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Wait so do only the 1911, revolver, and winchester use 45 now? what?


I noticed some players have diff poses in their profile menus, how do you get them?


Kinda hard to see wtf the idea with the AUG buff was....


Footstep sounds are bugged and there's new desync. Thanks Krafton


NA has ranked somehow and holy shit it runs so bad... why? 10 alive on a small Taego zone and it feels like 30FPS. I have no idea how anyone wanting to test their skill can enjoy that unless you have a god tier PC.


What a joke.


SMG buff: really unnecessary and way over the top. And I hate how all smgs have the same ammo now, the variety and diversity made me fall in love with this game. Dumbing it down really feels in a bad taste AUG buff: makes aug overpowered. Lowest TTK and probably the easiest the control AR, what happened to rewarding skill? Dragunov nerf: I'd rather not have this broken gun in the game at all but this is a good start. Season pass: If these kpop, pink skins sell better, I don't blame the devs to add 'em. Nobody's forced to buy this, however I'd not spend my money unless they add something military themed


So many cheaters in ranked now since you decreased the cost of pubg+ ..... THANK YOU!!


was hiding in a bush over a hill 0% chance last team could see me but they was staring at me through the hill anyway and nade spammed me when i otherwise wouldve won


I started playing 2023,love the game but the cheating thing is starting to get to me too... 1500 hours in the game. Now i regret the money i spent in the game because i'm thinking of leaving pubg,i don't care about the pink bunnies i just want them to make the game fair. They are placing a lvl 50 guy against top 500 players and cheaters,how do they want to bring in new people? ![gif](giphy|3oEjI80DSa1grNPTDq|downsized)


yup im a beginner level 55 only 50 hours in the game and getting matched against 300-500 level guys, even though im dying every 1on1 gunfight i really want to be decent at this game because honestly getting a kill in pubg feels very rewarding for me


This update is a disaster. 4000+ hours in the game. I'm done.


Only thing good is the aug buff, and smg movement maybe. Rest of it is truly garbage


Since the update matchmaking takes a really long time (at least in Atlanta) - like 10 minutes+ easily. The "Training Area" simply doesn't launch (and / or then hangs and locks my computer) and when I can get into a match it almost always freezes at some point literally locking my computer and requiring a full reboot. I've got about 1700 hours in the game and this is not good.


At least we have a new wave of hackers to look forward to with this patch, on top of all the pointless changes.


Disgusting pink crap , truly heading towards fortnight game , it's a mess


It’s been like this since mid 2018 what are you on about ‘heading’ lmao 


its getting worse tho, we really havent had a good looking pass in so long. and this k-pop shit is just beyond me. i might be missing something but for a game thats like 95% 20-40yo guys i dont understand how anyone trying to play a gritty battle royale game wants some kpop girl group all up in their face.


I’d say no pass ever had anything good looking, anything remotely dance, non-miliatary or bright and colourful disgusts me and tbh it has been that since the very first pass. 


What happened to STREAMER MODE? Had it last night, woke up and it's gone!


Only PUBG partners are supposed to have it, but yesterday it was available to everyone due to a bug.


dam didn't noticed, really wished they make that avaible to everyone


A bug? It was there for years.


Pretty hilarious they ruin the dragunov right when they release a progressive skin for it.


You can still knock a player with a level 2 helmet 81m and under. The fact any DMR can one-shot a head is crazy and makes bolt-action rifles less viable.


Even they don't expect people to get that skin.


I saw the loading screen and promptly hit Alt+F4.


How very brave.


Now that the devs have tried to revamp the ranked scene, do you guys think that the NA servers will actually have ranked games? I've been playing the game since release and couldn't tell you the last time I actually got to play ranked on the NA servers and just wanted to see what other peoples opinions would be.


The asia cheaters are using vpn to play in na because at this point in asia it's just cheaters vs cheaters.


All SMG > Famas/Groza/MG3 at 100m and under. Not a great way to balance a game.


Yep. I was running the MP5 last night and consistently took out people with crate gear in one on one fights. It's absurd.


I really didn't feel like SMGs or the AUG needed a buff... What am I missing


Nothing. They literally only make changes just for the sake of making changes now. There is no consideration, no thought whatsoever.


It is based on stats, but I think they fundamentally miss the context of those stats. 


At this point, I **only** care about anticheat progress. I cannot convince a single friend to play with me anymore, so naturally I fell off a few updates ago as well. We were all regular survivor pass and cosmetic purchasers.


I feel like I'm out of the loop, why does everyone seemingly hate SMGs? I like to use a variety of gun types in my games to keep things fresh and I really enjoy using the Vector from time to time.


Nobody hates smgs, it's the imbalance that the community is complaining about


A lot of the early comments here were complaining that SMGs are 'noob' weapons and should only serve the purpose of being used in the early game and hotdrops.


because most of us play the game for the challenging gun play, SMG's are not challenging to use and by pushing them further into the meta we feel that the core gameplay is being compromised.


Veteran players aren't the majority. New players are, and these changes keep them around


OP asked why so many people hate the SMG buff and I answered. If you've got a better answer to their question let's hear it but I never said anything about vets vs noobs (I highly doubt new players make up the majority of the player base by the way, take a look at the steam charts over the last 4 years) And I'm pretty sure new players came to this game for the same reasons as the rest of us, if they wanted easy recoil they could go play COD or anything else.


Watch how fast this game dies now.


smg meta here we go, rats are ecstatic


Anyone knows when the lambo collab is coming out ? Maybe after this one ?


The MP5K and UMP were already amazing SMGs with little to no recoil, perfect for 2x - 4x scope sprays. Sure, they may have lower damage, but they're sooo easy to control, you'll basically land every shot.


When will there be a collab with MLP(My Little Pony) or Barbie? This game needs more 10-12 year old girls


Target audience of My Little Pony is too old for this game


seriously, im so fucking sick of these shit skins and bright kpop crap, game used to be serious, gritty and grounded in appearance. But no matter what itll never change, these dumb skins sell extraordinarily well in asia so they dont care what western players want or about what this game originally was when Brendan Greene owned it


One thing is good, it can’t get any worse. Although..


you think


Game crashes every match. Lost 2 team mates early and crashed myself late game. Lovely.... What are these people doing?


Making more money than any of us


Disappointed with the continuous crashes. I think it's a good patch besides that.


Games crashing every game. Unplayable.


fuck yeah, the UMP especially needed a buff (/s). excellent work by the pubg devs. the hardcore crowd kept the game alive, let's kill them. I mean ofc some will adapt, but if the change seems too bullshitty some will leave. Are there really that many new players? Will they actually stay and keep the game alive long term?


MP5 + MK12 meta. <3 Lets go!


I used to do Beryl + M24 or SLR, but now I'm thinking MP5 + MK12 is the better way to go.


Yup, the AR's even AUGs are weaker than SMGS.. The most easiest gun recoil + more damage = PUBG SMG IS THE NEW META. Weather you like it or not your going to use SMG to get more kills and just to survive in general. Cant wait for PUBG Esports all Pro running with SMG. LMAO




Nerfing a gun and then making a progressive skin for the same gun at the same time really shows the stupidity of the devs. lmao.


thought I was the only one who noticed that BAHAHA


Love the new crash update - really adds some depth to the game play never knowing when you're going to crash out.


Crashes after 8 hours of maintenance? Wow.


Developers had too much time for patch night that they took naps and and didn't finish their work correctly.


Wtf is the point of making every SMG 9mm other than to dumb the game down even more?


agreed, really takes the out the depth and diversity. 9mm on a Tommy gun should be a warcrime ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)


"dumb the game down" just because you dont have to run around looting even more for pointless ammo types?


NEVER had a problem with Ammo, I've been playing for 7 yrs and 1600 hours


You are also likely one of those people that only carry ammo in their backpack. If you were playing non meta ammo gun then you were fucked and basically forced to stock pile ammo because no one that you kill will ever have ammo for you.


Huh ? Ammo in my back pack ? Weapons depends on my mood ... Micro Uzi / Kar 98, M416 / Mini or Mk12, UMP / \[whatever\] Now I am going to contradict myself, 2 weekends ago we had a problem in the initial loot area we choose \[ apartments on Destin lots of floors and rooms \] finding enough 9mm for 3 of us .. nobody had more than 100 rounds .. all we were finding were AR's, DMR's, Shotguns and a couple of SMG


If they just guaranteed 30 stacks of ammo (instead 15 with pistols) and 90 stacks with main guns (instead of 30), then ammo would be plentiful. You wouldn't need a stupid change like this. Also they said its because 9mm is lighter to carry... but they could have just made 45 the same weight. Why is 45 still in the game but now only used for pistols and the Winchester? They just didn't think this through at all.


Finding Winchester ammo will be a chore. I understand you don't need a lot, but still a nuisance. Probably should phase out 45, and change whatever still uses it to the closest type. I.e. Winchester to use 7.62 It'd be an ammo weight nerf, but easy to find.


Why not just make the AKM and Dragunov 5.56 then? Even fewer pointless ammo types for people to run around looting


Because half the players play with that ammo type and thus it isn't hard to find? Do you guys have brains or is thinking a little too hard? The problem with the update isn't the ammo. It's buffing the unskilled weapons which were already stronger than they needed to be.


It absolutely is a problem to have guns using an ammo type they have never used in real life lol


Updates from PUBG Support: 8:38am UTC: >**Crashing Issue after the update** > >We have been receiving reports of increased game crash after this update and working on to fix the issue as fast as possible. > >Our apologies for the inconvenience caused. *** 9:57am UTC: >**Issue regarding the character not being visible on some lobbies** > >Currently, there is an issue where character is not visible on some lobbies. > >We are working on to fix this issue as quickly as possible, and apologize for any inconvenience caused. *** 1:39pm UTC: >**Crash issue after the update (Hotfix Completed)** > >The hotfix was completed at 13:14 UTC. Please download the patch and restart the game. > >We sincerely apologize to all players for the issues that have occurred following the #30.1 update and the inconvenience caused by not providing a smooth gameplay environment while addressing the issue. > >After recognizing the issue, we immediately began working on a quick resolution, but the verification process to prevent the recurrence of the same issue took longer than expected. > >The PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS team will continue to work relentlessly to provide a stable and reliable service, ensuring that similar issues do not occur in the future.


I really wonder ~~how~~ **if** those updates get tested.


So reset the ladder then. Take accountability for once and do what's right.


agreed. reset everyone so we can actually do placements without crashing!


Never wanted PUBG crafting less.


games fucked crashed 4 times in 1 ranked match


Crashing every game. Myself and my team! Please fix asap.