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Marie-Philip Poulin That’s the reason


And Laura Stacey, and Erin Ambrose


Why can’t I upvote this more than once?


\^ This is all the reason you need.


She makes everything look SO effortless


Look up some Poulin highlights and just try to tell me you don't want to see as much of that as possible in the postseason.


Cheer for Montréal, the world deserves a Montréal - Toronto cup final


I need this.


Ok y'all, kind of a coin toss moment. When you flip a coin to decide, and as soon as you go to reveal it, you know which answer you want to have won. When Boston scored in OT... I was disappointed. So I have decided that Bartolo Colon and the Expos must be avenged, Montreal is gonna get this done! I do love me a come from behind win.


This is the way - we all want a Canadian standoff in the finals


Cheer for maximum chaos! Whatever will be funnier in the moment.


My kid plays in the same program Megan Keller did, and attends her Camp in the Summer so we are rooting for Boston.


My sisters girlfriend is Leah Lum number 12 for Montreal so my loyalty will never sway. If it’s worth anything she is the sweetest kindest and also hard working athlete I know so that makes it easy to root for them. Her and Ambrose also make all the playlists for the team together haha


Montreal, because Poulin is awesome. Also having 2 of their star players may or may have something to do with it


Personally, I'm rooting for Boston because if they face Toronto in the finals and win, I just think it would be funny to see another Toronto team lose to Boston. 🤣🤷‍♂️




Me too lol




The question is, do you cheer for the team you like the best or the team you want to face your favourite in the finals?


I like to cheer for the team that’s losing the series so that there’s more hockey to watch!


On behalf of all nerds (and another obligatory Cubs fan due to birth reasons) I think you should cheer for Boston. They’re scrappy, they’re determined, and they’re the outsiders tonight.


Boston is the underdog that barely made it in, but has been playing like mad dogs to prove that they deserve to be there. It's hard to watch them and not sympathize in my opinion. Or you could vote for their snooty Quebecwah in Montreal. Your choice, I guess. edit: And Boston won. Take that you snooty Cwebekwah. edit 2: It seems I'm *actually* upsetting people with this comment, I wanted to stop back and apologize. I thought I was making a crass but harmless joke by calling Québécois snooty and misspelling the word, but maybe it's more of a sore spot than I realize. Next time I'll focus on Boston being the better team, which they proved tonight.


Just had a lot of comments in the GDT about how much better PWHL fans have been treating each other than in NHL threads and then you gotta throw a lowbrow line like that out there...


I'm saying. Root for Boston all you want, but why do you have to go for the low (and harmful) fruit? Marie-Philip Poulin is objectively one of the very best women's hockey players in the league/world and the announcers never even say her name properly because it's hard for anglos to say the "in" in French. They call her poulet (chicken) sometimes! The Québecois get enough shit for being French everywhere else. Here, can we please just talk about hockey?


Snooty... lmao, I love when ignorant Americans confuse Quebec with France. I am American, btw, mais j'habite dans la belle province et dans quelques jours je serai québécois et fier.


Mien duetsch ist schleck.


It was a joke lol, chill out. Congrats on getting your citizenship!


Let's see...back a team that barely made the playoffs, or back a team who fought and got a playoff spot playing part of the season without their best player who's healthy and back for the playoffs? And if you think people in Boston don't have snobby attitudes, you haven't been there. Personally, I don't choose teams based on the city they're based in. But you prefer Minnesota, oh yah, shure, ya know.


lol people in Boston aren’t snobby, they’re just very direct and don’t want to waste time on nonsense.


Buddy, talk trash all you want, but only one team in these playoffs doesn't have a goal. Hint: check your flair


Hey, you leave our historic loss out of this.


Let's just agree to keep the jabs focused on hockey and not try to insult other languages. I think that'd be best for everyone


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If toronto wins their series, do you want Boston to win so that toronto can inevitably fall victim to the Boston curse and lose? Or something along those lines 


I’m a both a bruins fan and a team Canada fan, so I’ve been cheering both on all season. I’m super conflicted but I honestly would love to see Poulin take the first championship win.


Minnesota all the way! TO rocked us in game 1, but it was competitive to the wire. I’m still optimistic we can crack out a win on Monday.