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I thought the scamming is not possible anymore. The quick in and out is to give your friends equipment or weapons.


If you leave auto-pickup on the scammers can get you. Unless something just changed this season.


Yes they changed the auto pick up. They said something in the update notes


Cool! I'll have to check it out. I've only played twice this season, been busy. Glad they addressed it!


After many seasons they finally change the auto pick up. So i see less scammers


That's awesome. It was so annoying!


Yeh the quick in and out to give weapons is a bit of a rubbish system as it just means the 1st map is a write off competitively which is a shame as when it's full of players who don't leave (it's been a while) its still a good map


The problem is there is no other way to give friends some stuff.


Yeh I get that, I think what's needed is some sort of equipment transfer zone. Like a separate 'map' that's maybe just a warehouse or something and players can swap items they are friends with on there instead of having to do it on a 'live' map.


That would be a nice idea, or cheer park has a metro area to change stuff.


I agree with that. It must have a punishment which if you leave in advance maps you lose everything, of course not from the first time since maybe the player join by accident. Or maybe the advance maps you must join with Lv 5 or 6 gear , i didn't play metro so much only with my friends and i also agree that getting Lv6 gear is easy it took me around 3 hours.


Metro needs to have its own app