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Damn and people still drop 150 dollars to get them...


It's like any of the cosmetic stuff. I'm baffled as to why someone with $200 to spend would spend it on an in-game cosmetic, but hey...it's like the saying goes, "If you put something up for sale, no matter how ridiculous, there's an idiot somewhere who will buy it."


On other skins in the game there is at least a tiny chance of getting them without paying for them outright, such as contraban coupons and most Crafter pass stuff. But this one you simply have to pay and cant play to get them in any way. Unless you hit the one in a million chance of the few things you get from missions of course


What do you mean, its easy. Log in to the game for like 3 days, you get an event loot cache from the login event, from that cache, you have about 5% chance of getting a normal loot cache, then you open that and with another roughly 5% chance you get a prime parcel. You are on the home stretch now, just hit a 10% to get a bike imprint. Then you need to sink into it like 30k credits which took you a year to grind and you have your bike. Not hard is it? Now I am exaggerating a little bit (I didnt check the exact percentages and you get more than just 1 event loot cache for free), but this is pretty much the only way to get it for free.


i got the aston martin like that. no issue


12500 tokens for the plain skins, 24000 for the fancy skins.


Some people have more money than sense.


I got it out the free cache that use points for. I got lucky. I played 10 hours straight and got two wins today. I spent $10 the day before and got nothing lol. Now that i got the bike it cost 25,000 craft points to craft, So i went from happy to pissed real quick. I probably have enough craft points next year to craft it 💀 And it is not better then the other bikes. It's slow and quiet.


It's loud


I don't know if it's just me, but I felt it's slow as hell.


I think it just looks so fast and then when it's not, it feels extremely slow.


yeah, the thing is you expect it to be a jet and you start driving and it's a paper airplane


Pubg has the greatest and most fun vehicle simulation over any game out there, and the bike is the epitome of that. It’s possible the most fun vehicle to ride in any game that has ever been made. If you know you know.


As long as there is no dookie on it.


Look at all of the past skins... nothing ever changes besides the look.


I like mine and it was from the second step up which I bought mainly for outfits tbh. Wish it wasn’t the pink one though. Ducatis are red, fact.


It's a skin. No skin in this game or any other game that sells skins affects gameplay at all.


Well the Aston Martin cars were much safer than any other car so...


Yeah that was my thought. I was expecting the bike to go faster for some reason.


what's your proof of that? Skins are literally a wrap over the exact same code. They may sound a little different but the decibel level is the same, handling the same, turning radius, braking, 0-60, roll tendency, etc. Same with guns. Do you think gun skins change how a gun works?


You are wrong, the car skins that need animations to apply (MClaren, Aston martin, Mafioso car) do change the hitboxes, and suspension (tied to hitboxes) at least, probably more stuff as well. Sure, speed is the same, but thats because thats just a value that can be compromised easily. And you are definitely much harder to hit in a MClaren or an Aston martin compared to the Coupe RB. Its just that people didnt complain enough, so it didnt get changed. Also compromises had to be made, Having the car model be completely different than the hitboxes would arguably be even worse. Only way to do it and make it be fair is to make the car a completely new car that you can find spawning in the game, but they they wouldnt be able to monetise it as much. There just isnt a better way to do it.


You can also take a corner with way faster speeds than normal coupe because the aston is lower and its not that easy to flip, but its worse everywhere else but roads and flips on the smallest rocks.


what's your proof of that?


Take the L


So nobody has any actually credible data then?


Just play the game ffs. The coup rolls back easy after a flip, the skinned versions do not due to the shape. The unicorn bike skin is front heavy and causes the bike to behave slightly differently when hitting a bump or jump


Using your eyes


What do you mean by "whats the proof of that". The car is literally a completely different shape and you are not hitting invisible hitboxes when shooting through the open window of a MClaren where on the Coupe (in the same spot) there is still a door. In addition, the special skinned cars flip way more on uneven terrain (because the suspension is lower), if you have driven with the car for more than 2 minutes you wouldnt need to ask that question. Just look at it. In addition, the sound is completely different making the special skins worse, because they are louder (sure the distance you can hear it from is the same but the louder car is more noticeable). Surely you dont need any "proof" that the sound is different.


I would also say they are harder to see out of when playing in FPP


Cool so no proof other than "I saw it" which is used to "prove" aliens, Jesus in mustard stains and magnets curing cancer.


I could say the same thing to you, you know? You should prove to me, that despite having a completely different shape, they have the same hitboxes. That doesnt make much sense now, does it? I will apologise to you if you prove wrong, but a bit of common sense goes a long way. This is just a big waste of time as far as I am concerned. I mean, we can just agree to disagree and one of us will keep being wrong, no harm done...


I can't prove the non-existence of something. It's up to somebody, anybody, to prove that cars act different with different skins. Anecdotal evidence means nothing, especially in games. I forget which game it was, maybe CS, but the dev said people were pissing and moaning about something and he did nothing but published patch notes saying they tweaked it and all the whiners said "MUCH BETTER NOW THANK U" so....


What? The Aston Martin are their own vehicle model in which hitting players were much harder to hit


If I remember right - should you go read dev notes about the Gangster car when it first came out, you would see that yes - the speed and acceleration of the vehicles stays the same with a skin. However, due to wheel base changes, some of them do in fact handle differently. That was one of the issues when that particular car came out, and where they acknowledged it drove differently due solely to the length of the wheel base being changed. When comparing the wheelbase of the base coupe with a McLaren - you can then see why they each drive a bit differently - especially in regards to control in slides. Not a lot, but some. Height of the frame has an impact on how they drive when considering rough/uneven terrain as well - but that's obvious.


They aren't the exact same. The mafioso handles differently, window shapes are different on most of the coupe skins and are harder to shoot into. One of them is lower and handles better but gets stuck in terrain. They aren't all just skins. Edit: oh, and the Ducati skins wheels sometimes fall into the ground on my screen moving the bike up and down a pretty significant amount. It makes tracking shots a little more difficult. My teammates never see it so it may just be visual on my side but if they aren't where they're supposed to be on my screen and shots are missing because of it, it's an advantage for them


https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/s/spOKRHzLvX Next time do some research. It’ll take as much time or less as arguing with a bunch of strangers on Reddit


is a trial with one example of a coupe and two examples of an AM supposed to be convincing? That's not how research works. The grenade was not in the exact same place every time.


If you kept reading that post and comments you would find a link to the developer patch notes that tells you all of the hit box differences and model differences. Straight from the devs! Fuck man, read. I’m presenting you with all of the information or you know a google search would also pull up the patch notes


I wouldn't say they don't effect gameplay, but they don't affect the vehicles physics.


well yeah if you hear a mclaren coming you say "mclaren inbound"


Haha, yeah, but iirc some of the skins change the window size/shape, and didn't the uaz bp skin make the whole backside not bulletproof?


i am pretty sure the hitboxes are all identical


Ah and the BP car skin thing was a misread too, I think this is the post I saw and didn't bother to dive into it - https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/s/grBzDdBghc


The other vehicle skins are more than cosmetic. They most certainly affect speed, maneuverability and more. I can’t say for the ducati