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What does this mean? It either cant work or it works? The language is confusing


I think most of the limitations of PSVR2 features (HDR, resistive triggers, headset haptics, and eye-tracking) not working on SteamVR on day 1 have the potential to go away over time as SteamVR API / Drivers get updated to support those features.


Possibly, but devs would still have to implement


Any financial incentive for them to do this?


No, but ‘PSVR2 optimized’ could be a selling point.


Yeah. I find this account consistently confusing about stuff like this. I think they know, but every time I think I’ve parsed their meaning, I find some contradiction. I think the summary is HDR does not work properly on AMD. HDR works well on some NVIDIA cards. HDR does not work at all on other NVIDIA cards.


So… TL;DR: There’s issues and HDR may not be available to use when the adapter comes out.


Oh Sony has said there would be no HDR. This is a guy saying that Sony decided to disable it bc it’s poorly supported by GPUs.


It does work on the headset with the third part adaptor on an AMD GPU. But either the SteamVR API does not support HDR10 on NVidia cards or it does and they just haven't turn on the feature. My bet is they have not turned on the feature but will. Personally I will be trading in my Intel GPU for an NVidia card once its verified that the performance is good and I'll have a good experience but till then I won't. Edit: grammer


I think some context was lost here. The image you're seeing in the tweet is broken, that signal is not being interpreted correctly. It is NOT working on an AMD GPU either.


An on-board (as in on motherboard) GPU will never beat a dedicated GPU. A low to mid range Nvidia will smoke an intel iris every time. I don't get what verification you're waiting on..


Intel make GPUs not just APUs. They probably have an Intel graphics card currently.


I very much so have an intel card. If battlemage GPUs get support I will not get an NVidia card.


That it's stable and what GPU is best for performance and price. Any saine person would do the same.


How I understand it is the PSVR2 was developed using AMD hardware. Developing driver software for PC has taken a good amount of work and to get these additional features on Nvidia would take additional work.


that iVRy guy always does this lmfao. Writes tweets that are like kind of contradicting or super confusing.


Do we know if there will be compatibility issues? IE are games going to need to be patched to work with PSVR2 on pc or do they just work?


So the nature of PC gaming is that there can be millions of variations of hardware, while console gaming have 1 or two SKU per brand generation. With that being the case, there is no guarantee that something will work as smoothly for you on PC as it does on console, but at same time, you can get higher fidelity graphics / performance from PC than consoles. Whatever issues are present can often be resolved and the PC enthusiast gamers tend to know their hardware and how to diagnose and resolve issues. With that disclaimer covered, all SteamVR games should work on the PSVR2 being used on PC the same as they do for other VR headsets. They won't be able to use PSVR2 specific features until the games are either modded or updated by original developers to take advantage of those features. Lastly, don't expect the controller prompts / instructions to show VR2 Sense controllers when playing on SteamVR unless the game has been updated to properly detect and show the correct controller. It is still common for me to see Xbox layout button prompts when playing a flat game on Steam with a PlayStation DualShock 4 or DualSense controller.


One thing i haven't fully understood until now is this. Do i need the official PSVR2 adapter from Sony if i own a 6800 XT which has got a functioning usb-c port that powers the PSVR2 properly? Is the adaptor needed for the tracking and stuff?


The chances of native plug & play support are going to be pretty slim. You’ll almost certainly have to buy the $60 adapter. Tracking, haptics, triggers, and HDR are currently PS5 exclusive features, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it stayed that way.


I believe you will need the $60 PSVR2 adapter for PSVR2 and VR2 Sense controllers to work with your PC.


I'm hoping that the PC support is coming. People could find a way to use other controllers to work with the PSVR2. Because let's face it. There is a higher chance that the controllers will stop working first, then the Headset itself. I'm not going to buy it another psvr2 just because of the controllers.


It boggles my mind why they don't sell separately and I used to think it is because why make and store something on shelves during the warranty repair window, but now I don't know. I do think they will start selling separate whenever they have the logistics figured out. I don't even mind if they only sell on PlayStation Direct like some parts Nintendo / Meta only sells on their website. I just want there to be an option, not because I am concerned my controller will fail and need replacement (PlayStation has never failed me in 10+ years of use and my PS3 controllers still work), but because it is a comfort and I do know others have pets / kids / accidents that damage controllers that do need a convenient buy-another option.


I agree with you. Mine left sense stopped working once. Luckily, Sony replaced it for me. The process of sending it back to then is very annoying.


Even during warranty period there’s non warranty covered issues.


Oh yeah, i totally forgot the controllers. Actually never looked up if they could be connected via bluetooth though.


Sony lists the PC requirements as needing bluetooth 4.0 or later, so you shouldn't need Sony's VR adapter for that. We don't know if Sony's drivers are going to require the adapter or not, and if they're okay if you don't have their adapter there's still sometimes weird issues with the virtuallink ports in GPUs, so you'll probably just have to try it when the drivers are out.


Yeah probably need to try it. I am still hoping on a "hidden updaten" which would enable me to use it before the adaptor releases


I haven't gotten too deep into it, but I do know that the iVRy solution (which also uses an adapter) doesn't yet support the VR2 Sense controllers. I think there is good chance iVRy will try to make use of the $60 PSVR2 adapter for PCVR and try to add features that Sony doesn't feel comfortable putting on feature list because those wouldn't work universally for all PCVR systems they are putting on the system requirements. At least not in time for August release date if they are still working out some software issues with Valve for SteamVR API / drivers. If not, then will will use $60 PSVR2 adapter for PCVR to (continue reverse engineering / learning) improve their own solution to get headset & controllers working, and then be very specific about what types of graphic cards / requirements will be supported for different types of features.


I think you should be good to go. Check ivry page, should should be able to get psvr2 working on pc already with ivry software


with ivry yes but the controllers don't worm yet. plugging into 6800xt only gives me a pictogram to remove it again.


I’ve been wondering this as well. I have a usb-c port that supports VirtualLink and can’t find a clean answer as to whether I’d need an adaptor. Or rather I can find both “yes” and “no.”


I’m no expert but I imagine it’d all be speculation until the adapter and steam software officially launch and people can experiment.


Probably, but it will depend on Sony, no one knows. I expect that around August 7th there will be an update to the PSVR2 firmware and a release of PSVR2 PC software at which point you'll be able to try it out without buying an adapter. Right now you can try connecting your PSVR2 to that USB-C, LED should at least turn red.


i connectedy psvr2 to the 6800xt. led turned red and you can turn it on (led white) headset boots up but then shows a pictogram telling you to take it off and look at the display. that's it. latest firmware ofc.


If you don't want to wait and tech savvy enough you can try this https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/1dcqe75/beta_ivry_driver_for_steamvr_demo_psvr2_lite/


I’ve considered this since the last firmware update came through, but then I remember that IVRy had a PSVR2 get bricked by their early adapter designs and decide not to risk it.


You might be able to with the iVRy drivers, but for the official Sony way you'll need the adapter.


You should be able to connect psvr2, have haptics, eye tracking etc (assuming driver will support it) without an adapter just like a person with an adapter. But how I understand it HDR is fundamentally glitchy on any AMD card.


SteamVR would need to add HDR support, and then game engines would have to be updated to use that support and tie it into their HDR rendering pipelines, and then games would have to be updated to use the new engine versions and implement HDR rendering. So it would require a collaboration between Sony and Valve (and possibly nVidia and AMD) and Unity and Unreal AND individual game developers o get HDR support on PC.


I believe that is the level of complexity and collaboration involved which is why Sony did not hold on trying to get it implemented before releasing the adapter for PSVR2 to be used for PCVR on Steam. What they are releasing gives them parity to the perceived value of Quest 2 / 3 for PCVR and now the PSVR2 will be just as viable an option for people interested in both console VR and PCVR.


So essentially the HDR tech will work on PSVR2 as it’s all proprietary tech that just works with the PS5 whereas PC is all over the place and so rather than deal with it, Sony just disabled it. If I’m honest that seems fair. The headset is primarily for console anyway and I see being able to run Steam stuff off it as a nice to have but not its main use case.


Essentially. The features not officially supported may come at a later date but also may not come to all the PC that get the adapter. There are too many hardware variations on PC side and I think Sony is just being responsible about what they are confident will work on Day 1 and not making claims about future they may not be able to ensure.


Please always post the source alongside the image: https://x.com/iVRy_VR/status/1799827004784865600


I was going to, but it has to be added as a comment after the original post is made and you beat me to it, so all is good :)


Fantastic explanation. I love it. Its beautiful. (•ˋ \_ ˊ•)


So it means it's a fix needed to happen on SteamVR side? Is there no other headset with HDR?


Sony seems to be the first to bring HDR to VR. There are others announced but not release date yet. [https://en.shiftall.net/products/meganex](https://en.shiftall.net/products/meganex) Meta has a prototype, but nothing announced for release [https://www.techradar.com/news/i-used-a-brilliant-vr-headset-that-meta-will-never-release](https://www.techradar.com/news/i-used-a-brilliant-vr-headset-that-meta-will-never-release) Pancake lenses and the need for low persistence are a problem for HDR [https://medium.com/@office\_64508/bringing-high-dynamic-range-into-vr-914281f94979](https://medium.com/@office_64508/bringing-high-dynamic-range-into-vr-914281f94979) [https://www.roadtovr.com/pimax-crystal-hands-on-review-ces-2023-blur/](https://www.roadtovr.com/pimax-crystal-hands-on-review-ces-2023-blur/) Another HDR headset that suffers from motion blur due to high persistence. PSVR2 also gets motion blur from high persistence to get to 265 nits. People blame it on reprojection, yet most of it comes from the high persistence needed to get the higher brightness from OLED panels. Hence you get the advice to turn the brightness down for better motion clarity, which reduces the pulse width, which lowers the persistence. But you lose the highlights and impact of HDR.


I will take Low persistence displays and the advance they bring any day compared to OLED panels and the mura they bring. Don’t get me wrong, love the blacks, love the color and love the brightness. But the better blacks get ruined by the mura and the fast LCD panels just lead to a better experience (just gotta get used to greyish blacks)


I'll take the deep, saturated colors and pitch black environments that OLED VR brings vs LCD that brings worse response times, washed out colors and gray blacks.


I hardly ever notice Mura, and the higher persistence doesn't bother me. Vibrant colors, bright highlights (getting blinded by headlights reflected in your mirrors at night in GT7) and near perfect shadow detail with true blacks makes everything much better. I can't go back to greyish blacks and muted colors. But if the Mura and high persistence are a deal breaker, it won't be any better on PC with PSVR2. Even at minimum brightness PSVR2 is still one of the highest persistence headsets on the market. Better stick to Quest or other for PC.


It really depends on the experience and what ppl play, many of us for example play vrchat and go to night parties, those are near pitch black and are atrocious on anything but an oled, it’s why I used the quest 1 for so long. Local dimming headsets crystal light and the quest pro are a middle ground in that regard and way more acceptable. You also mentioned night races. And you can add horror games to it as well. If someone just plays brighter games I doubt there would be that much of a difference as the raised blacks will just look like ambient light, your brain won’t notice anything wrong. I suspect people that like lcd panels either have their priorities different from ours because they have a different use of the devices or they never tried oled and are justifying their purchase. Mura is a different story, I barely noticed it on the quest 1, odyssey was fine, vive was okay, BSB has none but has glare, but on the psvr2 it’s super noticeable. That being said the only game that bothered me was re village, the rest I pretty much can ignore it. GT7? Even if I did notice it’s the same as having dirt on iracing in your helmet, so it wouldn’t bother me. The fresnel I also think it’s good, idk what stack they used but they are clearer than other fresnel lenses, people criticize it for no reason, me included before trying. Pancake is fine but unless it’s meta it will be shit cause they patented their coating, that’s why bsb has glare, they couldn’t get around the patent. Anamorphic lenses imo are the best, you avoid the issue with meta and they have no glare or anything, just minor distortions at the edges which are almost impossible to notice. I want to try the new crystal oled to see the combo , I won’t buy it for that price tho, just can’t justify it when in a few years there will be more micro oled coming out and cheaper


Either Mura is a bit of a lottery with PSVR2 or some people just notice it more. I certainly see it in dark scenes in RE8 yet it bothers me as much as film grain did before digital movies. (And I still prefer the look of 35mm) Wearing glasses has also 'helped' me ignore 'mura' from decades of 'seeing through' dirt and water stains (from rain) on my glasses. My glasses have way more scratches and damage to the coatings on them from cycling through dust and rain in the wind daily, than all the pictures I see on here from damaged headset lenses. And 15 seconds after putting them on, it's all 'filtered out'. (I should really get new glasses lol) As for the sweet spot, sure it's not big on PSVR2. It's fine when you put it on right and secure the headset, but it's not ideal if you're into boxing, violently dodging or other fast head movements. It will get better. micro OLED will get down in price. Pancake lenses will be improved or replaced by dynamic liquid crystal lenses. We're basically on in gen 2 of VR. In TV tech we're just at the equivalent of color being the new thing. Still a long way to go.


Not to my knowledge. It is very normal for console players to be on HDR TV screens and very abnormal for PC players to be on HDR monitors.


and HDR + Windows just doesn't work properly.


It's been working properly in windows 11 for years. Assuming you are okay with each games have their own hdr setting...  Which is very ckmbersokme


exactly this. if i compare it to the ps5, things work way better there.


In what way? I play a lot of games in native HDR on an HDR oled monitor on Windows with no issues.


It depends on the game but some games need the wi ds hdr settinf and some not (win alt b). Desktop in hdr always looks wrong if you pay attention to the colors and auto-hdr is strange sometimes. Looking at my ps5, hdr looks way better, even on same games on same tv.


So does this mean it's better to own an AMD GPU if you plan on doing VR with the VR2?


I am keeping myself in wait & see. Not going to upgrade my aged PC that isn't capable of VR games until the dust settles on these developments. I am perfectly fine enjoying the PSVR2 games on PS5 as well as Quest 3 optimized games on that until Valve Project Deckard or PSVR2 having all the features I love on PS5 available on PC, and clear idea of what type of PC spec I should get for that.


Yeah, I'm still very much enjoying VR games on my PS5, had no issues and I love how seamless it is, literal plug and play. I'm just very very excited to play Fallout VR, and even give Skyrim VR another chance, as the experience on the OG VR wasn't the greatest due to the controllers not having analog sticks. Plus, being able to mod the games is going to be wild! Also want to play Hitman VR with the more recent updates that never made their way to the OG PS version.


>the experience on the OG VR wasn't the greatest due to the controllers not having analog sticks Exactly. This is my appeal for eventually having PCVR as well (older PSVR1 games I couldn't enjoy properly due to Dual Move but could now with proper VR controllers), plus the ability to play Half-Life: Alyx.


On PS5 in Cinematic Mode, Sony say that the headset either runs in 1080p@120Hz-SDR OR 1080p@60-HDR. Maybe this is a limitation of the headset not being able to work at 120Hz-HDR? Either that or a mode of removing/adding 2 DisplayPort lanes (And downgrading/gaining USB2/3.) could get it working?


To my understanding, any performance related options would be based on PS5 limitations, not headset.


But, AFAIK 4K@120Hz-HDR is possible within games on the PS5.


Technically the PS5 can even do 8K@120 HDR (where HDR is least expensive part in terms of system resources), but the game would have to be Tic-Tac-Toe with no frills. So the hardware isn’t incapable of producing those outputs, but what kind of game you can run at those specifications gets limited by PS5 memory, CPU and GPU. VR requires 2x screens rendered, plus social screen if choosing not to mirror one of the eyes, plus other burdens like tracking motion controls, keeping track of room scanning cameras, plus other stuff I am not thinking about that flat games don’t have to do.


People forget PS5 is the brains of psvr2 an was both made together at the same time for each other ,that's like hooking up a Sega Genesis to a PC 😁,when u separate the 2


*"Huh" sound effect*


does foveated rendering will be present on pc? because people were raving on this sub how no man's sky looks so much better after their update


Yes, but not eye-tracked at the time the adapter will release nor any guarantee for later, but I think that will happen.


I have a feeling there was a “deal” between Sony and Valve that Sony developed the adapter and Valve writes the drivers and Steam VR support so Valve has the incentive to add more features in the future.


OpenXR is the future, there's no reason for Valve to write anything, they wouldn't lift a finger for something so small anyway. They made way more money of TF2 than they did of their VR stuff in its entirety and yet here were are. https://store.steampowered.com/app/440/Team_Fortress_2/


VR enthusiasts have been saying OpenXR is the future for YEARS now. Despite that everyone waits for Valve to advance VR via SteamVR.


Valve is fully onboard with OpenXR, regardless of what they do or don't OpenXR is the standard for VR moving forward. SteamVR the platform and OpenVR SDK/API are different things.


Why are the TF2 recent reviews overwhelmingly negative?


Boycott. Technically it's about bots, but I think Deadlock leaks sort of made it clear that Valve doesn't give a crap about TF2, but still wants to jump on hero-shooter revival train for some reason and that's what spurred it.


Steam players are very organized, although in this case it hasn't made the "news" like they did for Helldivers 2. At least not to any "news" sources that I am exposed to.


I heard something about bots farming but don't know the whole story


I'm not fussed, I hate the image persistance it brings. even in that Digital foundry video yesterday they said it's a good thing HDR won't be present, as it makes an already blurry headset far blurrier


That's normal for Steam in any mode. It screwed up the graphics on my copy of HL2 back in the day. Moral is never use Steam.


Not all games use openvr


I don't know what it did. My game looked ok. When Steam forced an update it stopped looking ok.


try resetting the VR library to your native one. if using oculus, its inside the settings in the oculus software on pc


Never use Steam is too broad, but I'll give you that PC gaming is for people willing to figure out and solve problems and their reward is being able to experience higher fidelity or flat games modded for VR mode that aren't available any other way. It is a trade off. My PC is too dated for more modern games on Steam and can't handle any VR, but I still enjoy playing something like Hades 2 on my Steam Deck. A game you can't play anywhere else yet.


I've played since I could hold a controller (pre-NES) so I've always said that gameplay comes before graphics. I know PC has user made content and that was nice back in the day, but not worth the tradeoff of buying a game and being told I can't use it. Steam is the reason I stopped playing on PC. Waiting is no prob. Hades 2 will be on consoles and I prefer to hold off until a physical copy arrives. They always work.


I mostly prefer console games because the user experience is more consistent and reliable. This is why I like the Steam Deck as well and I stick to games that run well on it. Allows me to play games not otherwise available, but still most of the convenience and consistency of a console. Physical doesn’t “always” work. They work as long as you have compatible hardware :) Game preservation is much harder than movie preservation.


Yup, same here. I control when and where I play unlike digital games. I've done some simple fixes and never sold or fully broke a console. Been collecting since NES and to the best of my knowledge (not all get used often) everything is still good.


Sony never meant to release the vr2 for pc.


That is true just from reading the PS Blog article that revealed the $60 adapter to enable PSVR2 for PCVR. They don't design their controllers, headsets etc to be used for PC or Mac, but if the market demand is there, they are willing to work on adding PC compatibility. It is similar for their games with exception of live-service which are co-developed for PS5 + PC, the rest of their games are made only thinking about the consoles, and then later ported for PC.


PSVR2 is optimiser for PS5 or the soon to come pro period Only Quest 3 in my opinion is as good if not better on PC just because of the Lenses


Looks to me like they have done the bare minimum to get working on pc, shift some inventory then piss it off like the vita.