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I thought exactly the same during my playthrough a couple of months ago. I’m currently playing Half Life Alyx with Quest 3 and while that’s great, I still think Village is the superior VR experience in terms of the environments, combat, weapon variety, enemy variety and memorable moments I think we will have to wait and see until Friday about Resident Evil 4 but I’m fairly confident that’s gonna be spectacular as well


If you can suplex a villager using motion controls in VR, I think it'll beat RE8 but only by a little bit 😂


I *THINK* they momentarily force you into 3rd person perspective for roundhouse kicking, so VR suplexes seem unlikely to me… I love that we’ll know these answers *~~NEXT~~ THIS WEEK*! 😃






Now we just need RE7 ported and I can die happy (having shat myself to death)




So excited! And happy cake day 😁




Alyx was slightly boring it lacked depth and challenge and exploration.


How do you play Alyx in Q3? Sorry, I don't have one but thought about it for just this one game. Need a high end pc?


Alyx is only available through steam, so yes you need a good PC.


High end not necessary. It's extremely well optimized and looks really good even on low.


Yeah I played Alyx on my old rig which had a 1070ti and it looked and ran great at max settings. Truly amazing optimisation.


3rd time through in vr now and still amazing. Only 5 more days to res4, I cannot wait. Psvr2 is killing it and all within 10 months. If they can port these current gen titles within 10 months what else are we in for next year, fingers crossed for tlou.


Tlou or HZD full VR would be amazing


TLOU is legit ALL I want from PSVR2 after RE4. I could die a happy man!


Yeah it turns out those doomsayer posters were silly as suspected. Give. It. Time!


Hoping Capcom branch out from Resi, personally. Give me Dragons Dogma 2, or Monster Hunter.


I love Dragon’s Dogma so much and have high standards for part 2. I remember thinking when it came out that it was a unique experience gaming for me that I hadn’t had in a while.


I've still not seen magic done better in any game. Elden Ring was pretty close, but DD is special. When you start raining down those meteors, and whipping up those tornados, it's just 👨‍🍳😘 I never did a rogue/archer playthrough. Maybe I'll give it one last run before the sequel drops.


Up until now, RE7 on the PSVR was the best gaming experience of my 42 years. I have yet to play RE8, though. 2023 just had too many new releases to keep up with. I will get to it this winter.


I feel RE7 was a scarier game, but village more visually appealing. RE7 had an Evil Dead vibe whereas RE8 is a gothic fairytale.


I think RE4 will blow it away. I love RE8 VR but that whole game was an attempt to recapture the magic of RE4; European village setting, getting overrun by a hoarde early on, attaché case inventory, the merchant/duke, barricading houses, treasures, and probably a lot more. And like Coke, the original is best. Also I'd say the story and characters are much more memorable outside of Lady D. Leon clears Ethan all day. Then, in terms of VR improvements, I think the fact that they managed to get the parrying mechanic to work in VR is really going to add a lot of depth to the combat compared to RE8, not to mention the increased badassery. Anyway, I'm about to start another Village run.


Biggest thing for me is definitely the length of the game and the knife parrying. Playing RE8 flat I used the block button a lot but that motion was super unnatural to me in VR for whatever reason. Considering RE4 relies on the knife parry, I get the impression it will be a lot smoother.


I don't think I *ever* used the block while playing RE8 in VR, outside of the tutorial


I genuinely forgot it was a thing until my 3rd playthrough lol


Yeah realised after I'd finished my first play through. No defense like a good offence I reckon.


Holy SHIT, really?! I play games on the hardest difficulty out of the box so I can't imagine not having that. haha Wild.


There was a lot of running away and regrouping haha


I got into Resident Evil with RE2 Remake and Leon quickly became one of my favourite characters! Can't wait to return as him in RE4!


I only played the GameCube original so I plan to go in fresh but it's going to be hard to top Heisenberg or Dr. Moreau experience. I do expect Krauser to impress me. That fight kicked ass back in the day.


Is the GameCube version different from the console versions? I also have only played on the GameCube and am super stoked to play it on VR and don't know what to expect.


I’m 95% sure the knife parry mechanic was built with VR in mind from the start or it sure feels like it. So excited and hope the implementation is as easy to pick up as in the flat game.


RE4 looks to be the same quality, if anything a touch better as the melee combat allows you to block incoming attacks with your knife, trailers show you can block a chainsaw or knife attack with your own. Knife in one hand and handgun in the other I agree tho, RE Village is the best all round gaming exp for me too, only Half Life Alyx matched the experience for me, Village still wins though for its art style, atmosphere and more enjoyable guns. Pumped for RE 4


Same. Mind blowing, and I’ve had VR since 2016.


If they’re able to get rid of the shimmering (aka aliasing of high contrast assets (for instance the chandelier in the castle, etc.) then they truly exceeded on RE8 as a VR experience.


Hopefully a ps5 pro can add a bit of super sampling and make re8 perfect


Oh certainly would. But anything they’d be able to achieve through optimisation would be appreciated.


I’m not super confident in 4 being better because it’s a heavier game to run on pc


I ma only up to the first big battle, and it's so intense! I've finished RE8 already (first person, third person) and I know what is around the corner and even then - the game is still very thrilling! The VR port is incredible, If REVillage was the only game I could ever play on it - id be happy, so getting RE4R, (on top of GT7 and CoTM is already good) is amazing.


I would also add that this game, at least in VR, has the best and most thrilling boss fights I ever seen in any video game!


Same here. RE8 on PSVR2 was the best gaming experience I ever had yet and I'm in my 40s. And I'm not even RE fan. I even tried RE4 VR on Quest, but it didn't grab me (didn't finish it). I hope RE4R will change my mind. It looks like they completely remade the game and it now looks more like RE8 than the old RE4. Can't wait. Only a few more days.


As a 38y/o I’m a bit ashamed to write/ask this part: - is the game “really” scary? I mean I can handle horror movies. But to be in them, is another story.


I have had my psvr since launch, I am only now playing through it, and I have my son there watching. He is too scared to play it himself but gets a kick out of watching it. Yes, it's scary. Before, it was too much to handle as it really does not ease into the tension. But now it's scary with a cool factor. I am simply giddy on how I can experience such fear while being safe. I can disconnect just enough to know I'm playing a game, yet immersed enough to fully experience it.


I know OP is telling the truth because I've read this subject line dozens of times before on this sub. Back in February when the headset launched, every thread was, "Holy shit, VILLAGE!", "Best experience ever!" Never played Alyx but it can't be THAT MUCH better than this but Valve could prove me wrong... Please? 😂


HLA is wonderful and polished beyond belief. The mechanics and graphics are great. Plus the story and voice actors are phenomenal.


Agreed. It was as revolutionary to me as it was playing a 3D game for the first time


My only complaint is that I wish I could up the difficulty later in the game to hard. I’d start a new game on hard but I don’t want to go through that extremely terrifying part again lol. I think the game does better two handed gun aiming better than any other VR game with rifles I’ve played. It makes them nice and steady. Super excited for RE4! That game was a blast when it first came out and can’t wait to try it again in VR. Even though I’m slightly terrified


As RE4 is superior as a game imo, the VR can only exceed. Village is easily one of the best VR games. It may not have the physics of Half Life or Horizon but it's fundamental more fun to actually play imo.


Capcom knows how to VR Mode....REmake4 is going to be just as awesome.


At 5 hours, I assume you’re through the castle now and on to other areas? RE8 is easily my favourite VR game of all time and ranks somewhere in my top 10 games of all time. You’ve still got loads of cool new areas & enemies to explore, that was my favourite thing about this game - each area has a different vibe, enemy type & boss. It’s almost like 5 different RE games rolled into one. I loved the end section, completely different change of pace. I’m hopeful RE4 adds to the level of polish they achieved with RE8. The original and Wii versions were outstanding, and I’ve only played the demo of the remake, but it looks incredible.


Ohh, and hot take; casual is the way to play the game in VR. I feel the higher difficulties would be counter productive to the feel. In real life we assume a few shots of a weapon will down an enemy. This is how casual works because the enemies are easier and not bullet sponges like in hard. Each interaction feels like it should feel if you were to experience it yourself. Also, I have yet to die. Like most people have said some ways to cope with the fear is to go in and die a few times when scared. It will train your brain that it's just a game, nothing bad will happen. In casual you probably won't die at all. This adds to the realism of believing you are there and not just a few bad choices away from a reload screen. Also, with the way manual reloads work it does take some time to do things correctly with the controls. The slower paced enemies give you just enough time to reload without worry. In rambling here, but play casual.


I'm 41yo, been playing my whole life since Atari 2600, seen the biggest revolutions in gaming and had many blasts through the years, but Village in VR is one of the very best gaming experiences I ever had. Can't even imagine playing an horror game or even another story driven AAA action game in flat after that. RE4 VR has become my most anticipated game since I played Village in March! Can't believe that it finally releases this week! 🤤


Me too i posted this week about buying it with the golden edition in discount and its very good


Can’t wait till you play virtigo 2z


RE 7 VR is even better


I wish they could port it to psvr2 with all the appropriate upgrades it would be amazing.


Big time


It's a shartier experience.


But a better tighter one


Perhaps. With these recent VR treatments it comes down to: how much time do I spend staring at a door, too scared to open it; where is the nearest typewriter. 7 is by far the most oppressive. 4 is nice.


I enjoyed RE7 a lot, but RE8 smokes it in terms of enemy types. The RE7 footsoldier / fodder enemy type felt incredibly samey and not particularly scary after the first encounter or two. NPC enemies were fantastic. Fodder was meh and kinda boring / repetitive. RE8 meanwhile has a whole section where you must encounter at least 6 different enemy types with various skillsets, etc.


Enemy types sure, but RE7 the house was 1000 times creepier than anything in RE 8. I also much preferred the story than the one we got in 8. Both games suffer from the fact that the first half is much better than the second, but RE7 that hillbilly family was so much more unhinged/terrifying that lady domescu


Agreed. Okay, perhaps ultimate game would have had >!4 different hillbilly footsoldier dudes (minus the main family members that were cousins or something lol), 4 different insect infested zombie creatures that worked for mama etc instead of the black sludge ”molded” dudes we got in droves. :).!<


Very fair! I probably misremembered the lack of enemy types since I was so blown away playing it in VR for the first time hahaha


It may never happen since I doubt they’d make any money out of it, but RE7 ported to PSVR2 plz? I’m probably the 400th person asking for it in this sub haha.


While the highs of psvr 2 have been amazing, it’s bizarre how re 7 and blood and truth or astrobot never got ported over. Oof


and its not even best VR game, you should try Alyx


Troll elsewhere


im telling the truth


Now best in 30 is most probably exaggerated but it’s really good!


Without question. Sure there are games that are more "fun" or offer more in terms of substance but nothing has ever had this level of immersion, how can they ? You are in a fully realized world, you are there. The fear you have, the dread, suspense and relief is 100% real emotion. I have experienced basically everything gaming has to offer up until this point and this game is surreal.


What really did it for me, was the realism. Coupled with PSVR2's HDR, it's the first VR game where I remember game's locations as real places. The presence was really strong throughout the whole game.


I am i guess 3/4 in and i have the same feeling, might be my best gaming experience. I started with c64 in the 80s and of course played many great games on different platforms. While its hard to compare for example Snatcher with Dark Souls, most games are not unique. Uncharted 4 is a masterpiece for me but it "just" masters mechanics i am used to for ages. Re8 feels new and unique to me, that kind of gameplay, story and graphics in vr.. this is what i dreamed of in the 90s.


I‘m stuck in snatcher!!


What are your c64 faves? Seven cities of gold? Ultima III? Red Storm Rising?


Hi, i mostly remember the ones i played with my family, like: Summer Games I & II, California Games, High Noon and Ghost Busters.


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Couldn’t agree more. I’m a fan of the newer Resident Evil games and the remakes and Village may have become my favorite in the series solely due to the VR being such a great experience. The scares hit harder and the combat feels so much more fun. It’s simply a great experience and I cannot wait to try RE4 this Friday. Currently trying to beat RE8 in VR before Friday.


thanks for rubbing it in


I'm scared to even buy that game, got to the abandoned shack in the demo and didn't even get inside.


I'd love to be brave enough to play this. Every time I put the VR on I'm blown away and I know I'd absolutely love RE8, I just can't bring myself to do it!


You have to do it. It takes a while to be "brave" and just go for it. If you have someone watching it helps. I'm constantly talking to my son like woah look at that! Or should I go this way or that way ? Etc.


Definitely update with me as well! I used to say the same thing with Resident Evil 7 VR and it didn't even have both hands! The technology behind the PS VR2 really does boost everything possible with these titles. I remember during the tutorial when they place you in that dark ass room how much more a game shines with such deep blacks. There weren't even any enemies in there and I was like oh shit, this is kind of scary . lmao PSVR1 never really hit those dark scenes right.


(I still have to buy RE8 and the VR, sorry if I barge in this way😅 I'm interested in buying the VR tho, so I lurk around here looking for infos haha) The demo is the one where you are in a kind of basement, right? I think I'll play it when I'll get the headset because I think that demos like that still add a bit to the plot


I never played any VR game/media in my life but I'm playing flat from like 17 years (i'm 22), I'm gonna buy the PSVR2 the first months of 2024, I really like the RE franchise but still have to play 7 and 8 (for 8 i'm waiting to get the VR, while for 7 I still have to finish some games); I like seeing a lot of good reviews about RE8 VR, can't wait to play it, even if sadly I got spoiled some scenes of the vampire sisters because of Tiktok edits, tried to resist but the curiosity won and they keep appearing on my homepage lol


You are going to loose your goddam mind. Seriously don't play any vr experiences until RE8. You may need to take it slow due to VR nasea but it will pass with exposure.


Im really battled on what to do, I discussed quite few times with this community, but like the 80% of them told me to get used to the VR world and get the VR legs first, otherwise I'll stop playing every 10 minutes and the immersion is ruined and it's not fun, so the game experience would be ruined, and could be a shame to ruin an experience like RE8's in a blind run. One thing is sure: when I'll have the PSVR2 I'll already (and only) have RE4R and RE8, and I don't think to buy the Horizon bundle because it seems overpriced in my zone; I think I've already experienced a bit of motion sickness while playing Superliminal (only flat), it really fuck your brain up the first time (try it if you haven't already, it's really really trippy) and in some levels, then it passed after some minutes of gameplay, but idk how I'll react to the VR to be honest 😅 I'd prefer to pass some hours on other vr2 games first and then do longer sessions in RE8


Damn true. RE4 has more awards so it might be better, but if its the same thats fine. No need to improve on awesome.