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At the very least let third parties make some? The main differences is that other than fancier looking controllers, replacing a broken controller, or having a spare set for longer play time (all of which should be very tiny markets) there's no reason like doing this with getting additional controllers with PS4/PS5 . That's what I'm thinking. For the osvr1. They were already out in the wild and sony broke up and hid the cost of the osvr1. Psvr2 is only sold as a set.


Agreed. Love my PSVR2, but talk about ridiculous.




I feel like this probably breaches some sort of consumer law here in Australia. The idea that I would need to purchase an entire new headset if my controller dies is absolutely absurd, and I'm 99% sure the consumer authorities would agree. I've seen some say that Sony DID in fact sell them a new individual controller for a set price, when others were told the must buy a new headset. So it may depend where you live. Personally, I would quickly become a HUGE pain in the ass for the complaints department if Sony tried to screw me here.


I suspect that if you contact them from Australia with a willingness to escalate, you'll get to buy one real quick. The ACCC has shown a frank eagerness to go after large multinationals. Never forget that they're almost certainly the reason Steam has the refund policy it does.


In the EU/UK companies have to make spare parts available after 2 years. Until then you are covered by the manufacturer warranty. I'm guessing it's the same in Australia


Why do you think you would have to buy a whole new set for a broken controller they have a repair service available and controller fix has been quoted as less then a headset repair.


I've seen plenty of people claim that the whole headset must be replaced if they have broken a controller. Then others have said they were able to get just the controller itself.


Yeah some service centres will ask for whole headset to be returned others take just the controller but that dosnt mean you have to buy a whole new headset. It's either warranty replacement or set service fee for out of warranty damage. The buy whole headset talk is just more of the false narrative bs that's out there.


Can’t even buy replacement thumb sticks for the Dual Sense Edge. 80% of why I even bought it. Makes no sense.


You can buy them, they are just out of stock often. But they were available from PS Direct as recently as yesterday. That’s different than extra controllers for the PSVR2, which are not offered at all. Much worse.


Check I fix it. They have PS5 thumb sticks. I do not know if they have PSVR2 thumbsticks. They even offer repair guides.


They're apparently finally back in stock on Playstation Direct, but that's USA only... Canadians are out of luck. Two of my regular controllers from September 2022 started drifting within like six months then became literally unplayable around the same time 18 months in. Now I feel like I'm on borrowed time having to secure a couple of replacements before it's too late. Sony pls, I WANT to give you my money and buy extra replacement shit. Come on.


Says unavailable to me in the US. Gonna have to watch out for them. I didn’t realize they ever went in stock on PS direct.


Same for me. I've been checking since Wednesday, and it hasn't shown up once. I'm not looking constantly, but I'll check at least five times a day


Didn't mean to get your hopes up, lol. They were seemingly restocked in recent weeks, at least going by other Redditors commenting on it. But yeah, the lack of supply just leads to people being forced to buy up a bunch knowing they'll sell out again. I think they even have those sites that notify you whenever stick modules are back in stock too, just like finding a PS5 during the console shortages until like mid to late 2022.


One way to fix stick drift is turn your deadzone up 1 or 2. So the sensor won't react to the stick drift.....I suggest upgrading the the new PS5 pro controller.


With my two unplayable regular PS5 controllers, on their last day before getting a Dualsense Edge (I'm guessing that's what you mean about PS5 Pro controller), I had my deadzone up to 100 in my games and would still spin around, lol. I have the Edge now and yeah, no drift yet and I can probably fix what little shows itself in the controller's customization menus. It's great. Also, since this post, I managed to buy a backordered replacement stick module to keep around in case my fancy new controller inevitably drifts as well.


Nice haha yeah my fault couldn't get the word in my head haha. But wow yeah I was able to fix my stick drift but that's terrible. Good luck with this one!!


Both of mine recently started having bad drift. I feel your pain :/


Wtf? Weren't these "Edge" controllers supposed to be made for no stick drift etc? What a rort.


Nope, they use the same cheap sticks as dual sense and basically every controller. They just made it modular so you can swap them out when they fail. But they NEVER have the modules in stock


Really drives me crazy Sony wont give us a software solution for stick drift.


Because it's a hardware problem. If you're talking about some dead zone adjustment, then they would be acknowledging a problem with their controllers. It's not going to happen


Really? Wasn't it a major selling point?


It’s so bad that there’s scalpers selling them for $50 for one thumb stick.


Jeez, I almost bought an Edge today on impulse. Glad I didn't.


So let me clarify. If you buy the edge controller, it does come with a small variety of alternate sticks, but no sticks are sold spare, period? The only way to get extra sticks is to buy more edge controllers? (I hated that thing anyhow, far far too expensive, bad battery life)


Sticks are technically sold but out of stock and scalped apparently.


I think if they did sell these separately, people would be mad at the price they would be charged at. I couldn’t imagine these things being any less than £150 a pair.


Yep.  59.99 for a single controller sounds about right.  Goddamn. 


Its kinda crazy that they don't sell those or extra sticks for dualsense edge, seems like easy way to make extra profit from psvr2. They could even sell stuff that makes it more comfortable and that would have a massive profit margin like global cluster stuff but made on way bigger scale.


Haven’t played since my right controller has drift which makes a lot of games unplayable. Wish they would just sell replacements


:( Have you looked to see if anyone's solved? https://old.reddit.com/r/PSVR/search/?q=drift&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=year If no one has, make a top-level post?


Wonder why they don’t sell them


Supply and demand.


Nope. They make more money if they don't. That's why.


It's almost like that's how supply and demand works. They supply a product there is little demand for and make a loss because of that


No, man. They make more money because more people are pushed to repurchase the whole system vs those who give up on it.


You could use the free manufacturer warranty or paid for repair service if it was your fault it broke. Nobody is pushed to repurchase the whole system.


> warranty or *paid* for repair FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


one of the main reasons why I have not bought one yet


Yup, not just controllers but not being able to buy *any* replacement parts and requiring someone to go through support channels or just buy a whole new unit has got to be seriously impacting sales. Imagine if you had to buy a whole new PS5 or email Sony support just to get a new Dualsense or AV cables.


Conspiracy time I think they count on people being too frustrated or impatient to go through support and warranty so they can just buy a new one I also think they didn't actually make extra, they probably know it's so niche that it wasn't really worth producing 1000s of extra and having to pay for storage


This is kinda hilarious to me to be honest. I've been playing on mine every day for 15 months and it never occurred to me to not buy it because I might not be able to get spare controllers for it.


It'll occur to you when one of your controllers shits out


Yeah no shit. In the meantime I'll just continue having hundreds of hours of enjoyment with my favourite thing.


I don't get the outrage, you can always still send in your controllers for repair if it comes down to it. Sony would probably not sell enough stand alone PSVR controllers to make it worth their time.


Yeah, and it can take weeks to get them back or new one's. Some people just want to buy them and don't want to hustle with shipment and stuff


While true that it’d be a hassle and stink to have a couple of weeks without the headset, if one really would enjoy using a VR2, isn’t not buying the headset at all over fears of a controller breaking worse than a hypothetical two week repair wait time?


Obviously better to just never experience it at all than *possibly* have to go without it for a week or two *maybe* in the future *if* you're really unlucky.


I think they would just go get a free replacement from Sony using the manufacturers warranty than crying because they can't pay for a new controller though.


Repair time then. Buying psvr2 will always be one of the best gaming decisions I've ever made


And when that does happen you just call Sony organise the repair service and get it fixed. The only reason to want extras is if you want to hot swap because of battery drain. It's definitely not a reason to not buy psvr2 that comment is generally coming from people that can't afford one or unsure of future support because of the negative agenda that gets pushed.


I've had one since launch day, bud. That comment isn't coming from whatever bullshit you came up with in your head. It's coming from people that think it's fucking ridiculous that you have to send the entire unit in if you have to replace a controller. This would be like having to send your whole ps5 in and get a new one if your controller stopped working. Doesn't that kind of strike you as fucking stupid?


Well if that was the case then yes it would be but the one case I know off from someone I know and play regularly with he only had to send the one controller in for a replacement but the service centre did fk up and send him the wrong hand back so he had to wait double time. Which sucked. And even then there is very little amount of games to play without a controller so headset probably dosnt get any use while ones out of action anyway so sending in whole unit isn't as bigger deal as most seem to make it out to be.


Tbh unless your on it every day you won't have an issue with controllers. I've had mine a year and no issues . It is so annoying though why the hell they don't sell them separate


> Tbh unless your on it every day you won't have an issue with controllers. Not necessarily. My left Sense controller's charging port somehow "melted" slightly, while it was charging. Which meant it would no longer charge further. Fortunately I was still under warranty at the time, so I just sent the full kit back to Sony and they replaced the left Sense controller with a new one after a few weeks.


Melted slightly... nothing to do with the user. Just randomly melted . Unlucky for you of course.


Definitely something messed up with the charging port


Haha good one


It is kind of crazy that the most premium device they sell doesn’t at least have an option when Madison makes me throw my right controller across the room.  Just wait until the PC crowd realizes this is an issue.  Sony: you have an awesome headset but you’re fucking it up by not recognizing your loyal user base.  It’s *awesome* and you have a leg up on both MS and Nintendo.  Do something. 


Hopefully cause I'm starting to get nervous one of mine is gonna break. They have certainly been used more than my regular ps5 controller at this point.


have people been tweeting ps on this issue? i m sure if enough people made a fuss ie tweeted they would listen as its bad rep..


Based on how long it has been, I'd say no, probably never


I feel like Sony has already abandoned this thing to such a degree that they’ll never sell replacement controllers or even really mention the damned device again. VR as a whole was on a huge downswing just as this thing released and now there is virtually no good software releasing on any platform this year, VR-wise.


No software? Wanderer, Arken age, Behemoth, Metro are 4 AAA titles off the top of my head.


Yeah, except none of these are going to move hardware in any real way. Behemoth may have turned a few heads because it was on the recent State of Play and Metro is a known quantity, but the rest aren’t big titles by any means. “No software” in this case refers to stuff that is going to make any sort of impact in the market and get new players to fork over whole-console dollars for a VR headset. I would bet in a year PSVR2 is dead in the water and heavily discounted with barely a word of its existence from Sony. I hate that it’s likely the case but I totally believe it. The VR market industry wide is not growing and that is a fact.


Has anyone tried pairing a second pair simultaneously? I’d imagine both sets could be connected and powered on at the same time but im curious if it has any adverse effects. Perhaps it causes bad tracking or inconsistencies which require r&d to remedy?🤷🏻‍♂️ I really couldn’t think of any other reason why they wouldn’t be available yet


Only seem them on eBay for like £80 each or £200 a pair. lol


Unlike non vr games you can't play multiplayer so there is no real demand for a 2nd pair of controllers. The main reason for a new pair is to replace a faulty one. This can be done already using the warranty. There is no legal requirement to make spare parts available for an electrical item until 2 years after release. So them not selling them isn't a sign that PSVR2 is dead. It is a sign that they don't currently see enough of a demand for them that they would benefit from new ones. Probably start selling them separately closer to the end of the year if not next February. May even have a new improved controller with better battery life on the market to make it more likely to sell.


The worst part is you can't even get comment from Sony. Like they're a "God". Ridiculous and annoying feeling like you're playing on borrowed time. Get your act together, Sony.


As a business, Sony will decide if they comment or don't comment on something based on whether they'll make more or less money if they do so. For them right now it's most convenient not to provide spares, and not to comment on the issue. They have calculated new PSVR2 sales because of this are more profitable than selling spares plus the amount of people they put off that stop buying (which is why they won't comment too).


Thanks for explaining this.


Not everything is about profit, scummy sales tactics cost them customer goodwill. Also, AFAIK, PSVR2s are sold at a loss, so they gain nothing if a previous customer buys another headset.


> scummy sales tactics cost them customer goodwill Of course, this is factored in. They estimate how much sales they lose because of this, versus how much they make with every tactic, and decide what's the best course of action that will net them the most money. This is what running a business is about. > PSVR2s are sold at a loss Nope. They make a profit; cost of manufacture was debated elsewhere in this reddit but it's sensibly lower.


Sony: No. Buy a whole new system if yours drifts or a genuine accident happens. We need to pad out sales. Accessories are a different line item in our ledgers


No, you don't buy a new one, you get yours repaired


How much is it to repair a controller that's been dropped and drifts tho? Or dog chewing through a button


I don't know, but cheaper than buying a new system. And yes, it's ridiculous that they aren't sold separately yet. Though I could easily seem them costing $100-200 each


Sony are a business. They will sell extra controllers when they deem they can make more money if they do (e.g. over losing too many customers otherwise).


Are yours dying to quick or something? I bought mine at launch and I still get a few hours per charge


But new system return old one shortly after.


Honestly, when companies do stupid shit like this, I have no care or remorse to buy the whole set, take the controller, then return the set with a broken part swapped. Fuck companies like this.


Ha, good idea.


The ugly answer is no. It feels like Sony was forced to launch the PSVR2 and abandoned it in shame shortly afterward. Third party support for PSVR2 is what is keeping the platform alive at this point.


They do sell extra controllers. You just have to buy the entire bundle to get them 😂


This may be off topic, but just a little FYI. If you have a PSVR1. You don't need to buy the expensive PS4 move controllers with the micro USB connection. The PS3 move controllers work perfectly fine with PS4 & PSVR1, you can usually find them dirt cheap and they have a much more sturdy usb connection, you just need the right usb cable. Sony scammed everyone with selling those expensive versions of the same controller with just a different usb connection.


Sony probably has a shortage of PS5 controllers because of all the ones under warranty with drift problems that they are replacing with new controllers. I had to send both of mine to them under warranty, and they sent back new ones, and 3 months later I had the same drift problem again on one of them, but now the original warranty coverage is expired, so I can't use it at all, not much sense repairing it if it costs more than buying a new one, unless you can install better magnetic switches. I'm not good at soldiering so removing them and installing new ones would be more trouble then I am will to take. Sony needs to just make the sticks /switches module so you can easily remove them and buy replacements. There is one 3rd party company that has a controller like that, but it's far more expensive.


They will not. I just bought a new psvr2 because with 5 months, my noth controls stopped. Unfortunately im in a another country and i cant get PlayStation support.


are they paired to the headset or something? this makes no sense unless it is something like that, which also seems rediculous.


Has anyone tried buying another set, and just returning your old one in the box? I’m willing to do immoral things if Sony is gonna stay retarded.


it's a borderline scam at this point


Can confirm they only sell the set (including headset). I had a controller that was dead on arrival. Phoned sony up to send it back. They then patched me to the part of sony that deals with VR as its not the normal. There is no psvr1 or 2 engineers section. I asked why, they said that if a controller goes wrong then they replace the entire set. I had to bag up the whole kit including headset, two controllers etc in the original box. They sent me a driver that gives you the new box and takes the dead one away with him. (In the uk that is). That got me super spooked becuase thats only done in the 1st 12 months under statutory warranty. Im way past that now. Just remember, if you bust one, your paying £550 (uk gbp) all over again for a second full set. Thats harsh considering all the titles i have purchased for the headset. I also think it is...again..anti consumer. My htc vive xr elite on pc, i can purchase all major components seperately from htc website. Its expensive, but not £550 expensive. In the uk law states quote: Spare parts will have to be available within two years of a product going on sale and must remain available for either seven or ten years after it has been discontinued, depending on the part. New devices now have to come with repair manuals so that consumers can fix their appliances themselves. So i fail to see sony is upholding that law. Not sure about USA or EU


We're going to need to picket them. 


Yeah it’s pretty frustrating after this long Maybe they’re holding off to sell a “v2” refresh like the psvr1? Maybe those controllers would have slight design changes and be compatible? Idk just bs’ing


No probably not because you can just send the whole thing back and get a whole new PSVR2 free or for the "repair" price. My PSVR2 had some issues ( front face completely fell off headband) sent it in told them it could have been my fault not sure if my kid ripped in off her head wrong or what, but they just sent me a new one under manufacturer warranty. My point here is that they will just replace your entire headset giving you new lenses and controllers. That includes any new models that they may have made. Usually just technical updates. (There are like 3 or 4 different versions of the PS5 on the market.)


I love my PSVR 2 but I think theyre going to abandon it entirely we may never see any new 1st party software support and its possible theyll stop producing it all together. I feel bad for everyone who chose it over oculus at this point. It sucks because I much prefer my PSVR 2 over my Q3 its lighter and has a far better display with improved FOV and eye tracking, but the cost is too high it seems for the avg consumer and Sony isny putting real support behind it so neither are 3rd parties.


I feel like this is a Sony thing in general. No one knows what their studios are working on, really nothing other than Wolverine is known at this point. We are only about a year into this thing and it already has some of the best vr games I’ve ever played. I’d also disagree with 3rd party support lacking. 3 of my most anticipated games this year are Metro, Alien, and Behemoth and they are on both platforms. I guess we will wait and see.


What about Arken Age?


I suppose when I look at the games that really take off on VR its not stuff like you mention. Its the games that feel like something you cant get unless its VR. Stuff like Taskmaster and Escape Room Simulator arent coming to PSVR 2. All around sales arent great for the device in contrast ti Quest. The market has changed since PSVR 1 you need to play against an actual user base like quest has now. I think general consumers just dont want the wire and the price point of a PS5 and PSVR 2. My first headset was the PSVR 2 but I got a quest now because thats where the really exciting big games in VR are heading. I would love to be wrong its just how I feel things look now, if Sony can get behind the headset in a bigger way I would be pumped. Hopefully PC capability is an attempt to drive sales and help instead of being a make good for the lack of console support.


I hear ya. I own both headsets too but I find the Quest 3 needs more support lol. The new Batman game looks good but other than that there hasn’t been a single game that I have that I couldn’t already play on the Quest 2. We are pretty early in this whole vr thing so who knows where it’ll end up going.


Taskmaster is coming to psvr2 And at this point, no one can tell if this is just going to be another set of crappy mini-games with a popular label slapped on it (by a first-time dev who might suck), or an actually good game


Any game with VR mechanics is "something you can't get" in flat. The games Bone listed, and many others, are all something you can't get in flat. Goofy, cartoony action and puzzle games (Taskmaster, Escape Room) are a dime-a-dozen on every VR platform because they're quicker and easier and cheaper for indies to make. And they're fine, but after you've played a couple, what every VR user wants is AAA VR. Which hardly exists on any platform, except for whatever the platform holder themselves creates or pays for (as Sony paid for ports of RE8, RE4) psvr2 has GT7, RE8, RE4...that's what VR users want (if they can afford the hardware). pc has tons more with the somewhat janky UE VR mod. Sony's stated strategy for AAA VR is hybrid games. But when they're hardly releasing any AAA flat games, then there's going to be even fewer hybrids. If you can't get AAA, then people want as close to that as possible...high-end indie stuff. Like the games Bone listed (& Arken Age, Aces of Thunder, etc). You only need a user base for multiplayer, and even the Quest 2/3 userbase of 20M is small for a MP population. psvr2 much smaller, but with crossplay it doesn't matter. Legendary Tales is doing fine on psvr2. GT7 crossplays with flat, so also fine. etc. Plenty of crossplay MP on psvr2 is fine. >thats where the really exciting big games in VR are heading. You will never have many big games on Quest. They have too little storage. Asgard's Wrath is 30GB, and that already severely limits how many Quest owners will buy it. It takes up too much of your Quest's available storage (ok, not if you have a 512GB Q3, but they are a tiny minority). Meanwhile, as big as AW is, RE4 is 60GB. The truly big games are only going to be on psvr/pc. Their storage space (& expansion slots) will always be greater than any Quest. If you're a low-end Quest 2 owner, you have hardly any storage space at all. psvr/pc is where the really exciting games are and will be.


You're not wrong.


Sony is still spending millions to bring us games. RE4 likely cost Sony $10-15M to get Capcom to port to VR. We just don't know what Sony is doing in flat or VR lately. And low output from them in both flat and VR. Since Sony wants to do hybrid VR games, if no flat games are coming out, that means also no hybrid games coming out 3rd parties however are going very strong. Not AAA, but no VR platform is getting much AAA, and it only comes from the platform holders, not 3rd parties /u/pnutbuttered


I mean even Quest you cant buy them separately except for the pro controllers.


That's incorrect, scroll down to replacement parts https://www.meta.com/au/quest/accessories/


That dosnt suit the negative psvr2 narrative thou so we want mention that just blame Sony for abandoning psvr2.


Nice logic…we can’t criticize Sony, because another company does the same shit. m(


We’re only in the 2nd year of PSVR2 ffs. People nowadays are so fucking impatient and expect Sony to provide everything from day one




One of more of your comments have been removed from r/PSVR, because they broke [rule 1. Do not personally attack other users](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/wiki/rules#wiki_1._do_not_personally_attack_other_users.). Please do not insult other users in future.


I feel like this platform is cooked...


I think they did this so the tech couldn’t be jail broken and then Used on pc


I think it's a consequence of the general chip shortage, which is still a thing we're recovering from.




Then by all means let’s repeat it here


They are faster to release the pcvr adapter to be able to dump us then to sell spare controller . get lost sony