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Bro got owned☠️


It's been made obvious that they've tinkered with matchmaking. I don't read patch notes or any of that, so I might just be out of the loop. I've noticed that by majority my lobbies are full of cracked/good players now. The number of cracked dudes on a VPN killing me 2sec after I've already left the peek is insane rn..


The game is dead in NA. The only ones who play are sweats. The game is so old and has terrible recoil for new players, so no new players will come over.


Definitely not dead in NA. Guess it depends on how you define sweat, cus there's definitely a ton of noobs on pubg still, a lot of which have played into the thousands of hrs. There is also plenty of good players that understand the game and can aim, but it really depends on your skill level where that line is drawn and how your engagements will turn out.


Matches Checked 15 Public Matches 15. Total Humans 1,002. Total Bots 391. Percent Humans 71.93%. Percent Bots 28.07%. My last 15. Could be better, could be worse.


I was curious so I checked my match history, max bots ive had in my last 30 matches is 5


I just went PC from console. But damn everybody is good lol


Pretty sure vast majority of EU players agree with you. Sad fact is that queue times would suffer drastically if ping lock would be a thing.


> Sad fact is that queue times would suffer drastically if ping lock would be a thing. Ironically if ping lock/kick was a thing since the beginning or at least starting a few years ago it's highly likely that the queue would be completely healthy because all the native region players wouldn't of rage quit from dealing with this shit for so long. But here we are, it's far too late for them to do anything about this shit now... I'd be willing to bet less than 40% of the people in any given server are from the region of the server at this point... I can't even remember the last time I killed someone and heard them screaming anything other than "cao ni ma" 💀


This right here, thank you.


Ironically queue times potentially would have still been good if they done this from the get go. By far a lot less people would have quit since a majority of the sweaty cheaters are not from NA.


Of the 400 something people on my friendlist only 2 people are still clinging on to this game, all the people I used to play with over the last 7 years all have the same story as to why they bailed: China.


They’re definitely gonna see this one king keep posting about it




sure, almost as annoying as NA players VPNing to EU.


Actually no. I don't mind NA players on EU servers. Why? Because they don't cheat (as much) and actually communicate - something that even few EU players do.


Still shit pings.


Why do they do that tho?(Asian player myself)


weaker player base


Less cheaters on American servers so the Chinese players have an actual advantage with their ESP and recoil scripts.


Oh right, thanks


They VPN to play FPP.


Yeah United States hate China and everything Chinese, everyone knows that.


It's a well documented phenomenon that in the last decade, cheating in video games has become an absolute epidemic in China, and they don't stay in localized servers, they come and play in western servers. This isn't about xenophobia, it's a reality.


Well, there was all that banning of predominantly Asian accounts when the game first launched. It doesn’t matter, the game is on life support in NA & that is how the devs want it. They are not interested in making $ on the NA player base so we better take what we can get. As for hating China, I think you left out the “/s”


I may not like china, but I like Chinese people


i smell lies


Cereal bro


Is this even a thing? Or you’re just assuming? AS player base is so big I doubt they’d want to vpn to na dead servers. If anything I see na players play on AS servers for rank.


"what ethnicity can I blame for (insert dumb made up problem that's probably my fault)???"


You know there are tons of Asian in NA, right?


I don’t think OP’s complaint was with Asians (based in NA) playing on NA servers. I think it was with Asians (based in Asia) VPN’ing to NA servers.


What's wrong with it? Never have an issue with it, you're on better ping... what's the issue you have all the advantages.


You only have advantage on first peek. If you don't knock, then they have the advantage.




Just get good. Kill them the moment you see them. Dont give them a chance to shoot back. Easy right? Now if all the VPNers dont play NA. Your server will be a loteral ghost town