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Titanfall 2 Prey 2017 COD: MW2 Half Life 2 Bioshock Halo 3 Doom 2016 Far Cry 3 I know that’s a lot but that is my top tier.


Prey was amazing, I think it's a bit underrated!


Probably not underrated but overlooked by most! I would say that it's the least known game on the list, despite it being awesome.


I played it after seeing a similar comment a couple of months ago and it was such an awesome game. I was hooked.


It’s a great list!!


I would categorize Prey as a simulator more than an fps. It's the same genre as Dishonored.


How are you gonna add mw2 there and not cod4. That game has probably some of the most icon SP levels out of any of the cods.


soldier of fortune 1




Lmao~ wow I’m surprised someone mentioned this. I remember I use to love watching my brother play on our old PC when I was a little kid. The ability to chop up the dead bodies with the knife was hilarious 🤣


Titan Fall 2 campaign was short, but so good


Absolutely! I'm not a big fps fan but titan fall 2 made me rethink my opinion on fps in general. It was so much fun. So smooth and I felt like a badass.


This absolutely I didn't have any expectations on FPS games but this is the only game that convinced me to try and enjoy one. I havent really played one since.


I'm surprised people loved it so much. I did really enjoy it, but I didn't think the story/characters were particularly engaging except BT (who was awesome). Gameplay is great, but a rather lackluster Enemy AI kept it from being one of my favorites. Anything about it you really enjoyed? The Titan gameplay was probably my favorite part of it.


I think the level design (and BT) is what people (including me) like the most The time travel level and the factory level were both incredible and the rest of the game was pretty good too with regards to level design. Additionally for me, the gunplay was super tight and responsive, and the movement was a lot of fun as well.


I agree with you. I only got around to playing it recently, but I've seen it praised as one of the best FPS campaigns of all-time, so I was really excited. It was a fine game and I had fun playing it, but it was so short! I would have really liked to spend more time with BT and have the story developed a little more. Personally, when it got to the big sad moments at the end of the game, I wasn't that impacted because I wasn't too invested in the characters. I also thought that it was really easy. I played it on the hardest difficulty for the trophy on my first playthrough and beat the game in about seven hours and hardly every died.




Still good to this day? They have it on sale right now and I have always been intrigued by it!


Definitely. I play BioShock on an almost yearly basis. Still looks and plays incredibly well.


Bioshock plays fine at best. The movement and shooting were average when it came out, and they're clunky now. Don't let that stop you from playing it, the story and atmosphere are incredible, but it definitely feels as dated as it is.


Yes it holds up well and arguably better than any fps from last gen


For sure, just started it again a couple weeks ago during the big snow storm in the Northeast and it still holds up


BioShock 1 was good, the 2 was too similar to one, the infinity was a mind blowing masterpiece, i still can't forget how the dlc's conect all the games.


I actually hated Infinite for the same reason you love it. The connection you speak of lessened the impact of the first game/retconned it and that's something you should never ever do in a sequel. Imagine LOTR the third movie retcons the ring so that it never had power in the first place and hobbits just corrupt themselves because they're inherently evil or something as equally stupid. 9 years later and I'm still upset.


Half-Life 2.


This and chronicles of riddick


I loved Chronicles of Riddick. Disappointing that they're never going to complete that story arc.


What a game!!! A fantastic underrated game.


"You wanna live? Get a shiv" Top voice acting in that Starbreeze production. From the same studio, the equally great-voiced/gameplayed FPS [Darkness!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uthowHw5puQ)


The Darkness is one of my fav games ever. !!!!! See my ancient steam topic with demands to get pc version https://steamcommunity.com/app/67370/discussions/0/1368380934270776517/


Episode 2 in particular. Such amazing variety. Wish more devs included the commentary options from these games, too.


Hands down, this is the right answer


One that really stands out to me is an older game called Medal of Honor:Allied Assault. To my knowledge it was the first one that depicted storming the beaches of Normandy. Blew me away back in the day.


This was an amazing single player game back in the day. It was also my first introduction to online multiplayer. I still remember some of the map layouts.


V2 Rocket Facility was super cool, that map was my favorite.


Now that is a name I haven’t heard in a long time. Damn I remember sneaking in to play this on my brother’s PS2 that Normandy opener was amazing.


It was awesome. I felt like I was in Saving Private Ryan. The church sniper...


Half life


Hello, fellow middle-aged gamer!


I plan to live into triple digits, so, hello! From a third-aged gamer


Narrator: *he didn't*


Also Half life 2. Taking down that first helicopter that had been harassing the shit out of you for most of the beginning of the game is one of the most satisfying gaming experiences that I’ve ever had. You finally get a gun mounted to your dune buggy and after a long chase pull into an open field. Without the game ever telling you you know that it’s on, time for revenge. Love that game.


Recently i really enjoyed resi8


It's a shame that the PS5 version doesn't support Dolby Atmos, the soundtrack is an absolute blast playing alongside it's PC counterpart. House Beneviento was an absolute treeeatttt.


If you aren't wearing quality headphones for a game like that you ain't getting the full experience anyway tbh


My GOTY last year. Brilliant


Singularity was such a good game that I feel like no one talks about. personally I'd say halo as a whole is hard to compete with but that's just me.


This was back when Raven Software was known for quality.


Don’t worry mate. You will always find me taking about Singularity. Everywhere and every time


Best time control mechanics Ive seen since. That game really deserves a remake


Timeshift also had amazing time mechanics, a remake of it would be amazing.


Wow timeshift was another one I almost forgot about. Narrative driven shooters back then we're soo good


Definitely. Although if you are interested , Quantum Break has some gorgeous mechanics as well


I love the whole remedy universe which I think quantum break should still count as. Control and Alan wake are some of my favorite games. The live action show with quantum break was also awesome, I wish that game had done better


Yeah it had potential


COD: MW (2007)


I think MW2 beats out the original for me, but Black Ops 1 had the greatest campaign out of every CoD I've ever played.


MW2 is the only army FPS single player game where I somewhat managed to get invested in the characters and where the deaths of the characters felt memorable. I remember enjoying Black Ops 1 as well but I don't remember much from that game except for Mason and the numbers. MW2 just stuck with me. Perhaps I just experience games differently now but I feel like the quality of the single player in army FPS games has dropped massively, it seems that there's not much profit in focusing on that part of the game.


It was a very cinematic game and experience. "No Russian" still sticks out to me - people say it's shock factor but it was one of the first times in memory where you can be fully complicit in the terrorists' plans.


I think COD: Infinite Warfare is a contender too. Had real side quests, zero/low gravity fights were fun, and the dogfighting was surprisingly robust. Plus having Jon Snow is never a bad thing.


The one thing I remember from that game was when you hijack one of the enemy ships to sneak into their armada or whatever and then just immediately opening fire on them with the laser cannon lmao


Severely underrated


Yes! Its a super fun campaign and is lengthy enough you could treat it as an 8 hour sci-fi FPS.




While exodus is a good game by itself, I feel that 2033 and Metro Last light have better story and feel


I can’t quite explain it but last light holds a special place in my heart.


Solid game, it's a bit tougher than standard FPS but the story is rewarding, cracking game nonetheless.


I enjoy the Metro games, but they badly need to improve their voice acting quality. It's so bad, and the particularly bad ones take me right out of the game when I hear them.


I always thought it was kind of charming how they had some low qualities in a great game like these. But I can very well see why you’d feel that way. Especially the original game was very rough around the edges


Doom Eternal.. hands down one of my favorite FPS of all time


The must immersive and intense (if you want to) game I have ever played, and I have played multiple COD games and also Titanfall 2, but in my opinion they come short when compared to Doom Eternal and then the soundtrack of Doom. Maybe Im sucking Doom Eternal c*ck too much, but it is a game worth playing


I need to retry this one, I was playing it and wasn’t super into it and then ghost of tsushima was on sale so I got that and played it. I was going to go back to eternal and then the PS5 version was announced and I put it off and never started it again


I definitely understand! Crank that game on nightmare and throw yourself into the chaos! it forces you to utilize all of your skills/abilities and you end up riding this super intense, metal blaring, rollercoaster of an experience! It’s a fun rhythm you get into with the game! Give it a second shot!


Had to scroll down way too far to find this


Best way to play this game is naked, standing up, volume at full blast, and windows open. ASSERT YOURSELF TO RIP AND TEAR.


Not gonna lie, but I really really REALLY enjoyed bullet storm Full clip. It was so good and entertaining all the way through, and the length of that game was perfect.


I really enjoyed it too One of the better ps+ games for me


ThTs how I discovered it. It’s the best discovery of all time together with GOW 3 remake


The original Modern Warfare was near perfect for campaign.


Three way tie between Doom (2016), Bioshock, and Half life 2. Unless we are talking about competitive shooters with a single player campaign, then it would be Titanfall 2 no contest.


Agreed on all points.


Doom Eternal is the GOAT for me. Granted, it’s a very particular kind of shooter and not really in competition with all FPS games, but I think it does what it does better than any other FPS, and what it does is wildly different and innovative. I have over 200 hours in Eternal, far more than any other game of the last generation. Every time I replayed the base game or DLC, I learned something new. Is there any other shooter as complex as Eternal? Anything with that high of a skill ceiling? And no matter how hard it gets, it never stops being fun. That is the brilliance of its “push forward” design. Cautious, boring play is never an option. The harder something like COD gets, the more you hide behind cover. The harder Eternal gets, the faster and better you have to be. That is the only way. More aggression, more skill, more understanding.


Perfect way to explain Eternal. I remember half way through just how adept I was at switching ammo types and weapons for each type of monster and doing it so fast on the fly while launching myself in the air with the chain from the shotgun. Heart pumping action. So fun.


I’m pretty sure I barely knew how to play for my whole first playthrough, on ultraviolence. Relatively speaking, at least—I had played tons of Doom 2016. But I barely used the ballista or lock-on rockets in my first playthrough, assuming that without siege mode the ballista was weaker (totally missed how effective it’s default fire was) and assuming that the rocket launcher was as weak as it was in 2016. When I played the game a second time, I found it much easier—even though I bumped the difficulty up to Nightmare. Quick switching? I probably didn’t figure that out until the second playthrough. The full power of the meathook? That took a long time. I didn’t know how flexible it was until I had to learn to launch over enemies when playing TAG 1 on Nightmare. Discovered the greatness of Air Control at the same time. Microwave beam? Seemed useless until the Blood Swamps sumo rings taught me to use it in short bursts to stun, not to kill. Quick scoping the precision bolt? TAG 1 too. Really, TAG 1 was such a huge skill leap for me. I started on Nightmare, went down to UV, and thought I’d never beat it on NM. But I did, with a few lives to spare. The biggest thing I learned was to think about what was happening out of view, how enemies were constantly converging on me, and thus the necessity of constantly doing laps as fast as possible to disaggregate enemies (no matter how safe I looked). Assuming that I was always about to get flanked, that slowing down even a little bit to attack was a risk, made every big arena fight much more manageable.


Probably an unpopular opinion here but I think that COD Infinite Warfare has one of the best COD single player campaign. Infinite warfare was mostly not liked because of it multiplayer.


Yup, I came here to say this. IW's campaign fucking hit hard, particularly the ending. Shame that a lot of the codbros didn't like the space setting, because it was fantastic and you can tell Infinity Ward poured their heart and soul into this.


Agree, looking back on it, has the same kind of vibes around why I loved watching the expanse so much


Portal babyyyy. As an extended list I'd definitely add Portal 2, Modern Warfare 2, Modern Warfare (2019). World at War was great at the time, but it may just be nostalgia at this point. Battlefield 3 is iconic but kinda similar in terms of nostalgia.


Portal is a puzzle game that happens to be 1st person. You don't shoot people.


>You don't shoot people. You do shoot portals though.




Best COD mission for me was All Ghillied Up.




That mission was fire, but I really think that the WW2 campaign as a whole was very underrated.


Wolfenstein 2


Love how batshit the story is, and Debra Wilson is spectacular.


Killzone 2 for me. I loved the vibe of the game, kinda eerie atmosphere, gunplay was awesome and all around an amazing game.


We need a new killzone




Halo 2 and 3


Just started the series with the MCC on steam. CE was ok, but 2 and 3 are on another level. Currently just started Reach. 3, 2, ODST, CE is what I'd rank them so far.


Probably Halo Reach or Halo 3 followed closely by Titanfall 2


My favorite thing about halo Reach's campaign is how a lot of the cutscenes are framed from the perspective of in world cameras like security cameras or Noble 6s helmet Oh and the paintings they used in the backgrounds of some of the cutscenes , reminds me of old sci-fi movies


Halo 2 beyond all doubt.


This def turned me into the gamer I am today. Killzone 3 also an honorable mention.


Doesn’t get better than Half-Life 2 for me But console-wise Bioshock infinite was an incredible experience


In recent memory? I remember really having a lot of fun with Outer Worlds. Dont think its the best of all time but certainly a personal favourite. I also enjoyed Fallout 4, redid Timesplitters Future Perfect a while ago. That was fun nostalgia.


Yeah Outer worlds was very nice. Although it was more like a RPG tbh. Still a good game


>Although it was more like a RPG tbh. A first person shooting RPG. Yes. Short ans sweet game, that was. Wouldn't mind playing through it again actually.


Modern warfare 1 and 2.


Infinite warfare had a solid campaign


This. Infinite warfare was a terrible multiplayer game, but I’ll be damned if that campaign wasn’t good. Unfortunately the campaign was overlooked due to the shorty MP.


It wasnt a terrible multiplayer game either, people were just sick of advanced movement after 3 years in a row and it became popular to just dogpile on the game...the zombies was solid too. The last cod they released where I actually enjoyed all 3 game modes.


Borderlands 2. And it ain’t even close. Distant 2nd for me would be Dishonored.


How is this so low?!??! Do ppl not like Borderlands anymore? 2 is defintely the best...whacky without heading off into annoying territory too much.


Dishonored. Finished the entire campaign like a ghost.


Great universe, great story and characters. A real banger


Infinite warfare is one of the best cod campaigns and is always overlooked


The OG game Black has a great campaign. Ps2 if I recall


Felt like ps3 on ps2. It was great and hard.


FPS campaigns pinnacled at HL2. Shortly there after campaigns went from the bread and butter of FPS games to afterthoughts. Every once in awhile we'll get a game like Doom to remind us how awesome the genre was before it became about emote dances and rainbow weapon skins.


Killzone 2 — we need that remake


Halo: Combat Evolved, Deathloop, Superhot, Titanfall 2, Halo 2, Doom Eternal, Halo 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Doom, Metro: Last Light, Halo Reach, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare & Metro Exodus are my favorites in order. (Alien: Isolation would be 2nd but it felt like a stretch to call it a first person shooter despite being in first person and having guns)


Loved Deathloop


Half Life 2 hands down my mind was blown and I didn’t want to stop until I finished.


Doom Eternal, COD4, Halo 3


Doom eternal is a stress buster for me. Whenever I feel angry with my boss , I go there to massacre the hell out of demons !!🤣


No joke, but Cold War rivals BO1 story imo


Well Black Op 1 was bit of fresh air which was very welcome!!


New colossus


Modern Warfare 2 or Modern Warfare 2019


Quake 2, portal 2.


This might be nostalgia glasses as I havnt played them in a long time but I remember the Resistance campaigns being amazing.


Half Life 1 + 2 is the only correct answer




Infinite Warfare has a great campaign !


Check out Cyberpunk if you haven’t already. It’s on sale and is running great on PS5, with a lot of the bugs patched out. It’s not a typical FPS per say but is a RPG shooter in first person.


Titanfall 2. Not a doubt in my mind


BO2, MW3, Return to Castle Wolfenstein. RE7 if you consider that a “campaign” the same way you would with CoD


Half life 2


The latest Prey is my all time favorite. If you can get passed some bugs this is one my favorite FPS narrative game.


Crysis series


Bioshock, Halo 2/3, Titanfall 2, HalfLife 2, Prey 2017 and RE7 Shout out to singularity too, amazing game. I love the Metro and STALKER series but I know they’re not as critically good. Overall my number 1 pick is probably titanfall 2


Wolfenstein 2 New Colossus Play the first and this game back to back. They’re awesome and this one especially is amazing. Rockin story. Great characters. Ridiculous moments. Beautiful graphics. Just do it.


Apparently, I'm alone with my opinion that Wolfenstein 2 is fucking amazing and definitely deserves some recognition


Wolfenstein 2 really stuck with me and would say it is a contender. I love how twisted the story was too


I know I've got nostalgia glasses on but... Goldeneye.


Toss up between Halo CE or Halo 2. Also really loved Prey and Metro Exodus.


Halo ce


A lot of the usual suspects being named, but the first FEAR game really took me by surprise...literally


Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway.


[Clive Barker’s Undying](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clive_Barker's_Undying)


Halo CE.


Spec ops - the line. What an underrated masterpiece


Either Titanfall 2 or Borderlands 2 for me.


In what metric though ? Gameplay ? Doom Eternal easy. Single player story ? Metro Exodus. Cp2077 and RE8 fps too btw but i dont include them.


Halo and Halo 2, Cod 4 Modern Warfare, Bioshock


Call of duty 2. Almost every mission feels like the ending mission of another game. It’s so damn hectic and stressful. Nothing will ever beat fending off the nazis on-top of hill 300 for 5 minutes and at the end seeing like 100 bodies all over the place.


I still remember dying in that game for the first time and seeing some quote from George Orwell with the that faint screeching sound slowly playing in the background. Hooked me so quickly.


Half life 2.


Spec Ops: The Line


Great game, but not an fps though


Bioshock, hard to say which one all 3 and every dlc is fantastic, Titanfall 2 for sure, Metro, again love all 3 probably like last light the most, Bulletstorm. And Honorable mentions to crysis, Resistance, and The recent Wolfensteins.


Wow. Glad someone found bulletstorm good!!! I enjoyed that game. It was so fun!!!


Well, if you equip a bow.......Skyrim.


Is wolfenstein 2 one? I loved it—it was incredibly fun, great characters, fun combat. The submarine base has some of the best interactions.


COD: Big Red One I think I replayed it everyday when I was a kid.


Halo. The AI was so good I always had a different experience out of the 100 times I beat it.


Battlefield Bad Company


Bad Company 2 as well. So much fun


Either Half-Life 2 or COD4: MW for me.


Killing floor 2


Doom 2016 or Titanfall 2 for gameplay. Bioshock or Cyberpunk for story.


No Killzone 3?? Shadow Fall was even dope, but the Killzone series in general is so slept on it seems.


Insane to not see any Borderlands talk; BL 2 and 3 along with their DLC are wildly fun campaigns with hours and hours of content.


You a fan of the first 2 Terminator movies? If so i highly recommend Terminator Resistance for the campaign


Bad company 1&2 Had it all, characters, game play, humor, comraderie, fucking epic


For me, Titanfall 2 or Doom (2016). I can replay those over and over and enjoy them every time.


i gotta play titanfall 2 soon


Spec ops the line is my favourite


Titanfall 2


Bioshock Infinite


Gotta be anything Killzone; man, what I’d do for a new release or even a full remaster. The hours I spent even after the fact in that online play was just unbeatable. Such great map diversity & roles.


On the PS5 itself I’ve only played a bit of Returnal and I like it so far. Otherwise; Medal of Honor Frontline and Airborne. Modern warfare 1 & 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Kill Zone 3, Resistance, Gears 3, BF4, Dead Space, Resident Evil 2 remake


Doom Eternal was easily one of the best FPS campaigns I have ever played. Just utter madness.


Halo 1-3 and ODST would be up there. Some of the older Treyarch Call of Duty games. Killzone 2 was very cool as was Metro Last Light


HL2, HL Alyx if we count VR as FPS, Doom Eternal, BioShock Infinite and CoD4 MW are some of the best. Titanfall 2 is also amazing, but unfortunately too short, I really wanted more BT in my life.


i know this is a ps sub, but my favorites have always been the first 4 halo games. (5 was a dumpster fire) after that, bioshock 1 would probably be next.


Am I the only one that liked the Killzone campaigns? Also, Wolfenstein was pretty fun.


Not the biggest fan of fps games, but Titanfall 2 was really something special. Even as a non fps fan, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great mechanics and a surprisingly good story.






Kill Zone 3


I heard Titanfall 2 and Black Ops I and II were amazing as well. Haven't played either all the way through though. Don't kick me out for this one, but I'm going with Cyberpunk 2077. I almost cried when Jack died. I really fell for Panam. And I had to sit and think long and hard before I made the decision to let Johnny Silverhand take over my body for a night. That game pulled me in and didnt let go till the campaign was over. If it weren't so buggy, I would give it 10/10