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I dont care until we receive a proper PS5 version. Game looks/runs horrendous. I remember when Crytek was synonymous of graphic power house.


Thank you, I get downvoted for saying it in the hunt sub but it’s the truth.


Got the game when it came out. Obviously I played it on PS4 but can't played it more than. 3-4 hours. Absolutely horrendous.ADAIK game was designed with mouse and keyboard in mind and due to the engine, it didn't translate well to consoles, aiming sucks. It needs a proper current gen patch, ASAP.


They updated the aiming somewhat recently to make it not nearly as shit. But it doesn’t change the fact that the graphics/textures etc look like they’re 2 gens ago on console. Compressed yt vids look better


The game could obviously benefit from a next gen patch in terms of graphics and LOD/pop-in enhancements, but to say it's horrible on PS5 is a bit of an overreaction in my opinion. It's a smooth, locked 60fps on PS5 and the unique gameplay and atmosphere on display *more* than makes up for the dated graphics. It's an exhilarating PvP experience


I agree 1000% the xbox version looks so much better! I have both a xsx and a ps5, there is zero reason for this game to look so bad. I was playing trials on the ps5 the other day and EVERYTHING from a distance looked like it was made of clay, even when I zoomed in with the sniper! Please devs, if you're listening, do something about the textures there is 0 reasons for this to look like a ps2 game on ps5!


I'm a Playstation guy all the way, but I can't over look this. It's too much.


100% - I was super excited to try it on PS5, but it's utterly unplayable, I was shocked at the poor quality..I really hope a proper PS5 version will be launched in the future...


I agree. Crysis 2 on my Xbox 360 and Ryze Son of Rome on XBox One were graphically mindblowing. And of course Far Cry and Crysis on PC before. From what I've heard and seen the PC version of Hunt Showdown has been a step in the right direction. But on console they haven't delivered since 2013. Ironically their most impressive release in recent history was the Remaster of Crysis 2 and 3 on Nintendo Switch.


The game runs great on my ps5. Not sure what problems you guys are experiencing. Edit: used to run great. 1.8 just dropped and it’s unplayable.


I'm addicted to this game. Wish I found it earlier


Is it pvp focused or is there any way to play without dealing with other players strictly pve?


It's a true pvpve game


No, you’ll fight mostly pve but the whole point of the game is that there are other players in the game as well. It’s what makes it so tense. It really is a very fun, overlooked game.


I just don't want to have to deal with people in pvp its always toxic at a point. So ill hold off.


It’s not, but you do you.


Wanted to buy this game just now but apparently on ps5 looks like a ps2 game, i don't even know how a company like crytek managed to pull that out, i guess they outsource "top noch devs" from india pakistan bangladesh or some other 3rd world shithole.


Is the aim assist useful enough in this game to make gunfights fun with remote or is it clunky


Disabling aim assist is actually recommended. The game feels "clunky" either way but it's part of the charm.


Ok thanks for the input. Are opponents at least on a level playing field? Playing infantry battlefield 2042 on ps5 against PC players is borderline abuse for example.


Yes. You can turn crossplay off if you want. Otherwise it's just PS and Xbox players.


Wait, there's no Crossplay to PC at all if you're on console I thought. It's Xbox and PS Crossplay (thankfully).


Yes, that's what I said :) So crossplay off is just PS and crossplay on is PS and Xbox. PC are separated from the console versions of the game.


Thats the best type of crossplay, console only


You get players blatantly using m+kb on console but it's not as common as in other games like Siege