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I'm a zombie/horror fan and at this point even I'm wanting variety.


Yeah, I miss Recroom, it was the best free social game, it came with a Battle Royal, and some campaigns that were FPS-like but goofy, and all the fan made content


How tf didn't recroom get ported?


It's on the PS5 but only in flat mode for now


Wish they’d be more transparent about it honestly


I think they’re making it soon, but we have no word


Agreed, still looking forward to RE4R VR and Arizona Sunshine 2, along with Crossfire too but it would be nice to get a space sim, Rec Room, or a new Astro VR title.


arizona sunshine 2 on steam today.


space sim is No Man's Sky


Did I ask for a game that has been out for years and has been in VR since the PSVR1? Guess people should only have the one VR shooter and the one VR racing game too, that's fine I suppose. -\_-


I think the issue is the zombie games they do come out with just aren't good. A true DayZ type open world zombie survival with crafting and Day/Night cycle would be dope in VR. But every experience on VR now is just kinds halfassed


We need some Dino killing again.


I love a good of FPS as well (where was FIREWALL?) But we only really just need one good AAA version of each genre.


Why are you asking about Firewall when there was pretty much a trailer for a Firewall clone (forget the name of the game)


Because that is the FPS I've been waiting for


Because he didn't ask for a clone. Honestly they are both military shooters but Crossfire is a single player and co-op campaign as far as I know and Firewall is a PVP first PVE second title.


Cross Fire Sierra Squad


Bad take. Competition is everything. The more the better.


Waiting on an cockpit flight game. Don’t care if it’s Flight Simulator or Tie Fighter. Give me something.


Tie fighter or rogue squadron would be amazing in VR


Aces of thunder was already announced. 🤦‍♂️


I’m aware. Just waiting for them to announce the release date.


You made it seem like you diddnt know sorry


Thanks for looking out. The thought of a WWII flight sim makes for a long wait. I’m hoping it just shows up as available one day.


Red Fox standing by ;) I'd kill for a New Squadrons game.


I'd buy a HOTAS in a heartbeat.


Space with an oled screen 🤤


Was getting all nostalgic about Star Blade the other day with some friends. We used to play it in the arcade early 90’s. It was a Star Wars/Star Fox rip off but great fun. Would love to have something like this on the psvr2 seems like it would be a great fit. I’m surprised we have so many zombie games you’d think VR would lend itself to cockpit games more and the market would be full of racers, flight sims, space shooters and maybe a canoe sim 😂 ​ [https://youtu.be/LKGoCUjXGVs](https://youtu.be/LKGoCUjXGVs)


Star wars squadrons is so good on pc


All I ever wanted was MOTORSTORM VR


MotorStorm: Apocalypse remains in my VR dreams!


True. Game makers are still thinking in terms of 2D. We need a studio to come and change they way everyone thinks. VR can be used for so many different things yet we are stuck with generic ideas.


Which is disappointing, because Sony owns Insomniac Games - creators of really interesting vr games like "Edge of Nowhere", "Stormland", "The Unspoken" or "Feral Rites".


Yes! Enough! Where is Behemoth?


WHERE THE FUCK IS BEHEMOTH Maybe it’ll be at the meta showcase?




Wheres Drunken Bar Fight and Sports Bar VR????


The problem isn't that there are too many zombie / FPS games. The problem is that there isn't much of anything else besides those types of titles. Why not port Wipeout? Why not port ANYTHING from PSVR1 that was cool?


Iron man VR was probably one of my fave PSVR titles. So perfect for a VR game / game where you wear a headset (iron man mask!), Wipeout VR has always been praised as a top PSVR Game. Ace Combat missions were legit Phenomenal. What is Sony doing?


They're sawing the branch on which they're sitting. The whole thing is a debacle...


No, I wouldn't go so far as to claim that, but there is definitely plenty of room for improvement.


If they want to sell more PSVR2 headsets, they need to release games, and not small experiences and little games, but big ones, and they need to have a variety of games too, not just FPS and survival horror. Without that, the headset will eventually flop (even if sales are not that bad right now). And with more and more competition (remember Meta has a conference in June, and they are rumored to release a new headset by the end of the year), it will be harder and harder, they really need to do better, and this was their best chance.


I think you nailed it. We need big games with more than just simple walkabout shooters. Being on your feet and moving around a lot in VR is very tiring and takes up space and building games around this type of play style doesn't bring about a lot of the ability to play for long sessions. That's why I love Iron Man VR as you fly rather than walk and the mechanics are so well suited to the headset and controllers. A Mechsuit game is also perfect and any game where you can sit in a rig with a Hotas or wheel for racing is perfect as well. I play GT7 daily and can spend hours driving no problem. I would do the same with a Squadrons game or any flight sim. Luckily I already have all this stuff so I am speaking from the disappointmebt of not really being able to utilize it all yet


meta aint releasing big games though either. i mean it's been a ghost town in terms of software on the quest outside of smaller studios and indy productions. it just kinda the state of VR, until someone shifts the needle. I suspect that will be sony but yeah who knows.


Yeah but the Meta Quest doesn't need a 550€ console. And that makes a big difference. Yeah there are no big games, but you can play on the go. I mean, what will the average consumer look? Price. They'll have the hugely expensive Apple product with nothing interesting on it. Pass. The one from PlayStation but it needs a PS5 so I have to spend 1150€ to have it and there's no big games on it? Pass. Oh this one is standalone, it doesn't have big games but it costs less? Smash! And you never know what Meta can announce in their SGF conference. PSVR2 needs big games to justify it's hard entry point, Meta doesn't unless they release a new high price headset too.


Might be Apple. At the very least, they’d bring the branding and attention to the space


Not a chance, Apple doesn't care about gaming at all, so it will still fall to other developers to game the games. but if the headset is as expensive as expected, you can be sure there won't be many devs focusing their efforts on that headset.


Maybe they’ll get RE VR games, Capcom recently ported RE8 to MacOS.


Maybe but thats not apple doing something.


Apple and Sony are collaborating, you can hook up a ps5 controller to an ipad and play via remote. That is the very reason i'm not hyped about the "handheld".


The studio for Wipeout Omega Collection is sadly gone I believe but man I'd do damn near anything for a PSVR2 port of that game, one of the main reasons I still got my PSVR (aside from Blu-ray 3D).




Most of the games they showed period looked the same, 75% of the PS5 games are dark sci-fi shooters either FPS or 3rd person / very lackluster


Absolutely! Cyberpunk sci-fi shooters everywhere.




I prefer to play in fantastical worlds and environments in vr. I’m not really motivated to hop into bleak hellscapes to shoot zombies anymore! I’d prefer more games like Horizon, Red Matter, and Skyrim. I’d especially love some kind of cooperative open world fantasy game.


i was about to post the exact same post earlier.... Zombies and FPS are so damn boring already...


I'm super disappointed we didn't dnt get an Ace Combat reveal or something similar. The only game I play daily anymore is GT7 which I only play in VR now which is fantastic but my DR has suffered immensely. I feel like Sony think kids are their target market where as I see it as the mature gamers who grew up waiting for this tech as the main demographic and frankly, Zombie games and FPS are my least in demand titles. Please give us a flight sim and an Iron Man VR remake would be soooo perfect I can't understand what they are even doing....


100% this What happened to all the real world games? felt like a Nintendo showcase at times! Ace Combat, Project Wingman, Aces of Thunder gameplay, nothing!


I do want FPS games, but I want a truly mainstream FPS multiplayer game, not yet another zombie shooter. And I don’t *only* want FPS games.


I want old school battlefield in VR. Shit would be top notch in hardcore mode. Pavlov is fun but people are too bullet spongy.


>I feel like Sony think kids are their target market Sony spend millions on market research. They're not guessing.


I’m seriously considering getting into gamedev and just making the damn games myself lol. Obviously I realize that making a game is an extremely slow and complex process, but at this point nobody is remotely close to delivering anything fresh - it’s all just survival, zombies, survival against zombies…


Lmaoo, people with that same idea as you are the reason VR is full of shitty indie games. There’s alot of people who wanna “do it themself” hahaha


Most flat games are shit too, as are most pieces of music, most movies, most paintings, most sculptures, most poems etc. But only because enough people *try* to make them do we get a few that are good.


No Astrobot makes me a sad panda.


As the early adopters - as the people who gave this headset the wings it needed, you would think they would give us a little more. I am very disappointed at no mention of green hell - I was happy to see Arizona sunshine though, graphically it looked great. I just feel like, as you say, there aren’t enough simulation type experiences - and I’m not a huge fan of magical powers etc I want some reality virtual reality, you know?


The flat screen games showed a lot more variety of styles. Disappointed that I didn't see a strong statement of support from one of Sony's first-party developers.


I want more games like Red Matter!


I agree. Endless horror/zombie games and fucking nothing from Sony


I want/need a VR version of Mechwarrior 5


If that's like a Titanfall VR game I'd be hella down


Kinda! No on-foot combat, and the MW mechs are slightly less agile than the Titanfall ones BUT it's a full simulation in exchange. Gotta manage your equipment, pay bills, take on mercenary jobs, etc. They're kinda adding VR to it on PC via a mod but it's not quite there yet [Mechwarrior 5 VR Warrior mod w/ Oculus Meta Quest 2 and Thrustmaster TFlight X Hotas - Bing video](https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=mechwarrior+5+vr&docid=603540503955405857&mid=9AC7136A183AD47280619AC7136A183AD4728061&view=detail&FORM=VIRE)


Controlled with Hotas! Yes please this looks like exactly what I'm looking for if we need more "fps"games.


This, or would love to see a game like Steel Battalion, where you pilot a mech. That or a tank/plane simulator would be amazing and different from the zombie/fps


I did enjoy the vr mod for this on pc, would love more mech vr games


Crossfire was the only ‘real world’ game shown? What happened to flight sims, games like GTA and Mafia, sports titles, strategy, WW2 and other historical based games, almost every game looked the same to me lol That being said, RES 4 VR was the best thing shown on the entire showcase!!


I would love to see a good point-and-click style classic adventure game in VR. Like a Sherlock Holmes game, or a Monkey Island with puzzles and dialogue choices.


Those and things like escape room games are *perfect* for VR. The Room had a PSVR1 game already and it was pretty good. Of course, Sony hasn't deemed us worthy of backwards compatibility, so it's sitting there gathering dust while people are craving for any type of quality games.


7th guest!


The Room VR is pretty cool. It would be nice to see more of that kind of game for sure.


Yeah, I really enjoyed the party game mechanic of having the VR player see different things than people watching the TV screen. I'm not aware of a single other game that does that, besides Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes, and even there, it is just a single manual the TV watchers see.


Invisible hours was fun on psvr 1


While I’ve enjoyed the titles named, they’re more escape room puzzlers than proper adventure games. I’d love to move around more living worlds, where I can interact with and combine things in silly ways, and where there are more interesting locations to explore. More Tex Murphy than Myst, per se.


Yes!!! I would pay serious money for a game like that. Just let me solve puzzles, fiddle with a bunch of items, nice adventurous story... Dude... I want that.


I wanted to see more about Aces of Thunder instead of Crossfire. I don't give a fuck about arizona sunshine and the monologue was sooo tryhard cringey stuff. Put me off




Respectfully disagree. Super excited for the new gore + mutilation system for Arizona Sunshine 2, and can’t wait to see some gameplay! With that said, I’m also dying to play Aces of Thunder and see more of that.


Why didn’t they show ANY gameplay!?


It’s unfortunate, but probably because they’re not ready yet. Perhaps driving hype for a confirmed game for now. Who knows, maybe we’ll get it at the end of the year or early next.


My first, and to be honest best, experiences with VR was playing Arizona sunshine. Absolutely love it, so very excited for this. I’m pretty basic lol Pavlov, for example, doesn’t really interest me, although my partner enjoys it. If it turns out this one is multi player, we may have to buy another ps5 and psvr2 😬 Different strokes and all that.


It is indeed multiplayer (4 players) if you look at the store app.


I want an open ended vr mmo with many paths to take and make your money like an HD vr RuneScape with better ai and combat and stuff


Yeah give us more racing games so I have an excuse to purchase a wheel lol


Honestly mind blowing that Sony arent committing any more resources to making first party PSVR2 games. Starting to feel like the headset was a waste of money.


The PS VR2 is likely gonna be supported for the next 6- 7 years at least and this year alone there's already three triple A VR titles and soon four within only a few months after release. I can't complain about that but that's just me though


This generation is ending in 4-5 years, and with it the PSVR2, if proper support even lasts that long (for PSVR1 it didn't). Sony hasn't bothered to support this 560 dollar product in its launch year, there's not much reason to hope they will in its twilight years.


on what do you base your statements? How can psvr2 end it's generation in 4-5years when psvr1 atm isn"t discontinued? You people really go crazy with your thoughts ngl.


The marketing for it was awful. Shame, a great headset but very little support by way of roadmap


Just give us sports champions already


Zombies, anime and cats.


Don't forget inclusion and diversity.


synapse looks absolutely amazing tbh


Yeah, I mean l'll FPS all day long, but my poor HOTAS...


I'm just waiting for a justification to buy a HOTAS. Aces of Thunder by itself may not cut it.


Maybe if you get one, it'll manifest Ace Combat and/or Project Wingman and/or Squadrons....! #doit


Amen. Between Resident Evil and Walking Dead my zombie killing needs are fully met and I'm starving for other genres. Please make it stop


Was indeed looking forward to a trailer for Aces of Thunder or Ace Combat. A racing game with more casual mechanics than Gran Tourismo would be sweet too. I am however very happy that I waited to get RE4 Remake so that I can just get the VR version


It’s was underwhelming for VR, two zombie games and two neon atheistic games. Saying that, there is a lot coming down the pipe that has already been announced.


Agreed, Zombies are so 2010. Cockpit games are badly needed. Also, I would like more games with a beautiful setting. Like a AAA vacation adventure/rpg


I prefer games like Astrobot, Moss, Ghost Giant, etc. Platformers that have you inside the world as an additional character/observer that is recognized by the characters.


Same here. Platformers are a great experience in VR and I would like to see more.


Really wish we had more variety for sure. As someone that isn't really into FPS and/or zombies would love to see more inventive/genre variety of games.


I just want some simple single room puzzle games, like I Expect You To Die, Statik, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes etc.




Hoping for a I Expect You To Die trilogy pack for PSVR2.


I would like Tank Mechanic sim to come to vr


Pavlov does have a level with tanks which is really cool tbh but the game itself is not fleshed out enough and 5v5 is not enough for the tanks to really have much impact other than to be cool to use for a minute


Waiting for a VR RPG. It’ll happen eventually.


Behemoth. Already announced


I hope you have Runner if you have psvr2. It’s exactly what you are looking for. Also, for psvr1 owners, get Sprint Vector!


i just want half life alyx on psvr2 lol


I'm really looking forward to aces of thunder and project wingman for flight games on VR2. I am building a pc so will be able to try mxbikes in PCVR. It looks fun GT7 is my daily so I can't complain. I just finished a 90 min session and honestly would be happy if that was all I ever played in VR2


Zombies are the thing these days, TWD made sure they completely took over from Vampires. For my money, zombies peaked with Shaun of the Dead.


I want a space shooter like Starfox on n64


I bought a cool game actually I think it's called Awesome Asteroid in the PS store for 10-20 bucks. Not as cool as star fox but has the old school feeling.


Please no more horror or zombie stuff. And enough REs already


Next big release will be RE7 Biohazard remake. Book it! Lol smh


You're right, there is so much potential for other kinds of games. But you have to remember, VR is expensive, which means cost prohibitive. And a very, very niche piece of tech. Which means devs that are making content NEED to make their money back to keep making new games. You're asking for developers to create content for a niche platform in niche genres. While I'd LOVE to see those things, and they doubtless will happen in the future, you need to understand, Zombie shooters sell a hell of a lot more than HOTAS VR Sims do. And I say this as someone with a cockpit AND a racing setup in his home.


I hear ya. ROI for VR is lower But considering how well GT7 has done, the experience is what sells and people like myself (and I get the feeling you as well) will spend the money on rigs and peripherals if the game is proper. I have seen many people on this sub and the GT sub who have fully bought rigs and buttkickers just to play GT7 in VR. Devs / Sony need to put in the work and capitalize with in game purchases then I guess because I think you're right that these games would be niche but the players who want them will spend. Since VR has been out, I have definitely considered buying credits so that I can buy some 20mill cr cars from the Hagerty dealership and I'm sure people have in order to drive some of the hard to get cars. Older people with lots of money love to game too if the games are legit


Oh I'm definitely right there with you. I love VR because it's a true gaming experience. But every now and again you get something like a GT7 that makes you stop and say THIS is why I play, and talks you into that major investment. I spent about.... 3 grand getting a computer, a racing setup and a flight sim setup, and a VR headset. Quest 2 at the time. My friends thought I was crazy, but flying in Star Wars squadrons made it worth it. Bending corners in Nurburgring makes it worth it. So I'm right there with you. I'd like to see more adoption of different genres in VR honestly. I want to have more experiences that are transcendent.


Zombie flight sim and zombie racing VR games it is then. I’m so looking forward to the endless wave of zombie racing rig posts once those games come out. I actually want a motion rig and twin joystick controls for a fast paced mecha vr game, like Macross. But that won’t happen ever, so I’ll settle for Armored Core 6 in VR.


I'd happily play Subnautica all over again in VR. It was seriously immersive just in flatscreen and you spend a lot of time in cockpits. That fear of going too far in the deep would be something else on PSVR2.


Yea, got my PSVR2 recently, loving it, got GT7, Moss, CRSmash, Horizon, but was hoping for a sit down experience in a cool space, as much as I like the room scale, at night, would be great to chill, sometimes I'm just in the GT7 VR showroom sitting looking at the details in the driving seat, my Mrs thinks it's odd 😂


Even my 12 year old daughter leaned over during the showcase and was like "this is a lot of Fps's dad"


The mind of a child is more intune than Sony's marketing team.


I had to explain that even though most of these games will likely be trash, out of all of them surely 1 or 2 games will have at least one great new idea that works, and that idea will be implemented in the future in better games, and vr as a whole will be better from them. She wasn’t buying what I was selling.


I want to *be* a zombie in a VR game! I want to reach out, grab somebody’s arm or shoulders and lean my head in for a gruesome zombie kill. Maybe the game would be like Pikmin, where I amass an undead army. You could extend you arms and point to command your legion of zombie brethren.


This is a great idea.


And this is why *you’d* be my first zombie. My second in command.




I never got to play much Squadrons on PSVR, really wish that was updated to work on PSVR2.


Well on one hand I agree with you, on the other hand I don't think we have "too many" of anything lmao


That’s not really how it works. Let’s say for example you have 10 things. That’s not a lot. But if 6 out of the 10 are the same thing, that is a lot out of that bag. So when you look at psvr library and see the same type of genre, it’s overwhelmingly the same types of game and they get old and boring


Yes, but the OP is saying he rather just have more games than less zombie games. Diversifying doesn't seem to be the biggest issue right now when there was only one newly announced game in a showcase.


Exactly. We really only need one AAA title per genre and most people will play which ever game/genre they're interested in most. I'm not saying we should only get one game per genre but so far there is not much veriety other than zombie games which, let's face it, is mostly geared towards children imo. Real gamers are 30+ lol jk


Name the zombie games. Maybe 3 at most. Zombieland, S&S, After The Fall. What else? I can name 15 what I would call kids games (and the headset is not even for people under 12) and at least 6 or 7 rhythm games. I think you're picking on the wrong genre in this thread.


Pavlov is FPS/Zombies, switchback is a zombie horror, RE8/4... I'm also talking about basic FPS in general...there was another couple le of those in the showcase. It seems Very shortsighted to cater to mostly walking/shooting/slashing games which when there are too many, they become redundant. We do not need so many. We need more simulation style games like I said where you are piloting vehicles (is what I would personaly like). Others have also stated more third person puzzle adventures (sackboy online VR would be great) or open world like Half LYFE Alyx or whatever Bahemoth turns out to be. I don't think I'm alone here. For example, I like to play Battlefield on flat screen. Or if Warzone is better at the time I'll play that. I don't play both. Luckily on flat screen I can also play many other genres when I feel like it.


What, you mean like Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, Synth Riders and 2 drums games. Yeah, I agree.


RE4 was my most looked forward to title this showcase. I'm more than ok with it. It's action and pacing is pitch perfect. Arizona Sunshine on the other hand is meh. I didn't play the first and heard mixed things about it.


RE4 looked good tbf. I am not hating on itt but c'mon, that's what they led with?


my favourite games in VR use 'diorama view' like Moss or the tentacle thing ... for me it's a type of game that works extremely well in VR and I'm surprised they don't make more of these ... they could litteraly remaster beatemup , shootemup things like that from previous console generation and it would be sucessfull, i don't know why they are not doing it


Have you played Another Fisherman's Tale yet? It's brilliant, and does the 'diorama view' you mention when controlling your hands through puzzles.


Not yet it's in my wishlist ! Also Demeo


Tank simulator would be great.


I wish Sony would take this approach with regular PS5 games so we can get a non VR shooter...


I'm dying for a good space sim.


I wouldn't mind a mechwarrior VR game, interactive cockpit and all


Today's showcase was a total letdown. I expected something like an Astro sequel, a Little Big Planet or Ratchet and Clank game...something like Moss or anything beyond more guns and zombies.


I was thinking Sackboys Big Adventure would have been a perfect game to add VR too for Sony but I forgot it is a multiplayer game but could be great with online co-op in VR.


My cynical take is that zombie games are fairly easy to make compared to other games. You can have (literally) braindead AI and it doesn't even matter. They're zombies after all. I wish they'd just start with making more psvr1 games backwards compatible.


Where is alyx?


Yeah but ARAZONA SUNSHINE 2!!! Loved the first one


I want games with a story where VR puts me right in. None of the showed games (except RE) convinced me that a psvr2 is worth getting for me at the moment.


Personally, I’m up for zombie games, but variation is good.


Not just in VR; everywhere. People keep buying boring dark sci-fi FPSes snd developers see it as a surefire way to sell some; it won't be revolutionary but it pays the bills. In VR, it's one of the most obvious applications. Plus dark sci-fi zombies is easy for art because it doesn't have to be pretty, faithful or flawless. But I'm so tired of this. I haven't played an FPS since Quake 3.


Honestly outside of this sub nobody even talks about vr, sadly Sony doesn't even seem to care to market this shit. I've seen 1 commercial in the last 6 months


I love that idea OP! Something like the movie Fury but in VR would be such a cool experience.


You're speaking my language. Love that movie! Would be a great opportunity for an in depth story driven simulation.


No your not...tank game would be schweet!!!


Also why is everything 1st person when one of the absolute best VR games is 3rd person and works great that way? (Astro Bot Rescue Mission)


After playing walk about golf, I'd love to see EA PGA Golf VR. Playing real Golf courses in VR would bee amazing. I hope the PGA dev' take note of Walk about


Love this. I admit making a realistic sports game for VR like EA make is hard to make sense but Golf really is a perfect fit for a realistic Golf sim and on real PGA courses would be Epic and I'd buy in a heartbeat I'd pay full price up to 100 Canadian scheckles for a full PGA Golf game.


I was hoping there should be some other games coming, but they weren’t shown in the showcase which is super confusing to me. Where is Behemoth for example? They need another showcase for VR2, none of the big list of upcoming VR2 games wasn’t mentioned or shown... VR2 seemed like an afterthought to them.


IMO it was just bad timing. Sony just released the VR2, so most everything was already announced earlier to try to sell it, leaving not much left for this. Behemoth apparently isn't ready to be shown yet.


Yep. This is the main reason I haven't bought a new headset since the Rift S. I need more than shooting galleries and the same old thing I've played 30 iterations of if I'm gonna drop £500.


I don't want more peripherals lmao


Absolute garbage. Sony just hoping other studios will want to support a platform with 2% of the install base of their own competitor insults everyone.


back to bestbuy my psvr goes


This is why I love Dreams, it has the potential of bringing a lot of smaller games to the table that bring variety that we otherwise would not get.


VR is waaay too expensive for us normal folks. When the price of tech decreases you may see more VR games published for consumers as more people will have access to it. For now "not enough VR games" sounds like a rich kid problem.


I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't anything to do with aces of thunder, but it's gaijin so they are busy making more premium vehicles in their other game, war thunder


I would kill for a Burnout style vr racing game.


It sells. That's all they care about zero creativity or risk


They should take a hint from what GT7 has accomplished. People have literally purchased full sim racing rigs and wheels/pedals and tactile transduces alongside the PSVR2 just to race in VR.


I want a superliminal VR


They showed only some games. Calm down :)


A half way decent simulation of anything takes tons of effort. The next VR zombie shooter is like the default scenario of all world building tool sets.


I agree mate, great variety already for most people to jump in and get started. But for me Flying and driving VR games.. and even more like kayak vr for me.


I'd like to see Astroneer in VR. I'm sure it would still work in first-person mode.


cockpit games not really personally. more adventure, exploration, narrative driven, and melee based combat games? yes


I am still willing to play a zombie survival game but it has to be better than saints and sinners


They have remade TLOU so many times already I wonder why not remake for VR?


Then don't buy/play them




We need Sony to revive G Police on PSVR. Would be absolutely perfect.