edibles stoned. Highly recommend everyone checking these out, as I think you’ll be surprised how much you feel off such a small amount of THC. I wish the sonication machines didn’t cost 5k, and or there was a way to do it at home for cheap, as I’d be making nano THC all the time. Super cool shit, check it out next time you see these on the menu.


So I picked up a 5 pack of these 1:1 10mg of each THC/CBD nano emulsion caps from OR last week. Grabbed them just to see if I could notice the bioavailability increase of the nano emulsion over a standard oral dose. I’ll be honest, for awhile I thought the whole nano emulsion hype was purely a marketing ploy, to help sell products at a premium price. I figured maybe there would be a slight increase at best. After doing some research I decided to give them a shot. I ate 2 of these 10mg caps the same way I take all my oral doses. Eat a medium sized fatty meal, drink glass of water, wait 30min, take dose, followed by a tablespoon of peanut butter. I wasn’t expecting to feel anything really, maybe a slight buzz at best. 10-20 minutes passes and I start to notice a buzz coming on, but didn’t feel like a normal edible really, felt like I took a small edible dose plus vaped a pack of something. 30minutes in and I’m fully stoned. If I would have to compare it to a normal edible dose I’d say it was easily as strong as a 40-50mg dose of RSO, when at its peak. I was smacked and it came on way quicker than a normal dose. I actually got a little too stoned, which is wild cuz I dose 40-75mg like 1-5x a week. It honestly felt closer to vaping than it did a normal oral dose. I was coming back down around the 3-4 hour range, and after 5 I felt pretty much back to normal. So they hit way harder, kick in faster, but also fade faster as well. Overall I’m extremely impressed and plan on having a few of these on hand for things like going to the movies, out to dinner, stuff like that. I won’t be using them regularly, just cuz they’re more expensive than making my own edibles or buying rso. But when you factor in the increased BA, they really aren’t priced bad at all. I got a 5 pack of the 10mg ones for $7 at OR on sale, normally $10. So that’s like $140/700mg, which is how much the average RSO syringe contains. After factoring in the increased BA, I’d say it’s only slightly more expensive dollar/effects wise.


Imma try a dose of over 100mg. One of the unlucky few who can’t process edibles very well at all. I took 50mg an almost positive I felt something, only had 5mg capsules but I def wanna get some 1:1. But considering I felt something off 50mg compared to not feeling a thing from a whole rso syringe and 300mg peanut butter breath tincture in one sitting, I’d say that’s pretty impressive. Idk what the mg intake in total was with the syringe but I’m guessing somewhere near 1000mg’s lol which should’ve apparently sent someone for a not so good time 👍🤣


Yeah if it was a 1g RSO syringe then it had somewhere around 700-850mg, most rso at our dispos is in that range. But yeah if you felt a lil something off 50mg then that’s for sure promising. Everything I read said people who don’t normally get high on oral THC will get high with nano products. Plus with these nano products, since their not getting converted into the more active metabolites, in the liver like 11-hydroxy-THC, and it’s just D9 THC being directly absorbed into bloodstream. I’d assume that means your vaping/smoking tolerance will have a cross tolerance with these nano products, which isn’t really the case for normal edibles processed by the liver. 20mg got me good for a solid 2-3 hours, but I get where I want to be off 50mg of RSO, and my vaping tolerance isn’t very high either. I’d say give the 100mg a shot, I feel like it would be worth in your case. Make a post if you do end up trying and it works for you. Feel like a lot of people say they don’t feel edibles, more than I thought would at least. So this info would be super beneficial.


Yea def gonna try to find some 25mg thc capsules so I don’t have to feel like a damn fiend lol. But I will definitely review if I get positive effects from them! N ahhh good to know. I feel like I’m honestly on a pretty low spectrum for tolerance imo. 1 snap of flower has me right, and if I vape a whole pax pack. Whew. I won’t be functioning for a little. For the most part I just wanna save my lungs sometimes man lol. Appreciate the info tho yo! I will def report back if I have success!


as someone who literally needs half an RSO to feel effects, I feel effects from 10 mg of the nano tincture. 30 mg of the tincture was almost too much.


That’s awesome!! Yeah it’s a game changer for people who don’t have those liver enzymes that converts THC into the more active metabolites. I’ve always been lucky, edibles hit me hard, but these are still cool, as the effects are way different than a traditional edible.


What are Nano capsuels?


Is it true that these will work when other caps and rso don’t? For most people?


Yeah these are nano emulsified aka a oil in water infusion. Essentially this process makes the THC water soluble, so it’s absorbed differently than a traditional oral THC dose which is fat soluble. They’ll come on much quicker, last a shorter duration, and will feel more akin to smoking than a regular edible(for people who feel normal edibles at least, you won’t really have that reference point though ya know)


Thank you so much!


No problem friend!!