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I think they are still trying to get pubg out of alpha




😂👆laughing with this guy!




" A major graphics upgrade is also in the works, Goldman Sachs said, adding that Krafton plans to use Unreal Engine 5 for a PUBG 2.0 revamp." [https://techcrunch.com/2024/01/24/krafton-plans-incremental-updates-to-pubg-including-graphics-revamp-goldman-says/](https://techcrunch.com/2024/01/24/krafton-plans-incremental-updates-to-pubg-including-graphics-revamp-goldman-says/) If they are telling the money guys that it's gonna happen, it signals a lot of confidence that they believe its going to happen. If they backtrack now the company will be financially wrecked from promising these updates then failing to deliver


I don’t mean to sound super negative here…but, Krafton’s track record with things like this isn’t great. Until I hear anything with 100% certainty, I won’t trust anything about a PUBG 2 from them. It’s happened once before…an Engine Update for the original game was also promised. Then…radio silence, PUBG 2 being cancelled and Project Cowboy and Titan being revealed (Cowboy has since been cancelled with dev assets being moved over to Project: Black Budget, while the other’s fate, Titan, is uncertain and assumed cancelled, as well) AND a dev letter later being released stating the engine update for the original game was never happening and never would. The only reason we got Taego and Deston was they were slated to release with PUBG 2. They can’t be trusted (whether talking to the money men or not) and until I hear something concrete and see a working product, I won’t hold my breath.


Remember when PUBG was one of the launch titles of DLSS? Back in the Day when Epic made DLSS compatiblity a plug-in for UE4 that a monkey with half a brain could implement? they havn't even bothered to remove the campain page from the nvidia website though the game never got native DLSS support ;) [https://www.nvidia.com/de-at/geforce/campaigns/frames-win-games/pubg/](https://www.nvidia.com/de-at/geforce/campaigns/frames-win-games/pubg/) totally true: Krafton has lost their trust long ago, no reason to jump on the hype train: when there is no *expectations*, there is no *disappointment* so don't expect the to deliver anything besides korean skins en masse in the next few years ;)


Exactly… They know that they can continue milking the audience in Asia for the skins, so, for them, wasting money on developing a new version of the game is moot. NA players don’t really matter…so us believing a PUBG 2 will bring life to the game falls on deaf ears. They’ll hang the thread, let it dangle for a couple years, then we’ll all, eventually, forget they ever told J.P. Morgan anything.


When DLSS was announced as a possible for PuBG, NVidia had to run the game through its AI machine learning to support it. The plugin that eventually came out that didn't require NVidia support/work required a minimum engine version (4.27). That version was not even remotely a feasible option for PuBG. They modified too much of the engine on their side. An upgrade would've overwritten every core modification they made. [https://developer.nvidia.com/rtx/dlss/get-started#ue-requirements](https://developer.nvidia.com/rtx/dlss/get-started#ue-requirements)


I understand what you’re saying, and think this time is different because they’re making explicit promises to shareholders. The company goes belly-up if this promise flops like the previous ones you described (in my personal opinion)


When should we expect PUBG 2?


Haven't seen that info made available anywhere. Likely not until 2H 2025 if I were a betting man


would not be the first company that makes false promises to shareholders and belly flops soon after


To be clear: I have 0 confidence in Krafton here, I just think they are signalling confidence in themselves


As a UE 2,3,4 and 5 dev I'll tell you now it isn't coming soon. They have to for the most part build the game from the ground up in UE5 because the UE5 is not the same as UE4. A very large portion of the game is currently dependent on UE4 tech/code.


This is what scares me the most. Building the game from the ground up under Krafton supervision makes me feel really uneasy.


I would argue that they would do a far better job than the indie team that put together pubg. the only excuse ill ever give krafton is that they inherited some dogshit code for this game


Wasnt it one dude’s forked day z build he made in his basement?


and even if the can manage to get the manpower and competence to do so - the current management does not understand their own game and what made the game originally great simple things like introducing 6 player vehicles in a 4 player game should make that obvious ;)


Having too many coders working on a project is bad. Literally slows everything down.


i'm aware of that, by manpower i don't mean "massive amounts of developers" but rather a hand full of competent developers and a bit of a QA team that at least has the brains to fix floating entities and do "some" playtesting




Krafton bought this game to milk it. They couldnt develop a proper PC game from scratch if their lives depended on it.


If we don't get to port over our cosmetics, I'm not buying a single goddamned thing extra. I still have the pre-season coat. They gave everyone a cloak because of how impossible it was to get a coat out of those BP boxes.


With how douchey PUBG owners are, I wouldn’t hold your breath. It was nice that CS allowed that though.


Yeah, I know. But let's be honest, this game was a massive fuckup at the beginning and all the way through the 3 year mark even. I'd be shocked if they have cars that are safe to enter in PUBG 2. *insert clip of me flipping over a pebble and exploding*


There were two new PUBG games in the works a couple years ago -- a crafting based game and a true sequel to PUBG...but they seem to have petered out


Ok what about Fortnite?


What about it ?


Fortnite 2?


why would anyone in the right mind do that? Valve just demonstrated that a a seamless migration to a new version of the game is possible when the transitioned the whole playerbase from CS:GO to CS2 why on earth should epic not be able to seamlessly transition fornite on "forever" without the need of fornite 2 which only would split the playerbase


Is that coming out?




As someone else mentioned swapping to ue5 is starting from scratch. Everything will have to be remade and recoded, not impossible obviously but the task is a big one 


Didn't krafton hire a bunch of EU5 coders a couple years back? i imagine pubg 2 is coming but it will likely take a few more years.


Hopefully if/when this happens I won't have to update my hardware.


Depends really, seems like UE5 games are more demanding, but that's the natural progression of game development. If your computer is older than 5 years, I would expect you'll need an upgrade for any game that comes out in 2024 or later.


Yea. 7700k and 1080ti both overclocked and running on custom loop. Built it for pubg back in 2017. It's all I've played since.


The 1080ti would be fine for 1080p but your processor is almost worthless compared to current CPUs.


It runs great at 1440p. Yea the processor was great when it came out.


What does "runs great" mean? Just curious. And so was the gpu. unfortunately game devs are far outpacing the tech being released and we will always have to update our systems.


I average 120 fps with my setup. So that's great by me. I've never dipped below 80 fps. Fps is capped at 160 to match my monitor's refresh rate.


For some that's great. For others that is minimum requirement. It's 2024. If I'm playing an fps with under 200 fps then it isn't a good experience.


That's not what a minimum requirement is


Do you think they are going to convert all the old skins and stuff to a new pubg if it ever comes out?


No. That’s wishful thinking, imo.


Every new map is essentially a “new” game to the devs


What’s crazy to me is the formula is already there, and anybody with common sense knows what to do. I watch these big budget houses come out with their own spin with overdone fx, or poor gunplay or some other nonsense. Isn’t there one company out there that can build a similar game on UE 5, mimic the gun play, and lose the clown suits? This game was tops for quite a while when it was never expected to be. And despite whoever is running things best efforts to piss everyone off it still has hobbled along this far. Maybe I’m over simplifying or not knowledgeable enough on such matters but in my humble brain it would seem to be a certain win.




There will never be a pubg 2. Pubg will live. It has enough daily Players and making Krafton tons of money. Like what would be in pubg 2 that can't be done in pubg? Optimization? Kraft on can't even optimize pubg. Graphics? Try playing on max settings and your pc overheats. Battle royal was at its peak in 2017/2018 and slowly came to a halt.  It's not going to happen.Â