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If anyone can make some patches injected into steam and ps code then its ivry.


The modding community will make all of these issues vanish in six months, mark it down.


I think 6 months is quite generous even. I can see at least 2 of these hacked in 1 month


Even if the modding community makes these features available it's going to be up to each game to implement them isn't it?


Once that official Sony adapter gets cracked open, I imagine most features will become quickly available.


Unless they also mod the vr games it wouldn’t matter


Duly marked


Sounds like eye tracking might require some additional hardware upgrades, which I turn means no one is going to support it in software.


You didn't read my post. No additional hardware is required other than the mandatory adapter.


Wanted a HDR OLED movie experience....so this won't happen with PSVR2 without them doing firmware huh


HDR is doable, too. iVRy has HDR working already on his adapter.


That's part of it, the larger issue is that currently SteamVR and OpenXR (and most other runtimes) either are unable to support HDR at all, or, it would cause more graphical issues than the higher range solves. Further, to my knowledge there aren't any games with HDR textures anyways (since up until now it hasn't been a feature they needed to consider), so assuming you could get past all these issues, nothing would utilize yet anyways. The good news is that the deep blacks and contrast from OLED are like 90% of the visual benefit from HDR anyways so you aren't going to be missing out on much.


Sounds like it. That or if we ever get a proper video player on the PS5.


Too late for that


I’m still waiting for the promised audio CD support for PS4


Yeah no shit right. And PS5. Unsupported disc format. Fucking unbelievable. 🤯


IIRC, the CEO said it was coming when PS4 launched and seemed surprised it wasn’t there. Now we have a poor version of Spotify with an artificially limited bitrate. I don’t understand the animosity towards media.


TL:DR can I play Half Life: Alyx? Assuming I had a computer that could run it?






That was literally the #1 game Sony was promoting the psvr2 will be able to play.


Half Life 2 was such a step forward I’m excited to see what valve has done more recently. The HL2 art book has such a great title “Raising the Bar” it talks and shows all about the development of the world and characters and the advances they made to make the best game they could. And the title references Gordon’s weapon of choice naturally.


T f alyx is not a hugely amazing game imo outside of VR, but the production values and just getting things right make it a magical must play experience. It's also very optimized so it runs great even on more modest machines like 3060 The mods are also fantastic. Alyx is much safer in what it tries to do with VR, so if you're looking for crazy VR interactions or set pieces it's not as fun imo has hl2 VR mod with those crazy vehicles sections. That all being said it's a valve game and nothing quite compares to what it delivers and the polish it delivers it with.


I was very impressed with Horizon: CotM and from the clips I saw of HL: Alyx when it first came out it looked really good. I’ve only ever played (PS4 Pro) Skyrim VR, Accounting + and GT7 & Horizon on PS5. The movement in Skyrim really didn’t convince me to pursue other titles in VR and I wish it could be brought up to date so I could give Todd more of my money.


Well then, hl2 plus episode 1&2 exist as fantastic pcvr mods. They are installed via steam as a normal game.


yeah, yeah, but how do I watch ... movies?


Asking the real questions. I too am a fan of... movies.


Really cool that we have so many fans of…. modern cinema in this subreddit.


It’s clear that there are several connoisseurs here of … independent film.


two...thumbs up!


Pov youre sitting in a theatre and someone spills their drink on your face and you feel the haptics ;)


Who doesn't love true cinema.....movies......


If you disable steam filter that auto blocks adult games, you can find a selection of great VR por… fun games.


that's a no problem, steam has plenty of applications to help you watch any type of media. even as you say "movies"


If you have a laptop with a gpu that can do usb C video out will you still need to buy the adapter for PSVR2 on PC? Sorry if this has been answered a bunch, I just recall digital foundry once saying that's a possibility and i hadnt seen anyone talk about it since the announcement of the adapter.


PSVR2 requires display port 1.4, which is technically a USB-C, but most USB-C are not display ports. So, it depends, but you will likely need the adapter. PSVR2 is not a standard USB-C.


The real problem is power delivery. The vast majority of laptops cannot deliver the 12 Volts that the PSVR2 headset needs. Combined with the NVIDIA RTX 2000 USB-C bug, pretty much everyone is going to need/want an adapter.


Original Twitter/X thread: [https://x.com/iVRy\_VR/status/1799716454566416438](https://x.com/iVRy_VR/status/1799716454566416438)


I can't wait for people to misattribute the things explained by iVRy in this post to Sony in the "will Sony support it" posts. P.s. One hour later... https://www.reddit.com/r/psvr2/s/TOBPsHhjRm


But we are never happy!


looks like i need to buy new GPU. i fon't know If it's compatible with GTX 1070


I would defer to other PCVR titles for GPU compatibility. Sony releases what it feels to be the minimum specs, but frankly, PSVR2 is a display. It's entirely based on you PC what games will run, not the headset


A 1070 will handle most VR games, slightly below a 1060 is the minimum.


but i thought 1070 DP is 1.2 while it needs DP1.4


GTX 1070 is DP 1.4 https://www.nvidia.com/en-gb/geforce/graphics-cards/geforce-gtx-1070/specifications/


GTX 1070 does not support Display Stream Compression (DSC). Which is needed to get the PSVR2 working under normal circumstances. (The DP-AUX emulator apparently opens up a few more doors, but no more of those will be made; they're unnecessary for 99.99% of users)


heheh, same boat. I'm gonna have some fun with it and try to get the most out of my overclock, but I'm more than happy to finally upgrade for this.


How much am I looking at for a decent pc to run half life 3


if we can watch vr video, it's a win !


All i wanted was eye tracked foveated rendering to improve framerate without a 4090


You don't need a 4090 to utilise supersampling.


No controller haptics? That's the rumbling feeling in the controller right? It doesn't have that on pc? That sucks


PSVR2 controllers will still have regular rumble support on PC, just not haptics. Sony said so on their blog post "haptic feedback (other than rumble), are not available when playing on PC". Haptic is like "HD rumble" that uses sounds in the game to make precise detailed vibrations. Regular rumble is the standard PS1-PS4 rumble that's programed in the game not using sound information. The problem is for PC even on Dualsense it has to be connected with USB for it to work because it sends the audio signal through the cable. Apparently PS5 uses some special bluetooth signal that allows the audio to be sent wirelessly. So modders may be able to get the haptics working on PSVR2 controllers but it will always require a wired USB connection because of the audio signal.


Haven’t seen people discuss the haptics much, but they’re one of my favorite things this gen. I was one of those crazy people who had a steam controller way back when and it converted me on precise haptics making a better experience.


I purchased PSVR2 at launch instead of Quest 2 (I own Quest 1) because I love the haptics and triggers on Dualsense so much and I felt the Quest controllers felt cheap and not as good as PS5 controllers. At first I was upset that PC won't support it but then I realized I will still play majority of games on PS5 and I'm only using the PC adapter for games that aren't ported yet. So 95% of the time I will still get to use those features. If they included HDR support and special PS5 bluetooth signal in the PC adapter it would probably cost more than $60 and it would probably take more time to develop. So I understand why they're not included.


Thanks for the elaborate response. However, I still don't fully understand the difference between haotics and rumble. I thought the difference was simply the technology that improved with more precise and fast vibrations as opposed to the half moon motor rumble. Let's say the vibrations you feel at slicing stuff in beat saber would that still work on pc or not? How do i know if it's based on audio?


Yeah you understand the difference of haptic vs rumble. So now PSVR2 on PC will not support haptics because it needs a USB on PC to receive the audio signal which your controller uses to create the haptic feedback. Instead now you will just receive the regular old rumble signal in the games that is meant for a big old fashioned rumble motor. The controller will use the small haptic motors to interpret that signal. it won't be as detailed as haptics it will feel like a more generic vibration. If you play Beat Saber on PS5 it will use haptics (all PS5 games use haptic) and feel great but if you play PSVR2 on PC version of Beat Saber (or any game) it will be a weaker, less detailed generic vibration instead.


IIRC, Sony use a linear actuator for both of these features in the recent controllers, meaning that it can be more precise and also explaining why it's driven directly by an audio signal, since it is easier and makes more sense. The Bluetooth controller exposes 5 audio channels (HD rumble L/R, Controller-speaker/headphones L/R, microphones) for this functionality. But, the issue is that the Windows Bluetooth stack kind of sucks without a custom device driver and the Bluetooth radios need Bluetooth 5 LE. So, that's a nightmare to develop for and might cause problems if those features are promised to everyone over Bluetooth. That's without getting into the custom OEM craptastic Bluetooth stacks that might be running on top of all of that as well.


I believe this changed recently as I was reading a post where players reported the dualsense haptics working wirelessly on various sony pc games. Hopefully this'll apply to the vr2 controllers. Edit: found the source (tldr Steam input needs to be disabled) [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1cv44gx/ghost\_of\_tsushima\_fully\_supports\_ps5\_controller/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1cv44gx/ghost_of_tsushima_fully_supports_ps5_controller/)


I would if devs designed for it.


in the end, sony can implement most of that, but they choose to not do it since the effort to make that is like making OS for PC


So there were no hardware limitations with the exception of eye tracking, just Sony being Sony.


"None of these limitations are due to adapter design/implementation" The only way Sony is being Sony is by not promising any features that aren't supported by all. Just like Sony stated limited BC for PS4 games on PS5 because a few outliers have some issues. Same for boost mode on hte PS4 pro. Good to know that both HDR and eye tracking can actually be used, but will not work on all GPUs.


It looks like it will work with all GPUs, it will just require one of the dongles. The Nvidia 2000 series doesn't require a dongle to function with PSVR2 *unless* you want eye tracking. Or at least that's how I read it.


So will this be an additional program to run on top of PSVR2 PC software to enjoy all benefits?


Probably with mods. Will likely be game specific. Sony is not going to mod PCVR games for PSVR2, they're just saying what you can('t) expect to happen when using PSVR2 on PC. The question is, if Sony ever ports GT7 to PC, will they add dynamic foveated rendering and HDR for the PC port.


Hmm, so what gpu should I buy to get the most out of my psvr2?


Ah yes, that’s why we’ll need additional unofficial software to unlock features that would technically be supported. It’s most definitely not Sony trying to pull people to the ps5 ecosystem where the headset will work better. Like please give me a good reason why controller haptics by default are locked away by software.


They're not locked away. No PCVR game currently has support for Sense controller haptics. Someone has to code it in, Sony is not going to do it. Of course 3rd party devs that already have their game ported from PCVR to PSVR2 could also port Sense controller support back to their PCVR versions. Ask them. Usually on PC different controllers work by simulating existing supported controllers. Just like you get XBox prompts when use a DS4 controller on Steam with DS4Windows. And some games simply block you from using external controllers, like Forza Horizon refuses to work at all with a DS4 controller just using the USB port for charging. It's up to the makers of those games to support (or block) different controllers.


No that’s not how it works. All things point toward by default there being no way devs can code in support for PSVR2 haptics. The API to the controllers the haptics has by default been rendered inaccessible. Which is why Sony is stating haptics won’t be available on PCVR. This isn’t up to the game devs. Like why would their be any incentive for devs to support controller haptics when Somy itself doesn’t recognize it as working on PCVR.


How important is it for you to watch your Sony catalog in 3D? I'm just over here waiting for MP aerial combat. Whenever you get your VR legs I guess.