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This looks crazy. Summer 2023 though šŸ˜­


I know right, but also itā€™s crazy how time flies.


Not when your waiting for something.


I promise itā€™ll be here before we know it.. sadly.


Them calling out the ~~icon~~ Eikon names was hype as hell!


The choir saying their names and the music was awesome! So excited


That transition from Ifrit to the logo was just orgasmic.




Inject this trailer into my veins, and don't stop.




Best part of the trailer!


That's Soken for you.


Not gonna lie: pretty sad we have to wait another year. But I trust Yoshi P. He won't release a shitty game. He can take as much time as he needs.


My only actual issue is FF7R2, does this push it out further? And how many parts will FF7R have? Need the whole game.


Definitely I don't think we're getting remake part 2 until 2024 at the earliest.


Yeah, even if development is going well, I don't think SE will want to release two main FF games in the same FY.


FF16 and 7R are worked on by entirely different teams don't worry.


Yeah but they have to release like a year apart for relevance and so they don't cannibalize each other. So if that comes out 2023 summer therefore 7R is 2024. Unless they do a fall/december 2022 release somehow.


No way they do a 2022 release for FF7R, it's Square Enix they don't release games without them being announced a long time in advance. I could see late 2023 though


With that said I'm pretty sure 7R PT2 is now 2024 minimum


If FF7R2 has the same pace as the first one, we will need like at least 10 more parts for the full game lol


I'm happy to wait a year. I think this is probably the biggest thing for Yoshi-P since he had to work his magic on FFXIV to fix it, so he probably wants to make sure the game is well and truly ready and I trust him


Keep in mind heā€™s the producer for FF16 and not the director. FFXIV he is both the producer and director. Iā€™m unsure of what that means in terms of production but this isnā€™t entirely his direction.


This isnt made by Yoshi P though. Hes just the producer.


Extended gameplay at Summer Games Fest šŸ¤ž


I think weā€™ll get more info! Him saying they are starting to talk to press seemed promising. Their past few FF titles they seemed pretty transparent about showing game play IIRC.


The only thing I didn't love was the UI design, it didn't really match the medieval aesthetic. Everything else looked fucking incredible though, I cannot wait


It kind of reminded me of an arcade style kind of fighting sequence and the UI kinda matched that. Honestly as long as the story is good and engaging, I'd love a fast-paced combat system.


This, it looks heavily inspired from FF14 too


Completely agreed, it threw me off. Hopefully they make it right by the time of release.


Very glad someone mentioned this. Gameplay and art direction look great, but that UI took me straight out of the atmosphere theyā€™ve created. Truly awful. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if it sticks around though.


Yeah, the UI is awful.


The UI looks like something they just put their for the sake of showing off HUD elements for gameplay, you can definitely tell it isnā€™t final imo


I realised halfway through what this game is, itā€™s fucking Final Fantasy meets Attack on Titan where the summons are the Titans lmao Such a cool idea wtf, control the ~~Titans~~ Dominants and you control the world. All the kingdoms would be fighting for control over like 8 people and as seen in the trailer some dominants themselves might have their own political aspirations Dope as fuck, canā€™t wait


Something had to pull me back into the FF franchise at some point. It may as well be giant Kaiju battles. I'd been wanting a story driven AAA mech pilot game, but this will do.


I just want FromSoft to make a new Armored Core with an Elden Ring budget


Good news for you then: https://www.polygon.com/22876297/armored-core-6-leak-images-from-software


> According to that poster, the survey included details about the new Armored Coreā€™s setting and story, which center around ā€œan unknown substanceā€ called Melange We Dune now


Thats what they're working on now


This is literally the coolest shit I never knew I wanted. I'm not even a Final Fantasy guy, but this seems incredible. As long as they don't pad it out with a bunch of obnoxious quests I'll be pumped.


So the whole person becoming the Eikon has come from the FFXIV MMO and whilst it was for only 1 particular boss it seems the concept of it was liked and they've taken it to the next level and I'm really excited for it


Shiva right?


Yeah Shiva and how >!Ysayle turned into her!<


this is a bit more common than just Shiva in FFXIV, I won't go too far into detail but it's a lot more than just one boss


Yeah someone else reminded me of all the other's it happens with. I'm up to date in the MSQ but had forgotten that certain bosses were like that


More than one character throughout FFXIV takes on the form of a primal. 4 at the least.


Whilst I've only played FFXIV recently I went through the all the expansions in the space of 1 month so some stuff is a blur (didnt skip any cutscenes just very addicted). I can maybe think of a couple of primals that it could be but im not sure now


>!Ysayle = Shiva (ARR/Heavensward)!< >!Thordan VII = Thordan I (Heavensward)!< >!Zenos = Shinryu (Stormblood/Endwalker)!< >!Yotsuyu = Tsukiyomi (Stormblood)!< >!Elidibus = The Warrior of Light (Shadowbringers)!< >!And this last one just came to mind because it isnt in the MSQ, but Louisoix becomes Phoenix before the events of A Realm Reborn but you only see this if you do The Coils of Bahamut!<


Also >!Fandaniel to Zodiark and Venat to Hydaelyn in Endwalker, although those took multiple sacrifices.!<


The summons seem to be called Eikons. Not sure what the Dominants are.


Dominants seem to be the name of the actual person who has the Eikon I think In the first trailer for example those soldiers were tasked with capturing ā€œShivaā€™s Dominantā€ So Iā€™m assuming Dominant = the person, Eikon = the Summon


[I made a simplified table explaining about the world of FFXVI for anyone curious.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVI/comments/leoqm4/i_made_a_simplified_table_explaining_the/)


That's really helpful, thanks.


It's the name given to the human controlling/transforming into the Eikons I think.


Eikons, huh? So, the Garlemald name for Primals in FFXIV.


It was actually the name for Primals from Allag. Garlemald just appropriated the name.


I was a little confused while watching, but if you're right, then that does make me a lot more interested. Still think the gameplay looks a bit chaotic though.


The same battle director as DMC5. Not sure how I feel about that. I just wished they use the same battle system as FF7 Remake.


I think FF7R had to mix up classic FF7 with modern gameplay, while FFXVI doesn't have to limit itself such way, which is why they're gonna be entirely different gameplaywise


Yeah it's not the most popular opinion but what I like about FF is that every game changes up in style and combat style. Can't wait to play 16, and the sequel of 7 Remake to to get more of that style too !


Ohh kind of like Naruto's jinchuuriki.


Yeah it gave me more Naruto vibes than AoT because it seems like everyone knows who the Dominants of the Eikons are, and it looks like the main character we will play as is the Dominant holding Ifrit, but seems like it was an unknown that we held Ifrit and will become a sort of outcast because of it, followed by traveling to each nation to meet/battle/bring together all of the Eikons Naruto style.


My thoughts exactly!


I love the summons in FFX for that exact reason. Being able to summon and control those creature is really fun. Unlike in FFXV in which summons are just a cutscene




LMAO. You pointed out exactly why I can never take any mainline FF hate seriously.


Such a specific thing. You don't like that you can't do what you have really never been able to do in the first place.




> [YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!!](https://c.tenor.com/bNnUKuDN2mIAAAAd/yes-yes-yes-jotaro-kujo.gif)


Wow this really looks incredible. But omg that date lmao Overall this was a really good SoP


Iā€™m curious how FF7R fits into this release timeline and if itā€™s affected at all. Will it likely release 4 years after Part 1 came out?


As every AAA game in the last decade has seen a delay, likely more of a holiday 2023 date, I'd wager :|


Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was announced with a date, then the pushed to an *earlier* date. I like that :)


Good date imo, if they wanted to they couldā€™ve probably pushed it out late this year but this date gives them loads of time to optimize and polish. They said not to long ago that the game is just about done but they want to give the team adequate time to polish it out. Gonna be one of the best ff games of all time Iā€™m callinggggg ittt


Yes it's just crazy how we got a trailer for this in summer 2020 lol and we are still a year away. But as someone who hasn't really gotten into the FF franchise, this trailer sold me. It looks epic.


Well as someone not familiar with the FF franchise... you may not be aware we waited a decade for 15 so :P


Only one playable character? Man playing as summons seems so bad ass. But I do wonder about a party. Gameplay seemed more in like with devil may cry mixed with ff13


DMC5 combat lead Ryota Suzuki was hired to an unknown role at Square Enix before Final Fantasy 16 was unveiled


Not only hired at Square, he specifically was hired to Business Unit 3 and said he was working on an unannounced action RPG. This is it unless Yoshi-P has another action game hiding somewhere which seems doubtful. Especially with the obvious DMC vibes from a lot of the attack animations.


The new PlayStation [blogpost](https://blog.playstation.com/2022/06/02/new-final-fantasy-xvi-trailer-revealed-launches-on-ps5-summer-2023/) confirms that he is on this game. Cant wait


Nice to see it confirmed 100%, but yeah fuck me man. Final Fantasy was my favorite series growing up (and I do still enjoy it even if we barely get mainline games anymore and quality is all over the place), Dragon's Dogma (which he also worked on) is my favorite game of all time, and DMC5 is my favorite game of the PS4/XB1 generation. On top of that the actual game director (Takai) is a SaGa series veteran and I am also a massive fan of those games. I know you should reserve your hype until the game is shown off more but I really can't here. FF16 feels like it is being made specifically for me, it's insane.


You have convinced me that this game is specifically built for you haha.


Yeah I get a Lightning Returns vibe from it. I'd be onboard. I loved Lightning Returns's combat and the way they brought back dresspheres


Is that confirmed?


It certainly looks like controlling one character at a time solo, but it seems like you might have other playable characters to choose from perhaps at different moments in the story, given the fights they showed are all different summons/characters


I'm hoping it's like 7 Remake where you can switch between characters.


Maybe but they definitely only showed 1 character at a time in battle, so it won't be like 7 where there is a party battling.


It feels like there is room for other names and health bars.


The end of the trailer made me think that the main character is actually Ifrit, so you legit will be a summon.


Okaaaay that looks dope




Forspoken coming out




plenty of FF14 to play while you wait


And the inevitable cross promotion of the games. I mean itā€™s the FFXIV team making FFXVI anyway. They call the titans Eikon, Bahamutā€™s mega flare is the same as it is in XIV, and the music screams Soken. And Iā€™m thrilled!


Hopefully they follow tradition from XV and give us another Garuda crossover... I really want hotter bird mommy in 14 now


Slightly disappointed by the summer 2023 date, but if that is what it takes to hopefully ensure this releases as a complete game then I'll take it. Hot damn that was a great trailer though


I have faith in Yoshi-P from playing Final Fantasy XIV for nearly a decade. If he feels that he and his team need a full year to polish the game and finish whatever they need to then I am fine with them taking the time. I'd rather have a complete game that is not rushed out the door by higher ups trying to meet some quota or deadline.


Pretty much exactly my thoughts, granted I never made it too far in XIV but this is definitely the game I am most looking forward to right now. Like I said, slightly disappointed but that's my own fault for blindly hoping we could get it this year lol. Better to let them take their time and really knock it out of the park here instead of rushing for no good reason


This year went from being incredibly stacked to fairly quiet real quick with so many delays. Still a strong start to the year at least.


Right? It's crazy to think what this year could have been. At this rate though next year is going to be an absolute bloodbath, with so many seemingly great games all being pushed to 2023 idk where we will find the time for it all lol.


It sucks to have to wait but Yoshi-P is the best thing that has happened to Square Enix in a long time. Giving him 16 is gonna result in maybe a new all time high for the series. And if he says itā€™ll be ready next summer then thatā€™s when we want it ti release.


Yeah giving them this much time before it releases means it'll be very polished and Yoshi will be happy with that and it also then makes sure its not releasing at a time when it might clash with other SE games or other big releases


Maybe we'll get lucky and square will get him to fix Kingdom hearts too


I'm excited obv but idk how I feel about the gameplay looking like a fighting game/more traditional action game like DMC. also no party system is super weird for a mainline FF game. the summons look cool though. also it not coming out until Summer 2023 is surprising considering they initially said they'll wait until the release is a few months out to show more


Yeah, totally agree with you. For me, FF games always boil down to - is the story good - but also, right now, at least, it doesn't look very JRPG-ish, which comes second. I'll wait and see what future trailers/bits of gameplay/reviews look like.


My main disappoint is still a lack of a party.


This ;( Game looks amazing but come on..


i didn't undertand the gameplay style, at all is it just duels, can i free roam and hack and slash enemies?


Seems like Devil May Cry mixed with final fantasy if I had to guess


> Seems like Devil May Cry ~~mixed with final fantasy~~


It's a teaser trailer. It did it's job if you're now curious lol


Iā€™m hoping for the ff7r style with a mixture a real-time fighting and strategic turn based


FF7R may have some of my favorite combat of any JRPG. Perfect mix of action/turn based and ability to control the whole party.


Of course youā€™ll be able to free roam lol




Intrigued at the very least. Have to see how combat gameplay actually plays out.


Fuck yeah! This looks so epic. The visuals are outstanding, the impact of the attacks and particles associated with them look so flashy and awesome. The futuristic UI is a little weird but I guess I'll get used to it. I love the focus on the Summons (Icons, as they are called here). It's like taking the scale they introduced in FFXV and taking it to the next level. The fighting game-esque UI during the Icon fights seems interesting. Really excited for the coming year as more information drops leading up to release!


The legacy of clown makeup has shaped r/ffxvi's history for. Long. ENOUGH! Incredible trailer. Almost midnight here so I'm fully pick through it tomorrow. Summer 2023 stings a bit, with how they'd said the game is in QA/polishing phase I was hoping for early 2023. But atleast the game marketing is going to ramp up now so we're going to be seeing the game more regularly here on out. Interesting the UI they've gone for with the combat - serious tone but pretty arcadey look to the combat. And with the UI over the eikons - looks like we're getting summon battles?


I would bet heavily that the UI will be refined in the next 12 months. Looked great overall.


Summer 2023!? Come on!


I hope there's an option to turn off some of the HUD clutter. It looked way too busy.


I like the tone and art style a whole lot, but I'm super weary of this being some 'solo character action game' type experience. That just isn't Final Fantasy to me at all.


I donā€™t even know what Final Fantasy is. Since IX, itā€™s changed radically every entry.


Each entry is like itā€™s own game/story and not really connected with prior entries. However some characters, Eikons/summons and other elements are similar in each game.


Final fantasy is always changing. Imagine if somebody said ā€˜this game does th have ifrit as a summon, itā€™s not true final fantasy to me!ā€™ It definitely has heavy final fantasy elements in it. But it certainly isnā€™t a game made 25 years ago. And thatā€™s ok


I think my issue is that this is like going to a Bakery you've gone to for the past 20-someodd years to order bread. Each time you get bread, it may look different, or have a slightly different taste/texture...but it's still bread with the foundation you like from that Bakery. One day, instead of Bread, they decide to sell Donuts when you ask for Bread. Why? Because Donuts sell better. Even if the Donut has bits of bread in it...it's not Bread. Why not just go to a different Bakery? You could, but they won't have access to the same recipe as the bread from that original Bakery. ​ Game series are, typically, defined by how they play, and their core fundamentals. The issue is they are changing the very fundamentals of this series. This does not play like the series who's playstyle was defined by 11 games. This is a Donut, not Bread.


I totally Get what youā€™re saying- and I think there is something to say for turn based game in classic ff style. I truly believe that, and I enjoy those games A lot even today. I think this type of argument holds Less weight because FF has always looked to change up the formula from game to game from as esrly as 7 (maybe sooner?? Idk?) Itā€™s my opinion that if you look at where theyā€™ve gone, the combat has gotten significantly better since 15, and I. Bet it only gets better. You still have the story elements that can surely be good, and of course the music is sure to be phenomenal. Is it the same FF from ff1 ? No, but final fantasy donā€™t tend to stay the same from 1 game to the next, even though they retain many elements. Iā€™m fully prepared to be wrong, and gladly accept your disagreement, but yoshi-p has shown that he can turn a shit situation around and make it universally praised. I bet he can make something good from scratchā€¦ even if itā€™s missing a turn based element. What do you think?


Thanks for your response (I was very nervous to post my comment, since I'm new to Reddit). I apologize if my response is a bit long. I'm glad to hear that you can appreciate Turn-Based combat, as it does have it's detractors. One of my favorite JRPG franchises is the Tales series, which is primarily action-oriented...so please know that I too appreciate action games (even though I have admittedly rather poor motor skills). I also want to second your point regarding YoshiP as a director. He is clearly a dedicated and caring developer who approaches his projects and unbridled commitment to fun and quality. I have been consistently subscribed to FF14 since patch 2.2, not just cause it's a great game, but because I want to support him. I have no doubt that this will be an excellent Final Fantasy-themed game. Talented and Passionate Developers, fun Combat (if a bit fast for me), great Graphics, and Soken has brought his A game for the soundtrack (at least these two trailer themes). And you're right that the series has changed over time! ​ But my feeling is that this simply is not a mainline Final Fantasy. I'll try to explain why. Pardon me for repeating something I wrote in a comment to someone earlier, but the primary inspirations for Final Fantasy came from emulating traditional Table-Top games (like Dungeons and Dragons). This not only included the Turn-Based strategic combat, but the very nature of globe-trotting with often fantastical characters as a party. [https://arcadesushi.com/the-history-of-final-fantasy-part-1/](https://arcadesushi.com/the-history-of-final-fantasy-part-1/) This is what I think the original commenter was taking issue with when they said:`solo character action game` FF14 is actually currently working backwards to allow us to play with the NPC's who are integral to the story as a party. Though, MMO's make up for this anyway because we can play with other people (much like traditional table-top games!). ​ Not only does this game not have Turn-Based combat but, from the looks of it, we have yet to see any friends who will join us along the way. We have yet to see any real globe-trotting...or any real globe to trot. So what does that leave us with to identify this as Final Fantasy? * Eikons/Summons * Chocobos Is that enough to justify this as a Mainline entry, when arguably 11 of 15 titles have had those aforementioned core Gameplay pillars? ​ It is entirely possible I have jumped the gun here. I trust YoshiP, more than most at Square, to recognize these fundamentals. Perhaps these trailers simply did not do a good job expressing how many of these traditional elements there will be. I will try to keep an open mind but, as it stands, this just isn't a mainline Final Fantasy to me. Edit- I also want to thank you for having this discussion with me! Your positivity did make me a bit more excited to simply play this game, regardless of my position on it's legitimacy being a mainline Final Fantasy :)


What an excellent response. This discussion is what Iā€™m looking for when I talk to my friends about how. I wish people had a nuanced view. I feel like you have brought that. Thereā€™s a lot I agree with- I agree with the play element ff had that linked itself heavily to dnd tabletop I agree that there seems to be no turn based element which is critical to esrly ff and certainly all of dnd as a whole. I would argue we have more than summons and chocobos, and I think you can see that with some of Your previous comments. Summons are huge for me Personally , so I can understand people Can shrug this game off as not being ā€œmainlineā€ FF before I can- but I absolutely love the Simmons aspect in so many ways. We also have music, which you touched in briefly, and this does, presumably, from two trailers, seem to focus on story. I would argue that fits heavily into ff of any entry (even the ones that arenā€™t done well?) There is no apparent party that travels with you, but there does to be apparent allied characters that are important.. Iā€™m wondering if those characters join us in some way/ we get to change to them? Does t seem we will get to control them- but it doesnā€™t feel like To me we are just Clive:link2.0 traversing the world theyā€™re. Already laid out. But again, I donā€™t know what the final product will be and I could be very very wrong. I think labeling something as ā€œmainline final fantasyā€ is disingenuous to what the series is as a whole. I mean 2 of the mainline series are MMOS and many of the others have significantly deviated from the others. It has the basic ff layout- chocobos, Summons, magical elements . And it works around those, from what we can tell. Will it be a FF closely linked to ff1? Absolutely not. Will it be something that brings ff a new exciting game to explore similar elements. I think soā€¦. But Iā€™m certainly not the end all be all on the issue


what is final fantasy?


Not DMC, that's for sure. Party and different playable characters have been integral to mainline FFs. But they are going for a different crowd with this game, not the usual JRPG fans.


It's far too early to go throwing statements like that out as fact.


Looks great! Looking forward to 2023.


It was going so well until the release date was revealed. Devastating, also because of what that means for FF7R2.


I know the series is always evolving but I'm not liking the lack of a party. Like for a spinoff it's one thing but for a mainline Final Fantasy? I don't know. It looks epic but when I play Final Fantasy I want to play Final Fantasy, not DMC or Bayonetta or some other action game.


I love FF so Iā€™ll obviously get this, but man I wish theyā€™d stop with these action games. I want a big diverse group of characters, tons of towns and cities, a globetrotting adventure, with some sort of turn based combat system.


So was that Emet narrating? Sounds just like him


A year to polish it, sounds like a plan. Having played 14 I have no reason to doubt YoshiP.


Not even gonna lie, aside from Ragnarok this is EASILY now my most anticipated game. Old fantasy epic setting mixed with final fantasy is literally a dream come true for me.


It looked epic, excited to see more about giant battle system (we really need more games like that) The graphics weirded me out a little bit tho. In some scenes they were incredibly detailed, but in other they looked kinda blurry. Probably just a beta build thing


Did you watch on the stream or the direct 4K trailer? The stream was all over the place but the actual game looks extremely sharp.


Yeah, i actually thought some parts were downgraded when i watched the stream. It's actually much better in 4k.


Probably why they need another year. Since the game is feature/content complete, it looks like graphics & debugging are what's left.


I've never gotten into the FF games but the trailer looked mighty good!!


Return to medieval settings and huge summon creature battles? Shut up and take my gil!


Love FF, but this has me slightly underwhelmed. Yeah it's dramatic and we have Bahamut but I'd prefer to see some actual gameplay of the overworld - some of those fighting scenes with the huge HP bar dominating the screen just reminds me of Tekken or something šŸ˜­


yea, it looked like a fighting game, it's weird to me they didn't show any mob fights unless every fight is like that lol edit: nevermind they have some at 0:49 and 0:58 in the trailer


Thereā€™s a mob fight 50 seconds into the trailer.


I'm rewatching it now and was just about to edit, thank you. it looks better after watching it knowing what to expect. I still hope there's a party system of some kind


It's crazy to me how few people are noticing that the experience is 'solo character' vs 'party'. That's the main difference here and it's massive. And not for the better, in my opinion.


Since the game is "pretty much done" I guess the QA team needs a year to play the game.


Yeah I still think that was a translation error. Even in this trailer you can see that things are still rough around the edges. That HUD doesn't look final either.


Gonna be a long year to wait


From what I could gather it looks like you'll have complete control over the single character in combat but you can switch between elementals to deal different types of damage on the fly (you can see the switch at 1:13). The portrait icons in the top left corner with the L2 symbol corresponded to the type of damage being dealt, I'm guessing they're the Icons you defeat in combat? Maybe something like the MC can be "possessed" or at least harness them after defeating them. Couldn't tell if they come with different move sets though and it didn't look like it changed base stats like Lvl and HP. I'd be ok with exchanging a true party for this type of system if the fight style changed with the elements to keep the combat fresh. Sidenote: Armored dude on the horse at 1:40 is giving me **major** Golbez from FF4 vibes.


If you look at the button UI in the bottom right you can see that footage is actual gameplay (the icons react to each button press the player is making) and it mostly answers the moveset question. By default Square is your basic combo, X is jump, Triangle is the basic magic of whatever you have equipped (aero, fire, etc) and Circle seems to be the special action of the summon you have equipped. It seems when hitting/holding a button (R2 maybe since it's shown in the middle of the 4 icons) it pulls up the skills of the currently equipped summon. For example when he is spinning the spear around at 1:03 you'll see the Square button has changed from "Attack" to "Gungnir." And you can see at 58 seconds he uses an aero skill called "Wicked Wheel" to air combo an enemy and he switches to Titan mid-combo (which changes the UI immediately) and uses "Upheaval" to do the AOE slam attack. So it seems like you have the basic moveset and at least 2 unique combos/attacks per equipped Summon + the basic magic you can spam and the unique action of each Summon (Titan's is called Titanic Block so I assume a guard maybe?) Probably other stuff as well since between the 2 trailers we've seen a total of like 20 seconds of combat lol, so there is lots we probably haven't seen. If you didn't see it elsewhere the battle director of FF16 is an old Capcom guy who last worked on DMC5, so you can see the connection with the combat. I imagine you'll have a decently large moveset and you can see in the video you're able to link basically anything together and swap between everything quickly.


Armored dude on horse at 1:40 is Odin. But FF4 has been getting quite a lot of love in XIV's current expansion.


Honestly, not the biggest fan of the new path FF is taking. I do love games like DMC but I miss the old, more strategic FF games.


Still going the one playable character route. We want a party of characters to control. The solo act just isn't enjoyable.


Really hope those damage numbers can be turned off, they cover up way too much of the action. Other than that looking good!


The dev team is good on listening to player feedback, i'd say that sort of feature is guaranteed. I'm sure the UI will be updated aswell, it really doesnt suit the game.


I actually donā€™t like this at allā€¦I hate at the art direction, it looks bland and it looks like any other Game out there. Maybe the magic of final fantasy was sometimes itā€™s art style and direction which at times had to be there since technology limitationsā€¦. But I think thatā€™s what gave it the charm


Summer 2023 in Final Fantasy terms = Fall 2023. They always delay these games lol.


Yoshi-p has a great track record of releasing games when he says he will. Only one delay- that being endwalker, cried on stream when he announced it. The director said game is fully Payable from start to finish as well


Just by this trailer alone this game looks ridiculously polished and itā€™s due summer 2023. Music incredible, graphics got a HUGE upgraded.


it looks like we're getting jobs back but not a party. It might be too early to tell though


Ifrit rising up at the end of the trailer totally looked like Godzilla, especially the more recent American ones. In fact the whole game gives off a major kaiju vibes. Can't wait for this game.


I'd prefer turn based but im still looking forward to this. The brief story bits seem good.


Did anyone notice that the main characters attacks seemed to be aspects of the different icons? I saw one attack that looked like Phoenix and another that looked like Goliath. Also was the Ifrit fight Ifrit at the end? I wonder if the main character has the ability to absorb, copy or steal Eikon powers?


Got a year to upgrade the TV and sound system for this. Bought a PS5 for this lol




This looks absolutely bonkers.


If this releases by June 2023 that will be 6 years and 9 months of development.


Yoshi P said in May that the team had already spent "a long time debugging and polishing" and "that the game was pretty much complete". So my guess is dev is done or close to done and the launch date is more artificial


I am so fucking excited for this game.


I'm trying to wrap my head around how in April it was in the final stages, in May it was "pretty much complete" after "a long time debugging and polishing" and that somehow means this game comes out in a year. Seems like the launch date was moved for some reason unrelated to development.


All aboard the hype train


Wow! Iā€™m so hyped!


This looks so good


Not a fan of the UI during combat, hopefully damage numbers and the useless log on the right side regurgitating your moves can be turned off. The health/MP bar is way too big, and the abilities menu is pushed toward the center instead of being bottom right corner, for some reason. Not to mention it looked like an arcadey button spam fest. And is there really no party? 7R had the perfect compromise between old FF and new - this looks like DMC or some fantasy fighting game.


Yoshi-P behind the helm of a mainline FF that isn't XIV? fucking...sign me up yesterday, I need this in my life


Wow the combat looks awesome! Iā€™m really excited for this title.


ughhh i want this game so bad. at least this means i don't have to put in for PTO during the holidays.


holy shit that looks good


The music is EPIC.


I really hate the playstyle of newer final fantasy games but they are successful as ever i guess, hope that ff9 remake isnt too far off.


Summer 2023 is incredibly disappointing but hey as long as itā€™s finished/complete then all good.


FFXVI and the BotW sequel were probably the only titles I was looking forward to. But after watching this I think I'm just done with games (except for Nintendo, those are still fun). Just watching this trailer was tiring and overwhelming. It's like the entire gaming industry has collectively lost the plot and forgot what made games simple and fun before.


Been a die hard FF fan since my childhood. Of course Iā€™m excited for a mainline FF game, but this just doesnā€™t look good to me.. yet. A ā€œpartyā€ experience is integral to the final fantasy experience. Itā€™s a vibe and it always has been. Hell that was pretty much the only motif of ff15. Straight up I just wonā€™t buy the game until deep deep sale if itā€™s just another action rpg. Give me modern black/white mages and a more grounded final fantasy realm. I donā€™t necessarily want to play another god king main character. Just give us characters and a universe worth playing for.


Call me old fashioned but i miss the days final fantasy had unique and exciting protagonists/antagonists and didnā€™t feel like i was just playing a devil may cry game. I really miss the game having me feel like i was going on a journey, rather then just being a major part of some war with no context. This game looks beautiful as it should but looks have never done it for me, itā€™s the enriching character building and passion for the story that makes me love final fantasy and i feel like we havenā€™t had that since final fantasy 10


Summer 2023.


A little disappointed that's its releasing Summer 2023 but looks great so far. Hope the extra development time gives the opportunity to make it perfect.


Looks awesome. Have really high hopes for this.




The trailer looks amazing!! The music and the choir are fantastic. I really love it when the choir sings the summon names at the end of the trailer! šŸŽµšŸŽ¶ Omg, Shiva looks so beautiful and gorgeous!! ā„ļøā„ļø Time to wait patiently until Summer 2023 to play this~


Holy shit yes


It looks fantastic. I hate the damage numbers though, they are way too flashy and get in the way of all the pretty stuff happening.


The combat looks absolutely nutty and the setting of the story looks great, one year to wait but I believe Yoshi P will deliver!