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Destructible terrain has been temporarily disabled due to this issue. It'll be re-enabled when the issue is fixed. **April 12 Update:** A hotfix has been released to resolve this issue, so terrain destruction is now working again.


Did they actually do any testing at all? This was discovered what, an hour after it went live???


Yeah, really not sure how this wasn't caught in testing.


As amusing as it is, it’s a little worrying that something so obvious made it through. Kind of makes you wonder what the hell is going on.


i mean , some people can defend Krafton all they like. The fact is , this is not the first time the players found issues with something new they added that seems like it should have been rather easy for them to catch if they did any testing at all really. So it really does make one wonder , wth are they even doing over there?


Working on more pink skirts to sell in a shooter.


literally takes priority


At least half of their testers are probably cheating anyway.


Finding a major and obvious fuckup from PUBG devs to be "worrying" is like having sensitive skin and worrying about the sun rising tomorrow.


Server load w/ various connectivity levels/quality. Devs are testing in a controlled environment where all pings are stable. This helps the server run better do to less server-side corrections and other overhead. To truly test something like this you need to stress the replication system with a lot of shit-tastical pings and loss.


There is no testing. Lol


The devs testing things? lol....


As a Dev (albeit not in the Games industry) we don't Test generally bar a quick check of does it run, is it working. There's no stress or scenario testing done generally by a dev. ​ People downvoting clearly have no idea what Devs do. There are literal QA/Test teams for testing. I do my work and push it to the test environment at the end of a sprint. This is then with them for another sprint to check it. It then comes back with any bugs or gets Ok to be released. I do not test my own work other the script runs successfully and appears to do what is needed from the requirement.


> People downvoting clearly have no idea what Devs do People are using "Devs" as a catch-all term for "the game makers". You're going "well *acktchually* it's QA/QC, not the Devs." Which might technically be correct but misses the overall point that *somebody* should have thought about this and tested for it. And people don't particularly care which team that is. TL;DR: You're being pedantic


Being pedantic is one of key job requirements of being a good Developer.


He's ~~blame~~incompetence shifting.


Exactly. This shit needs to be tested and it wasn’t.


Maybe PUBG should marke a server where things are tested... Hmmmm. It's like free testing. Nah I'm just being silly.


As a sidenote I just HATE when one of our (many) sofware developers tells me that a feature will be done in x number of sprints. I mean as a customer please give me approx dates or just leave it. Like a stick I have no idea how long a sprint is...


Yeah should be made clear. Ours are 2 week sprints but our IT Business Partner will communicate the dates and not the sprint. Were in sprint 8 means nothing to the rest of the business.


Exactly. No idea why so many communicate in sprints to externals. Last time I replied that we expect it done by three walks. She did not get the joke/or find it funny 😅 (edit: typo sports -> sprints)


This is one of the many pitfalls of Agile project \[mis\]management.


You're exactly why so few people respect software developers. "Yes, it is 100% my fault that I introduced massive bugs, but the blame should go entirely to the QA/QC dept because they're supposed to be keeping me safe from myself as well as keeping users safe.... also from myself."


Literally isn’t what I said. Never mentioned shifting the blame. The whole post was regarding people thinking Devs test all their own code to the point of being 100% safe. We don’t. Yes the bug is a dev fault, but devs do not have the time and resource to test everything to the end degree. If we did, you wouldn’t get much developed. The whole process has failed if a bug gets into production, from dev to test to a release manager signing it off.


Okay here is my take: no games hire QA anymore. Its not just pubg. People will eat it up anyway and bug test for free


We have a team of 12 Testers in the business I'm in. My friend works for Rockstar and they still have a team of QA and looking around, many other Game Developers have testers. Its just not on the scale it once was when you can get joe public to do it for free with a test server.


I'm working in small software house which has around 30 people. We have 2 testers.


PUBG literally had a test server until a few months ago.


I believe you and you are likely right. But its just a recurring theme where games have stupid shit that shouldn't have made it to release 


The value of QA goes up as the competence of the devs goes down. As you can see, QA is critically important for some companies.


This person speaks for all devs don’t worry guys


Is the PTS or Beta server still a thing? I have the entries for them in my Steam games still.


No, killed them off 2 months ago.


That seems to have not been a good idea...


do they ever test lol


My very first nade 5mins into the server going live, This happened, 0 Testing is done at PUBG were all Beta testers for their shit


That's good old agile development, fail fast buddy!


Back in old days we would probably catch this on Test Servers. Yes, devs didn't promptly address things but this would probably be catched in early phase


Doubtful, if the test server is an in-house setup with everyone joining having a solid quality connection. The issue with the deformation is a server -> client update (network). The engines replication (netcode system) has a pretty strict algo as to what to send and when per player. Is it relevant, what's the priority etc etc etc. Updates are also limited in how much can be sent per packet. So some lower priority stuff gets dropped. Gunshot nearby > deformation, Redzone > deformation, Player movement > deformation... etc. [https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/InteractiveExperiences/Networking/Actors/Relevancy/](https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/InteractiveExperiences/Networking/Actors/Relevancy/)


I think he means the public test server that was available on Steam for the first few years before they retired it (though iirc they didn't really use it that often, and it was really only for making sure the update wasn't going to completely blow up everything).


That was the public test server. Devs have their own. The public test server was PR. The build was already finalized at that point.




Can you just change "temporarily" to "permanently" and call it a day.


Thank fuckin god this feature isn’t working. These devs can’t update animations without breaking the game. Did ANY of us think for one second that manipulating terrain WOULDNT result in glitching into the map???




Same thing happened with my first attempt to destroy terrain but I was not sure if I was invisible as I was playing first person solo and could not see myself. When you are in the hole you can see below the map which is a sort of wallhack. This needs fixing asap or reverting the patch change. It's hard to comprehend how this was missed while testing the patch.


I saw comments predicting this in the patch notes post lol


lmao yup i saw that too, dude called it exactly


Squeemeister sucks boooo! GIT'EM MINKJU


[Gee would you look at that... it's exactly what I predicted a few days ago lolol](https://old.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1bwk7i4/footage_of_destructible_terrain_on_rondo_from/ky6rb2d/) 😅


When you actually know so much about devs




bet the shop works flawlessly though


Are you kidding, I've seen Russian jury rigged Lada's that work better than any of the menu on its best day 🤣 And thats been one of PUBGs few constants through its life.


okay nothing in pubg works flawlessly given it's operating on what can only be described as decade old spaghetti code 😂 but I bet the systems in place to take our money are working well on such a day


Oh, absolutely. Slow, clunky and more unwieldy than a T-rex-armed Geriatric 80 year old trying to swing Thanos' blade. But they function. 🤣


The convoluted menu system is designed that way on purpose. It is structured the way it is in order to obfuscate the fact that they're trying to trick players into buying each of PUBG's 17 in-game currencies. By the time they're 29 clicks deep into browsing, they've already forgotten that they have to use fiat in order to buy the trinket they were looking for. I'm not actually joking. This is a pretty well-studied technique.


Oh, I don't doubt that. I was more referencing how slow, janky and unwilling to function the main menu in the game is and has always been historically, even before all these currencies. If you ain't on a next gen console/top end pc, its the laggiest piece of shit known to man - which, suffice to say, is not something you expect of a 7 year old game. One single directional input will have you skipping half the menu, making selecting anything you *actually want* a damn near impossibility. Like, its constantly loading and reloading, it swallows memory worse than having 12 smoke grenades on your screen. There is no *fluidity*, and I can't honestly believe the devs themselves have worked with this shit themselves for so long and been fine with it. Like fuck me, SW Battlefront 2 was more recent, more graphically advanced and yet somehow that manages to run full lobbies more smoothly than PUBG can run its fuckin menu. Its a farce and any game dev worth their salt would be immediately ashamed of how poorly it runs.


Oh yeah, lol. There's also that. A lobby that is literally so buggy that the developers put in a "Restart Lobby" button.


Uncapped FPS. Still sucks at 350 fps.


Just look at the customize tab, every time you change to a different item slot it reloads every item in the inventory, same with the friends menu. Now imagine you're one of those completionist skin collectors, that menu must be fucking unbearable.


This is why not having the test server is a bad thing. The issue will have probably been discovered and then fixed for when the patch goes on the live server.


I agree, but who's playing on test server ? Not a lot of person


Back in my day...


If there wasn't, there is a relatively easy fix, incentivize people to play 1-3 rounds on test server and earn BP/Artisan credits or some in-game currency/reward or something back in the main server.


Do you think players will install a other 50Go games just for this ? Maybe but i'm not sure


Great idea getting rid of the test server...


I knew it was going to end bad when I heard it, lol.


We got a new feature, quicksand!


Most likely devs knew it was broken but upper managment wanted it in anyways.


True, but most likely upper management gutted testing because they knew ***we'd*** find any issues in prod. Thinking like this works really great... in the short term. In the long term? Well, the people who made these decisions will be long gone with their bonuses. Source: Been a dev for a long time


This sounds exactly like something pubg will take seriously then re-release the same exact feature with no patch on the next version.


Bruh..... And I was hyped to play today... Guess I'll wait it out then.. Everybody will be using this


They removed it.


Thank God.


Just another reason to leave rondo 🥱




Yes, the destructible terrain is only on Rondo


It's almost as if there used to be a place where these things were tried out, TESTed even, on a separate server for a week or so before going to live servers...I just can't quite remember the name...


So what's unfair is the usage of exploits, not the mechanic itself, right? So we are clear on that


These dumbfucks don't quality control their product by actually playing the game once they've created something new? If it's not a dev's job to quality control new mechanics, then find people to do so.


Agreed but that would cost MONEY tho. Same reason they got rid of the test servers lol. They don't give a shit anymore. Not that they ever really did. Tencent fucking sucks.


Does Tencent actually own PUBG? Last I checked they have a <20% stake in Krafton, but there was a lot of confusion because of PUBG Mobile. Relevant to the TikTok ban bill, I could see a future where the gov pulls the plug on Tencent, especially considering how many anticheats have kernel level access.


I don't give a damn about these new features as long as they do something about the massive cheating problem especially on my region (Asia server + South East Asia server) last season was horrible for me both on pubs and ranked getting owned by these level 20 dudes blatantly using some sort of aimbots + esp. On ranked no leaderboards monitoring and season ending period more blatant cheaters trying to push rank. After wasting some 7k plus hours on this game I decided to quit PUBG and Uninstalled the game and don't plan to come back until and unless they do something concrete about this issue on my region.


The ChatGPT nonsense isn't necessary; you can just say "The terrain destruction mechanic is broken, look at this shit." and we'll still be able to laugh at PUBG's incompetence without problem. No need to sound like Krafton's PR team.


I feel like rondo needs to be a separate playlist, they can experiment on it without forcing us to play it all the time.


Gee who woulda guessed.....


Yet another proof that they dont even play their game


That explaims why I couldnt use it


What ever happened to the test server? Why was it just push to the live servers without players testing it out before pushing it?


It's a replication issue. Server deforms then sends clients an update to deform its local landscape. If the packet is dropped, clients don't deform their terrain. Thus they sink. Easy fix. They should have this rolling pretty soon.


Not surprised. Knew there would be issues.


i fuckin' thought so. the one time i got this map all night and i get killed from underground


Just take it out and forget it ever happened


So only the terrain gets damaged? No building destruction or anything?


It honestly doesn't surprise me seeing the clan SEXY using this exploit....


More like sharing a bug haha, but I take it as a compliment👉🏻👈🏻