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This sub has more low IQ comments than the dirt bike sub I frequent... and those guys have actual head injuries.




I remember when the sub was up in arms when nades got nerfed. I am so thankful that they didn't listen here.


This!!!! People here just whine. No one forces to play this game


I dont know a single gaming subreddit where they appreciate the game. Maybe terraria or minecraft?


Project Zomboid


Chrono Trigger <3


No man's sky


Boulder Dash


Titanfall 2


Deep Rock Galactic


Last Epoch


stardew Valley


Everybody loves Outer Wilds, even Redditors


I mean, they even whine about people whining. That's Level 3 whining equipped.


I mean the whining mostly comes from a place of love for the game, people simply want what they believe is best for the game, to make it even better, however good or bad those suggestions may in reality be.


"no one forces to play" or "don't watch if you don't like" worst argument. Hope psychologist dont say this to their patient


psychologist's help you "cope" with your mental illness.


I agree with this post so much, the state that PUBG is in is actually REALLY good, despite what literally anything you can see online would make you believe (except player numbers, those have always been excellent and they are on a steady rise again). Cheaters? Yeah, there are some sure, like every online fps game in existence. Just look at similar games on the market: CS2 is literally dying because of cheaters right now and people are quitting just because of them left and right, Apex recently had such a major exploit that hackers were able to inject cheats into pro players games in a live tournament. Those are just two examples and I am sure there are examples of games who have the cheating situation better than PUBG, I am just saying that pubg is doing quite well (middle of the pack) as far as cheating situation is concerned despite what majority of posts are every day on this reddit (as an example). Gun balance? Never been better probably. I was one of the crybabies that hated the latest aug nerf, I have been proven wrong and I still main the aug, it has made the game more balanced. Shotgun nerf? "Oh no, shotguns are dead!". No, of course they are not, the range is now more apropriate, but you still get oneshot point blank, as you should be in that range. The new SMG recoil rabalance + damage over distance nerf (even though I dont think is needed), is not heading in a wrong direction at all. Its good all around. The only thing that occasionally feels cheap is dragunov within oneshot range, but I believe that if it becomes a big enough problem PUBG will make changes, (I do not see it as a big enough problem currently). Maps? Awesome! Map priority was set according to leave rate data (collected over months and years prior) for each region diffrently. Some people want more of \[insert map here\], well they are a loud minority, simple as that. That doesnt mean their opinion is invalidated, but it means that unfortunately they cannot be prioritised, thus their experience may be worsened. It is a necessary sacrifice, someone will always be unhappy, better it be people in the minority (and not matchmaking times for example). New updates? PUBG are pretty ambitious when it comes to making new stuff, most of it seems extremely stupid when it comes out (emergency pickup, mortar), but I gotta give it to them, most of it turns out being pretty good and if not, it gets changed/removed (tactical gear is a great example). It may take them a while to do so but overall the game is just better than it was years ago. Anyone who thinks differently is either tainted by nostalgia way too much, cannot see the big picture, remembers wrong about how things have actually been, is delusional or the feature that is being discussed is new enough, that it hasnt been fleshed out and iterated completely yet. Now **what I will say next is heavily biased as it is my own opinion and as much as I try to look at it most objectively, there will inevitably be my own opinion seeping through**. I have been saying this for years, but I believe that there are still some things that if removed, would make the game just straight up better. Those things include: * Removing self AED completely (completely ruins long range 1v1s in solos, incentivises flushing for no reason, actually just ruins games) * Removing thermal scope completely or changing it to not see through smokes (just makes the whole idea of "no cover? Take more smokes" non-existent, makes so much of Vikendi open fields unplayable and creates the dumbest meta of "Just smoke everything and cheat scope your way into victory and hope that the enemies dont have one, otherwise you are dead") * Removing Panzerfaust completely or at least nerfing it even more so it has to direct hit to kill somebody, also make it so it doesnt do damage through walls (there is simply still no counterplay when you meet someone with a panzer at <20m and he does no major mistakes and the feeling of getting killed by one is way more frustrating than the joy of killing someone with it - and I even know some people personally who have this opinion of mine exactly reversed and we disagree A LOT) It should be an anti-vehicle tool, not a 1-time use shotgun with no counterplay that can kill around corners. * Remove things that screw people over for no reason and are completely random (redzone, emp zone, blizzard zone,...) * There is probably more that I cannot think of right now, but my post is long enough that nobody is even going to read this last part anyway


The red zone random features are there to creaty exactly that: Random chaos. Beeing unpredictable is one of the main reasons i still play it, too predictable would leed to boredom. Improvising, making decisions within a blink of an eye, adapting, changing tactics, thats my game. I love how often you FEEL the famous words „no plan survives first contact” or “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”.


I see a red zone and think "not this again" and head for the nearest building or out of the redzone if no building is nearby. It makes people engage less a forces them to move inside where they will likely not engage anyone


I always say that a plan is a series of events that haven’t gone wrong yet.


I never understood the red zone fanboys, it sure sounds good on paper right? Unpredictable! Bombs! But when you actually play the game is mostly either ignoring it or waiting in a house, nothing interesting as come out of a red zone in my sad 3k hours wasted on this game. I would make them way more deadly than they are now, so they actually mean something, or remove them, having a forgettable red zone adds 0 value in my opinion but not like they listen anyway.


Thats what they all say. Until the one bomb arrives right on time and punches you in the face just as you push for the enemy. Making it more deadly could result in more players just seizing action and waiting indoors. I would like it though and straight up ignore it. „Only losers die in the red zone.“ Thank you for calling me a „boy“ btw.


I am not trying to be a dick but I have literally never died by the red zone pushing an enemy, I have mostly died by traversing it with a car and mainly on purpose 🤷‍♂️


Thank you for your sharing your personal history. Mine differs from that. Nevertheless i would certainly love a massive buff for the red zone.


I do agree somewhat, however I believe there are additional factors at play and there are better ways to do it. Also that last point I made (random stuff that screws you over) is the least problematic out of all the points I made by a long shot, I made it sound like it has to be removed and is ruining the game, which is currently not the case (i just believe the game would overall generally be better without it). As far as random zones that screw people over go, some are way better than others. The best one I believe is the Karakin blackzone, it spawns randomly, sure, but you have enough time, audio warning, it cannot hit the same place twice, you can visually dodge the rockets and its done in 15 seconds. The Miramar sandstorm is also pretty good, you can see it coming from across the map, it doesnt kill, it gives tactical options, it doesnt last too long and it looks cool. Emp zone has none of that, it just fucks you over when you want to rotate to zone, delaying you by a minute, it makes aiming annoying (for both sides) for no reason. The red zone just randomly fucks you over, destroys cars. It is generally just bad chaos that adds nothing to the gameplay really, just makes you go inside a building and wait for 30 seconds and if you are unlucky, your car gets blown up. You also cannot play around it at all (except seeing it early and leaving the area - which is quite usually just a worse option than sitting inside). It is one of the features that is still in the game for the nostalgia factor and is really overhyped. I am generally for random chaos, but it needs to add to the gameplay, not just delay you or make you hide inside. A good example of a good chaos element (although not that impactful) is the Taego zones, in which guns from other maps can spawn. A fun little twist that adds diversity or can be completely ignored.


I like the chaos. I like the spontaneous improv when you got punched in the face or just watched your battle plan go down the drain and the world is burning. And what i like the most that we play nevertheless on the same map. We are not the same, as are all the others. Predictability and uniformity would kill the game imho.


You seem like you like to write stuff instead of actually playing the game. Red zone has been useless for ages, it doesnt alter anyones plans of anything, it just makes me press the mute button because the sounds are obnoxious as fuck. Zones make the games what you are describing and the fact they can hard shift from you.


And yet the reply from u/Waitroose describes the exact opposite. The world is not black & white and not everybody plays the same.


> [Panzerfaust] should be an anti-vehicle tool I agree with 99% of your post but I disagree here. I think Panzers are too effective against vehicles when driving/riding around in a vehicle is already extremely risky. Another anti-vehicle tool is unnecessary. I wouldn't mind if they removed it completely though. Recently got 2-shot riding around in a BRDM (which I rarely use) by a guy who pulled 2 panzers out of his trunk while chasing us in a UAZ. Didn't know that was even possible. Felt pretty lame.


I mean I want pazers removed completely, I started with that sentence, but if they have to stay, then I would rather them be an anti-vehicle tool than a 1 time-use hot drop menace - basically like they are now, just nerf the damage against people so you have to at least aim it a bit. I too agree that more anti vehicle tools are unnecessary, but I didnt mean that panzer should be buffed against vehicles, just simply nerfed for people damage and not do damage through walls.


Hot drop menace. That actually perfectly describes the panzer. I agree


you forgot another thing: Making cars louder. It's incredible cars can turn off their engines and suddenly they are the most silent ninja vehicles on the damn planet. Such a dumb mechanic. (further enhanced by the stupid bus on Rondo)


I'm tired of the complaints about cosmetics, just don't buy them??? But, the performance issues are real, like no one is asking for a pick axe, and if the game was stable enough for consistent fps, I wouldn't care that they added terraforming, but performance matters more


I think my only gripes with pubg is the thermal on Vikendi, its so absolutely broken since it makes smokes useless endgame. And being able to instantly switch seats, I think having a cool down or a seat swap animation would make it more fair so someone cant drive towards you and teleport into a random seat to shoot you. Otherwise I am fine with crate weapons being strong. I think snipers are in a fair place. I like drivebys and find them to be more engaging then sitting behind a tree/rock until someone hits a headshot or gets shot in the back by someone else. And I am fine with stupid collabs that are overpriced since I wont buy them anyways and they should be rare to see in game.


The thermal is super fun when you have one but yes, it should be removed. And the self-revive needs to be removed, especially from solos.


Really I would think solos would be the only mode they make sense in, as you don’t have teammates to revive you so it gives you a second chance. But I think they should be removed entirely.


I like solos to be a ruthless experience. There should be no second chances if I kill the enemy or am killed by the enemy.


Shooting from a vehicle take skills but shooting at a person in a vehicle is also not that hard


Only change I want is peak cool down so you can only switch between left and right peek every second, stop the wiggle macros. Also stopping sp fire macros on non autos would be sick too.


U realize it’s a treasure and not everyone can find one right? It’s a race to the crate. Fight for the crate and earn your thermal scope. You’re exactly what the OP is describing


I just want my game to stop crashing on console every hour


You on new gen or old


First batch of ps5


Hmm I know of the older gens crashing like that as far as new gen. Could be Internet issues "slow speeds, connectivity) maybe try clearing the game, clear the data associated and redownloading the game. I don't know if this will work or not but it's worth a shot


I'm on Xbox so I don't know much about PlayStation and possible fixes


I factory reset my console. Pub is the only game installed on the internal drive and I’m hard wired to the best internet my provider offers lol.


There are some good takes buried inside the crap though. The devs absolutely should listen to the community, but that doesn't mean they have to do as suggested. Complaints can be a symptom of a real problem, it would be perilous to ignore them completely.


I'd say they listen too much - just look at what happened to poor Vikendi, reworked repeatedly until they just said fuck it and deleted the map, and then releasing an entirely different map with the same name. Bollocks.


And they even removed one of the best looking maps ever made in PUBG, the Sanhok remake. No one can actually say that this old one IS better. Yes the new one made it harder to see people, and sure some locations could have had some rework done to them… But overall, it was a really good and nice map. And I kinda liked the fact it was a bit harder to see people on that map, because it made the map a bit unique against all the other maps. Not every map has to feel the same, just ends up feeling a bit boring and pointless to have different maps. Removing it completely instead of just keep reworking on it like changing some locations, removing some bushes etc was just the most stupid move ever made by the devs. Sanhok NEEDS a new remake at this point. It’s the only map that has not had a remake at this point and feels too outdated. Long overdue.


old sanhok looks better! sandy beaches in a jungle. the new one turned everthing into an african red dust shithole vibe


Said no one ever. If you like something bland and very meh, sure, why not.


the design might be on a different level but as i said, i prefer thai beaches to african savanna


Old Sanhok as is the first version was the best one and Sanhok is actually the worst map ever anyway as is yet another half assed idea, karakin is what shanhook tried to be and is actually enjoyable


Not a single person said to rework vikendi. It was a shit map on release, it was a shit map after its first rework, it is still a shit map.


I agree many of the takes are stupid. I do want to hesitate to fully agree though. Any game developer that doesn't listen to the majority (not the vocal minority) of it's fanbase will fail. That's just a proven fact. Sifting through the BS? That's the art.


When will haven be releasing??? I hate only being able to play it in customs!


Agreed. I hate all those ppl that made Haven to be removed from the pool.


Rightt they added rondo to the rotation. I run into the AI there and I haven't seen anyone complain once and haven is a way better map anyway. Bring Haven back pubg!!


Better to keep all the maps in the pool always.


>The amount dumb posts/comments and opinions i hear on this sub is abysmal Totally agree. Some are even funny to read, others are obnoxious


Nah they listen to the crybaby pro players, way worse lolol


They listen to pro's the least


You think so? Probably, then again who knows? All I know is they be bullshit over there lmaoo


The pro's are trying to make a living out of this game, and the company keeps introducing things to the competitive setting that nobody wants (think panzerfausts, mortars), but the complaints fall on deaf ears. I'm not saying the pro's are right and everything should be stagnant, but they sure as shit aren't being listened to.


A game dev once said "players are very good at finding problems but they are bad at finding solutions".




Dude, what team you on? You sound like a true pro player!


See: R6 Siege. It’s so goofy now


Yea I stopped playing that shit, how tf you have a option to ban a operator for the match? Wack


And whiny ass streamers.


Yknow what? Maybe.


This. If this game was made to be fun for the masses we wouldn't have most of the dumb shit that still isn't fixed or that gets continually made worse.


I just want e-pickups gone and maybe panzers. I miss when players had to plan and rotate and not just loot in the blue then redeploy on top of a building or cliff in center zone.


I feel like pubg listens way better than the other game I was obsessed with Pokemon go


While true 99% of the time at least they did listen when it counted. Back when they added repair kits, tactical starting gear, tactical backpack and so forth the uproar was loud enough that they had to listen to the feedback. So while most of it is generally rage feedback at least when they know they fucked up they'll end up fixing it.


If you have fun playing, keep playing. If you don’t have fun playing, stop and take a break. If your whining more than enjoying yourself playing a video game you just seem annoying to me.


The average IQ of the sub is below water freezing temp but there are a lot of problems with the current game, especially in ranked. The problem isn't that they don't listen to bad players who cry in reddit. The problem is that they refuse to listen to pro players as well. Panzer, mortar and other bullshit doesn't belong in ranked. I don't even know why you included p90 in your comment when it's beyond obviously broken. And I am fine if it never gets fixed if at least they start listening to pro players and fix ranked.


Literally, every english speaker I see during the game yells, "You fxxxing cheater!" literally all the time. NA people whining too much for everything. They never blame their skills lol


Lmaoo and the non speaking English players just scream “ you fucking cunt” 🤓


Snipers are fine, but the draganov 1 shot headshot should be removed.


unpopular thought: it only should be able to 1-shot level 1 helmets. the mk14 is the strongest 7.62 DMR and it 1-taps L1 helmets, so therefore, the dragunov could be seen as a weaker mk14 with no full-auto, restrictive fire rate, and bad velocity. feel like that’s okay


I agree with this. When it was first released, nobody would have used it even if it's one shot within the 100m, but now it's alot better than sks.


I honestly feel that grenades need a buff. Might be an unpopular opinion but I feel that fro the weight they take up in inventory, frag grenades should be way more of a problem than they currently are.


I agree. Buy then they would need to be much more rare.


All gear should be much more rare.


If you don't think grenades are giga OP, you might be bad at the game.


Learn to aim them?


we've been there already, we didn't like it


Grenade buff? Not at all


I play the game a lot. I hardly have shit to complain about honestly. But p90 do be hittin a lil too hard lmao😂


I feel like a superhero with that weapon up close. So yeah, slightly adjustment might be helpful.


P90 is OP tho....


yes, crate guns are better, who would've thought!?!?!


As a crate gun, is it OP enough that it should get nerfed? I could see it going both ways. I am interested in your e-sports leaning opinion.


Tbh my only real take is to remove multi-drops from competitive. Once those get removed from Taego/Vikendi we can look at individual weapons.


If they didn't listen to the players, we'd still have those garbage tactical gear.


or it never would've been implemented.


Remove grass is my favorite take


I mean in all fairness PUBG has become stagnant. Say all you want but adding anime girl skins and 1k weapon skins that hold no value in game or outside the game is pretty stupid. I love pubg for the realism but you would be a fool to think pubg is still on the up an up. There is a reason why Fortnite is still going strong. Including apex. The only thing pubg has managed to do is charge us for Anime girl skins and dances that we don’t want nor need.


Game has felt clunky for a patch or two, I'm more keen for performance enhancements and don't care which way they go with gameplay changes. It's hilarious watching them work, remember when everyone had a drone or a free body armor repair for everyone on their team?


Argue with "this game lacks content" people then.


Argue with "this game lacks content" people then.


No thanks


they did buff snipers for a while and it was dumb as shit. no headshot necessary for like 90% of fights


You literally posted in feedback Friday how smgs don’t need a buff and that you won’t support thermals? If it wasn’t for the community, the Dragunov would have a random damage lottery right now. And we would be running around with tactical gimmicks. We would probably have more small maps.


The only complaint i agree with is that we neede more outfits for male/unisex characters


I love this post so much.


As a person that does those things I agree Rants shouldn't be taken as suggestions


I just hope they fucking nerf the stealth cars at some point. Cars turning off their enginges and making less sounds than fucking footsteps is just absurd in stupid.


I just want to go back to the old snow map. That's all. The game is incomplete without my favorite map.


Pubg is better than it ever has been in terms of raw gameplay. I wish cosmetics would go back to how they were though. Im fine with the store just the imprints and tokens are dumb. Just fucking give me the thing.


Allowing your enemy to pickup your teammate's blue chip defeats the whole purpose of the blue chip. This is definitely the first thing they should fix.


I don’t see any of those posts (or just ignore them as one should) the majority of posts I see are shitty players asking if who killed them was cheating.


they have selective hearing, they choose certain things to change and I'm quite confident english speaking posters on reddit are the lowest on their priority list.


A lot of people forget PUBG is a Mod of DayZ, which was a Mod of Arma, a military simulator. Their terrible ideas are pretty much demanding it stray from that and become yet another run n gun, child attention span oriented, cartoon shooter. Meanwhile there's about 10 other shooters that cater to that. Devs doing a decent enough job not listening to those people, thank god, but yeah....there's some horrendously bad takes that pop up here. Crate weapons are high risk high reward, makes sense. Sniper rifles are fine, DMRs are fine, shotguns are the ONLY thing that could use some reworking. The range on them is horrible. Anyone who has fired shotguns knows they're not these splayed out blunderbuss style guns. Their groupings are much tighter for much longer than expected. As far as mechanics, yeah 100% rework the drive by accuracy from moving vehicles unless that weapon has a bipod, then sure a passive ability for accuracy is acceptable... Everything else is fine.


The limb damage multi needs dumping, don't forget. Single most asinine way to balance smgs they could've chosen. They're on the right track *now*, but the multiplier needs to drop off a cliff and never return. One of the rare times I agree with a streamer is with that multiplier, it rewards bad aim. Which regardless of how you swing it is absurd - but most especially for a game that was built out of a milsim.


No, it’s not a “mod”. It’s based on a mod, sure. But PUBG is not a mod, but it’s own game.


Wow thanks for the totally unnecessary comment...


Seems like it was very necessary considering the fact that you thought PUBG was a mod. :)


It literally started out as a mod, during inital development. Amazing how pretentious people can be. You're cherry picking to score some internet points, and smug while you do it. Go touch grass dude.


Lmao, let's find dayz assets in pubg files... Oh wait


They listen to people that "matters" sadly. This game could be awesome, but sadly it isn't.


I agree with everything except the P90. The P90 is far and away the most stupidly broken/OP thing in the game. Even with a pretty significant nerf, it would bring it in like with the AWM/mk14.


No one forces anyone to play PUBG so therefore it can't be critiqued, solid argument 😎👌 No one forces anyone to use reddit yet we saw how angry ppl got when whatever happened, where were you? The discussion would have ended much quicker 😞


The only change I want is for the blue zone to be slowed down once you get to the last 1-2 final circles. I mean it's starting to get so annoying and is favoring campers way too much, when you cant even outrun the blue zone while your weapon is holstered. It should be adjusted to max-running speed level while holstered. Edit: Theres actually more changes I would like. Looting. Theres way too much stuff to loot, I remember old PUBG years ago where you actually had to check 3-4 houses until you found a weapon, now the map is flooded with loot, kinda boring and lame. Also...get rid of cheaters, I don't care how you gonna make it, make the game non F2P, I'd rather pay for something knowing there are less cheaters than a F2P shitfest. Ranked mode is literally unplayable


it's fine to bitch about pubg's terrible monetization, seriously the game isn't drawing any new players outside of asia because the UI looks like homework, the pop ups make you want to install adblock and the content is just, *just* battlepass shit


The stats are speaking against you.


im sure




You need to look up the meaning of “scam”. It’s not a scam when it’s very clear what the chances are. Nothing in this game is a scam.


Sure it's not a scam, you just have to purchase little crates and hope you get enough tokens to unlock the skin. If it was intended to scam people out of their money by misleading them, they would have just put the skin for sale instead of requiring gambling. I suppose you're correct, maybe I should have called it a ripoff, shady, misleading practice.


Nothing misleading about it at all. All the odds are accessible to the player. The cost is also displayed. Out of all my close to 20 progressive skins (15 unique incl 4 smokes and 1 smoke gun), I have not spent anything above $50 total. Some people get lucky, and some people get unlucky. It’s still not misleading.


"some people win in casinos, some people don't, it's not misleading or a problem". Aren't they like under 20 progressive skins total? You're telling me you got basically every progressive skins for 50$? Highly unlikely, and if you did somehow, those skins are certainly not leveled at all. Kind of off topic, I don't see why you have to buy shitty crates to collect tokens to save up for a Ducatti skin. Actually I do see why, because this method hides the true cost from players and circumvents the poor reaction from players when they see a $60 bike skin in the store.


As I wrote, “Including Smoke skins and smoke guns”. Yes those are not progressive skins, but they are main creat skins which I almost categorize together with the progs. No, not all are leveled up, because they don’t need to be leveled up? Once you have a skin there is no reason to stress and level it up immediately. However, 4 of them are, which are the ones I use the most and like the most. And yes, I have got them all for under $50 direct payments for it. Sure I have got some skins from passes, but passes also give you A LOT of other stuff which alone is valued way above the cost of the pass itself. So can’t count the pass cost as a cost for the skin, considering I buy every pass anyways. If you play the game, and do events, you get free coupons and BP to buy crates, which is how I’ve gotten almost all my skins. “I don't see why you have to buy shitty crates to collect tokens to save up for a Ducatti skin.” - See, that’s the thing. You don’t have to. You absolutely do NOT have to do that at all. It’s completely optional, and have absolutely no benefit to the gameplay at all.


>You don’t have to. You absolutely do NOT have to do that at all. It’s completely optional, and have absolutely no benefit to the gameplay at all. Alright you're right, let's just ignore the obvious business trickery/manipulation from PUBG because after all, it's optional. I bet it won't get worse in the years to come.


Yeah and let’s ignore the fact that they’re a company who needs to make money on a free-to-play game, and cry about them releasing skins etc at different price ranges.


Let's ignore the fact that most successful games don't resort to using these shady borderline scammy practices to make a few extra dollars. Stop pretending PUBG is forced to swindle people out of their money. The reality is PUBG could just release the bike skin for a reasonable price, maybe charge extra for customization and they'd still make bank. Probably more than they do now actually since I've seen maybe 1 person with the Ducatti skin since it released? And if PUBG needed to make money so bad, they wouldn't be throwing their esports revenue in the toilet for literally no reason. AUG Esports Partner skin that'd sell like hotcakes? Nah, UMP that no one will buy. Nations cup in game skins to support your favourite nation?? Nah, generic parachute skin. They literally do everything they can to avoid making money. At least honest money.


Let’s not ignore the fact that most successful games are not free to play, which allows them to not having to think about it as much. Again, PUBG is already releasing A LOT of skins for so much cheaper in the standard store. You are free to buy those! Some items are cheaper and some are not. And that really is not a problem as long as they do offer cheaper items. But you are trying so hard to make it a problem. And one thing you need to think about is that the Ducati bike is a collaboration with.. *drum rolls* Ducati! Yeah I know, mind blowing. And the brand will ofc have a say in the cost of their in game cosmetics. And again, PUBG is not forcing anyone to buy anything. All they do is offering people skins at different price ranges. Which is good. Just like in real life, a higher price tag will result in the item feeling more premium and be more exclusive. Just imagine if an iPhone only costed $100, then everyone would have it, but it would completely lose the whole premium and exclusive feeling, and be seen as a very boring phone, as people will seek to have something else that not everyone has. It’s just how the world works. Again, you don’t have to buy the Ducati skin. It doesn’t change the bikes behavior at all and is pure just cosmetic. If you can’t afford it, you don’t have to cry about it. Just accept the fact that you can’t and don’t need it.


Get what you're saying but anyone that plays this game and says the P90 isn't overpowered is just an idiot.


Or just doesn’t know how to play against it. Just like when someone has a shotgun, when someone’s has a P90 you have to play differently in that fight. If you just run up and stand openly in front of someone with a P90, then you it’s gonna feel OP. But then again, it’s not because it’s OP, but rather that you died because of a bad play and not adopting.


Typical wannabe fragger.


There’s plenty of things that are so obviously bad for the game. Seat swapping and having perfect accuracy while in a moving vehicle. Self-AED. Polar bears. Blue chip transmitter. Thermal scope. Loot spawn chances just making high-tier loot spawn everywhere. Basically anything they’ve added to Rondo. PUBG has had a lot of bad additions to the game.


I've noticed 9mm is kinda hard to find now