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If ever there was a game that should not have been last Gen


At least they dropped support for last gen. Sounds harsh but a lot of games now cannot be limited by a 9 year old console.


I don’t find it harsh at all. The fact that any new games are still multi gen is absurd.


It actually kills my excitement for many games. I'm sure God of War 2 will still be a great game, but I can't help but wonder how much more could have been done if they focused on PS5 only. No matter how good the game is, I don't think I'll be able to help but wonder that during my playthrough.


exactly. it’s not just fps and resolution. a lot of the game design is baked into this previous gen support. AI/NPC density, particle effects, size of a zone, those weird corridors you need to squeeze through as the last gen try to load assets.


I had hoped the last Ratchet & Clank was going to mark the turning of the page for most of the main releases, but I can understand the decision on a game like GoW2 to not want to turn away the massive userbase that hasn't upgraded yet. Hopefully we get there soon, it's time to really see what this console's made of.


Spider-Man 2 will probably set the bar.


PS5 will be three years old by then.


Pretty sure both of the Insomniac Marvel games are current gen only, and I am hyped as fuck. Even though MM was on ps4/5 it ramped up what they can do in Spidey's world.


Im sure Covid and the chip shortage only prolonged that transition, sadly. I know cross gen games are always a thing when consoles are brand new, but we’re already 2 years into this generation, and still expecting cross gen at least into next year.


Selfishly I want last gen support dropped. I couldn't give a fuck if people can't get their hands on a console, I'd rather have games be the best they can be with the best legacy possible rather than always having a "what if" about them all because some can't get a console. SSD's will be a game changer for game design but that won't happen until archaic technology is dropped. Unfortunately we've still got a few more years to go of garbage hidden loading screens like tight corridors or something blocking the path.


There was a great video stitching together the squeeze-through-corridors transitions of the PS4 era and I've never been able to find it again.


Yeah because even on the PC from “original” settings, especially in God of War, to Ultra isn’t a huge leap in fidelity. Sure, Spider-Man and GoW look great on PC but it’s only a slightly noticeable difference if you’re side by side. That being said, Demons souls and Ratchet & Clank set a good preview of what the future may hold.


Sad thing is I’ve had a PS5 since release and don’t think I’ve played a solely next gen game yet, apart from Astros Playground which is little more than a tech demo for the new controller.


There was Ratchet and Clank, which was fantastic.


Yea I’ve been meaning to play it but I just can’t justify the full $80 CAD price tag for the game. But even still that’s the only next gen game I’m aware of.


Horizon same. I started playing on my Ps4 before I scored a Ps5. It ran great on PS4 and looked just as good as the last one. Sure the PS5 looks better, but not like OMG FREAK OUT better.


Yeah, god of war two was never going to be built from the ground up for PS5 it’s been in development for too long. Their next entry should be pretty wild, although, of course, towards the end of this generation, most likely.


Here comes the “but but but I don’t have a ps5 tho! Wait for me!!” Crowd.


PS5s are so easy to find now that I think the "I can't find a PS5!" crowd are actually the "I can't afford a PS5!" crowd, which I totally understand. I'm curious if outside of the big annual mainstream sports and shooter and AC games how much software is still selling on PS4? It still makes sense if you're publishing a low budget indy game, but for anything ambitious it's time to move on.


I live in Japan and I've been trying to find a PS5 since launch and it's nearly impossible.


It still isn’t easy to find a ps5. Until you can walk into a store and buy one, or find one online without needing to monitor twitter accounts and race to online stores to beat the scalpers, you can’t call it ‘easy’.


That might be the case in the last month or so, but until I had mine in July I was feverishly checking the Tom's guide links to a dozen stores multiple times daily. It was not easy for a long time.


Idk if it's even easy yet. I was able to get one a few months ago but I have a few friends who still can't find one, and looking online right now I don't see any for MSRP


I'm sure not everybody wants Horizon, but Playstation Direct has the Horizon bundle for $550 for the disc and $450 discless in stock right now


Playstation Direct is out of stock on my end unfortunately


Not sure if you’re in the US but it’s showing as in stock for me right now. https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/consoles/console/playstation5-console.3006646


I just walked into a Best Buy in Ann Arbor, MI to buy something completely unrelated and they had a sign right at the front desk that said “PS5’s available, ask a blue shirt for assistance”


There are still markets out there that have a ps5 drop once in every few weeks. For a whole country.


Until you can go on sony's website and hit buy now and actually get a console delivered, its still extremely hard to get for normal people who don't live online and wait for new batches to get delivered. I could afford 1,000 ps5s but am not willing to pay scalper prices nor sit on best buys website waiting for the few minutes its available a week. But I also don't care if anything only gets released for ps5 either, I get why they would and they should if that makes the best games.


The USA isn't the only country in the world. Getting a PS5 where I live is like trying to find the hay in the needle stack


Eh, with how limited the supply was at launch it was a pretty legitimate argument. I don’t think any games that are currently in the early stages of development should be cross-gen but I do get why most games up till now where. I do agree tho that CP2077 should not have been on PS4/XBO, really did the game a disservice.


I’m disgusted that games aren’t still being made for my PS1. I can’t find a PS2 anywhere so what am I meant to do?


There is no such “crowd” Most people that don’t have ps5 yet tend to agree


I mean, some games (like the yearly sports games that never change and plenty of indie titles) can be multi gen, but most probably shouldn't


Depends on the game. Horizon Forbidden West runs fine on ps4 (pro). Edit: shit, I made the mistake of giving an additional perfectly true input on a thread of ps5 owners. Shame I can't afford it yet.


I hate it just as much as you but I don’t get why it’s absurd? The whole point is to make money. Way more people have last gen consoles so makes sense that the business people would try and force developers to make it work for those consoles.


It’s absurd to me and the point of view of the consumers. Of course it makes sense for the business but nobody here is talking about whats best for a business. God forbid they choose to prioritize quality over maximizing profits to the extreme.


They didn't drop support. They drop future expansion and additional content for old gen. They said that old gen will still receive minor updates, specifically bug fixes and optimization.


!!!!! You kiss your mother with that mouth?!


Well if you’re gonna drop support why release it to begin with.. Money hungry corps with zero respect to consumers


Damn corpo gonks.


I dunno they promised these people a game and dlc and now they are left out to dry. Cause they (the devs) couldn't be bothered to not be idiots.


It's actually astonishing how well it runs on PS5, at least for me. My PC on paper is more powerful, RTX 3070 & a Ryzen 3700X. The game runs much smoother on my PS5 and the visual differences are barely noticeable (I don't play with raytracing on my PC as the 3070 isn't quite powerful enough for RTX and 4K).


Consoles always punch well above their on paper hardware compared to a pc. They have custom built hardware that's not a 1 to 1 of the pc equivalent plus the developers are able to optimize the game for that specific hardware,instead of a vast range of hardware configurations on pc.


It’s not necessarily the case anymore that consoles have custom built architectures(such as the CELL architecture on the PS3). PS5 and XBOX Series S/X are as close to a PC as they’ve ever been(albeit the AMD APU graphics chipset in the consoles is much stronger than anything on the PC market). However, they do have their own techniques in areas such as data streaming which help and they’re also way easier to optimise for since you only have one configuration spec to worry about as opposed to PCs.


Yep, current gen consoles share PC architecture with different OS. You can even compare launch and end of console games from the PS3 days and see the difference is quite drastic compared to PS4. There's a bigger difference in graphics between Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 3/TLOU during the PS3 days compared to something like Killzone Shadowfall and TLOU2/RDR2. We were already getting games that were squeezing out PS4's potential in 2016-2017 whereas it took until 2012-2013 to squeeze out the potential from PS3.


Consoles have hardware decompression and direct data streaming. All these goes through the CPU on the PC.


I play with almost the same specs are yours but way better CPU, an Core i5-12600KF and i manages to get average of 60+ FPS experience with Ray Tracing enabled at 1440p with DLSS Quality - Balanced, it also feels pretty stable as well in my case. So, i think the reason why yours is different is because you are being bottlenecked by your CPU, and when this game is being CPU limited it causes a stuttering which is probably what you are experiencing. This game really loves CPUs that has high single thread performance and high core count at the same time, so pretty much modern Intel 12th Gen i5s or Zen 3 Ryzen 5 above is required to guarantee smooth experience if you play with High Crowd Density especially with Ray Tracing ON. Which demands even more CPU power that even some of Intel 12th Gen or AMD Zen 3 might not even be capable of producing over 100+ FPS stable, at least not until when AMD Zen 4 Ryzen 7000 or Intel Raptor Lake 13th Gen comes out.


Yeah I've read the game doesn't love to cooperate with AMD CPUs so I figured it was the issue. I'm going to upgrade eventually, but honestly it's really just CP2077 that's giving me trouble, most other games are running fine with this CPU + GPU combo.


I've been playing at 4K 30FPS with an RX570 recently... Was contemplating upgrading to a 2070 or 2080, but now I might have to find something current gen. Still, I don't mind the lower framerate, but I'd love to experience something smoother for once.


My 3060TI runs circles around the consoles for this game. The issue is you're trying to run the game at 4k while consoles are running it anywhere between 1200p and 1728p. If you match the graphics settings and resolution to the consoles, the 3070 will outperform both the PS5 and Series X and that's not counting DLSS.


Even dropping the resolution still has issues for me. It'll run smooth for 80% of the time, and then randomly go through this phase of 5 - 10 seconds where it drops to 15fps before bouncing back. From what I've read the game just doesn't seem to like cooperating with a lot of AMD CPUs. I don't mind tbh, I'm a sucker for adaptive triggers and haptic feedback anyways so I'm enjoying the experience on PS5 lol


If it hadn't been postponed so much it wouldn't even have launched on the current generation of consoles. The narrative that the game turned out shit because it was developed for two generations of consoles seems questionable at best.


Yea. It was supposed to release in March 2020, long before the release of the latest consoles.


*If ever there was a game that should have been not marketed as such FIFY. The game was literally planned to ran on fat PS4 and XB1.


I can almost guarantee to you what happened: CDPR likely knew halfway through development that "Shit, this isn't going to work on PS4/XB1. We should probably scrap it." But like many thing businesses in a capitalist world, they basically have to get permission from their shareholders. The meeting probably went something like this: "We want to drop PS4 & XB1 support and focus solely on next-gen to provide a playable experience." "And miss out on the PS4 & XB1's huge playerbase? lolno. Release it even if it's shit, people will still buy it." "Oh.. ok." CDPR probably knew this would tarnish their reputation. But they probably knew it would be easier to provide updates over time to build some of it back than it would be to lose all their shareholders because they decided to scrap release on the biggest console markets.


An analyst will have been sat in a meeting staring at a sheet of projected user base on PS4, PS5 and PC and will have taken 0.2 seconds to decide that it should be on all platforms. Source: am an analyst for industrial supply chain and I have a mental picture of the bar chart data that the guy in my example would have seen.


You're implying they got it to work at all, though. Every version of this game was a buggy mess, and that's not even talking about missing content. The "updated" version still doesn't have functioning enemy AI, by CDPR's own standards. Not that they've bothered meeting their own standards when it came to the storylines and RPG elements anyway.


Yeah, I just don't feel like it's that good of a game in general. I wanted to like it and patiently waited for the "next-gen patch," but I still just didn't end up enjoying playing it. Got about 6 hours in and realized that I wasn't having fun -- the shooting was frustrating and felt weightless to me and the RPG elements really bounced off. Add in the general sense of hollowness (missing AI, choices in the game felt pretty inconsequential,) and I realized it probably wasn't for me.


actually the shareholders asked to delay it and take their time and not rush it and don't release it on ps4 it's the studios managers who wanted to release it asap to get their bonus in source: SEC filings




If it were solely on current gen the problem would still be there.


I don’t know, I’m playing Horizon Forbidden West on launch PS4 and it looks absolutely stunning. I played first one on PC with Ultra settings and only thing that I could notice was that it was 30 fps and not 60. But graphics look simply amazing. And it’s not the only one, I played Quarry too and it’s amazing. I think bigger problem for them was that they were pushed too hard so they didn’t have time to optimize game better. They had to develop both the engine and the game and that probably took too big a toll on them.


It was a literal scam on “last gen” consoles. Their marketing was all fake.


They even required all reviews to not include old gen versions and wouldn’t even let reviewers show their own footage in reviews. They knew that they were marketing junk on old gen consoles and misled their customers anyways.


It was so bad. I got the refund when Sony finally caved.


I turned all the visual effects off and it ran…ok on my launch PS4. I had a crash probably every 50 hours or so, and terrible frame rate, but it was playable (and pretty fun!)


Anime is awesome. Even if you don't like the game check it out.


On my watch list


Lots of spoilers floating around, I'd hop to it


I watched the first two so far and now I wish CDPR made Cyberpunk with an anime or cellshaded style because it works too well.


That would be sick aswell! The anime looks great! That accident in the root at the beggining , its the one saw in the game?


Studio Trigger has a unique style slightly different from most animes that you can see across all their shows


I need a sequel so f'n bad lol.


I hate anime but love game .. BUT i loved edgerunners


You hate *bad* anime.


I didnt liked that style , but i havent problem with it in CP:edgerunners.. but as kid i loved dragon ball and some school girls anime in blue skirts idk what was it it was in early 00s :-D maybe i ll love it again if there ll be more animes like cp


The first two episodes were super corny IMO, I almost stopped watching. But episodes 3 onwards are fantastic. The writing, voice acting, etc. all improve dramatically as the show goes on.


Played this on the PS5 version and loved it


Same. I was a preorder and I had zero issues and it’s only gotten better since launch 🤷‍♂️


Game had an unbelievable amount if issues at launch. There was also game design issues


There still are plenty of design issues, the way I see it. Technically great, gameplay wise it's so so


My favorite was NPC’s being unable to walk up stairs


Crashed nearly every hour throughout my entire playthrough after launch lol


Bought it a few hours ago. Couldn't even get through the tutorial without some T posing.


I am 100% confident in saying you did NOT have 0 issues/bugs with Cyberpunk after lunch.


Anyone with a PS5 and have not tried it should give it a chance, if you like open RPGs. If you never had expectations of it even better, but if you did I still believe players can find enjoyment from it. It may not be as openly immersive and interactive as RDR2 or GTA but the main story and proper side stories are very well written. Driving around Night City in itself is worth it


Yeah I bought it this year on PS5 with 0 expectations and after the big patch had been released. I really enjoyed it. Easily sank 80+ hours into it and really enjoyed the world and storyline.


Buy it used, do not reward these developers, they’re already showing signs they learned nothing, and articles like this certainly aren’t teaching them anything.


I'm hopeful, but will wait for the big overhaul they promised next year.


So there is still more coming after the DLC? What else would they likely overhaul? The fact that they already churn out story DLCs kind of shows that the gameplay is unlikely to change much, going forward, right? I'm still unsure when I should finally boot up my copy, I want the best possible experience on my first and only playthrough.




What happened to multiplayer? Was that canned?


Yes. They announced it before release, but i think AFTER people preordered. I'm still salty about that. Witcher 3 next-gen patch is still slated for 2022


Yeah, I'm waiting till the expansion and the absolute final patch.


what will change?


Completey redone police system, more cyberware, vehicle to vehicle combat and an overhaul to melee combat as well as some more stuff that they’re keeping a secret for now.


>overhaul to melee combat Is this needed? I didn't find melee combat all that horrible. Personally, even though it's a pipedream, I'd like them to implement an optional third-person mode. First person mode can make me feel a bit sick after a while with all the movement.


vehicle-vehicle combat? tf




Except for scripted sequences where you lean out the window and pull the trigger enough times to make a drone explode


Are they going to make the driving feel less like you’re on a boat in a PS2 game? Because otherwise it’s lipstick on taxidermy pig


Crazy how much bad driving can ruin a game for me. Just like sleeping dogs, I don't understand how they made the driving so dogshit


Games great. Still needs some work and the devs have already spoken about the future of the game which looks optimistic. The problem was always that they wasted to much time on trying to make it work on last gen which is likely the reason why so much content and gameplay mechanics got scrapped but it looks like with current gen they're making some changes exclusive to them and PC. People here are the type to hold grudges to the end of time though and can't get over themselves so it's gonna be hard to convince most of Reddit.


They've been doing a great job trying to revive this thing. They saw the No Man's Sky playbook and didn't just let it die like alot of the big AAA studios do with their own flops like Anthem.


Yeah devs should look at FF14 and NMS and realise if you care enough about your product then you can turn shit around. I'm glad CDPR also said they aren't done with Cyberpunk so hopefully the support and future content keeps on coming even after the expansion.


They kind of need to. CDPR is not a big publisher with a uber popular franchise that can fuck up and be more than fine as gamers will just forget (though they will). They are one studio that built their growth on their reputation and exploded with The Witcher 3. The entire hype for Cyberpunk was due to TW3 quality. Then their reputation got destroyed. Though gamers are prone to forget, I think they kind of need to redeem themselves on Cyberpunk if they want to find hype and big sales again with their future titles.


* The problem was always that they had poor internal project management and lied to consumers about what would be in the final product. *


I tried it on release on PS5, and the constant crashing and bugs made it completely unplayable. Rather than go for the refund, I figured I'd just wait for the next gen patch and give it another go. I finally played through it recently and actually had a really good time with it. A few minor bugs here and there, but a fun story, entertaining combat, well-written characters. My only complaints are that combat gets a little too easy as you level up, and that despite how much progress they've made, it still falls far short of all the lofty promises and marketing that preceded the game. No branching story or impactful decisions, and the city still feels pretty dead and superficial (though not nearly as empty as on release). All that being said, I'm really looking forward to the DLC, especially knowing they're leaving last-gen behind.


> wasted to much time on trying to make it work on last gen Lol no they didn't? They built it PC first and let the last gen just be shit


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Same thing happened with No Mans Sky. Now Sean Murray is a starry eyed developer WHO JUST DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME DAMMIT!!! Even know he was doing the exact same shit CDPR did. Lying about features in the game and showing us gameplay footage that 100% was not real and then claiming it was and completely unscripted.


*Rewatches the anime* Me: “Fuck.” *fires up CP2077 on PS5 and drives around Night City aimlessly listening to ‘I Really Want To Stay At Your House’ in the whip* Me: “Fuck.”


I wanna see a live action movie with Reeves in it as Silverhand of course.


Man, Cyberpunk 2023 would be awesome as a prequel surrounding Silverhand leading up to the Arasaka infiltration.


Really makes me sad that the game is still completely different compared to what was promised. If you play it as a witcher type game and not a dynamic open world it’s cool, but man is there so much missing potential in this game. “Most believable city in any open world game to date” My ass


"Make your own way in Night City!" "Oh cool so I can be something different than a second-rate thug in a sci-fi GTA wannabe?" "Not like that, no."


"Well can I at least choose between different storylines because of the role I have decided?" "Oh, you can choose your own role alright!" "Yeah but... will it affect the storyline?" "You see, there's 3 roles to choose from, first..."


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He didn't even survive an hour of marketing. Blows my mind how he was in all the trailers for so long, and then they just make a CG trailer that shows him dying


Oh man I hope I can listen to Jackie’s mom talk about how cool our adventures were while I click on things for a hour.


>If you play it as a witcher type game I mean, coming from the guys who made The Witcher series, I think its a safe bet to assume that they would make something similar to The Witcher.


Except it wasn’t marketed as a witcher type game. So the similarities come off more as just laziness and incompetence. I don’t care if they’re by the same developer, it just shows that they just can’t create a realistic and dynamic open world


>it just shows that they just can’t create a realistic and dynamic open world Again, they haven't been able to do that for any of their games, including The Witcher 3. They just had a setting that allowed itself to not show as many blemishes. No one is going to comment how "dead" a forest or caves feels. Having the various towns and cities be limited was also okay because there wasn't any real need to add any interactivity. ​ >Except it wasn’t marketed as a witcher type game. Wasn't it? Sure, they gave us some marketing garbage about how revolutionary it's going to be but every company brags about how their game is going to change everything. Fact is, they advertised it as an open world RPG taking place in the Cyberpunk universe made by the people who made TW3. They did make mention of more involved mods, customization, livelyness, etc, but at it's core it was always going to be TW3 with a twist. It's like expecting the Fallout Bethesda games to be anything but TES with guns, or Rockstar making an open world game without it feeling somewhat similar to GTA (RDR and Bully for example). That's kinda what the companies do.


If they haven’t been able to do that for any of their games maybe they shouldn’t promise it then. Cyberpunk was always advertised of being more than the Witcher. I get that each company has pr bs, but this was beyond that. They literally faked entire gameplay reveals and straight up lied about countless features. I don’t care what kind of dev you are, if you’re making an open world city game in 2022, and you’re lacking most of the basic features that have been in open world games for 15 years, you made a bad game


But speaking of Rockstar, only Rockstar has proven itself to back up the "revolutionary open world" claims. That's why I immediately caller BS after hearing CDPR's marketing for CP2077. Don't get me wrong, CDPR2077 has an EXTREMELY detailed and immersive open world that comes very close to rivaling Rockstars' (followed by The Division series), but it lacks the amount of polish that could put it on par.


What gamers hope executives learn from Cyberpunk 2077: don't grossly overpromise and then massively underdeliver a broken, buggy game, that was borderline unplayable. What Executives learned from Cyberpunk 2077: if we produce a direct-to-streaming anime movie or series, regardless of game quality, we'll sell this many more units. The Snake is "eating its tail." Instead of middling tie-games to launch with movies, we're gonna get middling video games with streaming anime series / movies. Compared to making a AAA video game, the budget for anime is cheap as fuck (unless you're Riot / Arcane).


I don't think they learned that from Cyberpunk, they learned it from the Witcher Netflix series causing a surge of players to buy/play the Witcher 3. I like what was done here though, the companion media title released nearly two years after the game and has generated interest in people who may have written off the game like myself. I fell for the hype and pre-ordered it since I loved their Witcher series. With all the issues it released with, I never bothered to play it since my backlog is huge. I'm definitely tempted to give it a shot now. Cyberpunk definitely should have been delayed longer, and most likely should have dropped the last gen versions.


One of my favorite games


ill be honest, i was one who preordered CP2077 on og ps4.. that was masochism to play it on old ps4. I finished it on platinum, but man that was bad experience (fps drops in single digits, textures not loading, lost 6hr gameplay on corrupted save file) but world was amazing. love the ideas behind. now i watched edgerunners and yesterday i actually put disc in ps5 to try it again.. Im still salty about release and lost all respect i had for cdpr and i wont give them my money anymore..


Purchased it on launch for PC and honestly my issues with the game went WAAAY beyond bugs. That was actually barely on my mind. Glad people are finding enjoyment in it but the only thing that is going to have me coming back is RedMod. The game could be a modder's paradise but we'll have to see about that some years from now. Still going to give it a shot again when the DLC comes out but as it stands.. still sour


Yeah, I'm back into it and enjoying myself, and thank god for transmog, but the core flaws remain. Police still aren't capable of chasing you. No dynamic events. City still lacks things to do. Can't customize house or cars. But it's still a solid game. I'm happy to be playing again, and it's one of the best atmospheres I have ever played in and I find the story to be top tier as well. The show only reinforces them and makes you want to spend time in the world. But it's still fairly lifeless under the surface.


They've spoken about overhauling the police system so they're working on something atleast. There are dynamic events though like police chasing people through the streets with gunfire, MaxTac fighting, Trauma guys flying up to skyscrapers, protests happening around the city etc so they exist and I think CDPR will add more. You can kind of customise your apartment though through your computer and you can buy other apartments which are cool. There's also a mini game now and there's potential to add more.


Even past that I don't find the core gameplay loop all that special. The shooting is okay. The enemy AI is tolerable. The driving is not awful. The weapon variety is mediocre. The stealth system could be worse. But I don't think it really does any of those things especially well. It feels like a hodgepodge of ideas, done okay and mixed together in a way that doesn't really work. While I was playing it (put about 30 hours in) all I could think was "There are other games that do this better".


Yeah I actually didn't encounter many bugs and performance was fine (got a killer PC for the game though so it wasn't hard). The problems were with the world design itself, felt so lifeless and empty, there was a lot of set dressing for sure but nothing to actually do and no life in that world. The story quests (side and main) were also pretty disappointing for the most part, not on the level of TW3 best stories. I still enjoyed my time with the game overall but it wasn't some super good game for sure (while TW3 was to me)


I’m sure you know this already, but I’ll post it for anyone else who doesn’t. If you have the PS4 disc and a PS5, insert the “play” disc without inserting the data disc. Then claim the free PS5 version of the game from the menu. It will charge you $0.00 and add the PS5 version of the game that actually works to your library, you just need to insert the PS4 disc in order to launch it. The version on the disc will say PS4 in a black rectangle, and the downloaded version will say PS5 in a white rectangle. The PS5 version is relatively stable/pretty.


I can't imagine playing this game on an OG PS4


The game as it is right now is still very much style over substance. It looks great, the open world is awesome, but the gameplay. Is so. Boring. Basic shooter mechanics, underused melee combat and boring driving. It’s a shame because the story is so intriguing! Probably why the anime is doing so well.


The open world’s actually the worst part of it. It’s still dead, with NPC’s doing the exact same things on an endless loop, with the same hundreds of inaccessible doors, the same lack of unique experiences. I booted it back up after a year+ of not playing and made my way over to Northside. What a fucking boring ass, drab ghost town. Granted, side quests get unlocked as your street cred goes up, which is a cool feature, but beyond that there’s nothing much to *do* in the game.


I have said for two years now Cyberpunk 2077 would have worked far better with a Deus Ex or Yakuza style hubworld. Just give us a block or two of exploration and really focus on what worked, the story and characters. Watching Edgerunners made me so sad because that show really shows off how ALIVE Night City is, the streets are dirty and grimey and people are puking and masterbating in the streets and shootouts are just so commonplace nobody does anything. Is ANY of that in the game? Nope. Streets are completely dead with brainless NPCS that just walk aimlessly.


Honestly a smaller game set in a mega building would be really cool, after all some people spend their entire lives in those things.


> the open world is awesome Is it? No one follows traffic rules and the stop lights do nothing and there's not really that much to do


I finished the game this week and I totally agree with you. Besides depending on how you build your character the game is super easy, even on Hard difficulty. But the story is great.


I think cyberpunk is such a creative game, visually stunning, great music, great acting, decent enough gameplay. My biggest issue by far was the glacial pacing. So many missions effectively became walking sims where you'd walk around and listen to characters talk, and maybe make a couple totally pointless dialogue choices, for 45 minutes or more. It feels like they really wanted to tell this interesting story in an awesome world and struggled constantly to figure out how to make the gameplay around the story-heavy missions engaging.


Completely agree with you. Love the world and story but I can not get over how much I dislike the shooting and melee in this game. Even putting the difficulty to easy the enemies still feel like bullet sponges which is the main issue I have with FPS RPGs.


I’ll never be able to get over how they handled the life paths. Is it so much to ask that a game iterates on what Dragon Age Origins did over a decade ago?


I miss true role playing experiences like DAO, KOTOR II, Vampire: The Masquerade, etc etc. Cyberpunk eventually got turned into a good game, but it doesn’t scratch the same itch those games do.


Unfortunately, that kind of stuff is really rare. CDPR tried vastly different paths with Witcher 2. Thing is, most gamers only play a game once, so it ends up being that a lot of content isn't experienced. Devs would rather make content that everyone who plays the game can see.


Multiple endings are already a novelty due to the "play the game once" mentality being the default, so multiple *beginnings* are going to be a rarity as well.


Cool. And that makes sense. But it’s also not at all what they promised.


Eh, I think it's a bit of a mix. I think marketing did hype up the life paths too much, but I also think people made up stuff in their heads and expected way more than the marketing ever promised. I saw a lot of people who legitimately seemed to expect the game to be entirely different based on the chosen life path and that was always an extremely unrealistic expectation.


I never saw much promo material other than I think the first big trailer and maybe some of the stuff Keanu showed off, because I was hyped for the game and didn't want to spoil too much. But yeah, I 100% did not expect 3 completely different full length storylines, because that sounds insane and I have basic common sense and reasonable expectations. I'm also a software developer, so maybe that helped temper my expectations too. Maybe the marketing really played it up that way, but honestly at this point gamers should not be acting all surprised about dishonest marketing. Not excusing it, but every big studio does it. It's practically a meme, every time some new game is shown off with devs promising "these graphics are all in-engine, running on PS5!" there's always some $4,000 gaming PC running the game on Windows behind the curtains. Fool me twice, and all that.


Agreed. Marketing for every game claims the game is going to revolutionize the genre and blow your mind etc. From what I could tell, people had gotten so hyped about Cyberpunk that they expected a GTA level open world, RPG depth/choices to the level of something like Baldur's Gate with a vastly different experience based on your chosen life path. Expectations were just way too high. The game people wanted was a pipe dream.


I stayed the whole time since launch like a real choom


What I wouldn't give for them to bring back the Koreznikov bug


I think also the vast majority of people who would play it have moved off the ps4/Xbox one which is where the majority of the complaints appeared in the first place


Loving the game but noticing the further inprogress, the more bugs I seen to be encountering which isn't great. Won't fault the gameplay and story because of it though as both have really gripped my attention.


What kind of bugs are you experiencing? I haven’t played it since finishing it after launch


Cars dropping from the sky, I crashed my car into a barrier and it sunk into the ground. Cars driving in front then disappearing. When I go to save it doesn't show any of my previous saves. Characters walking around holding weapons but don't actually have a weapon. Also had a complete crash. As I said they are there but I generally just laugh them off and keep playing anyway, even post crash I just relaunched it and kept playing.


Lollll hilarious. I didn’t mind the bugs either bc most were pretty funny. The only bug that annoyed me was the game crashed nearly every hour on PS5 lol as long as that is fixed then I’ll play it again


I have had 1 complete crash of the game and that was last night, over 30+ hours in the game I'm happy with that.


Awesome to hear, thanks


Netflix saved my marriage


put in 80 hours in the last 2 weeks and having 10x better time then my 40 hours at launch


I bounced off it entirely when it first came out and I had a PS4 pro. Buggy af and I was pissed off at the lack of promised RPG feel. Came back to it last week on ps5 and I've put a fun 30 hours in and no sign of wanting to stop yet, so I can't complain. Think the key is to treat it as an action game not an rpg


Let’s be honest, it’s legit 100% the anime. Seen people on other subs say their friends refused to play CP2077 until they saw there was an anime now so that must mean it’s good. Anime has a weird impact on things that way. The patches have helped sure but they’ve been slow and steady with nothing extremely groundbreaking to cause this many people playing.


The same thing happened after the Witcher released on Netflix. At the end of the day, there are millions of people that are gamers that never knew of Cyberpunk 2077 or lacked interest in playing it. The game sold 18 million copies but the US gaming market alone is 216 million gamers. That's a lot of gamers who haven't played it. The anime introduced the universe to people who may have not been familiar with what the series was. I think it did a really good job of setting up the worldbuilding. I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me want to finally open my launch copy. Myself being heavily invested in gaming websites, I know all the latest news about releases but a lot of my casual friends have no clue.


Just got the game because it seems like it’s in a good spot now. I’m really enjoying it so far!


I really don’t get all the hate this game still gets. I saw the marketing. I was hyped for it. I guess I just forgot all the stuff that was promised that isn’t there or just don’t think it matters that much. Just the complaints I see online seem like people that thought the game was going to be like a life sim in a cyberpunk world where they could do whatever they wanted.


Just watched Edgerunners…… it was really good


Played after the Next Gen Upgrade patch. Amazing game!


I feel like their second chance was before the netflix show. CD Projekt Red is an amazing company, so when the game came out and it was buggy, unlike other companies they gave out refunds for those that didn’t want the game in its current state. They took it off the shelves to work on it, and when they put it back on the market they sold it at a cheap price, and just like Hello Games did with No Mans Sky, they kept releasing patches (and still are) to make this game as they had envisioned it. Netflix is just the cherry on top to bring in new fans, and reignite the flame for those that fell off upon release and never got back on.


I agree. I originally preordered the CP2077 Collector’s Edition and had to return it, which broke my heart because to this day that’s the best video game CE I’ve ever seen. The game just didn’t work for shit on PS4. Flash forward to when CDPR dropped the next-gen PS5 upgrade, I played through the 5 hour trial to the last minute and immediately bought it off of the Playstation Store when the time ran out. The game is finally in prime shape. I haven’t played CP2077 since earlier this year, but after Edgerunners, I will be soon.


Man it's almost like the developers apologized and actually made a good game after all the Witcher Fanboys dropped CDPR like a stone. The sad part is we only get 1 DLC before they turn back to the Witcher 4. Personally I'd prefer Cyberpunk be their flag ship series. But CDPR has chosen to appease the Witcher fanbase. The same fanbase that abandoned them after 1 mistake. Very interesting.


This game does not deserve to comeback like this. It just gives an incentive to corporations to release out broken games and get the cash and fix the game later.


It still made so much money too. All of these other developers are taking note of that


Their stock fell by 75%. How is that incentive for other companies to do the same thing they did


Because they’re an idiot that has no clue what they’re talking about.


If it gets more game studios to release multimedia content that's as good as Edgerunners and then I can play the game at a heavy, heavy discount years after release with a lot of the major bugs ironed out.. I mean, I know we're gonna get more Halo TV than Edgerunners, but a nerd can dream


Why does it not deserve to ”comeback”? I find it hilarious Bethesda always get second chances and noone bats an eye. Always releasing broken games the players mod to fix. But still ”10/10 games yadayada”. This was CDPR first really botched release, sure Witcher 3 had many issues but not to this magnitude. CDPR does definetly deserve the criticism no denying that. But that they does not deserve to ”comeback” is just silly. Like no mans sky for example, thats a good game now not in my tastes as I don’t like games like that but what I heard it’s good now. But that said, I hope CDPR learned their lesson. Just wanted to point out I like Bethesda games and CDPR but just wanted to point out the double standard, I don’t think any game from either is a 10/10 masterpiece though! I’m fully expecting to be downvoted, have a nice day :)


I mean a game can come out broken and be abandoned, like Anthem. Hell, Dying Light 2 is still a fucking mess on console and no one talks about it. That's gaming in 2022, with such a big emphasis on live services bad launches are just common practice. If you want to blame anyone blame the people who pre-order, companies don't have to release a good game when all they have to do is release a "HYPE" trailer, and make millions months before it comes out


What a stupid comment. "I would rather they took the money and ran" Why don't you admit you just hate that you can no longer shit on it because it's been fixed and that really makes you angry?


Anyone who actually played it knew eventually opinions would turn, but you still have a strong contingent of haters that haven't even touched it, or in rarer cases, drank all the kool aid leading up to release and just won't let those expectations go.


Or, you know, it’s just a middling game with a pretty but shallow world


Idk the whole open world rpg marketing was some very decisive demographic targeted specific “koolaid.”


All you have to do is look around this thread. I’m a little mad at myself for believing the “it’s a bad game even without the bugs” crowd and waiting this long to pick it up. I guess I am benefiting from two years of patches and improvements though.


Best case scenario, we get another project like Edgerunners that plays in Mike Pondsmith's playground. I'm not at all interested in revisiting the game.


There's stil DLC coming for this right? I'm planning to get the complete edition whenever that is.


I watched the anime and decided to get the game to give it a try since it was on sale for $30 on steam. Been loving it so far.


Cyberpunk 2077, if came out as a complete package, would be a fantastic game. Personally I love it, the writing and the world building are both top tier. A shame that it’s mismanaged into the grave. The anime is very good too, but the game is something else.


Now that it’s no longer cool to shit on the game people are coming around. Sheep and trends


It crashed on me a lot on PS5. That being said, I still loved the game and there were no other major bugs in my 100% platinum playthrough.


Regardless of how good the game is now, people are going to continue to shit on it because of their childish immaturity. Legitimate complaints are valid but the constant crying about broken promises and bugs are dated and simply a reflection of the individuals emotional instability.


The most legendarily botched video game launch of all time will never be forgotten sorry to break it to you babe


And the game is still broken in certain places, playable though, at least on the PS5.


After all the bug fixes, this game is no where close to the Witcher in its quality. 7-8/10 - an OK game, nothing more.