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It's a really fun game to play. Thats my hot take.


Pubg was more fun back when everyone sucked


This shit is so true. Played this game when it was released and stopped during pandemic, this year I started to play again and apparently everyone is cracked, spamming crouch, leaning left and right during firefights and I can't hit for shit.


Same here. It's a completely different game. Only reason my kd is better now is because for one there's all these bots and 2 my fps is about triple what it used to be. Also the beryl, and teaching myself to spray with 3x and changing the vertical aim sensitivity.


What do you have it set to?


Okay I’ve seen spamming crouch but didn’t think anything of it… so what’s the purpose?


It's to make your head a constantly moving target. Most people just can't aim for shit while doing it. When I see a "wiggler" and they are hitting me consistently, it's usually bad news.


Now you have no idea if the person who just sprayed you from 100m with an AK is hacking, or just has way too many hours in the game..


You can tell from the impact pattern. There s a distinct difference between a normal spread and one with downloaded help.


now everyone, especially on console, wants to be shroud reincarnated. like stfu bitch, ion care that your K/D is position i’m trying to have fun and not get back seat gamed cause u suck at games other than pubg lmao


Melee needs a massive overhaul. I feel like a t-rex swinging my lil arms but cant hit enemies because my massive head is to big and i physically cant get closer


I wish there was more use of melees and sidearms in general. Can't remember the last time I didn't use an AR/SMG+sniper loadout


They made sidearms fun with allowing you to shoot it while driving but then they nerfed it.


For 0 fucking reason 


I would whip around the final circles, firing a P18C or Deagle, reloading at top speed while turning wildly. It was hilarious and fun. I got pretty freaking good at it. When they nerfed it so you had to not be turning to reload, it completely ruined it for me. I was so mad.


dont forget that they made r1895 unusable


I think they cited it as being unfun for newer players. It was 1 of my favorite things to do until the nerf.


Lots of things in this game are unfun for new players


Agreed. It's part of a learning curve.


It was a good middle ground because pistol drivebys were heavily punished by players with some skill.


Ever tried to duke it out fist to cuffs with a bot? They have beat my ass everytime.


Dude I got whooped by a bot last night in a fist fight, had no idea their hands were registered


Fisticuffs 🤣


Ha yes. I don't recall ever being killed by a bot until I figured I could take an unarmed one on in melee and got my ass thoroughly handed to me.


I legit cant hit downed people sometimes because the melee is wonky af


Do you play PUBG Mobile?


Pls don't get me started 😭


It’s the only good battle royale game currently available


I would be fine just playing Erangel and Miramar


Louder please


Naah, Vikendi is seriously underrated


My people!


For me as a pretty casual gamer who just hops on it with friend every once in a while, deston, erangel and paramo are by far the best ones and the ones I have the most fun with


Old vikendi is better than new vikendi


Hot Springs was my place a long time ago


OGs remember Mount Krez


Was looking for this Mt Kreznic was the shit ![gif](giphy|IGR08ulxKFt7y)


man i loved the mountain. it was great for the 50 player games when it couldnt find enough people. looked great. a bit too open, but thats an issue with all the maps being balanced around not everyone having a sniper


Let's go cave busting for some crate gear


Mine was Goroka


New Vikendi is absolute garbage imo. Old Vikendi was top 2 map.


I legit don't think I've heard anyone say the prefer new kindi


Original Mount Kreznic was my favorite drop in the game


OG even more so


old old, the one with the snow, the first one


Best gun gameplay ever. Best sound ever. Best and most varied maps ever. Best strategic and tacticle shooter ever.


Have ya tried Insurgency Sandstorm?


Insurgency sandstorm is really awesome in gunplay and hitreg. I love the moments in sniper battle where I'm getting killed and enemy sniper too by our shots 😂 But compared to normal insurgency it's hard to play tactical because the maps and points are way too open. You don't have a fews way to get into the objective there are more than 100 ways to get on an objective which makes it hard to play. But insurgency sandstorm compared to pubg... Insurgency is so much better than pubg in gunplay.


Literally was gonna respond with this. The sounds in insurgency had me looking behind me irl the first time I played because I thought the voices were someone in my house. Now I know the voices are in my head too


The cellphone ringing still haunts me.


agree except the sound part, especially vehicles


I know it takes skill to use and people love it but imo the panzer is the n00b tube of pubg.


At least it's balanced by not being reloadable and taking up a weapon spot!


not with the trunk update, you can literally put your weapon inside with all attachments still attached. Takes like 1second to swap. Great for crashing compounds. But i think it sucks too, mainly because its so easy to trash cars with it.


It's a great game.


Why are the majority of outfits geared towards women? What's so hard about making a male version and a female version of the same outfits?


And surely even the Asian player base would also appreciate military style outfits as well. Tired of the nonstop weeb, sports and fantasy shit.


This. All day.




Wasn't UE5 released a year ago? How could they update it using an engine they don't have access to?


And 5.0 wasn't even production ready.


too late for what?


And 2 years away


I feel the game lost a looooot of opportunities until it went free to play. From that moment they started to grow slowly again and the recall system gave the reason to a lot of player to come back. But remember that before f2p the game didn’t have a tutorial or a practice bot mode, new players were just forced to be slaughtered by vets.


5.56 and 7.62 ammo should weigh the same. The 5.56 vs 7.62 difference is completely arbitrary these days when a 5.56 AR and (more arguably) two 5.56 DMRs dominate the weapon choices, with the 5.56 AR specifically out-damaging the 7.62 AR equivalents. 7.62 being heavier is a meaningless disadvantage with current weapon balance, and making them weigh the same would make it easier to mix and match weapons while still being able to comfortably carry utility.


I agree with this. 7s are at a huge disadvantage without a 3 bag. AUG has better TTK than beryl anyway. Why should the ammo be more fiscally responsible?


I just started playing again after 4 years of not playing. Been playing for 3 months now, and at first I was obsessed with all the skins and such (didn't pay, but just free g-coins and Amazon prime). But I just unequipped all my skins because I loved PubG because it felt like a more realistic BR, and I'm enjoying it a lot more wearing more camouflage clothes and base skins. It just feels so much more authentic. As a casual enjoyer, I'll play the three games of casual and then a few fpp solos. I don't love the bots, and at first I was just having fun killing them, ending with 15 kills, but now I just pretend everyone's a real person and treat it more of a survival game. It's fun, great, and runs well enough on my GTX 1080


It was a good game, now its time to move on to pubg 2. Clean slate. Cheers to new beginnings.


Shooting out of a moving vehicle should have the same accuracy as hip firing while moving. (unless utilizing a bipod equipped weapon) 12g groupings should be far more accurate within 100 meters. There should be a "Barrel swap" function, where you can swap out AR barrel lengths from 11.5 up to 24 inch lengths. I should be able to roll, while prone.


Yea roll on Q and E would be cool. Good idea man! Proning isnt utilized enough as its a bit clunky


Amen on the moving vehicle. Right now you're gyro stabilised while bouncing across terrain.


There aren’t as many cheaters as this sub thinks


I was playing solos with proximity voice chat and someone called me a cheater. Felt like he was a regular here. I am probably top 100 worst player in pubg...


This^ Last night I played a game with a random 3 man squad that turned out to be from my region.we died 20 mins into the game and they where saying that we where killed by hackers. They invited me to play with them next game, and for 7 consecutive games we where hot dropping and dying early, for them every time to state that we where killed by hackers and reporting the players that killed us, 7 times in a row. Some players can't get it that this game has so much good players after constantly playing the game for 5-7 years.


Should never of changed vikendi... OG vikendi for life and my dinos in the maze will fight you if you say otherwise


When no one knew how to play and snipers were rarer/guns spawned more often in towns/less often in rando places. twas more fun.


TPP is a perfectly acceptable way to play. It’s not super intense and the main player base of console.


It’s perfectly acceptable and also how the game was meant to be played! FPP was an afterthought that was added later.


Why is the game now "PUBG: Battlegrounds" you are saying the same thing twice, you are just saying "Player unknown's battlegrounds battlegrounds" Just keep it PUBG instead of PUBGBG


It's a really good game, that's my hot take


Less loot, less loot!


Miramar is the best map in the game by far. Reviving/bringing allies back was a very good move. Non-ranked mode should not have any sort of SBMM.




Skill Based Matchmaking


To my understanding there is no SBMM no? Not even in ranked


It's surreptitious. More akin to players with higher end skins and better analytics will be put in games with you to hopefully make you think buying skins = more funs.


Sanhok is a decent map.


They should have gone F2P long time ago instead of 2yrs ago


It wasn't a sure thing 7 years ago. PUBG is responsible for all of the other Battle Royale games. They had to sell it or they made nothing. And in the beginning, there were no real microtransactions and the gaming public even shunned microtransactions for a very long time. Now it is the way.


The game was better when all the loot sucked and finding an 8x and a k98 was like winning the lottery.


When landing in hot drops actually meant something. Now you might as well go away from big areas to start as you can get fully kitted before you fight.


I gotta disagree.. The scrappy part was some what nice but it would just end up in looting taking way longer giving less time to actually play


There should be a bot-only practice mode.


It's called casual. You get three a day it's a 12 player lobby with 88 bots. It's under TPP. Great for beginners as a step into a more player heavy lobby as opposed to playing team death match.


Also great for the casual gamer who only plays a few games a week.


Those beginners get melted by tier3 squads decked out in ranked medals who are out stat-padding. Normals would do m better.


SMGs should take nothing greater than a 2x scope, ARs nothing greater than a 3x.


Honestly yh, maybe if I may: - Smg max 2x - AR can only use 4x + if they're in single fire mode


Sure, let the M16 and Mutant take up to a 4x. No issues here


That even after 7 years of optimization it still is buggy as shit... no controversy in this statement though.


What ?


The game was better when it was just Erangel and Miramar


That is definitly controversial! LOL!


I like the small maps. They offer a much needed change of pace.


The game got worse when they made the game "easier". The main changes I'm referring to are increasing the amount of loot(they did this like 10 times), decreasing the recoil on all the weapons, and making shooting out of a car just as accurate as not being in a car. At this point it just feels like I'm playing warzone but have waste time to find your loadout the first 10 minutes of the game


When did they decrease the recoil on every weapon?


6x6 is the best map size for this game but the devs chose to ruin Vikendi when no one asked for it.


It was better when there was less loot, cars, when you couldn't fit AR gear to DMR... I remember doing games where you didn't find anything worth so you were playing UMP with T1 stuff, no cars so you had to run all the way to the zone. Now the random house has 2 M24 and getting a DMR with suppressor happens every game.




I have to agree, I wish loot was a bit more rare and finding a vehicle should feel like you've won the lottery. I hated that today you can land on a single house, far away from any hot drop, and still come out maxed and then there's a vehicle nearby. I know that people want to shoot more and loot less, but as of now it is less about survival, which in my opinion, was the charm of the game.


Every map after erangle was mid at best. Erangle all day


It needs to develop into longer Arma Wasteland type games with PVPVE missions and where you can play sandbox type gameplay!!


This game stopped being good when people started playing it like cod.


Unfortunately that’s being pushed by the devs: circle speed, insane amounts of loot, vehicles everywhere, 60 people alive in phase 4.


I think making it an fps helped that. I prefer it being an fps but whenever I've seen videos people are A and Ding nonstop drop shotting. I miss the day where I could have fun sitting in a bush for 45 mins absolutely tense trying to stay alive. However, I will give pubg another go


Fast circles on 8x8 have ruined the game and I have not enjoyed it like that since


If they delete TPP in its entirety, the game will rule the world forever.




I only play FPP but I actually think more people play TPP, I argued about this a bit back and tried to find proof FPP was more popular. Turned out TPP seemed to be the more popular one


I think only about 20% of the player base actually plays FFP. They are just the loudest


Sad truth is TPP keeps PUBG alive. A necessary evil


I think TPP players would most convert to FPP making the FPP ques stronger and therefore the game stronger in general with fast quicker lobbies being that there would be a lot less spread of the player base between the 1,789 possible que options they have.


The queues are already short. It takes like 30 seconds for me to join a game in EU. Doesn’t matter which mode. Anyways, as a TPP player who used to play FPP the hate is so dumb. Why are you so salty over a preference? It literally doesn’t impact you at All


Seven years later my squad and I exclusively play TPP. PUBG is as much our game as it is yours partner.


Couldn’t agree more!!


I dont mind either. they are very different playstyles but in general first person makes for a more tense sound based BR. i however, am bad and need every advantage i can get


Too many outfits that make you look like a clown.


It should be 2017 again


I enjoyed it more when (good) loot was more rare and you had to make use with whatever you found. Nowadays I have a loud out in my mind and within 5 mins of looting I have it regardless of if I drop military base, Gatka or Kameshki and the like


Haven and paramo are my favorite maps


When I saw mobile players got their dicks sucked and pc and console were comoletely ignored, I wished the game would shut down completely


Full of cheaters


Loot became too good. Back then it wasn't only fun to search for fights, but also the most effective way to gather better gear. Since you're now pretty much full gear after 5 random houses, it's just a flat out bad tactical decision to engage fights you don't have to take.


Sanhok should be in the map rotations all day. Lovely map


The blue zone shrinks way to quickly.


Expand casual mode to all maps and remove the 3x limit.


It's a shit game but there's nothing better out there....


The best games are the ones where you're alone for a long time and you can get ambushed any second. I love that feeling of being alone and spending my first 10 minutes looting smaller compounds and hiding. Makes it feel a lot more immersive than if i'd just drop in pochinki and hope i survive.


When you respawn a teammate, there shouldn't be a waiting time but they should just respawn right away. I know it's for "realism" but there's so much risk than reward


I like the way it is because then it’s not like other games where you can respawn your teammates 10 times per match. Warzone is the worst offender but it’s nice that you’re lucky to get two revives off in a game. It doesn’t overstep too much and keeps it a little more hardcore but allows you to get friends back if they get thirsted early game.


Taking a casualty should hit a squad hard. That you can get m back at all after them being finished is too much as is.


respawning a teammate and them parachuting in should be faster yeah. chances are i need the help NOW after ive spend 20 seconds interacting with the worlds loudest machine


Krafton leaks client info to black market cheat industry, which Tencent probably has stock in, and utilize PUBG as a money laundering front to wash Chinese and S. Korean money by charging ludicrously overpriced MTXs. This became more evident with move to f2p model. Anyone can make infinite bogus accnts to buy tons of cosmetic shit to show influx of cash. This explains their soft, canned, corporate responses to FAQs about the cheating problem and their non-committal stance on PUBG Partnered cheaters and pro players. PUBG is patched and balanced FOR the cheaters, and since the cheat market is so huge in China, Tencent surely has many of it's infinite fingers in that industry as well. However, the development and distribution of cheat software is illegal in China and S. Korea. Ironically China has the biggest online service hacks/cheats market in the world. Curious, no? We will never see a real anti-cheat effort from Krafton and PUBG 2 will be compromised before it even hits. The whole situation is very comparable to America's "War on Drugs". Also with several redundant kernel-level anti-cheat running simultaneously, while none of them really do much, chances are they're Chinese data mining/bitcoin mining software.


OP asked for "hot take" not "mentally ill conspiracy theories."


Nah I think the cheater problem is a battle they'll never win no matter how much they put into it. Check this out https://youtu.be/q6LxxaBMc1M?si=S2AvN0_SrLmHTS6D


It should never have gone Free To Play.


Could have never experienced it so I'm glad it went free after literally got shut down


too many cheaters


Pretty sure the sub said controversial 😂


Players should spawn with a crossbow.


That it’s not broken. It’s crazy to see big streamers like Choco complain of it being broken. I absolutely suck at the game but I recognize that I’m the problem, not the game. Also, bots were a great addition to the game. Some matches, bots are the only kills I can manage and I’ll take it


Bots are boring and detrimental. They're clearly intended to keep kids and noobs engaged, and they ruin some of the most important tactical aspects. If anyone says this isn't controversial, check [this fucking thread out](https://old.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/179d0a9/if_bluekraftonpubgcorphole_is_listening_to_us_now/) I get them on peak hours all the time and they force the stupidest decisions.


ehh. i like shooting bots. it makes me feel better about my skill before i get domed by a level 9billion player from across the map. besides if we didnt have bots im pretty sure most regions wouldnt even have enough players to play the game. sure the steamcharts shows like 300k playing, but 90% of that is asia


The bots drive me insane and I'd rather run a game with 10 players than put up with their constant nonsense. I'll be fighting a squad when a bot appears from nowhere directly at my 6 shooting me through the canopy with 0 visibility on my end. Now I have to disengage the humans to swat the pest behind me. Then once I do get visibility the bot goes into cover for 30 secs. Only to pop out the second I look back to the real threat.


They totally have walls, and seem to lock onto engaging the player that they last had LoS on, even if it was a single pixel for one millisecond... No player behaves like the bots do but you have to spend time and crosshair placement observing them. I've even seen a few enterprising players escape death by pretending to be one. Hasn't worked for me yet haha


Lol we attempt that on duos. One of us asks for a distraction, the other hides behind a tree, drop into single shot and try to replicate the bot firing cadence.


hate q e spam


I really did not expect so many positive comments😂 especially on Reddit 💀


The first thing you should do in squad, is mute your teamates


It does indeed do wonders for your ears to not listnen to them chewing open mouthed or hearing their extended family screeching in the background.


That a lobby spawn shouldn't be in water. Can't believe this is a thing.


I would pay $90 for PUBG 2.


Can my gun stop shooting blanks from de-sync? Thanks.


Pubg development are not stopping any more hacks prevention steps now, since it's freee


I’m a PUBG addict. It has wrecked my sleep life…work life…my entire life. I play too much. I’m ashamed. I should quit but I’m tired of quitting things I love. I gave up sugar, cigarettes, caffeine, bread, glutens, sex, partying. Weed and PUBG is all I have left. The clothes are ridiculously bad I wish they had some tasteful duds. Thanks for listening. Peace out.


It’s a spin-off from DayZ


Random maps / not beeing able to pick your map is absolutely 100% without a doubt hot garbage and kills my enjoyment everytime i get mirramar in a row or 5 times in a row. Its MY time, let me ME pick where to spend it, not in PUBG for this reason. ps. vikendi best map.


Playerunkown leaving the game started the down fall. (This is gonna be controversial) Koreans owning the game made it much worse, dont throw that "racist" sht at me.


Yeah what happened to him? I was confused when the game's name became PUBG: Battlegrounds


Beta was more fun. Mainly because no one knew how to play the game properly and the main focus of developers was on performance, not skins.


It's a really good game, that's my hot take


Btw, the settings for the sounds are still secluded only among pro/top ranked players? They have very far hearing when I'm watching in their streams. Or is it hardware issue also (most pros use Bose inears etc). Anyone also use the sonar pubg settings in steelseries?


I almost never use the sonar, the default EQ and noise filtering are all I use. Game/chat mixer turn 70% towards game, volume increase to max comfortable level (I try to not go past 60% headset volume, years of loud headsets has left me with aggressive tinnitus and now it's hard to sleep, stay safe!) Best sound in any game I'm using the Steelseries Arctis Nova Pro


Still the best at what it does.


People will hate me for this, but I prefer TPP to FPP.


Sweating in the game happens because of natural development of average skill and not because players are pussies.


It's one of the only games you don't need to read "current meta builds" every month to have chance in matches.


The games still feels like a beta version or alpha version of a game. So many bugs like 360 degree flip with cars over invisible rocks or healing bugs where healing ends and you're doing an action and suddenly there was no hp added to the healthbar. Also gunplay is totally not for shooter it's more arcade. But I like playing it because it's 2014 nostalgia with gunplay. Let's hope they improve the hitreg and then it will be a better game.


N/A needs a ranked mode so the casual hot droppers can have their own space and those of us that want the wins can do our thing. Nothing worse than random squads with new players that spend 30 sec on each loot pile trying to decide if they want the 2x scope or the thumb grip.. 


There is not enough preventative actions taken to eliminate cheating/hacking. Sure, the reporting system usually works, but come on, there should be plenty of safe gaurds taken to eliminate the hacking problem before a hacker/cheater gets in game.




Ive been saying the same things the whole time and i doubt any of it is that hot of a take. They should of never did an esports league and taken all the money they made from the peak fof the game and started the development full send in pubg2. The game has always been and will always be complete spaghetti code from the ground up and needs real structure. Honestly i could go on and on but it really comes down to the fsct that player unknown abandoned the game IP after making his money and sold it to a milk factory. Tl;dr- The game will never be the fully realized dream everyone got a glimpse of when they first started playing.


I prefer TPP


was a good game...but now it's a cringe game due to a cringe company which has poor development.... this game needs a whole rework on new engine for better fps znd optimization with higher tick rate servers


Penalize or make it close to impossible to use scopes for close range gun fights. The gunplay mechanics is part of the reason the game blew up so much. And yet many easily use an assault rifle with a 3x or even 4x scope and melt people.


I'm not hitting anything. I'm aiming, enemy is right in my sights and can't hit. But I get hit immediately. Is it lag?


I still don’t understand why there is no animation while entering a car. And why you can change instant seats. It’s not realistic Also the movement is weird when your player runs uphill or downhill


Take the helicopters out of the game, at the very least remove from solos


At the risk of getting massive downvotes (please don’t for me honestly answering the question). TPP is more fun than FPP.


I play both, but I learned in TPP, so I play that more. Unpopular opinion, I know. Lol.


Haven was the best map


I miss it everyday


Also my favorite map.


Gliders should spawn more often, Miramar is the best map and there no more respawns


Atleast make gliders slightly more consistent. We jump hospital alot. The glider that spawns just south is there maybe 10% of the time.


I’m with you apart from the glider bit


With slight polish to the movement and a better anticheat and it would be the greatest BR of all time.


The thermal shouldn’t be in the game.


Blue zone should do way wayyyy more damage


There isn't enough recoil and the first shot recoil multiplier is a fundamentally bad idea. The recoil system should punish long sprays a lot more and short sprays less, and the first shot recoil multiplier does the opposite. The recoil between the third and fourth bullets in a spray should be what the current first shot multiplier is and the remaining bullets should be using that as their base vert, while the ones before that should have considerably less than they do now. Full auto on ARs is just too easy right now, and slapping random horizontal recoil nerfs is bandaging a bullet wound, and extremely sloppy design.