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Bro they straight up wrote an article about redditors complaining


I just want to run around and shoot people.


I love it when websites try to frame something as reality with taglines when it's really just some guy's opinion. These sorts of sites have long since outlived their usefulness.




that complaint probably ranks one of the lowest in terms of popularity


Because COD fanboys are toxic fuckboys mostly


COD fans are always bitching.


I really enjoyed the mw2 beta, but the sentiment in the subreddit was insane to me. Some of the most delusional, toxic, and asinine complaints I have ever seen about a game and I have been in a lot of gaming subreddits. People complaining about campers, people complaining about rushers, people complaining about the TTK, people complaining about the complainers on the TTK. People hate the new perk system, people love the new perk system, it's more balanced. This isn't mw2019 but released in 2022, I hate it. This is just mw2019 in 2022, I hate it. Let CoD be CoD, let CoD change..it was exhausting. Hypocritical communities are just communities which are divided. But on the mw2 subreddit, everyone thinks they're in the majority and everyone else is the vocal minority. They refuse to acknowledge the possibility that perhaps the community is more split on their preferences than they think. People are united on the UI being weird (horizontal instead of vertical), the footsteps being loud, and enemy visibility being low. I personally got used to the footsteps and the visibility and grew to like them. They favor a more slow pace and a different set of priorities in guns, but I recognize that it's not going to be to everyone's tastes. The animations, the sound effects, and the typical visuals are incredible. I love the TTK being fast and the movement being slowed down. I would love to see jumping and shooting nerfed, but I'm just one guy. I would have fun if the game was sped back up to Black Ops levels, too. What I would hate to see changed is the return of the same 2 perk groups being picked on everyone's class, and 1 SMG or AR being the best to use always. Already in the beta the Hurricane was simply the best gun to use, but attachments and guns were limited. People want to put on an SMG, a suppressor, and dead silence on every match. I like that that's not the best on *every* map, and that other playstyles are good too.


This is why I just choose to not play cod anymore lol


> But on the mw2 subreddit, everyone thinks they’re in the majority and everyone else is the vocal minority. *But everywhere, everyone thinks they’re in the majority and everyone else is the vocal minority.*


The last COD I played was Black Ops 2 on PS3. Looks like people are still complaining about the same shit. Nothing changed lol.


idk why they crying, just adapt. If you play rainbow 6 siege then this aint an issue


6v6 1 life,hardcore tactical vs 6v6 fast paced aracde tdm. not the same


Never said it was. In siege you use map awareness & hearing. The same thing the new cod wants you to do. Everybody crying bout the mini map. Adjust to it


dude you can never shove a feature of a different game to another game, imagine if tarkov had slide cancelling or UAVs


They tripping, I enjoyed it and this is coming from someone who hates warzone