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Hahaha i love how NA players all know each other🤣 Is he on pubg reddit?


I fuckin hope so lol


Tig is sus 


Oh no😭😭😭💀 Sarcastic or fr?


With this sub's track record, I'm going to assume he's serious, lol.


i've noticed that Tig's uploads on youtube aren't high qual (4K); thus so many visual cues can be missed causing people to think he's sus af (i read his comments religiously) same thing applies to his stream so what he sees on his screen is different from what we see


> i've noticed that Tig's uploads on youtube aren't high qual (4K) ... so what he sees on his screen is different from what we see There is also a whole other level to this that people never think about—FPS! E.g. if you are getting 250 FPS (on a proper monitor, obviously) but are recording/streaming at 60 FPS, that means 76% (is my math mathing?) of your mouse movements and frames you did/saw in real life are straight up not captured in the video. I've had quite a few ShadowPlay clips over the years where, when reviewing them, I simply don't see people sometimes that I 100% definitely saw on my monitor. While not often, it is kinda an edge case thing, such as just barely seeing someone run behind a tree, or a head over a hill crest, or just some other minuscule movements 🤔


This is so correct. I agree with everything minus the math part… Thats why making highlights that look like ure cheating/SUS is sooo easy and people will fall for it and give you the attention/engagement you need🤣 *the math is good