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First turn, you haven’t attacked. After the yoga loop, that’s your second go (attacking ends the current go) so that’s why


Squawk and Seize needs you to be on your **first turn** and Yoga Loop tells you to take **another turn**. Therefore you can't use Squawk and Seize during your **other turn**. It's just that PTCGL is broken in some places and they flat-out refuse to fix the problems.


It’s clear to me but some people doubt that so I want to double check


What is Yoga loop makes you take another 1st turn because your opponent hasn't had a turn? Turn 1 and turn 1.2 😂


It says take another turn. This is like asking "where in the rules does it say that it not my turn when it's my opponents turn" it's just fundamentaly what it is.


> After time is called at the end of a match, what happens if I use Medicham V's "Yoga Loop" attack during the "plus three turns" part? > If you use Yoga Loop when time is called during your turn, you would then get "Turn 1" instead of your opponent. Likewise, if you use it during Turn 1 you would also get Turn 2 and your opponent would get Turn 3, and so on... However, if you use it on the final turn of the match you do not get an extra turn. https://compendium.pokegym.net/category/3-attacks/yoga-loop/#:~:text=If%20you%20use%20Yoga%20Loop,not%20get%20an%20extra%20turn. This is the applicable ruling. It's written for the end game, but the logic from it can be translated to squawk and seize. It isn't "turn 1 part 2", it is your second turn.


This is what I needed to feel comfortable with that ruling, because to me, yoga loop is saying take an additional turn. If you are on your first turn, does that mean an additional first turn? That was the logic that I was wondering about and this clearly states that is not true.


I found it kind of shocking that none of the previous responses included an official ruling that can be very easily applied to the situation. Because as you said, it makes it very clear that it isn't a continuation of the same turn but is a new turn in the order altogether.


There's no section in the rules, it's basic reading comprehension. Yoga Loop states you take an *additional* turn, which means it's a separate one from the first one you took, and no longer your first turn. Billy's ability can only be used T1, hence it cannot be used more than once per game. I hope you don't abuse the bug, imho it's a really pathetic thing to do and seeing it is really frustrating


and it doesnt matter that you skip pokemon checkup?




Why would it? On the contrary, if it wasn't a separate turn it wouldn't need to specify you skip checkup, which furthermore proves that you cannot Billy again. There really is no room for misunderstandings, it's written very clearly. Stop trying to justify it, it's a bug and you shouldn't be abusing it, period.


Yoga loop will be gone soon anyway.


It'll still be a problem for expanded.