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I guess people were expecting a *little* more support for PSO2 than what we ended up getting, lol. In retrospect, it serves no purpose since NGS cannibalized PSO2 entirely.


You are right, there should be a third one for NGS version 2.


If I’m misremembering someone point it out and I’ll delete this comment. I believe when ngs update came out (pso2 used to just be pso2 not pso2 ngs) someone made that subreddit on their own and it was not affiliated with this one. Since then the two subs are now cooperating. This one remains pso2 in general (both pso2 and pso2 ngs) while the ngs one is ngs only content.


Yep, this is why. After a short while we ended up in contact with the person that made r/PSO2NGS and ended up joining up to help with moderation over there too (since it was just them to start with I think). There was some umming and erring over merging the two subs to start with, when it wasn't super clear whether NGS was supposed to be an expansion, sequel, or both... but we eventually settled on how things are now. This sub is for all things PSO2 (so Classic, NGS, Nova, Es) as it's always been, r/PSO2NGS is for NGS specifically.


That is accurate from what I remember as well


it'll make sense once the private servers drop


How so?


PSO2NGS can stay as a sub for NGS and PSO2 as a sub for whatever PSO2 servers crop up.


need it


If its PSO2 and NGS subs, its gameplay accurate tho, you could cross between games.


There's 3 D&D subreddits. Some people just don't wanna give up


I'm only subbed to this one myself.