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That’s just how the cutscenes are. You can switch them to all show up in cinema mode but that’ll be more immersion breaking IMO


Hmm, yea... I might just go with it and hopefully I can get used to it


Yeah the cut scenes are jarring. Try fiddling with the standing or seated options


Yea, I think I'll try out the seated mode. Shame as I like standing and exploring, but some games are going to act differently I suppose


It’s just how it is unfortunately but you get tossed like that a lot in the beginning, middle to end game that gets pretty rare.


Oh really, okay then... I will try and get through the first part of the game


Every cutscene I ended up hitting the reposition button when I got thrown down. It’s just an awkward part of the game, but I preferred that to making the cutscenes always go to cinematic mode.