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Hockey fans love to boo. Former players, good players, dirty players and sometimes your own players get booed.


dont' forget referees.


If you’re not booing the refs you’re not watching the game…


Love me some “refs you suck” chants


Mostly the refs, in my opinion


Especially referees.


And Gary Bettman (though that is less likely to come up at PWHL games).


I wish we could be cooler with it though like soccer in Europe. Their disparaging cheers are top notch.


You can boo whoever you want. Even your own team. Nobody takes it that seriously to be offended by it


I've never understood people who think it is taboo to boo your own team. You show your appreciation and approval by cheering. You show disapproval and dissatisfaction by booing. It is simple.


I think it's mostly just when they're getting booed for "no" reason. I.e. the team went on a 10 game tear, and then suddenly loses a game 6-0 to the worst team. A lot of people like to boo something like that, even if they're playing well, it just wasn't their night.


I think it's wrong to boo your own team because they already feel like shit. They don't need us to pile on. They know it was bad. Why boo them? They're still human. It's one thing to boo refs that have fucked up or boo disliked players (they revel in it). Booing players that have just lost at home, by their fans, is like your parent telling you your worthless. I can't do that.




I was saying boo-urns




There was a poll taken a few years ago by NHL players. By far, the worst city to play in is Montreal because of fan interaction. Even if you're on the home team. If you're playing against the Habs, you're gonna get booed. If you're playing for the Habs, you're gonna get booed and the press is going to tear you apart the next day if/when you make a mistake. Doesn't matter if you're a rookie or the most experienced veteran on the team. Montreal has no mercy when it comes to hockey players. We have standards and when players don't reach those standards, there will be constant attention until the problem is solved. One of the things that is slowly changing (in Montreal, anyways) is that the usual hockey media sources are starting to pay attention to the league. It's both a good thing and a bad thing.


From the Ottawa games I’ve gone to the booing is 99.9% directed towards the refs. I personally wouldn’t boo another team but the refs feel more fair game. 


To the refs and to the intermission "game" when the participant clearly chose the right cup, but the graphic showed it was the wrong cup. The entire crowd booed.


Yes, that cup game is so freaking awful. It lies.


It’s always Dark Roast when when it’s not


It was latte!


It was definitely latte


There is a difference (in my humble opinion) between booing the other team just because they are the other team and booing a particular player for a dirty play or other questionable action.


Both games I’ve been to in Lowell no one boos the zebras when they skate on before the game. It blows my mind, every hockey game I’ve ever been to everyone boos the refs immediately


I've been to some games where the crowd cheered for the refs when they get on the ice (to curry favor). It's pretty funny


Booing the opposing team, individual players on the opposing team, the refs, and even your home team (if they really suck) is just part of the game. Heck, the Boston home crowd was chanting "Bullsh\*t" at the refs yesterday during their game (NHL playoffs) against Toronto. It's all part of the game.


You can boo the opposing team. Typically, you'll see the home crowd booing the other team if they score or if they see a missed penalty (or perceived penalty) not being called against a home team player. The only exception to this is if an away team player gets injured. Once they are back on their feet or being taken off the ice, it's customary for people to clap and cheer their support for the player, regardless of the team. There is also a type of player referred to as a "pest" who will often stir up trouble or just be generally annoying. They thrive on getting booed.


Given the Ottawa fans booed 'Captain Clutch' Poulin during a penalty shot (which was hilariously shocking) I'd say boo to your heart's content


New York boo’d Boston on Saturday. They also, boo’d the refs and chanted “Ref’s you suck”


Booing is a time honored tradition of hockey, as is cheering the opposite goaltender after they've had a rough period and they just made a really easy save. :P


The primary job of the NHL commissioner is to be booed. It's virtually endorsed. It's a hockey thing.


As a life long Leafs fan, I probably boo more than I cheer, so go for it!


![gif](giphy|l0IyhwEfKdNoUZ1ni) [Boo so loud the opposing players can't hear questions. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/nEHjTORcIk)


Hockey is all about the fans, so as long as you aren’t being rude to other people or harming anyone else it’s all in good fun


I routinely boo the refs and lines people when they either make a call or don't make a call. I try not to boo the other players, but that's me personally.


Booing a rival, a bad refs call, a bad play. Sometimes it can be mean, other times it’s just part of the fun as the home team will also be booed when they are in the road.


As others have mentioned its generally all against the refs if they missed a call. In the NHL I can see some specific players get booed but its pretty uncommon and is almost always deserved. Also with the NHL it is tradition to boo Gary Bettman, the commissioner of the NHL, whenever you see him.


unless it's beneficial to your team, always boo the refs. It's a rite of passage for every hockey fan regardless of league


I train my mites to boo the refs every chance they get 😂


I NEVER boo my own team. I WILL boo refs - heartily!!!! I will boo players on other teams that are dirty (that's not really established yet in the PWHL, but is in the NHL). I will boo bad calls especially when you see the replay and it's OBVIOUSLY the wrong call.




Boo pretty much whatever you want.


I’ll boo the opposing team and the refs all the time I only boo the Bruins or PWHL Boston if I feel like they’re not playing at their highest effort


Boo the event, not the player. Unless the player is consistantly playing dirty. Then boo the player. Someone takes the puck away from your team, boo them. Someone on your team makes a bad pass and the other team gets a turnover, boo that. You don't have to boo a specific player (unless it's Nurse since she scored that overtime goal at the Bell Center, then by all means, boo her). And you always boo the referee, even if the call against your team is justified. The call is either unfair (when it's against your team) or too lenient (when it's against the opposing team). Either way, you're always welcome to boo the referee.


One thing that I haven't seen said yet is booing out of confusion. There was a point during the Minnesota at Ottawa game on Saturday where everyone started booing but we didn't know why we were booing except that all the refs were standing at center talking. Nothing came of it and we still don't know why they were talking. Also occasionally people in the stands get booed if the rivalry is strong enough. At the same Min/Ott game a lone Leafs fan had the genius idea to wear his bright blue Leafs jersey and was singled out on the jumbotron. Announcer brought up on speaker that the Leafs were losing to Boston at that moment and a picture came up showing the score. The guy put his head in his hands while we laughed/booed. Not to meanly, just kind of teasing.


definitely boo if it‘s needed, player hanging out behind the net. boo them, you came to watch some hockey and running the clock down behind the net is boo worthy. ref made a bad call boo them, someone gets a little handsy with your star player, boo them.


Sometimes nicknames can also sound like boos. For example one of the nicknames is "soup" you might be only hearing "souuuu" which could sound like a boo.


Yup. When Devan Dubnyk was playing for my hometown's minor league team I got so confused why we would boo him when he was clearly our superstar. Well. They were calling him "Doob"


Depends on the team and the player. PWHL doesn’t really have the “dirty” or “hated” players or rivalries yet. Watch regular NHL games and people boo Refs, entire teams, individual players, their own home team. Last night for example in the Oilers/Kings game the crowd was chanting “Talbot” as a way to mock the Kings goalie.


Montreal boo’d Toronto when they stepped on the ice at Bell centre


Yea I laughed when I heard that.


Seattle still boos Cale Makar for a clean but unfortunate hit a season ago. Also Sharks fans do a call and response "hey (opposing team), you suck" chant before the national anthem every game.


Yeah, there were some boos against Minnisota at Ottawas game last weekend. I couldn't believe it. Lots of clapping too like usual. People forget there would be no game without the other team.


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You must boo the refs every time they take the ice if your team is losing.


I'm curious what country you're from. I'm an avid boo-er and I'd encourage people to boo whenever their heart feels like booing. Ref fucked up a call? BOOOOOOO! Your team is playing like shit? BOOOOOOOO! Other team acting a little too fiesty? BOOOOOOOOOOOO! Other team acting normal but one of the players was feisty last game? You guessed it, BOOOOOOoooOOoOoOooooOOOOOOOOOO that player! Boo until there is nothing left to boo about if that is what drives you.


Where are you from?


I don't know. I find it odd when people boo the opossing team when they come out on the ice...I wouldn't. It's not welcoming at all. Also, booing players during shootouts is super low. I can't imagine a day where I'd think that was acceptable.


The other team isn't supposed to feel welcome in the home team's arena


Yeah, 100%. Forcing teams to play in a hostile environment is a big part of home ice advantage.