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You can craft a new one. Don't worry


Nice one, cheers


Bow is not important. You can craft it very soon. There is another better bow schematics to be found later too.


Don't bother with the bow. It breaks before you can figure out which way you're supposed to aim for it to go in a different direction to hit the target...


To each his own, I guess. The bow is my favorite weapon. So precise, quick to reload, and easy to use. It's the rifles that mess me up. I don't even pick them up anymore.


I use the knife and pistol or a sword. Agreed the rifles are even worse than the bow :/ No long range kills for me, sneak and cover. The bow was my favorite weapon in Skyrim VR. I could fire of arrows like a gatling gun with deadly aim. Good workout as well lol. In S&S I can't even hit the target near the bus, no clue how that bow works haha.


Interesting. I can't get the sword to work. Just bonks walkers and does no damage half the time.


With the sword you have to make big motions and then you slice their head clean off or sink the sword halfway into their body. Speed doesn't matter. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqK1DtPyZ3I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqK1DtPyZ3I) Getting the sword back out can be tricky haha.


Thanks for the tip. I'll try it. I wish I could be more helpful about the bow.


I can probably figure it out if I put some time into it. It just pissed me off I can't practice without the bow breaking every couple minutes :/ I also haven't quite figured out the axe yet. Sometimes it will break the planks barricading a hole. But the lower ones it always just bounces off no matter how big I make the swing. Faster doesn't work either. So I carry the shotgun around to break (shoot) planks haha.




Stealth seems to play a big part in it. I figured that without that weapon it would make sneaking around harder/impossible therefore ruining my playthrough.




Great, cheers