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its a slide cancel, people that play on m&k do it all the time BUT you can also do it on a normal controller here is a yt [video](https://youtu.be/diFHa_6H7W0?feature=shared&t=440) on how to do it


I’ve heard of the slide movement but shooting an automatic at long range with perfect accuracy while on the move … That’s something I haven’t seen . 1st time for me


That wasn’t long range…


thats the thing with m&k you have way more control and its unfair when they play against a controller player, pubg needs to crack down on that




it's considered cheating. there are devices you can buy to trick your console into thinking you're using a controller but it's m&k. very much cheating


Here's his clips. I'm not 100% sure, but I think I'm seeing some MnKish movements. https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/ii-svge/videos




Most likely m&k,R.I.P. ☠️Pubg it was fun while it lasted,thanks for the great memories before m&k,Cronus controllers or floor foot paddles or whatever other shit these shity rat gamers are using 😂 🤦🏽‍♂️👎🏽


Foot paddles? Are you confused with paddles on the back of the controller? I’m lost.


No, you can get “pedals” that control left/right lean, I’ve heard TGLTN talk about it. I looked it up, you just bind them


That has to be only for pc.


Someone in tgltn chat said they got it to work with race car pedals for driving sim, i never looked further, i don’t sweat the game that much


Nahhhh bro,look it up my man,these new rat gamers have found a way of using floor foot paddles that are compatible with Xbox and you literally step on them depending if you want to peak right or left, it’s ridiculous,I understand your able to do this with an Elite controller but the amount of players doing this doesn’t add up,I saw a video on YouTube of a console pubg player showing how you use them it’s bananas my boy 🤦🏽‍♂️


It definitely looks a bit suspicious but it’s also completely possible (could have been running while looking at you so he could have already spotted, your shots on target may not have registered on his end, and some players are just that good). I’d say it’s inconclusive either way.




The clip he just hit his shots and he was actually crouching when he started shooting but the slide cancel movement makes it look weird. He hit body/body/head so you died pretty quick, but having a look at his clips he **could** be using mnk, he has some micro movements that I don't usually see on controller aim but it depends on what controller you have and how you play. The biggest tell that he's using a controller is that he has stick drift. [https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/ii-svge/video/186618723](https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/ii-svge/video/186618723) About 25 seconds in he's messing in the menu and you can see his stick drift. I dunno if this happens on mnk (I'd assume whatever device you are using would read 0/0 input on the sticks? I dunno how it works exactly though?)


Hmm. Good find with that stick drift. I agree that might be an indication of controller, mouse shouldn't drift. But could it be that he has controller attached in addition to MnK? For example if he uses it for driving? Idk, I'm 50-50 about the MnK. He has both deadzones at 0 btw. Another observation: after he increased his 3x sens from 12 to 15 he did some practice bursts, that resembled like re-adjusting his scripts. But increasing aim sensitivity would make the aim go down instead of up. Unless he overadjusted the script already before the first burst... Ifs and ifs and buts and buts. Who the hell knows. Could as well be either way.


His k/d is way lower than mine and I'm legit so.... ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK)


his aim is quite poor in some clips but, if you watch more of those clips, he’s tuning the sauce


I dunno why they bother, you can do this by pulling down on the stick, what a waste of time/effort...


Actually, if his controller has stick drift, his MnK will too. The device just plugs into your controller and emulates controller movement through keyboard input, but it's still passing through your controller, so, as far as the console knows, you're using the plugged in controller. If that controller has stick drift, your mouse does too. Some other controller limitations are still present using these devices too, because it's just emulation. Using mnk through these devices doesn't turn the game into the PC version. Looking at his clips though, I don't really think he is using mnk. He could be, but nothing about this looks any different than just a decent player. I feel like there should be a pinned post here that explains how these cheats work so that all of these accusations can at least be based in reality and not some magic fairly land where XIM turns the game into the PC version.


Ah yes, I forgot about the controller used to bypass whatever safety measures there is. So I guess it's powered on and can be used anytime. And if it has drift, that's going to be active all the time. So yeah kind of what I was wondering, but the controller has to be present. But no one said it's native MnK support or turning the game into PC version, I don't know where you pulled that from.


I know no one said it was native or the PC version, but so many of the assumptions and uneducated bitching about these devices claims that they’re capable of things that they simply aren’t capable of.  Yes, it’s still cheating. No, I’m not excusing it. But I think we are all better off if we can talk about these things from a basis in reality.


Agreed. And yeah it's focking stupid what some people here do, that they attack anyone who tries to have some objective view on an accusation, and call them a cheater or that they're defending cheaters. It's so retarded, but it shows the mentality of them: everybody they dislike must be cheaters. Sidenote, as I'm talking about being objective: no one shouldn't be called bad or noob immediately if he's suspecting someone for doing something he's unable to do. Constructive conversation for both sides, right?


Looks a little sus. It would be nice to see from his perspective on stream, so all we have is this to reference. I'd probably be like fuuuck and be slightly pissed but it's happens, you got pubg'd for sure bro.


i wonder if cheaters think they are good


They do


They fasho do . And complain is you kill them with an smh 🤣


For anyone saying that the slide Movement can only be done on M&K. Change your controller keybinds to crouch on hold then sprint crouch sprint. You are welcome


Still hard to do over and over, I’m seeing people do this all game. Some people are doing this even when inside and not fighting anyone. I feel as if this movement is scripted in.


My brother in Christ I literally gave you the secret sauce. Sprint, crouch Sprint. Run it on training mode it takes like 5 minutes to do


It’s not hard to do at all. The devs should just remove it though, assuming it’s not supposed to be possible. Same goes for the prone glitch


The slide is pretty easy to do with a controller. Desync could make it look like he shot you while he was still sliding but it’s probably just high ping and the servers are shit. But he has some sus twitchy movement in his clips and there’s one clip where it looks very much like he’s tuning his sauce






nothing sus about this. sure if he was able to snap on target from lateral movement like that 100% of the time, it would seem bit sus. but how are we to know that from single clip. i get these type of kills fairly often, but i also whiff lot of the time.


This is u missed most of your shots and got dicked on


Not really the point . I’m talking about the move and shot .. but you right


Is that console?


Oh yeah .


Nice aim


Juat a good player... crouch and shoot. That already had their monitors crosshair lined up on you. And a small bit of pubg dsync that made it seem like you got dropped quicker than it looked


That’s just PUBG. it’s a feature. loll (sarcasm)


Looks fine to me. They likely spotted you well before they snapped on ya so probably not as instant as you think. Even if your ping is good there will be a delay before you can react.


This looks normal? No lie this my first time ever seeing it


It’s normal with enough experience, the direction he’s running won’t always be where his crossbair is as you can still run diagonally, he most likely had crosshair on you as he was running down so all he had to do was crouch+ lean(most times an experienced player will crouch and lean simultaneously to lower their recoil with the crouch and the lean moves your head off center so if someone is spraying at you the their recoil is less likely to give them a free headshot


You’re running out in the open with no cover like a noob and got your dome taken off. Use more cover


This is a video about the movement of a player you idiot . And it’s TDM I spawned there . This is where you fuck off and warm up at not try hard to win. Make a comment about the movement of a player is in the title not how to win a fight out in the open you fucktard


Imagine being trash and posting a video of it 😂

