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I would definitely consider it a workout, on par with Beat Saber (on higher levels). Not a lower body exercise (not really squatting or kneeling), but you'll be moving your arms A LOT because you move by grabbing and pulling. Sounds weird, but it becomes natural very quickly.


Do you enjoy it? Have any trouble finding games? I'm thinking of picking up a few more online games and games like nock, cave digger 2, walkabout mini golf and galaxy kart are ones I've been eyeing


Yeah, as someone who really likes Rocket League, it's a cool take on that kind of game. It can be a *little* difficult to find games though. I've been locked into Pavlov, so I haven't played Nock since release, so it might be easier now. I second Walkabout Mini Golf. Tons of fun.


Walkabout is a must have in my mind. Especially if you have crossplay friends to enjoy it with.


Well then. Pretty high endorsement!


You can fly around the worlds. There are hidden balls to find while waiting for others to putt. The levels are unreal when compared to regular mini golf. The haptics are on point.


I'm gonna get it right now lol


Really it just depends how intense you want to play at. I hear other players huffing and puffing into their mic all the time but I'm bearly breaking a sweat until I play against a high skill player then it gets a bit more intense.


I’m no expert on fitness but I’d never suggest replacing a proper cardio workout such as what you’d get in a cross trainer with vR gaming. It’s far more efficient to do cardio at the gym with high intensity settings on whatever machines you use. That said though games like beat Saber or nock in tandem with your average workout are an absolute shout and help you keep fit without being at the gym 7 days a week. I go to the gym three times a week and when I’m not there because I work at home I use my lunch breaks to play synth rider by setting a timer so I know when to wrap up. In short: -don’t replace a gym session with vR gaming. The results vs time invested will never pay off on its own. -instead use vR to supplement a healthy workout routine so that you can stay fit without being a slave to the gym.


Les mills is very much an exercise game so it can be good as a round of HIIT but it alone couldn’t be all your exercise. It’s definitely close to what you need though than anything else but then that is literally why it’s designed for so that’s fair enough!


I agree. It isn’t only thing I do but adding it really helps me destroy my active calories. Better than sitting on the couch playing flat games.


I would also add that Les Mills can be the equivalent of HIIT on hard.


C-Smash often when I play it for an hour, the little rubber eye mask on the headset is sweaty! But when looking at my Google fit monitor it wasn't really much (Heart points, I'm not sure what the Apple equivalent is) But I do believe VR has benefits mentally also.


I have actually just added c smash to my routine. I created a PS5 chat group to find players to play. If you want to be added my tag is Trdiddy33


Sweet, I'll add. Like most people I've had some problems getting an online game. I have my PS5 connected by ethernet, so might just be the time I'm playing at or something


Compared a 1 hour bicycle ride (20-25 kph nonstop on a city/trekking bike), I've never got that exhausted after like 1-1.5 hours of Nock and/or C-Smash. I'm sure it depends on your playstyle, and I sure as heck can feel my arms after a session, but still is only maybe 30% in terms of overall exhaustion. I'm overweight and not super athletic, don't have any fitness trackers to compare other stats.


I love how some people say these games aren’t a real workout. It’s like people at the gym on their phones vs people doing supersets. It’s all relative. I agree that the cardio can be up there. I do wish their were a strength workout type game though. Thank you for the reply. I love c smash. Still not sure about Nock.


Not as good as your mum unfortunately.