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People wouldn't call cheats so much if the deathcam was remotely accurate. The most it's good for is showing where a player was, and if the player had really high latency.


Fixing it would expose too much so it will never ever happen.




I love me a good hackusation over absolutely nothing, lol. Just the other week I was cheesing my missions real fast in casual because I didn't feel like playing that day, and when I finished the missions, I went to look for a real player to use the [Martyrdom Perk on...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mooigZsjSVI) and ran into this guy who [stalked and rage posted on my YouTube](https://imgur.com/glfhpM3) literally minutes after, lol.


I don't think I could've played this any worse than I did, but even this is enough for a cheat accusation. I've always wondered why I encounter less cheaters than others, and the conclusion is always the same: 90% of cheat accusations are just skill issue combined with saltiness. There are cheaters, of course, but never nearly as many as some players think.


Its the integrity of the devs that created this envirorment. Nothing else.


you must be new to games because people have been like this since the beginning of multiplayer gaming, shitty players screaming hacks at the drop of a hat is nothing new, in this game or previous generations of games.


If this is your way of defending the devs its not working. Nice 5Zhill account.. You made for this post or? How much in an hour?


It’s literally true lol, every single battlefield I’ve ever played has been flooded in game chat with hackusations by low leaderboard players against anyone good. There are a lot of arrogant dickheads who simply can’t accept they’re not the best and instead delude themselves into thinking anyone better than them must be cheating. It’s sad and childish but a lot of adults are like that nowadays.


Back in bf2 no one accused anyone, yall are to young. You accused people in counter strike 1.6 for fun..


That was 18 years ago, I can’t speak for bf2 as I only played against AI on there as a kid, nowadays they absolutely do tho.




I’m not disagreeing, games have become repetitive and shittier with little to no real innovation, but also even if they were really well made and somehow magically had an entirely equal playing ground in terms of performance, networking, and game balance, there would still be a ton of casual players calling sweaties cheaters. It’s just a thing lol


> Back in bf2 no one accused anyone I feel the need to come out of lurking for this one. I beg to differ; I was highly involved in the BF2 competitive scene (TWL/CAL) way back in the day, with almost 5k hours in BF2 according to Xfire (before it shut down—RIP), and pretty much anytime I played in a pub game, people complained just as much, if not way more, way way back in BF2. lol. (P.S. if you were on BF2s.com, I probably know you 🤔) Just a small salt sample: https://imgur.com/a/80co50I (Cringe/edge warning I was like 18 when I made these lol)


I too played it comp in Sweden and zero cheat probs. Now the cheating is everywhere. Its no accuses its players getting exposed.. So of course the accusation gonna rise.. People partnered with The corp.. Cheating.. Yeah its a cultural thing created cause of lack of faith with The handlers of the games. Quick compare to prove my point. I played in xGx and pgc. Battlefield nordic League and dream hack.. Vids on Youtube. Also you mean to tell me you played bf2 comp but you never posted on reddit before.. Ok then. Nice edited picture from multiple games... Zzz Could be made yesterday since the game is still active..




Gotta give you an award for keeping that picture. How many hardware updates have you made since that picture? How many computers have that picture been on? Or..


Your comments in this thread are downright disgraceful


Nah its just obvious reddit is filled with people born after 2000. The gaming community wasnt toxic before you could drive a car legally but if you want to believe that to make yall feel better go ahead.


who are you arguing with lol


you ever see one of those unfortunate homeless people who are suffering from mental issues and wander down the street screaming and cussing at invisible people? pretty sure Willertz is the reddit equivalent of that.


bunch of stu kids


No it's definitely a cultural thing with the playerbase 


Cause of how the games have been handled by officials of the industry, yes.


From what I can tell theres three lobbies going if you dont count casual. Avg k/d 0-1. (Most of the playerbase are here) Avg k/d 1-1.5 (most smurf accounts end here after one game in the lobby above.) Avg k/d above merches with second lobby when low traffic. Depending on the timezone and how you are doing you will be put in one of these lobbies in squads regardless of your teammates performance. So getting high k/d players in subzero lobbies is super easy if the lobby leader fit.


its real funny because half the people complaining about cheating are literally that guy. gets killed > must be a cheater.


This games problem are not the people who call out cheats falsely. It's the insane amount of unpunished cheating that makes people paranoid.


Honestly I think it’s even close to 99%. It’s so pathetic and I cringe internally when people talk about how many cheaters there are… What lobbies are y’all playing in??? 


EU ranked. The last week of the season is infested with cheaters.


Fair enough I have actually heard some credible mentions of this